Wikipedia:Wikipedia as a court source

This is a sortable table of documents used in legal proceedings that have cited Wikipedia as a source. This may also include important regulatory or administrative government decisions, as well as landmark decisions in other languages than English.

Discussions in the Wikipedia community

Academic papers and blogs

  • When Is It Appropriate to Cite to Wikipedia? (Daniel J. Solove, Concurring Opinions Blog, February 5, 2007; archived from the original March 3, 2016)
  • Courting Wikipedia, citing Wikipedia (Jon Garfunkel, Civilities Blog, May 30, 2006)
  • Wikipedia's Future in the Courts (Patrick Ferguson, May 9, 2006)
  • Wikipedia cited in court opinions (Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy Blog, October 18, 2004)
  • F-words (Joe Gratz, July 31, 2003)
  • Jason C. Miller and Hannah B. Murray, Wikipedia in Court: When and How Citing Wikipedia and Other Consensus Websites is Appropriate. St. John's Law Review, Vol. 84, No. 2, 2010. Available at SSRN: .
  • Joseph Reagle: Reference works and judicial notice (, 15 February 2008) "The import of the use of reference works in court cases is frequently misunderstood, and in this case Wikipedia is no different. ..."
  • Lee F. Peoples. "THE CITATION OF WIKIPEDIA IN JUDICIAL OPINIONS". 12 YALE J.L. & TECH. 1 (2009). Retrieved 2017-03-24.
  • Wilson, Jodi L. "Proceed With Extreme Caution: Citation to Wikipedia in Light of Contributor Demographics and Content Policies" (PDF). Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law, 2014, Vol. 16:4:857. Retrieved 5 Dec 2018.
  • Beck, Reed Smith LLP-James M. (23 January 2017). "Pitfalls Of Judges, Lawyers, And Experts Citing Wikipedia | Lexology". Retrieved 25 January 2017.
  • Lee, Keith (2017-03-10). "Is Wikipedia A Reliable Legal Authority? (2017 Update)". Associate's Mind.
  • Volokh, Eugene (16 August 2012). "Citing Wikipedia in Court Opinions". The Volokh Conspiracy. Retrieved 21 March 2017.
  • Siesholtz, Colette. "People v. Givenni (case comment)" (PDF). NYLS Law Review vol 56, 2011/12. Retrieved 15 March 2018.

General media

Court cases

DateCase Name/
Case CitationCited articleRemarks/
 United StatesUnited States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2024-06-03United States v. BrownAsymadesign, LLC v. CBL & Assocs. Mgmt., Inc., No. 23-2495, 2024 U.S. App. LEXIS 13345, at *6 (7th Cir. June 3, 2024)Bernhard ModernJason R. Epstein, who represents AsymaDesign, did not heed this [font-related] advice. His brief is set in Bernhard Modern, a display face suited to movie posters and used in the title sequence of the Twilight Zone TV show. Wikipedia explains: "A somewhat decorative text typeface, it is distinct for its low x-height, elongated ascenders, and relatively short descenders giving it an appearance of height without requiring excessive leading. Serifs are wide and splayed." Those are not characteristics that conduce to easy reading of long passages. (cleaned up).
 United KingdomHigh Court of Justice, Administrative Division2019-01-18R (on the application of Liverpool Open And Green Spaces Community Interest Company) v Liverpool City Council[2019] EWHC 55 (Admin)Ha-ha"It emerged during the hearing that a Ha Ha is, according to a definition from Wikipedia:"

"a recessed landscape design element that creates a vertical barrier while preserving an uninterrupted view of the landscape beyond. The design includes a turfed incline which slopes downward to a sharply vertical face, typically a masonry retaining wall".

 United KingdomCourt of Appeal, Criminal Division2018-12-10Kurtz v R[2018] EWCA Crim 2743Enduring power of attorney"The MCA 2005 followed on from work done by the Law Commission, including its 1995 report, Mental Incapacity..."
 United StatesUnited States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit2018-10-26United States v. BrownNaloxoneNaloxone is sold under the trade name "Narcan." See Definition of Naloxone, Wikipedia [...] (cleaned up).
 WashingtonCourt of Appeals of Washington, Division Three2018-10-25State v. AndersonTaxicab geometryThe field of mathematics has names for describing this method for measuring distance. See, e.g., "Taxicab geometry," WIKIPEDIA [....] Notably, among the names for this type of distance measurement are the "taxicab metric," "city block distance," or "Manhattan distance." Id. (cleaned up)
 OhioSupreme Court of Ohio2018-10-23State ex rel. Wegman v. Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund2018 Ohio 4243Psi (letter)#Use as a symbolIn the "Diagnosis" column, Dr. Jewell wrote "Left-Knee-Quadriceps Rupture," "Cardiac Arrhythmia," "Right Shoulder," and what appears to be the Greek letter "Ψ" or "psi," which can be shorthand for psychology, psychiatry, or psychological. See [link to Wikipedia article] (cleaned up).
 United StatesUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin2018-09-14Cree, Inc. v. BHP Energy Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.Recurso de amparo"According to Wikipedia—admittedly not a law dictionary—a writ of amparo is a remedy for protection of rights in certain jurisdictions. (cleaned up).
 New YorkNew York Supreme Court for New York County2018-07-30Churches United for Fair Housing, Inc. v. de Blasio2018 NY Slip Op 31865(U)Wealth inequality in the United States, Wealth inequality in the United States#Racial disparities"Wealth inequality, and concomitant income inequality, are inexorably, and unfortunately, rising in the United States." (cleaned up).
 United StatesUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky2018-07-10Philpot v. LM Communications II of South Carolina, Inc. Copyright infringement case by uploader of a CC-BY-2.0 image to Wikipedia against someone who used photo without attribution (and metadata removed)
 Hong KongTorture Claims Appeal Board2018-04-20Md Nazir Ahmed Sarkar v. Torture Claims Appeal Board & Director of ImmigrationPakistanThe Torture Claims Appeal Board board had relied on Wikipedia for information about the claimant’s country of origin, wikipedia making up 40 per cent of the sources used in deciding to reject the asylum claim.
 United KingdomHigh Court of Justice, Chancery Division2017-10-13Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council v Makin[2017] EWHC 2543 (Ch)Symphonie fantastiqueThe judge includes a quote by Hector Berlioz sourced from the article to describe why it would be inappropriate to play music from the fifth movement of the symphony at the funeral of Ian Brady, one of the Moors murderers, contrary to instructions contained in Brady's will.
 United States:
Supreme Court of Texas2017-03-17D Magazine Partners v. RosenthalNo. 15-0790Welfare queen"We agree with the magazine that the court of appeals’ reliance on Wikipedia led to an unduly narrow interpretation of the article’s title that, in turn, impacted the court’s analysis of the plaintiff’s defamation claim."
 PakistanSupreme Court of Pakistan2016-4-20Panama Papers case[1]Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani
 United KingdomHigh Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, Election Court2015-04-23Erlam & Others v Rahman & Another[2015] EWHC 1215 (QB)Dog-whistle politicsElection Commissioner Richard Mawrey: "The wise folk of the Oxford English Dictionary fight shy of defining this term but as good a definition as any may be found in Wikipedia:"

"The advantage of the cliché is that one may take a completely innocent, indeed anodyne, statement of a political opponent and claim that it contains a ‘coded’ message often, as Wikipedia remarks, of a racist nature."

