Wikipedia:WikiProject Japan/Arts and crafts glossary

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This page is a glossary of Japanese arts and crafts terms translated into English. These terms are not always found in standard dictionaries, and often take some effort to figure out. This article provides a useful translation guide for those wishing to do help out this project and its descendants in this way.


Terms are listed alphabetically according to romanization.

春木作りharuki zukurichopping firewoodFirewood is called haruki in Hida, Gifu.[1]
槫へぎkure hegilumber slicing, thin board slicingFor example, for roofing boards[2][3][4][5]
曲げ師mageshimagewappa maker[6]
前挽鋸maebikinokorip saw[7]
指物大工sashimono daikujoinery carpenter, joiner
柄屋tsukayahandle/knob/hilt makerMaker of wooden handles, including sword hilts
入浜irihamanaturally flooded salt farm below the high-tide mark; filled during high tide
揚浜agehamaartificially flooded salt farm above the high-tide mark; needs to be filled by manual labour
楢詰taruzumeBarrel, pour into barrelsomething related to soy sauce production[8]
澄場sumashibaPlace to settle on the leessomething related to soy sauce production[9][10]