Wikipedia:WikiProject Pharmacology/Participants

Active participants
AethytaU, T, C
Aglo123U, T, CStudent of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.)
AnypodetosU, T, C
Bilz0rU, T, CHalf-way through a Pharmacology/Neuroscience PhD. Hit up my talk page if you want a 2nd opinion on anything.
Biochemistry&LoveU, T, C
BoghogU, T, COriginally an organic chemist but now a medicinal/computational chemist interested in both drugs and their targets.
BozooliU, T, CPharmD, BSPS. Interested in philosophy, history and medicine.
BromoPhenethylamineU, T, CPharmD, BSPS. Interested in philosophy, history and medicine.
Caitlin M.U, T, Cother trigeminal neuralgias) and prostatitis; clinical research experience in treatments for diabetes, prostatitis; extensive coursework in pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacology, drug design, medicinal chem, |sociology of drug use & abuse; undergraduate degree had major focus in pharmacology and bioinformatics.
DemonicPartyHatU, T, CStudent (future MD, MPH) interested in medicine, (neuro)psychopharmacology, pharmacodynamics, anesthesia, neurology, psychiatry, (neuro)physiology, and more
DiverDaveU, T, CInterested in opioids, hypnotics, inhaled anesthetics, cardiovascular agents, and chemical weapons
DrEugenioCantuU, T, CMD, interested in pharmacology, toxicology, psychiatry, drug policy, harm reduction and public health.
Ebe123U, T, CMostly interested (in pharmacology) in dependance but I like all areas of this science.
Edgar181U, T, Cdrug discovery; pharmacology of natural products; will create chemical structure diagrams upon request
Electrogrl72U, T, CMD, research, interested in a variety of medications, current trial data
FalconerdU, T, CPharm.D student interested in all areas of pharmacology and drugs in general
Firewall62U, T, CAll aspects of pharmacology and drug discovery
Formerly 98U, T, CMedicinal chemist interested in anti-infectives, CNS drugs, sometimes oncology.
Foxtrot620U, T, CMedical nerd with an interest in antibiotics
Fuse809U, T, CMostly psychopharmacology (esp. antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytics) and neuropharmacology.
FuzbabyU, T, CI am interested in antibiotics, chemo, and therapy related discussions
FuzzformU, T, C
FvasconcellosU, T, CI am glad to provide images of structural diagrams, particularly in SVG format. Feel free to request them at my talk page
GalaxiaadU, T, C
GarzfothU, T, CEngineering student with a strong interest in pharmacology, especially psychopharmacology.
GizmoU, T, CMD with previous experience in pharma development in RTP, NC. Passion for pharmacology.
GutierrezU, T, CPharmacist with particular emphasis in psychopharmacology, infectious diseases/antibiotics, anticoagulation, and teratogens.
Hammer_qU, T, CMaster's biotechnology student with a passion for pharmacology. I love natural product chemistry, enzymology, and everything metabolism!
Handspringgirl97U, T, CMaster's and Bachelors Degree in Chemistry. Granddaughter of Dr. Hershel Herzog diseased medicinal chemist, who wrote the Microbial Transformation of Steroids: A Handbook, in 1966. I have access to his research and discovery of prednisone, and non published copies of a memoir he was writing as he was dying from ALS. I also have a background in medicinal chemistry.
HarbinaryU, T, CChemistry student. Mainly contributing to psychopharmacology articles and categorization project. Able to generate high quality 2D SVG and 3D chemical structures.
HenryofchangU, T, CInfectious Disease, 4/5th gen cephalosporins.
HeyinternetmanU, T, CMD student with previous medical and science background, interest in pharmacology.
HoflandU, T, CEditor of Onco'Zine - The International Cancer Network. Mainly contribution to articles about Oncology, Hematology and Infectious Disease.
HollyperidolU, T, CVery young layperson, psychopharmacology nerd.
