Voiced alveolar affricate

A voiced alveolar affricate is a type of affricate consonant pronounced with the tip or blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge (gum line) just behind the teeth. This refers to a class of sounds, not a single sound. There are several types with significant perceptual differences:

Voiced alveolar sibilant affricate

Voiced alveolar sibilant affricate
IPA Number104 133
Audio sample
Entity (decimal)ʣ
Unicode (hex)U+02A3

The voiced alveolar sibilant affricate is a type of consonantal sound used in some spoken languages. The sound is transcribed in the International Phonetic Alphabet with ⟨d͡z⟩ or ⟨d͜z⟩ (formerly ⟨ʣ⟩ or ⟨ƻ⟩).


Features of the voiced alveolar sibilant affricate:

  • Its manner of articulation is sibilant affricate, which means it is produced by first stopping the air flow entirely, then directing it with the tongue to the sharp edge of the teeth, causing high-frequency turbulence.
  • The stop component of this affricate is laminal alveolar, which means it is articulated with the blade of the tongue at the alveolar ridge. For simplicity, this affricate is usually called after the sibilant fricative component.
  • There are at least three specific variants of the fricative component:
    • Dentalized laminal alveolar (commonly called "dental"), which means it is articulated with the tongue blade very close to the upper front teeth, with the tongue tip resting behind lower front teeth. The hissing effect in this variety of [z] is very strong.[1]
    • Non-retracted alveolar, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue at the alveolar ridge, termed respectively apical and laminal.
    • Retracted alveolar, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue slightly behind the alveolar ridge, termed respectively apical and laminal. Acoustically, it is close to [ʒ] or laminal [ʐ].
  • Its phonation is voiced, which means the vocal cords vibrate during the articulation.
  • It is a central consonant, which means it is produced by directing the airstream along the center of the tongue, rather than to the sides.
  • The airstream mechanism is pulmonic, which means it is articulated by pushing air solely with the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles, as in most sounds.


The following sections are named after the fricative component.

Dentalized laminal alveolar

Belarusian[3]пэндзаль/pendzal[ˈpɛn̪d̻͡z̪alʲ]'paintbrush'Contrasts with palatalized form. See Belarusian phonology
Czech[4]Afgánec byl[ˈävɡäːnɛd̻͡z̪ bɪɫ̪]'an Afghan was'Allophone of /t͡s/ before voiced consonants. See Czech phonology
Hungarian[5]bodza[ˈbod̻͡z̪ːɒ]'elderberry'See Hungarian phonology
Japanese残念/zan'nen[d͡zã̠nːẽ̞ɴ]'regretful'See Japanese phonology
Latvian[7]drudzis[ˈd̪rud̻͡z̪is̪]'fever'See Latvian phonology
Macedonian[8]ѕвезда/dzvezda[ˈd̻͡z̪ve̞z̪d̪ä]'star'See Macedonian phonology
Montenegrin[9]dzindzula[ˈd̻͡z̪inˈd̻͡z̪ulä]'jujube'See Montenegrin phonology
Pashtoځوان[d͡zwɑn]'youth' 'young'See Pashto phonology
Polish[10]dzwon'bell'See Polish phonology
Russian[11]плацдарм/placdarm[pɫ̪ɐd̻͡z̪ˈd̪är̠m]'bridgehead'Allophone of /t͡s/ before voiced consonants. See Russian phonology
Serbo-Croatian[12]otac bi[ǒ̞t̪äd̻͡z̪ bi]'father would'Allophone of /t͡s/ before voiced consonants.[12] See Serbo-Croatian phonology
Slovakmedzi[med͡zi]'between'See Slovak phonology
Slovene[13]brivec brije[ˈbɾíːʋə̀d̻͡z̪ bɾíjɛ̀]'barber shaves'Allophone of /t͡s/ before voiced consonants in native words. As a phoneme present only in loanwords. See Slovene phonology
Ukrainian[14]дзвін dzvin[d̻͡z̪ʋin̪]'bell'Contrasts with palatalized form. See Ukrainian phonology
Upper Sorbian[15][example needed]Allophone of /t͡s/ before voiced consonants.[15]

