الگو:جعبه اطلاعات اماکن استرالیا

توضیحات الگو

همچنین ببینید: قالب خالی جعبه اطلاعات | توضیحات | بحث الگو | نمونه‌ها


برای استفاده از این الگو

الگوی خالی مربوطه را در ابتدای مقاله پیست کنید.

  1. Copy the relevant blank template from the Blank Infobox Template Page into the beginning of your document, remembering to put the code at the very top of the article and the first word of the article on the very next line.
  2. Enter values for the fields as outlined in the table below. Fields left blank will automatically be hidden.
  3. بازبینی کنید.
  4. صفحه را با خلاصه ویرایش مناسب ذخیره کنید.



All fields used by this template are optional. The following fields are available:

Field Nameنوضیحاتقابل استفاده در
خالی= قابل استفاده در همه موارد
typeنوع جعبه اطلاعات اماکن استرالیا'شهر', 'حومه', 'شهرک', 'lga', 'ناحیه'
nameنام منطقهنوشتار ساده
cityنام شهر مربوطهبرای حومهفهرست شهرهای استرالیانوشتار ساده، می تواند لینک شود.
stateنام ایالت"استرالیای جنوبی"، "ویکتوریا"، "نیو ساوت ولز"، "کوئینزلند"، "قلمرو شمالی"، "استرالیای غربی"، "تاسمانی"، "قلمرو پایتختی استرالیا" یا خالی بگذارید (استرالیا). نوشتار ساده، لطفا لینک نکنید.
imageتصویر عمومه منطقهنام فایل
imagesizeعرض تصویر عمومه منطقهعدد
captionزیرنویس تصویر عمومه منطقهwikitext (can contain links)
coordinatesSee Notes below
alternative_location_mapforces pushpin mapregion, cityForces the pushpin map to use an alternative, rather than the state map, regardless of the contents of |state=.Name of the alternative map
force_national_mapforces pushpin mapregion, cityForces the pushpin map to use the Australian, rather than the state map, regardless of the contents of |state=."yes" or leave blank, plain text, do not link
latituderegion, lga, city, town|coordinates= fielddegrees
seconds (optional for region and lga)
longituderegion, lga, city, town|coordinates= fielddegrees
seconds (optional for region and lga)
pushpin_map_captioncaptionregion, lga, city, townoptional, plain text or linked
pushpin_label_positionlabel positionregion, lga, city, townleft, right, top, bottom
default: right
poppopulationall; use approx for regionABSnumber
pop_footnotespopulation footnote for referencesall; use approx for regionABSwikitext (can contain links)
Best when used with <ref> </ref> tags and {{cite web}}
poprankpopulation rankcityList of cities in Australia by populationnumber
densitypopulation densitycity, regionABSunformatted number (people/km²)
density_footnotespopulation density footnote for referencescity, regionABSwikitext (can contain links)
Best when used with <ref> </ref> tags and {{cite web}}
gazetteddate the place name was gazetteddate
postcodesuburb, townList of postcodes in the Australian Capital Territory
List of postcodes in New South Wales
List of postcodes in Queensland
List of postcodes in South Australia
List of postcodes in Tasmania
List of postcodes in Victoria
List of postcodes in Western Australia
List of postcodes in the Northern Territory
elevationmeasured from sea level in metrestown, suburbfallingrain.comunformatted number (m)
elevation_footnoteselevation footnote for referencestown, suburbfallingrain.comwikitext (can contain links)
Best when used with <ref> </ref> tags and {{cite web}}
areacity, lga, regionABSunformatted number (km²)
area_footnotesarea footnote for referencescity, lga, regionABSwikitext (can contain links)
Best when used with <ref> </ref> tags and {{cite web}}
timezonetimezonecity, regionplain text, link
utcutc offsetcity, region"+" followed by number
timezone-dstsummer timezonecity, regionplain text, link
utc-dstsummer utc offsetcity, region"+" followed by number
mayorMayor of LGAlgaplain text
mayortitleTitle of the mayorlgaWiki text. If omitted (but mayor is provided), defaults to "شهردار". Otherwise likely to be "Lord Mayor", "President" or "Chairman" (etc.). The text can include a link to a list of mayors etc.
dist#See Notes belowtown, suburb, city (other cities)travelmate.com.au, maps, Google earth, whereis (get directions), Route planner - Victoria, Australiaunformatted number (km)
dir#See Notes belowtown, suburb, city (other cities)plain text, link
location#See Notes belowtown, suburb, citymaps, Google earthplain text, link
lgalocal government areasuburb, town, regionNSW Geographical Names Board (NSW only)plain text, link
lga2-lga42nd-4th LGAssuburb, town, regionplain text, link
seatLGA seatlgaplain text, link
regionName of region LGA is inlgaplain text, link
countylands administrative division (not in all areas)Lands administrative divisions of Australia
NSW Geographical Names Board (NSW only)
plain text, link
parishNSW, Qld, Vic onlyLands administrative divisions of Australia
NSW Geographical Names Board (NSW only)
plain text
hundredparts of SA & NT onlyLands administrative divisions of Australiaplain text
stategovthe state government electoral areaplain text, link
stategov2-stategov52nd-5th state government electoral areasplain text, link
fedgovthe federal government electoral areaplain text, link
fedgov2-fedgov42nd-4th federal government electoral areasplain text, link
logoLogo of LGAlgaIndividual LGA websiteimage link
logosizewidth of LGA logolgaIndividual LGA websitenumber
urlLGA website addresslgaIndividual LGA websiteurl link
maxtempmax average annual temperaturesuburb, townBureau of Meteorologynumber (°C)
maxtemp_footnotesfootnote for referencessuburb, townBureau of Meteorologywikitext (can contain links)
Best when used with <ref> </ref> tags and {{cite web}}
mintempmix average annual temperaturesuburb, townBureau of Meteorologynumber (°C)
mintemp_footnotesfootnote for referencessuburb, townBureau of Meteorologywikitext (can contain links)
Best when used with <ref> </ref> tags and {{cite web}}
rainfallaverage annual rainfallsuburb, townBureau of Meteorologyunformatted number (mm)
rainfall_footnotesfootnote for referencessuburb, townBureau of Meteorologywikitext (can contain links)
Best when used with <ref> </ref> tags and {{cite web}}
near-n/ne/e/se/s/sw/w/nwneighbours (suburb, lga or landmark)suburb, lgaplain text, link
nearCentral to neighbourssuburb, lgareplaces name (best used without any near-* e.g. to specify a #link to the main text for further info)plain text, link