HyzenthroseU, T, CPharmacology development, pharmacokinetics, toxicology
IcyEdU, T, CGeneral Anaesthetics and pharmacology for research
IiKkEeUAny and all FDA approved drugs
Isabela31U, T, C
IUPHARcuratorsU, T, CCurators of the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY (formerly IUPHAR-DB), the online database of the IUPHAR Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification
J04nU, T, CMain interest is in respiratory medications but also have extensive experience with anticoagulation and the treatments for diabetes, dyslipidemias, and hypertension.
Jeff DahlU, T, C
JfdwolffU, T, C
Jkl_semU, T, C
Jsjsjs1111U, T, Cmainly chemotherapy drugs
Jwisniewski936U, T, C
KilbadU, T, CDermatologic pharmacology
Kimen8U, T, C
KlbrainU, T, CGeneral pharmacology, particularly Autonomic Pharmacology
LafeuzillaU, T, CPharmD, BSPS, biochemistry
LanulosU, T, CMedicinal Chemistry, especially antiparasitics, diabetic complication inhibitors, anticytokines
LilypinkU, T, Careas of interest particularly but not limited to antimicrobial antibiotics
LiteraturegeekU, T, CInterests include addiction, pharmacology, mechanism of action, therapeutic effects and side effects of pharmaceuticals. Main interest is in sedative hypnotics and other psychotropic drugs.
ThelittlegreenfrogU, T, CPharmacist PhD
Lord_of_lazinessU, T, CInterests include amphetamines, barbiturates, responsible drug use, and psychotropic drugs in general.
l.livnevU, T, C
LupusBXLU, T, C
Mahmood Al-RawiU, T, CPharmacist
Matthew HoctorU, T, CPharmD, B.Sc. in Chemistry; I am interested in a wide range of pharmacology related topics, but I am particularly interested in medicinal chemistry, biostatistics, and pharmacoeconomics.
Medos2U, T, CPharmacy Manager
Mikael HäggströmU, T, C
MiserlouU, T, C
MuugokszhiionU, T, C
MykhalU, T, C
Nimptsch3U, T, C
OatjayU, T, CDoctoral pharmacology student. Working on cytochrome P450 biochemistry.
Pearll's sunU, T, CHighly interested in updating articles with FDA and other nations Drug alerts and Warnings
Persephone12U, T, CMainly interested in psychopharmacology, chemistry undergrad
PerspeculumU, T, CPharmacy student, special interest in areas of epilepsy and its treatment, UK pharmacy practice and law, medicinal chemistry
PmillerrhodesU, T, CPsychology/Chemistry undergrad interested in psychotropic drugs, responsible drug use, and hallucinogens (esp. psychedelics and dissociatives)
PortolaWarriorU, T, CDoctoral student in chemical biology with a broad interest in pharmaceuticals.
QuantumpandaU, T, CExperienced pharmacy technician (13 years). My primary interest here is in maintaining and updating patient usage information, particularly for less-common medications, but as a member of the Guild of Copy Editors, I'm open to helping proof/edit/source any article.
RealPharmer3U, T, C
RenaissanceeU, T, CLayperson
Richard Arthur Norton (1958- )U, T, C
RoadnottakenU, T, C
Rob HurtU, T, CFascinated by amphetamines, benzodiazepines, SSRIs, psychedelics, hallucinogens, and pretty much any other kind of psychoactive drug
Rod57U, T, Cimmunotherapies, ADCs, targeted therapies, translational medicine, clinical trials, antibiotics, blood lipids, T2-diabetes, atherosclerosis, aging etc
Roland SparkesU, T, CI am interested in 'Warburg's Tincture' and have created the Wikipedia article on the subject. I am a historian rather than a scientist.
Sabine antelopeU, T, CTwo degrees in pharmaceuticals. Specialties: CNS agents, antimicrobials. Also have a background in English, so I spot-edit for grammar and spelling. Have access to multiple PR databases. Mostly a generalist on Wikipedia.
