
Ticktocktenoclock is a university student who is hoping to recieve her bachelor's degree in French, with a teaching certificate. She spends a fair amount of time on the internet. While she does enjoy talking to people from all over the world, she is not afraid of anyone. At all. Ever. She strongly opposes the war in Iraq, and believes that violence is never the answer. Although she usually takes a moderate stance on controversial issues, most of the time, she does lean to the left of things. If you'd like to know more about her, then see the userboxes below. I hate talking about myself.


I do play a little piano, but I'm not quite where I'd like to be yet. I also write a little, but I'm not entirely sure if my editors are right in calling my work "spectacular". I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, because I love them all and they're just fantastic people. I am also a Resident Evil fan, and I play when I have spare time.

Please DO NOT irritate me.

If you think you are smarter, better, prettier, ect. than everyone else, do not contact me. Ever. If you DON'T fall under that category, and you would like to risk talking to me, you can find me on MSN messenger. My ID is

This user was born during the reign of Elizabeth II and the premiership of Margaret Thatcher.
This user is a female contributor.
IQThis user's Intelligence Quotient is above average.