Turlough Carolan

Turlough Carolan edota Turlough O'Carolan (irlanderaz: Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin) irlandar harpajole, konposatzaile eta abeslari itsu bat izan zen. Bere benetako izena Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin izan zen, baina ingelesera Turlough Carolan edota Turlough O'Carolan bezala iragan zen. Abesti konposaketan oso emankorra izan zen.

Turlough Carolan

JaiotzaMeatheko konderria, 1670 (juliotar egutegia)
Herrialdea Irlandako Errepublika
HeriotzaBallyfarnon1738ko martxoaren 25a (67/68 urte)
HizkuntzakIrlandako gaelera
Jarduerakmusikagilea, poeta, abeslaria eta harpalaria
Mugimenduamusika barrokoa
Genero artistikoamusika klasikoa
Musika instrumentuaharpa

Musicbrainz: 10e81502-93fd-47c7-8c4b-e711e21934aa Discogs: 348871 IMSLP: Category:Carolan,_Turlough Find a Grave: 5859259 Edit the value on Wikidata
Turlough Carolan musikaria. J.C. Trimball margolariaren margolana, 1844.

Antzina Irlanda alderik-alde eta errege ezberdinen gorte batetik bestera euren zerbitzuak eskeintzen ibili ohi ziren musikari ibiltarien azken belaunaldiaren ordezkari gisara ikusia izan zen. Herrialde horretan askok irlandar konposatzaile handiena, musikari nazionala eta azken bardotzat ere jo ohi dute. Bere garaian ospe handia bereganatu zuen, horrela bada, esan ohi denez, ezkontza eta hileta asko Carolan ailegatu arte atzeratu egiten omen ziren. Zinez, XX. mendean zelta harparen berpizkunzea jazo arte, musikatresna horrek izan zuen azken maisu handia izan zen.

Gure garaian musikari askok bere abestiak jo eta omendu dute: Seán Ó Riada, Ceoltóirí Chualann, The Chieftains... horretaz gain beste hainbat herrialdeetako musikariek ere bere egite ona omendu asmoz ere bere abestiak jo izan dituzte: Alan Stivell, Gwendal, Carlos Núñez...

Gurean ere, Euskal Herrian, Benito Lertxundik Turlough Carolanen irudia ere aipatu izan du bere abestigintzan abesti bat baino gehiagotan, adibidez, O'Carolan I eta O'Carolan II izeneko abestietan, baina irlandar musikari hau oso bereziki Mauleko bidean abestian aipatu eta omentzen du, azbti honetan berarekin elkarrizketatzen delarik:


maiz zioat galde egiten hitaz O'Carolan,
baita haizetan inprimatzen duken
musikari ere hire gogoetaz...

Gurpil hildo marratzailea
landak gorrituz zijoak,
eta ni,
aspaldian hemen niagok Txahorekin
Mauleko bidean hire zai, O'Carolan,
ahaztu lurretara kantatzera
abiatu nahian.

Mauleko bidean, Benito Lertxundi.