Samh18U, T, CPharmacist in the UK.
ScienceRulz2012U, T, CInterests include novel therapuetics/drugs in clinical trials.
ScientizzleU, T, C
Seppi333U, T, CInterests: the neuropsychopharmacology of phenethylamines, particularly amphetamine
ShanataU, T, CInterests include: ion channels, physical organic chemistry, biophysical chemistry, molecular recognition, and neuroscience
SnapRNAU, T, CPharmD 2019
Steve_carlsonU, T, C
Steven FruitsmaakU, T, C
StillwaterisingU, T, C
Tartan357U, T, CChemistry student interested in psychiatry, neuropharmacology, and drug delivery/pharmacokinetics.
Tea with toastU, T, CNeuropharmacology
ThereppyU, T, CPre-pharmacy student. Focused on improving sourcing and writing quality on a variety of pharmacology related articles. Interested in the Muscarinic Acetylcholine System and Immune System.
ThoricU, T, CSpecializes in psychoactives, especially psychedelics
TryptofishU, T, CNeuropharmacology
TurkeyphantU, T, CSpecialises in psychedelics.
uploadvirusU, T, CSpecializing in cancer-related drugs, drugs of abuse, anticonvulsants, antihypertensives. Hold B.S. in Chemistry/Biochemistry, M.S. in Health Science, working on Ph.D. in Clinical Cancer Epidemiology.
¿VØ!D? U, T, CHighly interested/fixated on the drug class Dissociatives.
ViralmemesisU, T, CNeuroscience, Pharmacology
WikisystoleU, T, CPharmacokinetics and Metabolic Pathways, Chemistry and Stability, Toxicity, Psychopharmacology
WildCationU, T, CDrug nomenclature, nonproprietary names, chemistry and chemical data, evidence-based medicine
Wisdom89U, T, CNeurochemistry, Psychopharmacology, Signal Transduction, Cell Physiology
XasodfuihU, T, CCurrently trying to make the articles on anabolic steroids more scientific.
XeldarithU, T, CBSc Pharm, ACPR; Interests in infectious disease, pharmacokinetics, and evidence-based medicine.
ÆneaU, T, CPharmD. No particular niches yet, though interested in infectious disease and psychotropics. New to Wikipedia editing so constructive criticism is welcome!

Inactive participants
Adeelbutt88U, T, C
Adolon auU, T, CPharmaceutical sciences student from Australia- broad range of interest in the area.
AlepfuU, T, CStudent of medical informatics, researching drug safety on Wikipedia. I mainly contribute over at Wikidata.
AletaU, T, C
AGruntsJaggonU, T, C
AllensU, T, CNeuropsychopharmacology, Ergogenic drugs, antibiotic resistance
AlexandrovU, T, C
AlfieU, T, CPharmacokinetics, bioavailability / bioequivalence, biostatistics
AlisonU, T, Cprimarily interested in endocrine-related drugs. Also can do {{drugbox}} drudgery and various administrivia.
AlphaMoronU, T, C
Andrewr47U, T, C
Angel deliciaU, T, C
Animated CascadeU, T, Cprimarily psychotropics
ApagadomeninaU, T, C
ApophenicU, T, C
ApotheciaU, T, C
AramgutangU, T, C
ArcadianU, T, C
Astral ZenU, T, C
AzadU, T, C
Aztec MasterU, T, CMonoclonal antibodies
BadanedwaU, T, C
BedivereU, T, C
BenU, T, C
BhustonU, T, CMain interests: psychedelics from the "Middle Path" perspective, between the spiritual / shamanistic, and the western materialistic scientific
BorisTMU, T, C
BrandonazzU, T, CPre-pharmacy and chemistry student.
C6541U, T, CInterests in amphetamines, the broad range of psychedelics, and deliriants. Work on keeping NPOV on drug articles with negative biases such as methamphetamine, organizing and keeping a clean layout of an effects section with multiple citations, asking for citations for dubious statements, watching and reverting vandalism, promoting an unbiased presentation of recreational use of drugs and their role in society, and working with others to help achieve these goals. Can create animated 3D molecules (Examples in use).