 United StatesUnited States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin2014-06-06Wolf v. Walker14-cv-64-bbcGeorge WashingtonU.S. District Judge Barbara B. Crabb: "There is also little to no stigma attached to childless married couples. Neither defendants nor amici point to any social opprobrium directed at the many millions of such couples throughout this country’s history, beginning with America’s first family, George and Martha Washington, who had no biological children of their own." (cleaned up).
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2014-04-14Conrad v. AM Community Credit Union, et al.No. 13-2899Dance notationPosner, J. writes: "To comply with the requirement of fixity she would have had either to have recorded the performance or to have created a written 'dance notation' of it...'Dance Notation,' Wikipedia. She did neither." (cleaned up)
 United States:
Utah Court of Appeals2012-08-16Fire Insurance Exchange v. Oltmanns and Blackner[1]285 P.3d 802Jet skiJudge Gregory K Orme, writing for the majority opinion, writes "The subject is well‐illuminated in that great repository of contemporary wisdom, Wikipedia." In addition, Judge J. Frederick Voros authored a concurring opinion, setting out his views on why citing Wikipedia was appropriate.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit2012-04-20United States v. Lawson677 F.3d 629Sponsor (commercial)Criminal conviction reversed because juror improperly used Wikipedia as a source.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2012-03-27Prude v. Clark675 F.3d 732Anal fissureAccess date March 15, 2012; cited in a judicial opinion rebuking a county sheriff for ignoring a Federal lawsuit.
 PhilippinesSupreme Court2011-03-07Bank of Commerce v. Goodman Fielder
G.R. No. 168715Checkwriter
 Council of EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights2010-12-07Jakobski v. PolandBuddhist cuisineCited by the Polish government.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit2010-10-26Gonzales v. Arizona624 F.3d 1162Exclusive orIn footnote 7 of his dissent, Judge Alex Kozinski cites: "Wikipedia gives the following example to illustrate the difference between the exclusive and the inclusive 'or'..."
 PhilippinesSupreme Court2010-09-15Medline Management v. Roslinda
G.R. No. 168715Hemodialysis
 United KingdomHigh Court of England and Wales, Chancery Division2010-07-23SAS Institute Inc. v World Programming Ltd
[2010] EWHC 1829SAS languageJustice Arnold wrote (at paragraph 56): In my judgment the SAS Language is a programming language. I am comforted by the fact that this assessment coincides ... also with that of the anonymous author of the entry for "SAS language" in Wikipedia (as last modified on 25 April 2010), which states...
 PhilippinesSupreme Court2010-05-05Bonifacio v. RTC-Makati
G.R. No. 184800Blog, Yahoo Groups
 United States:
New York
Criminal Court of the City of New York, New York County2010-04-20People v. Givenni27 Misc.3d 1135 (2010), 898 N.Y.S.2d 829HeliumMatthew A. Sciarrino, Jr., J.: "Helium is defined as a colorless, odorless, tasteless, nontoxic, inert monatomic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table. (See Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Helium). ... "Inhaling helium directly from pressurized cylinders is extremely dangerous, as the high flow rate can result in barotrauma, fatally rupturing lung tissue." (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Helium)." (cleaned up).
 PhilippinesSupreme Court2010-03-26Orceo v. COMELEC
G.R. No. 190779Airsoft gun, Air gunSeparate Opinion of Justice Arturo Brion
 PhilippinesSupreme Court2010-03-03Leonis Navigation v. Villamater
G.R. No. 179169Colorectal cancer
 United KingdomMilton Keynes County Court2009-12-04Petrie v The Standard Life Assurance LtdFloating rate noteReferred to by one of the parties; District Judge Hickman said "it seems to me that while it is inappropriate to use Wikipedia or similar internet resources as a source of quasi-expert evidence, it is perfectly appropriate and proportionate to use such a resource to find an explanation for an unfamiliar expression, just as it is accepted practice to refer to a reputable dictionary."
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit2009-08-07Brown v. Nucor Corp576 F.3d 149, 156 n.9Standard deviationThree standard deviations would equate to a 99.7% confidence level.
 PhilippinesSupreme Court2008-09-12Republic v. Cagandahan
G.R. No. 166676Intersexuality
 United States:
New Jersey
Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division.2009-08-29Palisades Collection v. GraubardNo. A-1338-07T3 (Unpublished)See article. Additionally, see the opinion of the court, which reverses the trial court. The appellate court held that Wikipedia articles are not admissible as reliable evidence.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit2008-08-29Badasa v. Mukasey540 F.3d 909See Wired article.
 United KingdomHigh Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division2008-04-09Meisels v. Lichtman[2008] EWHC 661Satmar (Hasidic dynasty)Cited to explain the cultural background and underlying attitudes of all the parties, who were from this branch of orthodox Judaism.
 GermanyFederal Patent Court2007-11-2733 W (pat) 99/07FTSE All-Share Index
 IsraelSmall claims court, Petah Tikva2007-10-28Bar-Ziv vs. Peledhe:דואר זבלUsed as reference to define spam. First known court citation of a Hebrew Wikipedia article. First known citation in Israeli jurisprudence.
 MalaysiaFederal Court of Malaysia2007-10-23PP v. Kok Wah KuanUnclear, probably Lord ChancellorUsed as an additional reference to support the claim the Lord Chancellor was a member of all 3 branches of government
Court of Appeal for Ontario2007-10-22R. v. BuddTrustCited by the trial judge of first instance.
Supreme Court of Victoria2007-10-17Timoney Technology Limited & Anor v ADI Ltd[2007] VSC 402Bushmaster IMV"This case is not the appropriate vehicle to determine whether or to what extent information appearing on a Wikipedia website may be admissible in evidence."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-10-17Formula One Licensing B.V. v. Racing-Live S.A."The applicant filed abundant material (listed above) with a view to proving that 'F1', far from being a trade mark, is a descriptive indication identifying a type of motor racing event. A significant part of the evidence comes from Wikipedia."
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-10-16Case no. 071516093[2007] RRTA 238Homosexuality in IndiaCited by the applicant.
 United States:
Wisconsin Court of Appeals2007-10-16Godoy v. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.743 N.W.2d 159Processing of lead metal from ore
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit2007-10-12U.S. v. Bazaldua506 F.3d 671PIT maneuver
(accessed Sept 20, 2007)
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit2007-10-10Lennon v. Metro. Life Ins. Co.504 F.3d 617Blood alcohol
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-10-03CBS Worldwide Inc. v. Funkwerk plettac electronic GmbHCBS, CBS Evening News, Orbit News, Sky News, de:Der Preis ist heiß, de:Columbia Broadcasting SystemCited by CBS.
 AustraliaIP Australia2007-10-02Sanofi-Aventis[2007] APO 35Lydia Pinkham, Lily the Pink (song)Cited by the applicant.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-09-27Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
R 708/2006-4Spectrogram, Tarzan"Again within the ambit of Article 74 (1) CTMR, the Board has considered the references in the 'Wikipedia' article ..."
 IndiaSupreme Court of India2007-09-26Commissioner of Customs, New Delhi v. C-Net Communication (I) Pvt. LtdDecoder
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-09-25Hedge Invest SGR P.A. v. BI Management A/SHedge fund
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-09-24Case no. 071637020[2007] RRTA 234Young Communist League, Nepal
(as of May 31, 2007)
 AustraliaIP Australia2007-09-20Apple Computer Inc[2007] ADO 5USB
 CanadaPublic Service Labour Relations Board2007-09-20Cox v. VezinaMobbingCited by the complainant.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-09-18Visual Finder, S.L. v. Lilly Software Associates, IncVisual programming languageCited by the applicant.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-09-19Axel Springer AG v. Jerome Russell Cosmetics (USA) Inc.Bild-ZeitungCited by the opponent.

"(...) a genuine reputation of the sign has not been proved. In particular, the opponent did not file any documents from independent sources, such as for example market surveys carried out by third specialised companies. The Annual Report comes from the opponent itself, and the Wikipedia extract cannot be properly considered as an "independent source", taking into account that it is an online encyclopaedia open for editing to everyone, collaboratively written by many of its readers."

 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-09-16CSFB Holt, LLCR 390/2007-1Cash flow return on investmentCited by the applicant.

"Most of the internet references are connected to the applicant (firms that use CFROI with the applicant's consent) or of uncertain reliability, such as Wikipedia (an online encyclopedia that any person can edit) ..."

