Uyghur timeline

This timeline is a supplement of the main article Uyghur. Dealing with the centuries between 400 and 900 AD, it refers to a critical period in the cultural formation of the Uyghur nation, as they transitioned from a minor Turkic tribe to the Uyghur Khaganate.

Events leading to the formation of the Uyghur Khaganate

DatePeopleEventGeopolitical Context
546BuminPre-emptively strikes a planned Töle revoltAttempt of the vassal Turks to gain ascendancy over the vassal Gaoqu people
560MuqanAnnexes Töle tribes under a federal systemMuqan demonstrates his qut by the submission of the Töle (i.e. the right of taxation over their livestock); resolves internal power struggle
565Wu Chen-DiCivil war divides the Wei KingdomMuqan demonstrates his qut by the submission of the Töle (i.e. the right of taxation over their livestock); resolves internal power struggle
572IstämiDivides Muqan's realm between his rival successors: Taspar-Qağan rules in the central region, Istämi-Yabgu in the far-west, Shetu in the east and Jotan in the westTraditional power transfer from elder to younger brother, subsequently from youngest uncle to eldest nephew
575TarduTakes power in far-west regionHis father dies in Taraz
575You-ZhouQi dynasty collapsesQi = Eastern Wei, Rouran allies; Zhou = Western Wei, Turk allies
578TasparRepeatedly raids the Zhou KingdomUnder the influence of the Qi exiles
578Wu-DiGives Taspar 100,000 bales of silk and the Princess Zhou TsienkienMarriage alliance prevents raids
578Wu-DiKidnaps Prince Kaozhou as he is huntingTo eliminate rival to power
578TasparTakes no action against the Zhou Kingdom's violation of his power. Instead, he places 10,000 Turks as 'guests' in ZhouHe has a secret agreement to trade the Prince Kaozhou for Princess Tsienkien. The lack of honor to a guest outrages the common people. This period shows the beginning of class separation and the movement of Turkic nobility into the Chinese cultural sphere.
580Shang SunArrives with Zhou Tsienkien and befriends ShetuTo collect information about the Turks for Zhou
581Wen-DiAt the death of Emperor Jing-Di, he seizes power as regent for the new Emperor who is still a childHis dynastic claim is based on his daughter, the Emperor's Mother
581Taspar???MuqanMaybe as part of an agreement between Muqan and Taspar
581Ishbara QaghanSwearing he will attack Talopien to uphold tradition, he is the voice of conservative factionsIf tradition is followed, he will be the next Qağan
581ÄnloTaspar dies and the toy appoints ÄnloTo avoid conflict between the three conflicting claims of Tardu, Shetu and Talopien
581TalopienThreatens ÄnloHe views himself as the legal Qağan because he has been given the title by the previous one
581ÄnloCedes title to Shetu at Ötükän and takes title of second QağanIn exchange for protection, the empty title and to control the Tola Valley (Uyğur tribes)
582Wen-DiDeposes Zhou Emperor and expels the 10,000 Turks from ChanganTo show his independence and to end the drain on the treasury
582ShetuForms a coalition force with Tardu, Jotan and TalopienTo reinforce his position as Qağan and to avenge his wife's family
582Wen-DiSends ambassador Yuan Huei to recognize him as Qağan by presenting him with the symbolic wolf flag at HamiTardu is upset that he was not made Qağan by the toy, so Wen-Di gives him diplomatic recognition which legitimizes his claim. He thereby acquires qut
582TarduDeclares the far-west region as sovereign and separate with himself as QağanThe far-west region has de facto independence since the Istämi-Muqan era
583ShetuBlames Talopien for the failures of the campaignRivalry and the influence of Shang Sun
583TalopienJoins Jotan and Boru in the west region.They are all opposed to Shetu's paranoia, assassination and tyranny


583ShetuKills Talopien's family and burns his yurt in revengeAltay mountains
583Tardu and Wen-DiAttack simultaneously with Khitan (Shetu's own vassals in the east)To block Shetu's power. The attack by his nominal vassals and allies erodes the credibility of Shetu, meaning he has lost qut
583ShetuAs he only controls the central region, it is hit by famine; he asks for Sui Imperial protectionThis act officially marks the end of his sovereignty, he is now a Chinese vassal
584TalopienTakes control of east, central and west regionsTalopien proves himself as the true Qağan by his qut
585Wen-DiRenames Zhou Tsienkien as Sui DaiTo make Shetu his vassal (son-in-law) because he now fears the growing power of Tardu and Talopien
585ShetuSends his son Kohoden as a hostage to ChanganTo seal the peace agreement
585TalopienDefeats Tardu and takes over far-west region, now controlling all four regionsTardu no longer enjoys Sui Imperial support and is a rival to power that has to be eliminated as a threat
585TarduFlee to Sui protectionTardu no longer enjoys Sui Imperial support and is a rival to power that has to be eliminated as a threat
585Tiele tribesSubmit to TalopienHe is strong enough to threaten them, therefore he has consolidated power/qut.