CacycleU, T, C
Cam.S.KWU, T, CAntirheumatics
Carlo BanezU, T, C
catclockU, T, CInterests in organic synthesis, alkaloids, pharmacology, computational chemistry, and drug design.
CcrobertsU, T, C
cfthbU, T, CPh.D. in medicinal/organic chemistry, active faculty member for 25 yrs but currently disabled, expertise in organic synthesis, scaleup to pilot plant, drug design, pharmacology, computational techniques; research areas include synthesis of naturally-occurring medicinal agents, QSAR and synthesis of opiate receptor antagonists, synthesis of antibiotics; much experience in evaluating manuscripts, proposals, etc.
ChaosU, T, CPharmaceutics (Polymers , Controlled relaese), Medicinal chemistry (Drug design and computational chemistry), Bioinformatics.
Chris PoundsU, T, CNeurology, statistics, and antibiotics.
Claud RegnardU, T, C
Cochise11U, T, C
CocoapunkU, T, C
ColinU, T, CMain interests are obscure drugs and anticonvulsants.
ComccU, T, CPhysiology student with an interest in Pharmacology.
Cpant23U, T, CPharmacology
CrazyChemGuyU, T, CInterests in psychoactive drugs, especially Psychiatric medications and analgesics.
CssiitcicU, T, CExtremely interested about medications and phamacology. All subjects interest me.
CyclonenimU, T, CInterested in analgesia, psychiatric medication and antibiotics
DaevatglU, T, C
DakomanU, T, CIf you need any images of chemical structures, drop by my talk page
daksyaU, T, C
Daniel_WienU, T, CMostly interested in protein drugs and the analytics of them (proteomics, glycoproteomics)
David LubertozziU, T, C
David RubenU, T, C
DavidtfullU, T, CInterested in the fluoroquinolone class of chemotherapeutic agents
DcirovicU, T, CInterests in computational chemistry, drug design, drug discovery, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, ...
DirajeroU, T, CCPhT interested in psychopharmacology
DogposterU, T, CInterested in chemistry and medicine
DrbogdanU, T, CPh.D. in biochemical pharmacology; B.S. chemistry; published medical research studies; directed hospital laboratories; lectured university students; (more).
DrCashU, T, Ccomputational chemistry; can provide 3-D structural diagrams, chemical figures, etc.
DrWoozyU, T, CMedicinal chemistry, drug discovery, CNS drugs, peptide hormones
DryGrainU, T, C
EequorU, T, C
EinarsenU, T, CWork in marketing of pharmaceuticals; interested in NPOV issues
EnochchoiU, T, CUrgent Care physician concerned about MedWatch updates to drugs he uses
Flying HamsterU, T, C
FoobarU, T, C
GeeJoU, T, C
Georgios "aliverius" TsalikisU, T, C
GoldbotU, T, C
HeliosluciferU, t, C
Hit1touU, T, Cformer
HoppingU, T, CInterested in antibiotics & antivirals, esp {{HIVpharm}}, drugs in development, clinical trials
IdentifierU, T, C
ITxTU, T, CInterested/knowledgeable over pharma plants, inorganic/simple organic synthesis
IosefU, T, Cmostly psychopharmacology but will help with what I can.
JagilloglyU, T, C
Jaguar2kU, T, C
JeremiahU, T, C
jmcclareU, T, C
Joerg Kurt WegnerU, T, C
JungbohoU, T, Cformer,
KbdGuyU, T, CInterested End User
Kd4ttcU, T, C
KenastmaU, T, CPharmacology/Toxicology PhD student, Interested in thermoregulation & molecular mechanisms of MDMA/amphetamine toxicity
Ken GillmanU, T, C
Kernel.packageU, T, C
KbloorU, T, CSpecialising in psychopharmacology with focus on atypical anti-psychotics
KevU, T, CPractising UK Pharmacist
KU, T, C
KyokoU, T, CPrimarily interested in drugs related to pulmonology, cardiology, and nephrology.