 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Cancellation Division2007-09-11Cervecería Argentina S.A. Isenbeck v. Cervecería y Maltería Quilmas S.A.I.C.A. y G.Patagonia, Río Negro (Argentina)Cited by the applicant.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-09-10Reuters Financial Software, s.a. v. Investors Bank & Trust Co.FOREX
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-09-07Montebello, S.R.L. v. Bodegas Montebello, S.A.FinoCited by the applicant.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-09-06Starbucks Co.R 527/2007-2Hear MusicCited by the applicant.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-08-31Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn. Bhd. v. Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbHFuel cell
 AustraliaFederal Court of Australia2007-08-31SZIYI v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship[2007] FCA 1379"The learned Federal Magistrate also rejected the appellant's complaints in his written submissions that information relied upon by the Tribunal was obtained from the Wikipedia website on the internet and was therefore unreliable. She held the complaint to be misconceived. The Tribunal had identified the independent information to which it had regard and the source of that information. It was not confined to material obtained from Wikipedia but included information from various other human rights sources. There was therefore no failure to comply with the requirements of s 424A(1) of the Act simply because the Tribunal had regard to independent information."
 United States:
Court of Appeals of Maryland2007-08-24Atty. Griev. Comm'n v. Siskind401 Md. 41Opposite day
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit2007-08-23Zeiler v. Deitsch500 F.3d 157Jewish law
(accessed Aug 1, 2007)
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-08-21Case no. 071512328[2007] RRTA 190Andijan massacre
 ChileSantiago Court of Appeals2007-08-20Constructora Salfa S.A. ./. CruzD-4318/2002es:DecibelioFirst known citation in Chilean jurisprudence.
Queensland Body Corporate and Community Management Commissioner2007-08-14Thornton Tower[2007] QBCCMCmr 487Kiosk
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-08-10Excelentisima Diputacion Provincial de Zaragoza v. Global Plastics Int.Side arms
 AustraliaFederal Court of Australia2007-08-09Nine Network Australia Pty Ltd v IceTV Pty Ltd[2007] FCA 1172List of Seinfeld episodesCited by one of the parties.
 United States:
Alaska Court of Appeals2007-08-08Denkinger v. StateNo. A-9632Seine (fishing)
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-08-01Sony Co.R 291/2007-2Memory stick
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-08-01The Concentrate Manufacturing Company of Ireland v. Gonzalez Byass, S.A.ManzanillaCited by the opponent.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit2007-07-31Boim v. Fulton Co. School Dist.494 F.3d 978School shooting
(accessed July 11, 2007)
 United States:
Alaska Court of Appeals2007-07-25Stevens v. Matanuska-Susitna BoroughNot Reported in P.3d
2007 WL 2143008
Chippendales dancers
Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal2007-07-12Decision No. 1344/07Orthotics"I placed little weight on this evidence since it was unauthenticated by a professional. As I understand it, the content placed on Wikipedia can be edited by any user and thus is not reliable for accurate information, especially with regard to questions of medical causation."
Supreme Court of Victoria2007-07-03DPP v Dupas[2007] VSC 251Peter DupasCited by the defence.

"The defence has applied for a permanent stay of proceedings on the ground of irremediable prejudice such as would preclude the accused having a fair trial on the charge preferred against him. Essentially the defence admission is that the 'ubiquity and pervasiveness' of the accused's reputation as a serial killer is such that no fair trial can now be had."

 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit2007-07-02Lands Council v. McNair494 F.3d 771Derrick Jensen"According to Wikipedia, Jensen is often labeled an anarcho-primitivist, who is quoted as saying in his book A Language Older Than Words that '[e]very morning when I awake I ask myself whether I should write or blow up a dam. I tell myself I should keep writing, though I'm not sure that's right.'" (some internal quotes omitted)
 United States:
Ohio Seventh District Court of Appeals2007-06-29Litva v. Village of Richmond172 Ohio App.3d 349Lost Liberty Hotel (accessed April 19, 2007)
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit2007-06-29Sedrakyan v. Gonzales237 Fed. Appx. 76Yerevan
(accessed June 20, 2007)
See footnote 1 of the opinion: "An alternate spelling of the city is Erevan." (internal quotes omitted)
Queensland Body Corporate and Community Management Commissioner2007-06-26Miami Villas[2007] QBCCMCmr 386Latticework
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-06-25Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd. v. Microfood Poland Sp. z.o.o.Ester
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-06-20Case no. 071295385[2007] RRTA 1092004 Indian Ocean earthquake
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-06-19Primavera Life GmbH v. S.A. Spa Monopole N.V.SPA
 United KingdomUK Intellectual Property Office2007-06-14Formula One Licensing BV v. Racing-LiveFormula One (accessed May 16, 2006), Formula One engines (accessed December 19, 2005), Formula A (accessed June 12, 2006), Formula 3000 (accessed June 12, 2006), Category:Racing formulas"The evidence from Wikipedia deals essentially with the history and background of F1 racing, nothing particularly controversial. Wikipedia has sometimes suffered from the self-editing that is intrinsic to it, giving rise at times to potentially libelous statements. However, inherently, I cannot see that what is in Wikipedia is any less likely to be true than what is published in a book or on the websites of news organisations. Mr McLeod did not express any concerns about the Wikipedia evidence. I consider that the evidence from Wikipedia can be taken at face value."
 AustraliaFederal Magistrates Court of Australia2007-06-13MZXMM v Minister for Immigration[2007] FMCA 975Armenian Apostolic ChurchThorough discussion of the reliability of Wikipedia:

"Whilst Wikipedia and the web site which is the subject of the present application which is a branch of Wikipedia may loosely be described as an 'information source', the unreliability of that information for the reasons given renders it an irrelevant source. By relying upon it the Tribunal has committed jurisdictional error."

 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2007-06-12U.S. v. Calabrese490 F.3d 575Chicago Outfit
(accessed June 1, 2007)
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit2007-06-08Tandia v. GonzalesNo. 06-9565Kaédi
(accessed May 21, 2007)
Court of Quebec2007-06-04Chéné c. SimardDocument
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-05-31TridonicAtco GmbH & Co. KGR 108/2007-2Fruitless search for "Intelligent Voltage Guard"Cited by the applicant. An appeal (T-0297/07) against the decision before the Court of First Instance is pending.
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-05-31Case no. 071176241[2007] RRTA 89Extradition
 United StatesUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania2007-05-30Bragg v. Linden Lab2:06-cv-04925-ER (2007) Civil Action NO. 06-4925AvatarEduardo C. Robreno, J.: "The term “avatar” derives etymologically from the Sanskrit word for crossing down or descent and was used originally to refer to the earthly incarnation of a Hindu deity. Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary 141 (1998). Since the advent of computers, however, “avatar” is also used to

refer to an Internet user’s virtual representation of herself in a computer game, in an Internet chat room, or in other Internet fora. See Wikipedia, Definition of Avatar, available at"

 United StatesUnited States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division2007-05-24Tilton v. Playboy Entertainment Group, Inc.510 F.Supp.2d 932 (2007)Bass musicU.S. District Judge James S. Moody Jr.: The DJ began "getting the crowd3 hyped up," and started playing "booty music"4 while the contestants began to dance. [Footnote 4. "Booty music" also known as Miami bass, is a type of hip hop music that became popular in the 1980s and 1990s and was largely based in Miami and other places in Florida. The genre, which has a slightly higher dance tempo and occasional sexually explicit lyrical content, includes groups like 2 Live Crew. See [link to Wikipedia article Bass music] (cleaned up).
 United States:
Texas Court of Appeals2007-05-24Freeman v. StateNo. 11-05-00254-CRDemographics of Dallas County, TexasSee footnote 1: "The State does not concede the accuracy of Freeman's statement, contending that, as of the 2000 census, African-Americans comprised 20.31% of Dallas County's population."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-05-23American-Cigarette Company (Overseas) Ltd. v. Philip Morris Products S.A.Tobacco
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-05-23Huesker Synthetic GmbH v. DIFEL MÁRMOL, S.L.Building materialThe board comments the reliance on Wikipedia in the contested decision in the of 2005-12-19 (see infra):

"After repeating the goods of the conflicting trade marks in issue, the Opposition Division defined the term 'building materials'. It referred to a definition taken from some 'Wikipedia' page which seems to be excessively broad, which nevertheless remained uncontested by the parties."

 United States:
Supreme Court of Louisiana2007-05-22State v. Kennedy957 So. 2d 757Capital punishment in the United States (accessed Feb 21, 2007)
 AustraliaFederal Magistrates Court of Australia2007-05-17SZIYI v Minister for Immigration[2007] FMCA 679Unsuccessful complaint by one of the parties about the first court's reliance on Wikipedia:

"The Tribunal identified the independent information to which it had regard and the source of that information. It was not confined to material obtained from Wikipedia. It included information from various other human rights sources..."