587ShetuDies while huntingPossible accident or an assassination
588ChuloCaptures TalopienFamily vendetta, his older brother Shetu had been humiliated by this man. The Sui Empire supports this move to balance the growing power of Talopien
588NiliReplaces Talopien as Qağan; Töle tribes revoltTry to regain lost independence in the chaos of the dynastic struggle
588ChuloDies fighting the TöleTo reassert control over the tribes that had been vassal to Talopien
588TülanTakes power and returns to Mongolian SteppeAll the rivals to power in the struggle for succession have been neutralized, so power reverts to the House of Shetu
589Wen-DiConquers Chen Kingdom, thus reunifying China???
590TarduAttacks Nili to regain the far-west regionHe is supported by Tülan who wants to see his last rival Nili eliminated. In effect, he recognizes the sovereignty of the far-west region
593TülanStops paying taxes???
593Sui DaiPlots with Nili to attack Sui EmpireRevenge against Sui dynasty for overthrowing her family, the Zhou dynasty
593Shang SunRequests Tülan to kill Sui Dai, but he refusesTo demonstrate he no longer is a vassal to the Sui
593Shang SunOffers Princess Anyi to Zhangar Khan if he will kill Sui DaiTo create a rival to Tülan's power and thus restore a balance of power by creating another civil war
593TülanSuspects Zhangar of treasonZhangar has received so many gifts and visits from Chinese, this is tantamount to diplomatic recognition
594TülanMakes peace with TarduTardu has eliminated his rival; this act formally recognizes the independence of the far-west region from the Khanate
594Shang sunBribes an official of the toy and exposes Sui Dai plotting with Chinese (Chen government in exile) and Sogdians (with one of whom she is having an affair)To make the Tülan lose face in front of the toy to weaken his power, also to provide a pretext for killing the troublesome Sui Dai
594TülanExecutes Sui DaiUnder Turkic custom, adultery is punished by the death penalty
597ZhangarMarries Sui Anyi and rebels against TülanBy marrying the Princess, he has a claim to sovereignty
597TülanKills Zhangar's family and drives him to the Ordos Loop under Sui Imperial protectionAsserts his authority
598TarduDefeats Nili, Chulo takes his placeAsserts his authority
599TülanKilled in Töle revoltTöle tribes take advantage of the chaos to gain independence
600TarduDefeats Chulo and declares himself supreme QağanA vacuum of power has been created by the loss of Zhangar, Chulo and Tülan
600ChuloTakes Sui Imperial protectionThe Sui Empire needs him to balance the power of Tardu
600Erkin TeginInitiates diplomatic contacts with ChinaThis is the first official account of the Uyghur tribe, which at this time lived in the Tola valley with 10,000 yurts
601Chang SunshengCreates an alliance with the Töle Beys including Erkin Tegin of the Uyghur tribeThis is the first official account of the Uyghur tribe, which at this time lived in the Tola valley with 10,000 yurts
601TarduAttacks ChanganAs a warning to the Sui Empire not to interfere in the Turk's internal power struggles
601Shang sunPoisons all the wells in the Gobi DesertTardu's army is superior and cannot be defeated by conventional warfare
603Erkin TeginTöle tribes revolt against TarduThe Chinese are afraid of Tardu and must eliminate his base of power
603TarduAbdicates to Tibet???