LinberryU, T, C
LinkinParkU, T, C
LmspharmdU, T, Cdrug information pharmacist; interested in providing / evaluating literature sources
Lockeownzj00U, T, C
Markovich292U, T, C
MerentaU, T, CCNS agents, esp. those active at 5HT and dopamine receptors
MilaneyU, T, CMedicine, therapeutics (mostly pharmacodynamics), (neuro)psychopharmacology, regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia, related jurisprudence and informatics
MyronU, T, C
MysteriumenU, T, CStudent of Pharmacy
NatePhysicsU, T, CPrimarily interested in antibiotics
NephronU, T, C
Neur0XU, T, C
nicowalkerU, T, C
old american century (oac)U, T, C
OleSlappyU, T, C
OmbudsmanU, T, C
Parker007U, T, C
PharmacyEagleU, T, C
PHazeU, T, CPrimarily interested in anti-cancer drugs.
Ramzi AbboudU, T, C
RedWaspU, T, C20:01, 23 November 2006 (UTC)
ReverendGU, T, C01:52, 26 June 2006 (UTC)
Rich_RichieU, T, C
RichardatlargeU, T, C
RkundaliniU, T, C
RockManQU, T, C
Ryan PostlethwaiteU, T, C
SandbodyU, T, C
ScienzaU, T, CInterested in the biochemical side of drugs in how they affect the physiology of the G.I. tract, the brain, and the kidneys.
SelketU, T, C
sfreud02U, T, C
ShplonglU, T, CInterested in Psychopharmacology, Psychotropics, Neurology, the Brain in general
sic00U, T,interested in psychiatric medicines and stimulants such as caffeine
SilverWeedU, T, C
Smack ShooterU, T, CSpecializes in psychoactive drugs and their abuse. Practicing pharmacologist.
SnelliosU, T, Cspecialities genomics, biochemistry, pathology. Second year medical degree, Pathology MA student, Cambridge University, UK
SoakologistU, T, C
SorchahU, T, C
SolidachU, T, CWorking closely with pharmaceutical industry. Interested in molecular and data visualisation.
SpokaneWillyU, T, C
SteigerU, T, C
SuperLazyAssU, T, C
TechelfU, T, C
TheAngriestPharmacistU, T, CInterested in RANDOM facts about assorted drugs in all classes. Broad knowledge in OTC(USA) drugs and suggested uses/facts.
TheGoodSonU, T, CPsychiatric drugs and others - mainly benzodiazepines, barbiturates, narcotic analgesics, and amphetamines. Hold a degree in Laboratory Science and pharmacology and a minor in psychology.
Thingy1U, T, CI am a nursing student taking pharmacology. I am interested in creating articles about obscure drugs.
Use the forceU, T, CSpecializes in psychedelics.
UthbrianU, T, C
VertigocielU, T, CIn SSRI, Anti-psychotic, and other psychopharmacology-related areas.
WTF?U, T, CPharmaceutical chemist. I have access to a lot of chemical drawing and molecular modeling tools and can provide images as necessary.
William P. ColemanU, T, CProfessional biostatistian, interested in clinical trial design: phase 3, but especially phases 1 and 2 -- shortening and integrating the development process -- labeled isotope studies.
Vlabakje90U, T, CCurrently a pharmacology student at Utrecht University. Multidisciplinary.
Vickery04U, T, CMD with interest in weight loss therapies.
WcbradleyU, T, C
Yash!U, T, CInterested in medical related topics.
ZodiacU, T, CStudent of the mind-body connection, enthusiast of psychopharmacology and related disciplines (specializing in the placebo effect); humble guide and teacher of artistic expression, manifestation, and spiritual progress for the ep0ch.