 AustraliaAdministrative Appeals Tribunal2007-05-16Re Fairhall[2007] AATA 1323Therapeutic jurisprudence
 United States:
Superior Court of Connecticut, Judicial District of Middlesex2007-05-10In re Alex O.No. H12-CP03-009053-CHair drug testing
 AustraliaFederal Magistrates Court of Australia2007-05-10Thongsuk v Minister for Immigration[2007] FMCA 655ChefCited by one of the parties.
 AustraliaFederal Magistrates Court of Australia2007-05-09SZJTD v Minister for Immigration[2007] FMCA 234Indian National Lok DalCited by the court of first instance.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2007-05-07Courtney v. Halleran485 F.3d 942Savings and Loan crisis
(accessed April 24, 2007)
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit2007-05-04Matthews v. Ishee486 F.3d 883Sarcasm
(accessed March 23, 2007)
 CanadaFederal Court2007-05-04Hassaballa v. Minister for Citizenship and ImmigrationCites the reservations against the use of Wikipedia from Fi v. Canada (see below).
 SwitzerlandSwiss Federal Supreme Court2007-05-03BGE I 871/06de:VolleyballFirst citation by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland.
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal2007-05-03Boeing Australia Holdings Pty Ltd[2007] VCAT 532Elephant in the room
 United States:
Supreme Court of Michigan2007-05-02Rowland v. Washtenaw County Rd. Comm'n731 N.W.2d. 41
477 Mich 197
Ad hominem
(accessed March 9, 2007)
Cited in the partly concurring, partly dissenting opinion of Judge Kelly.
New South Wales
Workers Compensation Commission of New South Wales2007-04-13Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd v. Osborne[2007] NSWWCCPD 95Carpal tunnel syndrome
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit2007-04-10Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Commissioner484 F.3d 731Accrual
(accessed March 23, 2007)
See footnote 1 of the opinion: "The word 'accrue' is an accounting term that means to record or calculate an item of income or expense that has not yet been paid."
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2007-04-05Crawford v. Marion County Election Bd. 484 F.3d 436Washington gubernatorial election, 2004, Florida's 13th congressional district, Jon Tester
(accessed March 22, 2007)
 AustriaAustrian Supreme Court2007-03-293Ob277/06sde:Neusiedler SeeFirst citation by the Austrian Supreme Court.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-03-29Telesis Entwicklungs- und Management GmbH v. Telesis Communications France SARLTelesis
(accessed Apr 10, 2006)
Cited by the applicant.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-03-28E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG v. Level 3 Communications, Inc.The article cited by the opponent is not identified; presumably it is de:E-Plus.

"In the case at hand, to prove the higher degree of distinctiveness, the opponent merely submitted an excerpt from the online encyclopaedia "Wikipedia" to show that the opponent's company is the third largest mobile operator in Germany with more than 8.5 million subscribers as of 2004. The Office points out that this kind of evidence alone is not at all sufficient to prove a higher than normal degree of distinctiveness."

 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-03-27Volkswagen AG v. Suzuki Motor Corp.The article cited by the applicant is not identified; presumably it is de:GTI.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-03-23BSB Entertainment, Inc.R 1633/2006-1Bachelor's degree
Ontario Consent and Capacity Board2007-03-22M.L. (Re)"The self-diagnosis of his symptoms was gleaned from the Wikipedia online encyclopaedia which simplistically enabled Mr. M.L. to determine that he suffers from post traumatic stress syndrome, fictitious syndrome, disassociative syndrome or borderline personality disorder. Regrettably, Mr. M.L.'s belief that his self-diagnosis of his mental condition is to be preferred to the professional opinion of a licensed psychiatrist is compelling evidence that he fails to understand that he is ill. Therefore, the Panel concludes that Mr. M.L. lacks insight and is therefore incapable of considering information relevant to making treatment decisions."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-03-20FIAT S.P.A. v. R82 A/SFiat Panda"Although the opponent could have submitted more evidence in order to show the reputation of the earlier mark, the Office finds that the abstract from Wikipedia is a strong indication of the reputation acquired by the mark "FIAT PANDA" among the general public in all the territory of the European Union."
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-03-19Case no. 071105908[2007] RRTA 52Hezbollah, Military of Lebanon#Conscription
 AustraliaAdministrative Appeals Tribunal2007-03-16Re Crook[2007] AATA 1253Therapeutic jurisprudence
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2007-03-13Ross v. RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC480 F.3d 493Soundex, Approximate string matchingOpinion by Posner, J.
Quebec Superior Court2007-03-13Boudreau v. VioloHedge
 AustraliaMigration Review Tribunal2007-03-12Case no. 060614374[2007] MRTA 98Marriage in Pakistan
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-03-07Becker v. Harman International Industries, Inc.Becker, Barbara Becker, Family nameThe board is sceptical when considering the first two articles, cited by the applicant:

"However, Wikipedia is an open-source website, where anybody may submit information for publication. It is not reviewed and cannot be considered as a definitive guideline."

"Regarding the fame of the applicant, the scant evidence therefore is a very short extract from the unsubstantiated website Wikipedia, stating that the applicant 'hopes to be active as a fashion designer'. The Office, in accordance with its usual practices, cannot consider this to be adequate evidence that the applicant is 'well-known' as claimed."

As to the third article, cited by the opponent, the board has a more favorable view: "An article from Wikipedia is submitted, concerning family names in countries all over the world. It shows that there are so many differences between linguistic practices that it is obvious that one name can only be very common in one country."

An appeal (T-0212/07) against the decision before the Court of First Instance is pending.

 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-03-05Red Bull GmbH v. Incorporated Beverages (Jersey) Ltd.Mixed drink shooters and drink shots
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-02-28Memetrics Holdings Pty Ltd. v. Metrics In Marketing, S.A.Metrics
 AustraliaAdministrative Appeals Tribunal2007-02-28,
Re Collier,
Re Carter
[2007] AATA 1134
[2007] AATA 1101
Therapeutic jurisprudence
 United StatesU.S. Tax Court2007-02-28Ferguson v. Commissioner of Internal RevenueT.C. Summary Op. 2007-30Video poker, Expected value, Progressive jackpot"Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 7463(b), this opinion may not be treated as precedent for any other case."
 United KingdomNominet UK Dispute Resolution Service2007-02-27Clark Equipment Co. v. HamlenBobcatCited by one of the parties.
 United States:
Superior Court of Connecticut, Judicial District of Middlesex2007-02-23In re Melody L.43 Conn. L. Rptr. 140Hair drug testing
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit2007-02-22Ordinola v. Hackman478 F.3d 588Calcium oxide
(accessed Nov 29 2006)
See footnote 4 of the opinion: "Lime, or calcium oxide (CaO), is commonly used in the burial of bodies in open graves because the compound suppresses the odor of decomposing bodies. See Wikipedia, Calcium oxide"
 United StatesU.S. District Court, Southern District of New York2007-02-21Alfa Co. v. OAO Alfa Bank475 F. Supp. 2d 357Transliteration of Russian into EnglishThorough discussion of Wikipedia as judicial source and of relevant precedent.
 United KingdomAsylum and Immigration Tribunal2007-02-20MA v. Secretary of StateAllenby Bridge
(accessed July 7, 2006)
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-02-19Case no. 061020230[2007] RRTA 19Jaffna
 United KingdomNominet UK Dispute Resolution Service2007-02-16Michael Page International v. Domain AdministrationTyposquatting
 AustraliaFederal Magistrates Court of Australia2007-02-15NAGG of 2002 v Minister of Immigration[2007] FMCA 84PoliticianCited by one of the parties.
 United States:
Superior Court of Connecticut2007-02-05Bloomdahl v. Wolf13 Conn. Ops. 177Helicopter parent
(as of 14:30, January 28, 2007)
 United States:
Indiana Court of Appeals2007-02-02Cincinnati Ins. Co. v. Davis860 N.E.2d 915Saddle valve
(accessed Dec 28, 2006)
From footnote 1 of the opinion: "A saddle valve is a valve used to supply liquid where a low volume, low pressure stream is required. The name is derived from the fact that it is mounted in such a way that it 'saddles' the line, mounting it from both sides."
 United States:
Washington Supreme Court2007-02-01Pub. Util. Dist. No. 2 of Grant County v. N. Am. Foreign Trade Zone Indus., LLC151 P.3d 176Sherlock Holmes
(as of Jan 29, 2007)
Cited in the dissenting opinion of Judge Chambers.
 United States:
Michigan Court of Appeals2007-02-01Fergison v. Stonebridge Life Ins. Co. 2007 WL 286793
App. No. 271488
Recreational vehicle
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-02-01Allter, S.L. v. Alternova A/SEssential oil
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-01-30Invensys Systems, Inc. v. 4Production AGSoftware suite
 United States:
Washington Supreme Court2007-01-25State v. O'Neal150 P.3d 1121 (en banc)AR-15
(accessed Jan 23, 2007)
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2007-01-22Lucasfilm Ltd.R 1392/2006-2Stormtrooper, Imperial stormtrooper
Ontario Superior Court of Justice2007-01-19R. v. Walkem2007 742 (ON SC)"When one Googles the phrase 'sexually transmitted diseases' you generate in excess of a million results (...) There is virtually no limit to the amount of information that can be accessed by a university bound or partially trained person living in Toronto in the 21st Century, even without resorting to the font of all information for 20 and 30 year olds, Wikipedia."
 United States:
Superior Court of Delaware, New Castle County2007-01-19State v. Cooke914 A.2d 1078CSI effectSee opinion, id., at 1083: "Widespread media coverage of criminal trials and the popularity of television programs such as C.S.I. Crime Scene Investigation ... have had the effect of developing unrealistic and preconceived notions in juror's minds about the availability and precision of forensic evidence in criminal trials. If not confronted by prosecutors, this so called "C.S.I. Effect" can lead to a misapprehension of the evidence actually introduced or encourage improper speculation by jurors during their deliberations ... See also Wikipedia"
 AustraliaIP Australia2007-01-18Pioneer KK v Pioneer Computers[2007] ATMO 24Peripheral device
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2007-01-18Font Vella, S.A. v. Mathlouthies:DEA
Court of Quebec2007-01-17Singh v. Québec Inc.Automatic transmission"The Court wanting more information to determine whether the torque converter was part of the automatic transmission of a car consulted the Wikipedia free encyclopaedia on the web."
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-01-11Case no. 060562872[2007] RRTA 204Shan
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit2007-01-10Gashi v. U.S. AGNo. 06-12276 (Unpublished)Ibrahim RugovaSee opinion: "First, Gashi submitted a biography of Ibrahim Rugova from the Wikipedia website, which indicated that Rugova was the president of Kosovo and the LDK and had died on January 21, 2006." (footnote omitted)
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2007-01-09U.S. v. Radomski473 F.3d 728Andrew GolotaSee opinion by Posner, J., id. at 731: "Radomski is a former trainer of the Polish boxer Andrew Golota—the world's most colorful boxer. See [link to article]."
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2007-01-09Case no. 060837625[2007] RRTA 7Elie Hobeika
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-12-14Case no. 060748603[2006] RRTA 231Tibetan Buddhism"As a starting point, the Tribunal referred to Wikipedia..."
European Patent OrganisationBoard of Appeal of the European Patent Office2006-12-13Rhein Chemie Rheinau v. Bridgestone Co.T 0630/04Carbon blackCited by one of the parties.
Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta2006-12-05Build-A-Vest Structures Inc. v. Red Deer (City)29 M.L.P.R. (4th) 210 (Alta. Q.B.)Funeral home
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-12-04Mediatek Inc. v. Micron Technology, Inc.Semiconductor device
 United KingdomNominet UK Dispute Resolution Service2006-12-04National Coll for School Leadership Ltd. v. AllanTyposquatting
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-11-29Case no. 060860015[2007] RRTA 210Khon Kaen Province
 AustraliaAdministrative Appeals Tribunal2006-11-28MacDonald and Comcare[2006] AATA 1012AtaxiaCited by one of the parties.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-11-15Kaman Music Corp. v. MühlbauerJam block
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-11-14Backer v. Societé générale provencale d'achat et de gestionde:HooliganThe board justifies its reliance upon Wikipedia with a quote from an opinion of the Court of First Instance:

" 'The dictionaries in the language of the relevant public may, as a rule, be taken into consideration in that respect, both by the first instance at OHIM and by the boards of appeal, even if they have not been put to the parties, because they are, a priori, well-known facts. The dictionaries provide a pertinent indication of the correct pronunciation of the word in question in the host language, although there is no guarantee that that pronunciation is the one actually used in everyday speech. Moreover, the knowledge which the various bodies of OHIM may have as a result of the nationalities of its officials or members may well confirm information used in establishing the average consumer's pronunciation.' (Court of First Instance on 01/02./2005, T-57/03 - HOOLIGAN/OLLY GAN, paragraph 59; German version printed in GRUR Int. 2005, 489; an OJ OHIM 2005, 624)."

 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-11-10NewBay Software Ltd.R 1465/2005-4Moblog
 PhilippinesCourt of Appeals2006-11-10People v. PecsonG.R. CR. No. 2957Diesel engine
 United States:
California Court of Appeal2006-11-09In re Carleisha P.50 Cal. Rptr. 3d 777Ammunition
(as of Nov 9, 2006)
See opinion, id. at 782: "The Wikipedia Encyclopedia states that 'ammunition' is a 'generic military term meaning (the assembly of) a projectile and its propellant.' Hence, one bullet can be 'ammunition.'" (emphasis in original)
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-11-07[Mundipharma AG v. Microsulis Ltd.Science
WIPOWIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center2006-11-06N.M.Rothschild & Sons Ltd. v. Land Exchange, Inc.Rothschild banking family of England
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-10-27Case no. 060631942, 060634430, 060634388[2006] RRTA 192Primary Indian Castes
 United States:
Alaska Court of Appeals2006-10-27Smart v. State146 P.3d 15Palladium (mythology)
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-10-27Nordmilch eG v. Molkerei Alois Müller GmbH & Co.Chutney, Relish, Müller
 PhilippinesPhilippine Supreme Court2006-10-25Lambino v. COMELECG.R. No. 174153Vox populi, vox DeiConcurring opinion of Associate Justice Sandoval-Gutierrez.
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-10-23Case no. 060490641[2006] RRTA 162Gujarat
 United States:
Utah Supreme Court2006-10-20State v. Alverez147 P.3d 425
2006 UT 61
Jesus Malverde
(as of Oct 6, 2006)
See opinion: "While this court professes no special expertise in hagiology or folklore, some independent research reveals that Jesus Malverde is not exclusively or historically associated with the drug culture. He is a regional folk hero, in the tradition of Robin Hood, who is popular among the poor and disadvantaged of the Mexican state of Sinaloa."
 United States:
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals2006-10-18Watson v. State204 S.W.3d 404 n.17Faro (card-game)
(as of Sept 1, 2006)
See footnote 17 in the opinion: "The card game faro 'enjoyed great popularity during the . . . 19th Century in the United States . . . where it was practiced by Faro dealers such as the infamous Doc Holliday.'" (some internal quotes omitted)
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-10-13Eroski, S. Coop. v. Nordmilch eGSoft drink
 United StatesU.S. District Court of Utah2006-10-04SCO v. IBMNo. 2:03CV-0294 DAK (Defense exhibit)UnixExhibit # 391 by IBM.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-10-03Lakai, Ltd. v. T-Shirts International S.A.Extreme sport
 CyprusCyprus Commission for the Protection of Competition2006-10-03Sonae Industria SGPS S.A. and Darbo S.A.S
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-09-29Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.
Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. (Case 774), (Case 405)
R 774/2006-2
R 405/2006-2
Machine vision, Image
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-09-29Case no. 060508093[2006] RRTA 164Indian Union Muslim League, Panchayat
 United States:
Massachusetts Superior Court, Suffolk County2006-09-28Commonwealth v. MeeksCrim. No. 2002-10961Pistol slide
(as of Sept 25, 2006)
See footnote 73: "An on-line encyclopedia provides the following: 'The slide is the part of a semi-automatic pistol that moves during the operating cycle and generally houses the firing pin or striker, extractor, and serves as the bolt face. It is spring loaded so that once it has moved to its rearmost point in the firing cycle, spring tension brings it back to chamber a fresh cartridge."
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-09-28In re Thoroughbred Legends, LLCNo. 78430194Kelso (horse)"The examining attorney's sole support for her contention that KELSO is a race horse is a reference to Wikipedia; however, applicant has conceded that KELSO is the name of a now-deceased and well-known race horse. Br. p. 5. Thus, our determination as to the significance of the name KELSO does not rely on the Wikipedia reference."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-09-28Bodegas y Vinedos Pascual Toso S.A. v. Bodegas San Valero, Sociedad cooperativaes:Tosos
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-09-27In re Cosmetic Dermatology, Inc.Nos. 76606583,
BrandtCited by the examining attorney.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-09-25Iron Maiden Holdings Ltd. v. New Allied Com, Ltd.Iron maiden (torture device)
WIPOWIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center2006-09-23Media General Communications, Inc. v. Rarenames, WebRegCall signThe case involved a domain name dispute in accordance with the UDRP.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-09-21O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG v. Nokia Corp.Loop
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-09-20Ferrer v. The Cartoon Network LP, LLLPToonami
 CanadaFederal Court2006-09-19Fi v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)IMM‑2091‑06
2006 FC 1125
"In particular, the use of information from the Wikipedia website is highly questionable, as the reliability of its sources has not been demonstrated to the Court."
 New ZealandSocial Security Appeal Authority2006-09-13Decision No. 069/06Social Security (United States)Cited by one of the parties.
 United States:
Texas Court of Appeals2006-09-13Living Ctrs. of Tex., Inc. v. Penalver217 S.W.3d 44T-4 Euthanasia Program
(as of Aug 20, 2006)
Exeplary use of a permanent link to Wikipedia.
 AustraliaFederal Magistrates Court of Australia2006-09-07Coolstar Holdings Pty Ltd v Cleary Ors[2006] FMCA 1442History of Dubai
 United States:
Supreme Court of Louisiana2006-09-06Lawson v. Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Am., Inc.938 So.2d 35Short circuit
(as of Feb 14, 2006)
See footnote 12: "According to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, '[a] short circuit (sometimes known as simply a short) is a fault whereby electricity moves through a circuit in an unintended path, usually due to a connection forming where none was expected. This unintended path often has a very low resistance which means that a much larger current than normal flows, potentially causing overheating, fire or explosion.'"
 United States:
Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District II2006-09-06Washington County v. WagnerNo. 2006AP532-FT (Unpublished), affirmed, 724 NW 2d 274Backstory
(as of Aug 24, 2006)
See footnote 3: "In narratology, a back-story (also back story or backstory) is defined as: [T]he history behind the situation extant at the start of the main story. This literary device is often employed to lend the main story depth or verisimilitude. A back-story may include the history of characters, objects, countries, or other elements of the main story. Back-stories are usually revealed, sketchily or in full, chronologically or otherwise, as the main narrative unfolds. However, a story creator may also create portions of a back-story or even an entire back-story that is solely for his or her own use in writing the main story and is never revealed in the main story. In role-playing games, a character’s back-story is usually called his or her background."
 United States:
Indiana Court of Appeals2006-08-31Property Owners Ins. Co. V. Ted's Tavern, Inc.No. 73A01-0602-CV-49Intoxication
(accessed Aug 10, 2006)
See opinion: "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, intoxication ... redirects user to 'drunkenness,' which 'in its most common usage, is the state of being intoxicated with ethyl alcohol to a sufficient degree to impair mental and motor functioning.'" (internal parenthesis removed)
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Trial and Appeal Board2006-08-24In re Light Effects, Inc.No. 76583583MosaicCited by the applicant.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit2006-08-22Phillips v. Pembroke Real Estate, Inc.459 F.3d 128Berne Convention, Bicycle Wheel
(accessed July 27, 2006)
See footnote 3, quoting Wikipedia: "The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, usually known as the Berne Convention, is an international agreement about copyright, which was first adopted in Berne, Switzerland in 1886. It was developed at the instigation of Victor Hugo, and was thus influenced by the French 'right of the author' (droit d'auteur), which contrasts with the Anglo-Saxon concept of 'copyright', which has only been concerned with economic protection."
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit2006-08-21Reuland v. Hynes460 F.3d 409Bronx, Manhattan, BrooklynCited in footnote 1 of the dissenting opinion of Judge Winter: "Calculated from ... and the land area of each place, Wikipedia"
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-08-07In re Mexico 69 SRLNo. 78361172De puta madreCited by the examining attorney as well as by the applicant.
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-08-04In re Douglas ElslagerNo."Although we are aware that there are some questions about the accuracy of information in Wikipedia, because the Examining Attorney made this excerpt of record with the first Office action, and because applicant has not challenged it, we have accepted the entry as showing that .info is a top level domain."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-07-31The Radical Fruit Company New York (Partnership) v. BurrowList of soft drinks by countryCited by the opponent.
 United States:
Supreme Court of Michigan2006-07-31People v. Peals720 N.W.2d 196
476 Mich. 636
False choice
(accessed July 7, 2006)
Quoted in the dissenting opinion of Judge Kelly in footnote 16: "The logical fallacy of false choice is a correlative-based fallacy in which options are presented as being exclusive when they may not be. It is often used to obscure the likelihood of one option or to reframe an argument on the user's terms."