603Erkin TeginTöle alliance dissolves in the aftermath of the revolt; three tribes come under Uyghur control (Bugut, Tongra and Bayirqu)The Uyghurs gained enough qut to pull in other tribes to the alliance
603ZhangarMarries Sui Yicheng and assumes the title Qağan, but as a vassal to chinaZhangar is the last of the vassal khans to China. He is particularly devoted and loyal
603ChuloAssumes title Qağan in the far-west region, but as a vassal to China; rules from Tashkent and KuchaSince Tardu has been eliminated, power reverts to the House of Muqan
605Sui Yang-DiAscends the Dragon Throne???
609ShipiTakes power after Zhangar???
609Chang SunshengReplaced by Peichu???
609PeichuOffers to support Shipi's brother Qağan and a Chinese Princess, but he refusesThe traditional tactic of dividing power counter Shipi's growing strength
611ChuloAttempts to extend his authority over the TöleBy taxing their livestock
611TöleTöle tribes revolt under Syr-Tardush drives out ChuloUyghurs occupy second position in the alliance
611ShekueiTakes power and restores House of Tardu???
615ShipiSubjugates the Töle???
615ShipiStops paying taxes to the Sui EmpireAsserts sovereignty
615PeichuLures Sogdian vizers to the city of Mai and kills them in a trapTo keep them from exposing the Chinese plots to the Qağan
615ShipiAttacks Sui Yang-DiRevenge for his treachery at Mai
615Sui YichingLies to her husband that the Töle tribes are in revoltSo he will leave, saving Sui Yang-Di from capture
615Yang-DiSui Empire begins civil warThe humiliation of his defeat damages his prestige
616Tang TaizongCaptures Changan with support of Turks; he gains 20,000 horses and 5,000 cavalry in return for giving the rights to plunder all the gold and women in Changan???
618Tang TaizongPlaces his father as Emperor of the Tang dynasty???
626Tang TaizongKills his brothers and becomes EmperorThe Wu-men Gate incident
627Khile QaganTries to tax the Töle to replace his horses that were killed during a summer snow???
627Aynan KhanInitiates a Syr-Tardush lead revolt of Töle tribes against Khile-QağanThe Uyghurs again occupy second position under Pusa Ilteber
627Aynan KhanDeclares a Khanate at Otuken???
630TaizongAttacks in coordination with Khitan and Töle, utterly defeating the Turks and taking Khile-Qaghan prisonerTang-Töle alliance replaces Sui-Töle against the Turks
632Tang TaizongAnnexes all Tokharian city states as vassalsIndirect Chinese rule of Tarim city states
640Tang TaizongKucha (Kutsi) rebels in alliance with Onoq???
640Songtsen GampoUnifies Tibet with Buddhism as the state religion???
645Jubi QağanUnifies Onoq???
646Pusa (菩萨), son of Tejian (特健)Allies with Syr-Tardush to defeat Eastern QaġanateHe is granted with a Chinese title of prefect creating a legal precedent for leadership
646Tumitu Ilteber (吐迷度)Assassinates Pusa and defeats the Syr-Tardush; declares a state at OtukenFirst Uyghur state; this becomes the precedent for all later claims for the right to rule. Moreover, he is a Chinese vassal paying a tax of furs
648Tang TaizongReplaces all vassal Tokharian kings with Chinese officials under the governor-general in Kaochang; the Tarim Basin is now the western protectorateThe Chinese are now directly rule the Tarim city states
648Tumitu IlteberAssassinated by nephew Wuhe, who is in turn assassinated by Chinese spiesWuhe is a Gokturk sympathizer and therefore an enemy of Chinese interests
648Pojuan Ilteber (婆闰)Installed as new Khan; he becomes a loyal vassal of ChinaUyghurs now carry Chinese titles and work as mercenaries in the 'pacifed west'
650???China captures Kashgar and Khotan???