نوع جعبه اطلاعات رنگ پس زمینه جعبه را تغییر می‌دهد.

  • زرد: شهر
  • صورتی: حومه
  • سبز: شهرک
  • آبی: lga
  • بنفش: ناحیه
  • خاکستری نامعلوم

Footnotes fields

Any references should be placed within the respective "_footnotes" field and not within the field reserved solely for a numeric value. For example, place the reference used for the area of City X in the parameter {{{area_footnotes}}} and not in the {{{area}}} parameter. Otherwise, an error may result.

Unformatted numbers and expression errors

Certain fields require numeric values to be entered in an unformatted/raw fashion—i.e. 1000.0 NOT 1,000.0. If an expression error is present, simply remove any commas or spaces from the number.


برای مختصات‌دهی، از الگوی {{coord}} به همراه دستور display=inline,title استفاده کنید. لطفاً از درج مختصات بسیار دقیق خودداری کنید.

Dist#, Dir# and Location#

This is the distance and approximate direction to another location. The '#' is replaced with a number between 1 and 5. Therefore distances for up to five locations can be listed using the range 'dist1' - 'dist5'. Direction from the locations can be specified use 'dir1' - 'dir5' and the locations can be listed as 'location1' - 'location5'. Each dist# must be partnered with an appropriate location#. Dir# is optional.

Where to find information

Deprecated field tracking

Articles that include the deprecated fields "|propval=", |pushpin_map=", "|loc-x=" and "|loc-y=" are automatically added to Category:Australian place articles using missing parameters.


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.


اگر مکان دارای تاریخ "ساخت"ُ، "پایه‌گذاری‌"، "گشایش" یا موارد مشابه است از {{تاریخ آغاز}} استفاده کنید. مگر اینکه تاریخ گاه‌شماری دوران مشترک پیش از ۱۵۸۳ باشد.

اگر پیوند دارد از {{نشانی وب}} استفاده کنید.

خواهشمند است کاربردهای این زیرالگوها را حذف نکنید.


hCard از کلاس‌های HTML زیر استفاده می‌کند:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

مختصات با فراخوانی {{coord}} و استفاده از کلاس‌های اچ‌تی‌م‌ال زیر تولید می‌شود:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

خواهشمند است این کلاس‌ها را تغییرنام ندهید یا حذف نکنید. عناصر تودرتویی که از آنها استفاده می‌کنند را نیز به حالت جمع‌شده درنیاورید.


هنگام ارائه مختصات، خواهشمند است از سطح مناسبی از دقت استفاده کنید. پارامتر |name= از الگوی {{coord}} را بکار نبرید.

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