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-07-25In re Regency Inns Management, Inc.Nos. 76591235 and 76591237Convention center"With his brief, the Examining Attorney has requested that the Board take judicial notice of definitions of the words "resort" and "convention center" taken from, respectively, One Look and Wikipedia. Because the entries are from on-line references, we decline to take judicial notice of them. See TBMP §1208.04 (The Board will not take judicial notice of definitions found only in on-line dictionaries and not available in a printed format)."
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-07-20In re WhiteMohawkCited by the examining attorney.
 United States:
California Court of Appeal, 3rd Appellate District2006-07-20People v. Chance46 Cal.Rptr.3d 235Revolver
(as of July 20, 2006)
See opinion, id. at 249.
 United States:
Supreme Court of Michigan2006-07-19Radeljak v. DaimlerChrysler Corp.719 N.W.2d 40
475 Mich. 598
Ena Begovic
(accessed May 10, 2006)
See opinion, footnote 10.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-07-13Cometform Ltd. v. Luggage America, Inc.Luggage
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-07-11The Professional Golfers' Association Ltd. v. Ladies' Professional Golf Ass. Corp.Professional Golfers' AssociationAn appeal (T-0248/06) against the decision before the Court of First Instance is pending.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit2006-06-29U.S. v. Yazzen187 Fed. Appx. 800
No. 05-2156
Pink elephant
(accessed June 27 2006)
See opinion, footnote 1.
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-06-27Case no. 060331167[2006] RRTA 99Druze
 United KingdomHigh Court of England and Wales2006-06-27Kay v. the Commissioner of Police of the MetropolisCritical Mass (cycling)
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-06-22Case no. V0618399[2006] RRTA 95Sworn virgin
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-06-21Banco de Sbadell, S.A. v. Brook Street Bureau PlcHome care
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-06-16Booker Plc v. Jim Beam Brands Co.Booker
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-06-14PGS Onshore, Inc.R 614/2005-4Geophysical survey
 AustraliaFederal Magistrates Court of Australia2006-06-13Mathieson & Hamilton[2006] FMCAfam 238Cryptid
 United States:
Florida Fourth District Court of Appeal2006-06-07Olibrices v. State929 So.2d 1176Ethnic group,
(accessed May 11, 2006)
Quotation from Wikipedia in opinion, id. at 1178: "An ethnic group is a human population whose members identify with each other, usually on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or ancestry (Smith 1986). Ethnic groups are also usually united by common cultural, behavioral, linguistic, or religious practices. In this sense, an ethnic group is also a cultural community. . . . While ethnicity and race are related concepts (Abizadeh 2001), the concept of ethnicity is rooted in the idea of social groups, marked especially by shared nationality, tribal affiliation, religious faith, shared language, or cultural and traditional origins and backgrounds; whereas race is rooted in the idea of a biological classification of Homo sapiens according to chosen genotypic and/or phenotypic traits."
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-06-07In re Halocarbon Products Corp.No. 76588421Halocarbon"The examining attorney, for the first time in his brief on appeal, "paraphrased" dictionary definitions of the term "halocarbon" taken from the on-line dictionaries "" and "" The examining attorney did not submit copies of the Internet printouts of the definitions. Applicant, in its reply brief, has objected to the definitions as untimely submitted. The Board has stated that it will not take judicial notice of dictionary definitions submitted after appeal that have been retrieved from on-line dictionaries that are not readily verifiable and reliable. In re Red Bull GmbH, 78 USPQ2d 1375 (TTAB 2006) and In re Total Quality Group Inc., 51 USPQ2d 1474 (TTAB 1999). Thus, applicant's objection to the on-line dictionary definitions is well taken, and we have not considered them in reaching our decision herein. However, as discussed infra, the Board has taken judicial notice of a definition of the term "halocarbon" taken from a print dictionary."
 United States:
Delaware Court of Chancery2006-06-06Williams v. White Oak Builders, Inc.2006 WL 1668348
No. 17556
Sump pump, French drain
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-05-31Aslan Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG v. ChetwodeAna Aslan
 United States:
California Court of Appeal2006-05-26Apple v. Does140 Cal.App. 4th 675bFirewire, Breakout box, GarageBand, Breakout, Asteroids, Arkanoid, Forum moderator, BBS, Blog, Webzine, Electronic paper"As with many of the concepts in this opinion, the most authoritative and current sources of information may themselves be found on the Web. Thus FireWire is described by a well-known cooperative encyclopedia as ..."
 United States:
Wisconsin Court of Appeals2006-05-23State v. Bannister720 N.W.2d 498
2006 WI App 136
Bloody shirtThe concurring judge quotes Wikipedia in footnote 1: "The term 'bloody shirt' can be traced back to the aftermath of the murder of the third Caliph, Uthman in 656 CE, when a bloody shirt and some hair alleged to be from his beard were used in what is widely regarded as a cynical ploy to gain support for revenge against opponents."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-05-22World Magic International AVV. v. Character Games Ltd.Street magic"The appellant claims that Wikipedia does not provide entirely reliable information as the contents are posted by its readers. However, even though it is true that there exists some controversy over Wikipedia as a source, the Board is of the opinion that the additional material provided by the respondent and the information to be found on the website support the information given in Wikipedia, therefore the Board sees no reason to doubt its reliability in this specific case."
 United KingdomCompetition Appeal Tribunal2006-05-15Media Marketing & Promotions v. Office of CommunicationsRent
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-05-01Case no. N05/52943[2006] RRTA 72Patriotic Union (Colombia)
 United States:
Supreme Court of Iowa2006-04-28State v. Leckington713 N.W.2d 208Jungle juice
(accessed March 28, 2006)
Footnote 1 of the opinion quotes Wikipedia: "Jungle juice is the name given to a mix of liquor that is usually served for the sole purpose of becoming intoxicated .... Often, it may include leftovers of many liquors along with a mixer (juice, cola, etc.) to make the clash of liquors easier to swallow.... Jungle juice made with Kool-Aid is called 'Hunch Punch.'"
 United States:
Indiana Court of Appeals2006-04-25Biddinger v. State846 N.E.2d 271Hollow point bullet
(accessed Mar. 22, 2006)
Footnote 2 quotes Wikipedia: " A hollow-point bullet has "a pit, or hollowed out shape, in its tip, meant to cause it to expand upon entering a target. When the bullet strikes a soft target the pressure created in the pit forces the lead around it to expand greatly into a mushroom-shape. This causes considerably more soft-tissue damage and energy transfer than if the nose had not been hollow.... [H]ollow point bullets are one of the most common types of civilian and police ammunition, due largely to the reduced risk of bystanders being hit by over penetrating or ricocheted bullets, and the increased speed of incapacitation."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-04-25FORMULA ONE LICENSING B.V. v. MV Innovation GmbHFormula One
 GermanyFederal Patent Court2006-04-1226 W (pat) 142/04Human care
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-04-10Valrhona S.p.A.S.)R 1318/2005-2Grand cru
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-04-03Case no. N05/52960[2006] RRTA 54Jehovah Witnesses
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-03-30Axon Solutions Ltd. v. Axen SPRLComputer engineering, Telecommunication
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2006-03-29Raymond v. Ameritech Co.442 F.3d 600SBC Communications
(accessed March 13, 2006)
See footnote 1 of the opinion.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit2006-03-24N'Diom v. Gonzales442 F.3d 494Mauritania
(accessed Jan 17, 2006)
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2006-03-24In re Microsoft Corp.Cranium (board game)
 United States:
Ohio District Courts of Appeal2006-03-24Ernes v. Northeast Ohio Eye Surgs., Inc.2006 Ohio 1456Infarction
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit2006-03-23U.S. v. Zajanckauskas441 F.3d 32SS
 Trinidad and TobagoCourt of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago2006-03-17NH Int. v. Urban Development Co.Value engineering
Council of EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights2006-03-16Ždanoka v. LatviaDemographics of LatviaDissenting opinion of Judge Zupancic.
 United States:
Rhode Island
Superior Court of Rhode Island2006-03-13Sitkin v. R-One Alloys, Inc.No. PB 04-0495Troy ounceSee footnote 2 of the opinion.
Council of EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights2006-03-07Hocaogullari v. Turkeyfr:Guerre du VietnamFirst citation by the European Court of Human Rights.
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-02-28Case no. N05/52883[2006] RRTA 41Pakistan#Religion
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-02-27Hanse Chemie AG v. Perstorp Compounds ABThermosetting plastics
 FranceDistrict Court of Paris2006-02-2304/14140fr:Styles calligraphiques chinoisFirst known citation in French jurisprudence.
 United States:
Supreme Court of Louisiana2006-02-22State v. Pigford922 So.2d 517Interstate 20
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-02-08Dalan Kimya Endustri A.S. v. La Superquímica, S.A.Detergent
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-02-03Freelife Int., LLCR 888/2005-4Goji
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2006-02-02Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG v. Zoran Corp.Computer
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-01-31Mülhens GmbH & Co. KG v. Trishul Overseas Private Ltd.Ayurvedic medicine
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2006-01-31Case no. N05/52275[2006] RRTA 29Demographics of Algeria
 United StatesU.S. Court of Federal Claims2006-01-27Campbell v. Secretary of Health and Human Services69 Fed. Cl. 775Febrile seizure"A review of the Wikipedia website reveals a pervasive and, for our purposes, disturbing series of disclaimers."