650Tang TaizongDies, his son Kaozong creating a scandal by marrying Taizong's former concubine Zhou Wu-MeiBy custom, Wu-Mei should have retired to a convent after her husband's death. This unusual marriage indicates she had an extramarital affair with Kaozong prior to Taizong's death
651Holu KhanUnifies the Onoq and threatens China???
651Pojuan IlteberDefeats Korean rebellionThe Uyghurs view the Chinese as both allies and kingmakers
651???Arabs advance to Herat???
652???Arabs sack Balkh, then return to Khorosan???
657Pojuan KhanLeads Uyğur army and defeats Holu in the name of the Tang EmpireOnoq power is broken, the Uyghurs ally with China to defeat the last remnants of their ancestral enemy, the Turks Chu valley
657Pojuan KhanKilled during the battle of Goguryeo (高句丽)The Chinese break off diplomatic ties with Uyghur
659KaozongCreates 10 tribal states in Onoq territory of which each one is governed by a vassal khanThe far-western region of the Turks is now subdued by China
659XuanzongChina annexes Suyab and Tashkent, marking the maximum extent of Chinese power???
660GaozongSuffers stroke and delegates power to his wife Wu Zetian???
661???Onoq and Tibet drive the Tang out of Tarim???
660TieleRevolt against ChinaTribute has not been paid
661PilatuSucceeds her brother as Ilteber???
621Wu ZetianSuppresses revolt at Khangai???
663PilatuUyghur power declines???
663???Arabs invade Bactria???
663???Tibet takes Vakhan, Gilit and Kashgar???
665???Onoq enters revolt???
670???Tibet seizes four garrisons with the Chinese army retreating to TurpanThe Chinese divert their trade route north from Turpan to Beshbaliq, Suyab and Tashkent
679???Tibet controls four garrisons???
680KutlugDeclares Orkhon KhanateEnd of Tang Imperial control of Mongolian Steppe
681Pro-China TieleEscapes to LiangzhouThey have lost qut and must flee to the steppe
682KutlugReunites the 16 tribesRise of Turk power
682TuchiachiIs defeated by Kutluk; the Uyghurs move to the Selenga valleyThe Uyghur lose sovereignty but not autonomy
683Wu ZetianTakes the Dragon ThroneThis is a coup d'état
688KutlugDefeats Uyğurs???
690Wu ZetianSeizes absolute power by appealing to Buddhist millennialism???
691KutlugDefeats Toquz-Oghuz???
692Wu ZetianRecovers Karashahr and Kucha???
692KapğanSucceeds his brother as the new QağanTraditional succession from older to younger brother
692???Tang Imperial army retakes the four garrisons???
693KapğanDefeats Tang Imperial army???
694Wu ZetianRecovers Khotan and Kashgar???
698KapğanDefeats Türğish at the battle of Bolchu near Lake UrunguThis rendered the western steppe region vassal to the Orkhon Khanate
700Bilgä shadAttacks Tangut Kingdom???
701Tonyukuk-AyguchyCaptures SogdianaThis was a vassal of the Onoq to achieve total victory over his enemies
702KapğanAttacks Xia Kingdom???
703???Turko-Tibetan alliance is formed, but fails to defeat Tang army???
703???Onoq retakes Suyab???
705Wu ZetianAbdicates to Zhongzong???
705???Tibetan-Gandharan alliance is formed and drives the Arabs from Bactria???
705QutaybaAppointed governor of Khorosan???
706QutaybaCaptures Bukhara???
707Bukharan leaderAsks Khapgan for military support against the Arabs???
708XuanzongOffers reward to three vassal tribes for the head of Kapğan???
710ZhongzongPoisoned by his wife Empress Wei who has an affair with Wu Sansi???
710XuanzongTakes power with his aunt Princess Taiping (daughter of Empress Wu)???
710Kyrgyz tribesRevolt and are defeated???
