This user eats Swedish Fish.
This user has a pet Ball Python.
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
Majority ≠ right This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.
This user believes that fuck is the most versatile word in the English language.
13377h15 d00d |2 1337 t3h pwnz l0l0l0l!!11!
This user thinks the Nintendo DS is the best handheld game console ever!
This user can divide by zero.
VThis user knows Ideas are bulletproof!
This user is a MSTie.
Soylent Green is People!
This user's TV service provider is a pair of rabbit ears.
This user is straight but not narrow.