"At the least, an evidentiary hearing would have provided an opportunity for expert witnesses to corroborate or refute the information contained in the articles. Without such a hearing, reliance on these web materials involved an extraordinary risk that cannot be squared with the Special Master's responsibility for conducting a proceeding consistent with the principles of fundamental fairness."

 United States:
Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals2006-01-26Friends of the Metolius and Johnston v. Jefferson CountyNo. 2005-139GrokThe opinion quotes Wikipedia as follows: "Grok (pronounced grock) is a verb roughly meaning 'to understand completely' or more formally 'to achieve complete intuitive understanding.' It was coined by science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in his novel Stranger in a Strange Land, where it is part of the fictional Martian language and introduced to English speakers by a man raised by Martians." (emphasis in original)
 European UnionEuropean Court of Justice2006-01-17Levi Strauss v. CasucciC-145/05es:JeansCited in the conclusions of the Advocate General.

First known citation in proceedings of the European Court of Justice.

 IndiaSupreme Court of India2006-01-16Anjaleem Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. v. Commissioner of Central Excise, AhmedabadIntegrated circuit
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2006-01-13Facet Pedreros, S.A. v. Stelman Int. Diamond Dealers, N. V.Facet
 United KingdomNominet UK Dispute Resolution Service2006-01-12BBT Thermotechnology UK Ltd v Brainfire Group(2006) DRS 3931Danny BuderusCited in correspondence between the parties.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit2005-12-28U.S. v. Coker433 F.3d 39Sunroof
(accessed Oct 27, 2005).
The opinion, at footnote 1, quotes Wikipedia's definition of T-roofs; they: "open a vehicle roof to the side windows, providing a wider opening than other sunroofs. [They] have two removable glass panels, and leave a T-shaped structural brace in the roof center."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-12-19Huesker Synthetic GmbH v. Difel Marmol, S.L.Building material
 United States:
Indiana Court of Appeals2005-12-12M.K. Plastics Corp. v. Rossi838 N.E.2d 1068Autocad
(accessed Nov 17, 2005)
 United States:
California Court of Appeal2005-12-09People v. Acevedo(Case not found)Spanish and Portuguese names
(as of Dec 6, 2005)
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-12-06Case no. N05/52155[2005] RRTA 314Lebanon
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-12-05Calico, S.A. v. Calico Jack Ltd.Video game console (last visited November 29, 2005), Software agents (last visited November 29, 2005)
Superior Administrative Court Rhineland-Palatine2005-12-0210 A 10610/05.OVGUmar Tall
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-11-24British-American Tobacco (Germany) GmbH v. Gallaher Ltd.Three kings
 United States:
Iowa Court of Appeals2005-11-23State v. KanteNo. 5-730/04-0962, affirmed as 710 N.W.2d 257Guinea
 United States:
Supreme Court of Texas2005-11-22Neeley v. West Orange-Cove Consol. Independent School Dist., S.W.3d, 2005 WL 3116298176 S.W.3d 746Efficient
(accessed Oct 13, 2005)
Footnote 8 of the opinion quotes Wikipedia: "Efficiency is the capability of acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort."
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-11-10Case no. V05/18066[2005] RRTA 292Military opposition to the Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill (Fiji)Cited by the applicant.
 GermanyFederal Patent Court2005-11-0833 W (pat) 265/03Master unit
 NetherlandsHoge Raad der Nederlanden2005-11-01[2]nl:Botbreuk (Bone fracture)First known citation in Dutch jurisprudence.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-10-28Multiópticas, Unipessoal, Lda v. CoburnFresnel lens
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-10-27Aktiv Kapital ASA v. Activa Capital S.A.S.Accountancy
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2005-10-25Mastercard International Inc.R 450/2005-1CompactFlash, Memory Stick
 United States:
Tennessee Court of Appeals2005-10-25English Mountain Spring Water Co. v. Chumley2005 WL 2756072
No. E2005-00657-COA-R3-CV
Beverage"It appears that the only case in the United States that has ever referenced Wikipedia is a nonpublished/ nonciteable California case. See Patel v. Shah (...) Given the fact that this source is open to virtually anonymous editing by the general public, the expertise of its editors is always in question, and its reliability is indeterminable. Accordingly, we do not find that it constitutes persuasive authority."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-10-18Vasco International S.à r.l. v. Antonio Nadal S.A.Absinthe
Ontario Court of Justice2005-10-14R. v. N. (Y.)Explanation
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-10-13Case no. V05/18030[2005] RRTA 271Mosul
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-09-30Wilhelm Sihn jr. GmbH & Co. KG v. Wi-Fi Alliancewi-fi
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-09-29Fronsac Investment S.A. v. Yakub360 (number)
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2005-09-27In re ChromTech LtdNo. 78219790Chirality (chemistry)Cited by the examining attorney.
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2005-07-15In re Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.Princeton UniversityCited by the applicant.
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit2005-09-15Allegheny Defense Project, Inc. v. U.S. Forest Service423 F.3d 215Understory
(accessed August 24, 2005)
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-09-14Case no. N05/51239[2005] RRTA 221Christians in Iran#Current situation
 PhilippinesPhilippine Supreme Court2005-09-01Abakada v. ErmitaGR No. 168056Constitution of the United Kingdom (accessed August 4, 2005, 11:30am PST),
Maurice Lauré (accessed August 23, 2005, 3:20pm PST)
Separate opinion of Associate Justice Panganiban.
 United States:
California Court of Appeal2005-08-24People v. Hightower(cannot find case)FUBU
São Paulo
São Paulo Justice Court2005-08-18APELAÇÃO CÍVEL n° 340.809-4/7-00. W. R. da S. v. AMIL Health Care Internationalpt:EspectroscopiaFirst known citation in Brazilian jurisprudence.
"A ressonância magnética espectroscópica, portanto, é apenas um método de análise para ressonância magnética nuclear. "É chamado de espectroscopia ométodo utilizado para análise da estrutura química de elementos simples, compostos ou grupos funcionais de uma substância." (...). "Existem diversos métodos de análises espectroscópicas. Os mais conhecidos são: a espectroscopia de massa; ressonância magnética nuclear ..." (cfe."
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-08-08Case no. N05/51215[2005] RRTA 136Communist Party of India (Marxist)
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit2005-07-28U.S. v. Krueger415 F.3d 766Cannabis shake
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-07-22Atco-Qualcast Ltd. v. Engine Components Int., LLCInternal combustion engine