710QutaybaPlaces Tugshada on the throne of Bukhara and Ghurek on the throne of Samarkand???
711Turgish KhanRevolt begins???
711QarlukRevolt and are defeated in 714???
712XuanzongBegins reign and kills Princess Taiping???
712QutaybaInvades Bactria???
712Samarkand leaderAsks Khapgan for military support against the Arabs???
712???Turks control Sogd???
712King of FarganaFlees to Kucha under Chinese protection???
714Izgil tribeRevolt and are defeated in 715???
715Toquz-Oguz tribeRevolt and are defeated in 716 (this revolt includes the Uyghur tribe)???
715QutaybaAssassinated by his troops in the Fargana valleybecause he wishes to continue the campaign against the orders of the Caliph
715King of FaraganaReturns as a Chinese vassal???
715King of FaraganaReturns as a Chinese vassal???
716Bayirqu tribeRevolt and are defeated, but a rouge warrior ambushes Kapğan and kills him and sends his head to Changan with envoy Ho Lingchüan (July 22, Tola river)???
716Uyğur tribeRevolt with Qarluk and Toquz-oguzAlthough defeated they become autonomous vassals in the Selenga valley
716BilgäKills Inel, Kapğan's whole family and all his officialsInel is not fit to rule, moreover, by Turk law the throne should pass to Bilgä
718BilgäRestores peace and ends all revolts???
720XuanzongTries to attack Bilgä in coordination with Basmyl and Khitans, but fails, therefore accepting the terms of Bilgä's peace???
721XuanzongChina controls Suyab, Kucha, Kashgar, Tashkent and Fargana???
721XuanzongArabo-Turgish-Tibetan alliance defeats Chinese army; the Arabs take Faragana and the Turgish take Suyab???
721???Tashkent becomes independent???
721???Sogdo-Turgish alliance attacks Arabs???
727BilgäRefuses an anti-Tang alliance with the Tibetans???
728???Sogdo-Turgish alliance liberates Sogd???
729???Arabs control Bactria and SamarkandTurgish control of Sogd, Fargana and Suyab; China control of North Tarim and Tibet control South Tarim
731Köl TeginDies???
734BilgäPoisoned by Buyruk Chor as part of a Chinese conspiracy???
736???Sino-Arabian alliance is formed and defeats the Turgish at SuyabChina annexes Suyab, while Arabs occupy Sogd
739???Tibet allies with GandharaChina annexes Suyab, while Arabs occupy Sogd
739GhurekReign ends???
742XuanzongBegins affair with Yang Gueifei and leaves power in the hands of An Rokhan???
744Ozmish KhanKilled by Uyghur, Basmyl, Qarluk rebellion???
745???Qarluk and Uyghur overthrow Basmyl Khan???
745???Uyghur defeat Qarluk and declare a new Khanate at Otuken; the Qarluk move to the far-west region???
745Abu MuslimBegins a Jihad in Sogd???
747Bayan ChorBegins reign???
748???Abbasid Caliphate begins???
750Chabish of Tashkent and Ilkhshid of FarganaBegin a dispute; Chinese ally Ilkhshid and Turkish ally the Chabish send for help???
750General Kao HsienchihSacks Tashkent after it surrenders, taking the Chabish and the Khan to be executed in Changan???
750Son of ChabishPetitions governor Ziyad ibn Salih in Samarkand for revenge???
751Abu MuslimSends army at the request of Governor Salih, meeting the Kao Hsienchih at Talas???
755Abu MuslimAssassinated???
755An RokhanRebels against Xuanzong???
755An RokhanCaptures Changan???
756XuanzongAbdicates and Yang Guifei is killed???
759Bogu KhanBegins reign???
763Bogu KhanEnds Ungluk Suyluk Topilingi (An Lushan) rebellion???


  • Güzel, Hasan Celal; Oğuz, C. Cem (2002), The Turks, vol. 2, Ankara: Yeni Türkiye, ISBN 975-6782-55-2, OCLC 49960917.