Hello, for various professional reasons I'm using a pseudonym. My relevant interests are history (especially 20th century Middle-Eastern and European including Holocaust), and to a lesser extent political, religious and cultural issues. I do not have a personal connection, either by family, descent, or religion, with the people and places I write about in Wikipedia.

Self portrait with feet

Countries I have visited (sometimes before they existed)

Australia (all states),Austria,Barbados,Belgium,Brazil,Bulgaria,Canada (6 provinces),China (mainland and Hong Kong),Czech Republic,Denmark,Fiji,Finland,France,Germany (East, West, and reunified),Hungary,India,Indonesia,Iran,Israel,Italy,Japan,South Korea,Liechtenstein,Luxembourg,Malta,Mexico,Netherlands,New Zealand (both islands),Oman,Palestine (West Bank and Gaza),Poland,Portugal,Russia (when it was part of the USSR),Serbia (when it was part of Yugoslavia),Singapore,Slovakia (when it was in Czechoslovakia and afterwards too),Slovenia,South Africa,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan,Thailand,Turkey,United Kingdom (England, Scotland and Wales),United States of America (40 states),Vatican City

A test account I have

Zero0001 (talk · contribs) is used by me to test aspects of Wikipedia's protection/authorization system that I cannot test from an administrator's account.

Some tasks that need doing