 United States:
Supreme Court of Michigan2005-07-15Michigan DOT v. Hagerty Corridor Partners Ltd. P'ship700 N.W.2d 380
473 Mich. 124
Hindsight biasSee footnote 37 quoting Wikipedia: "People are, in effect, biased by the knowledge of what has actually happened when evaluating its likelihood"
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2005-07-06Antenne Niedersachsen GmbH & Co. KG v. FroehlichTelecommunication
 United StatesU.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania2005-06-29Amco Ukrservice & Prompriladamco v. American Meter Co.2005 WL 1541029
Civ. A. 00-2638
Sea of Okhotsk
(accessed June 23, 2005)
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-06-24Case no. N05/50698[2005] RRTA 155Al-Da'wa Party, Muqtada al-Sadr
 United States:
Superior Court of Pennsylvania2005-06-15In the Interest of F.P.2005 Pa. Super. 220
878 A.2d 91
Instant messagingFootnote 2 of the opinion quotes Wikipedia: "Instant messaging differs from e-mail in that conversations happen in realtime ... Generally, both parties in the conversation see each line of text right after it is typed (line-by-line), thus making it more like a telephone conversation than exchanging letters."
Ontario Superior Court of Justice2005-05-16R. v. BuddTrust (sociology)
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2005-05-10Banis v. BIO-FYT PHARMA N.V.AnxiolyticCited by the appellant.
 AustraliaFederal Court of Australia2005-03-16Nine Films & Television Pty Ltd v Ninox Television Limited[2005] FCA 1404Reality TV
 CanadaFederal Court2005-03-11Almrei v. Minister for Citizenship and ImmigrationMaher ArarCited by one of the parties.
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2005-03-08Productores Associados dos Vinhos Progresso do Douro, LDA v. Franz Wilhelm Langguth Erben GmbH & Co. KGHernán Cortés, pt:Hernán CortésFirst known citation of the Portuguese-language Wikipedia.
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-02-23Case no. N04/50301Samajwadi PartyCited by the applicant.
 CanadaFederal Court2005-02-17Bajraktaraj v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)"The quality of the sources relied upon by the applicant, including (...) a downloaded extract from an on-line encyclopaedia, 'Wikipedia,' that provided no references for its content, did not impress."
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2005-02-11Case no. N04/50169[2005] RRTA 71Mongolian People's Revolutionary PartyCited by the applicant.
 United StatesNational Arbitration Forum2005-02-01Paisley Park Enterprises v. LawsonNo. FA0412000384834NPG Records, Paisley Park Records, Category:Defunct record labelsCited by one of the parties.
 PhilippinesPhilippine Supreme Court2005-01-17MTRCB v. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Co.)G.R. No. 15528Documentary film, Dziga Vertov
(accessed Dec 21, 2004)
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2004-12-20Case no. V02/14634Ba'ath Party
 United States:
California Court of Appeal, 4th District2004-12-17Patel v. Shah2004 WL 2930914Simple majority
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2004-12-15Aldi Einkauf GmbH & Co. OHG v. The Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate College Church of St. Peter Westminsterde: Westminster
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Board of Appeals2004-12-10etalk Corporation
R 398/2004-2E
 SwitzerlandSwiss Federal Council2004-12-10Exe 2004.2129de:PlagiatFirst known citation in Swiss jurisprudence.
 PhilippinesPhilippine Supreme Court2004-12-01La Bugal-B'laan Tribal Association, Inc. v. RamosG.R. No. 127882Open-pit miningDissenting opinion of Associate Justice Carpio-Morales.
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2004-11-15Case no. V04/16985[2004] RRTA 724Punjab (India)
 PhilippinesCourt of Appeals2004-11-12Inter-Orient Navigation v. NLRCG.R. SP NO. 84300Psychosis
 AustriaIndependent Federal Asylum Board2004-11-08239.234/11-I/03/04Afghanistan_timeline_1976-1980
(accessed April 2004)
 United StatesU.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia2004-10-15Demmon v. Loudoun Co. Public Schools342 F. Supp. 2d 474Hollywood Walk of Fame
 United StatesU.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit2004-10-15Bourgeois v. Peters387 F.3d 1303Department of Homeland Security Advisory System
(accessed August 26, 2004)
First citation in federal appellate jurisprudence.
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2004-08-27Case no. N04/48913[2004] RRTA 574Hamas
 United StatesU.S. District Court for the District of Utah2004-08-23SCO v. IBMCiv. No. 2:03CV-0294 DAKLinus Torvalds, Andrew S. TanenbaumCited by the defendant IBM.
 AustriaIndependent federal asylum board2004-08-02236.047/0-XI/33/03gde:DariFirst known citation in Austrian jurisprudence.
 United States:
Michigan Supreme Court2004-07-30Bryant v. Oakpointe Villa Nursing Centre471 Mich. 411Positional asphyxia
(accessed July 27, 2004)
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2004-07-28Banco 21, S.A. v. Banca 121 S.p.A.Bank
WIPOWIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center2004-07-07Wachovia Corporation v. American Consumers FirstSchwa
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2004-07-06Case no. V04/16635[2004] RRTA 496Religious conversion
Administrative Court, Augsburg2004-04-28Au 7 K 04.30251Raï
 AustraliaRefugee Review Tribunal2004-02-17Case no. N02/45298[2004] RRTA 133Pakistan, Afghanistan, North-West Frontier, Pakistan, Punjab, Pakistan, Balochistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan,The version published on AustLII contains hyperlinks to Wikipedia. It remains uncertain whether they form part of the original text.
 GermanyFederal Patent Court2004-02-1630 W (pat) 199/02de:Explorer
(accessed Jan 19, 2004)
First citation in a German federal court.
Lower Saxony
Administrative Court, Göttingen2004-01-302 A 2145/02de:Semitische SprachenFirst known citation in a court ruling worldwide:

"Arabic belongs to the hamosemitic language family (cp. the following chart, cited according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia,"

 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2004-01-12Jackson v. Loders Croklaan B.V.Nutrient
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2003-11-26Banco Gallego, S.A. v. Banca 121 S.p.A.Bank
 United States:
Supreme Court of Texas2003-11-04New Times v. IsaacksNo. 03-0019Satire, A Modest Proposal
(accessed Oct 13, 2003)
Cited in an Amicus curiae brief of the Association of American Publishers.
 United NationsInternational Tribunal for the Law of the Sea2003-09-20Malaysia v. SingaporeList of countries by population densityQuoted in the submisson of Singapore.
 United StatesU.S. Patent and Trademark Office2003-09-08Boy Scouts of America v. Gregory J. WrennNo. 91157313-OPPScoutingCited by the defendant as an example of generic terms in defense of the mark "Youthscouts."
 European UnionOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market, Opposition Decisions2003-02-27Polk v. Slob-Trot Software Oy AbComputer program

See also