  • All Alive
  • Athlone
  • Banks of the Shannon
  • Baptist Johnston
  • Betty MacNeill
  • Betty O'Brien
  • Blind Mary
  • Brian Maguire
  • Bridget Cruise, 1st Air
  • Bridget Cruise, 2nd Air
  • Bridget Cruise, 3rd Air
  • Bridget Cruise, 4th Air
  • Bumper Squire Jones
  • Bumper Squire Jones
  • Captain Higgins
  • Captain Magan
  • Captain O'Kane
  • Captain O'Neill
  • Captain Sudley
  • Carolan's Cap
  • Carolan's Concerto
  • Carolan's Cottage
  • Carolan's Cup
  • Carolan's Devotion
  • Carolan's Dowry
  • Carolan's Draught
  • Carolan's Dream
  • Carolan's Farewell to Music
  • Carolan's Favourite Jig
  • Carolan's Frolic
  • Carolan's Maggot
  • Carolan's Quarrel with the Landlady
  • Carolan's Ramble to Cashel
  • Carolan's Receipt
  • Carolan's Welcome
  • Catherine Martin
  • Catherine O'More
  • Charles O'Conor
  • Clergy's Lamentation, The
  • Colonel Irwin
  • Colonel John Irwin
  • Colonel Manus O'Donnell
  • Colonel O'Hara
  • Conor O'Reilly
  • Constantine Maguire
  • Counsellor Dillon
  • Cremonea
  • Cuir Do Cheann Dileas
  • Daniel Kelly
  • Dark, Plaintive Youth, The
  • David Power
  • Denis O'Conor, 1st Air
  • Denis O'Conor, 2nd Air
  • Dolly MacDonough
  • Donal O'Brien
  • Dr John Hart
  • Dr John Stafford
  • Dr MacMahon, Bishop of Clogher
  • Dr. Delany
  • Dr. John Hart, Bishop of Achonry
  • Dr. O'Connor
  • Edmond MacDermott Roe
  • Edward Corcoran
  • Edward Dodwell
  • Eleanor Plunkett
  • Elevation, The
  • Elizabeth MacDermott Roe
  • Elizabeth Nugent
  • Faillte Na Miosc
  • Fairy Queen, The
  • Fanny Dillon
  • Fanny Power
  • Farewell to Lough Neaghe
  • Father Brian MacDermott Roe
  • Frank Palmer
  • General Wynne
  • George Brabazon, 1st Air
  • George Brabazon, 2nd Air
  • George Brabazon, 2nd Air
  • George Reynolds
  • Gerald Dillon
  • Grace Nugent
  • Henry MacDermott Roe, 1st Air
  • Henry MacDermott Roe, 2nd Air
  • Henry MacDermott Roe, 3rd Air
  • Hewlett
  • Honourable Thomas Burke, The
  • Hugh Kelly
  • Hugh O'Donnell
  • Irish Galloway Tom
  • Isabella Burke
  • James Betagh
  • James Crofton
  • James Daly
  • James Plunkett
  • John Drury, 1st Air
  • John Drury, 2nd Air
  • John Jameson
  • John Jones
  • John Kelly
  • John MacDermott
  • John Moore
  • John Nugent
  • John O'Connor
  • John O'Reilly, 1st Air
  • John O'Reilly, 2nd Air
  • John Peyton
  • Kean O'Hara, 1st Air
  • Kean O'Hara, 2nd Air
  • Kean O'Hara, 3rd Air
  • Kitty Magennis
  • Lady Athenry
  • Lady Blaney
  • Lady Dillon
  • Lady Dillon
  • Lady Gethin
  • Lady Laetitia Burke
  • Lady St. John
  • Lady Wrixon
  • Lament for Charles MacCabe
  • Lament for Owen O'Rourke
  • Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill
  • Lament for Sir Ulick Burke
  • Lament for Terence MacDonough
  • Lamentation of Ireland, The
  • Landlady, The
  • Loftus Jones
  • Lord Dillon
  • Lord Galway's Lamentation
  • Lord Inchiquin
  • Lord Louth
  • Lord Massereene
  • Luke Dillon
  • Mabel Kelly
  • Major Shanly
  • Margaret Malone
  • Mary O'Neill
  • Maurice O'Connor, 1st Air
  • Maurice O'Connor, 2nd Air
  • Maurice O'Connor, 3rd Air
  • Merry Maids of Connaught, The
  • Mervyn Pratt
  • Michael O'Connor, 1st Air
  • Michael O'Connor, 2nd Air
  • Miss Crofton
  • Miss Fetherston
  • Miss Goulding
  • Miss MacDermott
  • Miss MacMurray
  • Miss Murphy
  • Miss Noble
  • Morgan Magan
  • Mr Malone
  • Mr O'Connor
  • Mr Waller
  • Mrs Anne MacDermott Roe
  • Mrs Bermingham, 1st Air
  • Mrs Bermingham, 2nd Air
  • Mrs Cole
  • Mrs Costello
  • Mrs Crofton
  • Mrs Delany
  • Mrs Edwards
  • Mrs Fallon
  • Mrs Farrell
  • Mrs Garvey, 1st Air
  • Mrs Garvey, 2nd Air
  • Mrs Harwood
  • Mrs Judge
  • Mrs Kell
  • Mrs MacDermott Roe
  • Mrs Maxwell, 1st Air
  • Mrs Maxwell, 2nd Air
  • Mrs Nugent
  • Mrs O'Connor
  • Mrs O'Conor
  • Mrs O'Neill of Carlane
  • Mrs O'Neill
  • Mrs O'Rourke
  • Mrs Power
  • Mrs Power
  • Mrs Sterling
  • Mrs Waller
  • Nancy Cooper, 1st Air
  • Nancy Cooper, 2nd Air
  • O'Briens of Clare
  • O'Flinn
  • O'Hara's Cup
  • O'Reilly of Athcarne
  • O'Rourke's Feast, The
  • O'Rourkes Rebel Rout
  • Ode to Whiskey
  • One Bottle More
  • Owen O'Rourke
  • Patrick Kelly
  • Peggy Morton
  • Planxty Burke
  • Planxty Crilly
  • Planxty Drew
  • Planxty Irwin
  • Planxty Kelly
  • Planxty O'Rourke, 1st Air
  • Planxty O'Rourke, 2nd Air
  • Planxty Plunkett
  • Planxty Sweeney
  • Planxty Wilkinson
  • Port Gordon
  • Princess Royal, The
  • Richard Cusack
  • Righin Aluin Aribhinn Og
  • Robert Hawkes
  • Robert Jordan
  • Seas are Deep, The
  • Separation of Soul and Body
  • Sí Bheag, Sí Mhór
  • Sir Arthur Shaen
  • Sir Charles Coote
  • Sir Edward Crofton
  • Sir Festus Burke
  • Sir Ulick Burke
  • Sorridh Leat a Naomhaig
  • Squire Parsons
  • Squire Wood's Lamentation on the Refusal of his Halfpence
  • Susanna Kelly
  • Thomas Burke
  • Thomas Judge
  • Thomas Morres Jones
  • Tobias Peyton
  • Two William Davises, The
  • Uillagan Dubh O
  • Variations on the Scottish Air "Cock up your Beaver"
  • Variations on the Scottish Air "When She Cam Ben"
  • William Eccles
  • William Ward
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