Non-retracted alveolar

ArabicNajdi[16]قـليب/dzelib[d͡zɛ̝lib]'well'Corresponds to /q/, /ɡ/, or /dʒ/ in other dialects.
EnglishBroad Cockney[17]day[ˈd͡zæˑɪ̯]'day'Possible word-initial, intervocalic and word-final allophone of /d/.[18][19] See English phonology
Received Pronunciation[19][ˈd͡zeˑɪ̯]
New York[20]Possible syllable-initial and sometimes also utterance-final allophone of /d/.[20] See English phonology
Scouse[21]Possible syllable-initial and word-final allophone of /d/.[21] See English phonology
FrenchQuebecdu[d͡zy]'of the'Allophone of /d/ before /i, y, j/.
Luxembourgish[23]spadséieren[ʃpɑˈd͡zɜ̝ɪ̯əʀən]'to go for a walk'Marginal phoneme that occurs only in a few words.[23] See Luxembourgish phonology
Marathiजोर/dzor[d͡zor]'force'Contrasts aspirated and unaspirated versions. The unaspirated is represented by ज, which also represents [d͡ʒ]. The aspirated sound is represented by झ, which also represents [d͡ʒʱ]. There is no marked difference for either one.
Nepali/ādza[äd͡zʌ]'today'Contrasts aspirated and unaspirated versions. The unaspirated is represented by /ज/. The aspirated sound is represented by /झ/. See Nepali phonology
PortugueseEuropean[24]desafio[d͡zɐˈfi.u]'challenge'Allophone of /d/ before /i, ĩ/, or assimilation due to the deletion of /i ~ ɨ ~ e/. Increasingly used in Brazil.[25]
Many speakersmezzosoprano[me̞d͡zo̞so̞ˈpɾɐ̃nu]'mezzo-soprano'Marginal sound. Some might instead use spelling pronunciations.[26] See Portuguese phonology
RomanianMoldavian dialects[27]zic[d͡zɨk]'say'Corresponds to [z] in standard Romanian. See Romanian phonology
Teluguౙత/dzata[d͡zɐt̪ɐ]'pair, set'

Retracted alveolar

Catalan[28]dotze[ˈd̪odd̠͡z̠ə]'twelve'Apical. See Catalan phonology
OccitanGasconmessatge[IPA needed]'message'Laminal in other dialects. Varies with [] in some words.
SardinianCentral dialectspranzu[ˈpränd̠͡z̠u]'lunch'


Greek[29]τζάκι[ˈd͡zɐc̠i]'fireplace'Varies between retracted and non-retracted, depending on the environment. Phonemically, it is a stop–fricative sequence.[29] See Modern Greek phonology
Italian[30]zero[ˈd͡zɛːro]'zero'The fricative component varies between dentalized laminal and non-retracted apical. In the latter case, the stop component is laminal denti-alveolar.[30] See Italian phonology
Montenegrindzavala[ˈd̻͡z̪avalä]'haystack'Varies between dentalized laminal and sibilant affricate. See Montenegrin phonology
West Frisian[31]skodzje[ˈs̠kɔd͡zjə]'shake'Laminal; varies between retracted and non-retracted.[31] Phonemically, it is a stop–fricative sequence. The example word also illustrates []. See West Frisian phonology

Voiced alveolar non-sibilant affricate

Voiced alveolar non-sibilant affricate
Audio sample



DutchOrsmaal-Gussenhoven dialect[32][example needed]A possible realization of word-final, non-pre-pausal /r/.[32]
EnglishGeneral American[33]dream[d͡ɹ̝ʷɪi̯m]'dream'Phonetic realization of the stressed, syllable-initial sequence /dr/; more commonly postalveolar [d̠͡ɹ̠˔].[33] See English phonology
Received Pronunciation[33]
ItalianSicily[34]Adriatico[äd͡ɹ̝iˈäːt̪iko]'the Adriatic Sea'Apical. It is a regional realization of the sequence /dr/, and can be realized as the sequence [dɹ̝] instead.[35] See Italian phonology

See also

