User:The Anome/U.S. Military Dictionary terms

This is a list of military terms, taken from from Joint Publication 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 12 April 2001 (as amended through 30 November 2004), which as a work of the United States federal government is in the public domain. Source document downloaded on 2007-12-26, from


abort --above-the-line publications --absolute altimeter --absolute dud --absolute filter --absolute height --absorbed dose --acceptability --access to classified information --accidental attack --accompanying supplies --accountability --accounting line designator --accuracy of fire --accuracy of information --acoustical surveillance --acoustic circuit --acoustic intelligence --acoustic jamming --acoustic mine --acoustic minehunting --acoustic warfare --acoustic warfare counter-countermeasures --acoustic warfare countermeasures --acoustic warfare support measures --acquire --acquire (radar) --acquisition --acquisition and cross-servicing agreement --action agent --action deferred --action information center --action phase --activation --activation detector --active air defense --active communications satellite --active defense --active duty --active duty for special work --active duty for training --Active Guard and Reserve --active homing guidance --active material --active mine --active public affairs policy --active sealift forces --active status --activity --act of mercy --actual ground zero --actuate --acute radiation dose --adequacy --adjust --administrative airlift service --administrative control --administrative escort --administrative landing --administrative lead time --administrative loading --administrative map --administrative movement --administrative order --administrative shipping --advanced base --advanced logistic support site --advanced operations base --advance force --advance guard --advance guard reserve --advance guard support --adverse weather --adverse weather aerial delivery system --advisory area --aerial picket --aerial port --aerial port control center --aerial port squadron --aerodynamic missile --aeromedical evacuation --aeromedical evacuation cell --aeromedical evacuation control officer --aeromedical evacuation control team --aeromedical evacuation coordination center --aeromedical evacuation system --aeromedical evacuation unit --aeronautical chart --aeronautical information overprint --aeronautical plotting chart --aerosol --aerospace --aerospace defense --affiliation training --afloat pre-positioning force --afloat pre-positioning operations --afloat pre-positioning ships --afloat support --afterwinds --agency --agent --agent authentication --agent net --aggressor forces --aimpoint --air --air alert --air and space expeditionary task force --air apportionment --air assault --air assault force --air assault operation --air attack --airborne --airborne alert --airborne assault --airborne assault weapon --airborne command post --airborne early warning --airborne early warning and control --airborne force --airborne interception equipment --airborne lift --airborne mission commander --airborne operation --airborne order --airborne radio relay --airborne sensor operator --airborne troops --air-breathing missile --airburst --air-capable ship --air cargo --Air Carrier Initiative Program --air cartographic camera --air cartographic photography --air component coordination element --air control operations --air corridor --aircraft --aircraft arresting barrier --aircraft arresting cable --aircraft arresting gear --aircraft arresting hook --aircraft arresting system --aircraft arresting wire --aircraft arrestment --aircraft block speed --aircraft captain --aircraft carrier --aircraft commander --aircraft control and warning system --aircraft cross-servicing --aircraft loading table --aircraft mission equipment --aircraft modification --aircraft monitoring and control --aircraft piracy --aircraft role equipment --aircraft scrambling --aircraft store --aircraft tiedown --aircraft transient servicing --aircraft utilization --aircraft vectoring --air cushion vehicle --air defense --air defense action area --air defense area --air defense artillery --air defense battle zone --air defense control center --air defense direction center --air defense division --air defense early warning --air defense emergency --air defense ground environment --air defense identification zone --air defense operations center --air defense operations team --air defense readiness --air defense region --air defense sector --air defense suppression --air defense warning conditions --Air defense warning yellow --Air defense warning red --Air defense warning white --air delivery --air delivery container --air delivery equipment --air direct delivery --airdrop --airdrop platform --air employment/allocation plan --air expeditionary force --air expeditionary wing --air facility --airfield --airfield traffic --Air Force air and space operations center --Air Force Component Headquarters --Air Force special operations base --Air Force special operations component --Air Force special operations detachment --Air Force special operations element --Air Force special operations forces --airhead --airhead line --air intercept control common --air interception --attack phase --air intercept zone --air interdiction --air landed --air landed operation --air-launched ballistic missile --air liaison officer --airlift capability --airlift control team --airlift coordination cell --airlift mission commander --airlift requirement --airlift service --air logistic support --air logistic support operation --airmiss --air mission --air mission intelligence report --airmobile forces --airmobile operation --air mobility --Air Mobility Command --air mobility control team --air mobility division --air mobility element --air mobility express --air movement --air movement column --air movement table --air observation --air observation post --air observer --air observer adjustment --air offensive --air photographic reconnaissance --air picket --air plot --airport --air portable --airport surface detection equipment --airport surveillance radar --airport traffic area --air position --air priorities committee --air raid reporting control ship --air reconnaissance --air reconnaissance liaison officer --air refueling --air refueling control point --air refueling control team --air refueling control time --air refueling initiation point --air request net --air route --air route traffic control center --air smuggling event --air sovereignty --air sovereignty mission --airspace control --airspace control area --airspace control authority --airspace control boundary --airspace control center --airspace control facility --airspace control in the combat zone --airspace control order --airspace control plan --airspace control procedures --airspace control sector --airspace control system --airspace coordinating measures --airspace coordination area --airspace management --airspace reservation --airspace restrictions --air space warning area --airspeed --airspeed indicator --air staging unit --air station --air strike --air strike coordinator --air strip --air superiority --air supply --air support --air support operations center --air support request --air supremacy --air surface zone --air surveillance --air surveillance officer --air survey camera --air survey photography --air target chart --Air Target Materials Program --air target mosaic --air tasking order --air tasking order/confirmation --air terminal --air-to-air guided missile --air-to-surface guided missile --air traffic control and landing system --air traffic control center --air traffic control clearance --air traffic control facility --air traffic controller --air traffic control service --air traffic identification --air traffic section --air transportable unit --air transported operations --air transport group --airway --airways station --air weapons controller --alert --alert force --alerting service --alert order --all appropriate action --alliance --allocation --allocation (air) --allocation (nuclear) --allocation request --allocation (transportation) --allotment --allowable cabin load --allowable load --allowable stacking weight --all-source intelligence --all-weather air defense fighter --alongside replenishment --alphabet code --alternate airfield --alternate command authority --alternate command post --alternate headquarters --alternative --altitude --altitude acclimatization --altitude chamber --altitude datum --altitude delay --altitude height --altitude hole --altitude separation --altitude slot --ambient temperature --ambulance exchange point --American National Standards Institute --ammunition --ammunition and toxic material open space --ammunition controlled supply rate --ammunition lot --ammunition supply point --amphibian --amphibious assault --amphibious assault area --amphibious assault bulk fuel system --amphibious assault landing --amphibious assault ship (general purpose) --amphibious chart --amphibious command ship --amphibious construction battalion --amphibious control group --amphibious demonstration --amphibious force --amphibious group --amphibious lift --amphibious objective area --amphibious objective study --amphibious operation --amphibious planning --amphibious raid --amphibious reconnaissance --amphibious reconnaissance unit --amphibious shipping --amphibious squadron --amphibious striking forces --amphibious task force --amphibious tractor --amphibious transport dock --amphibious transport group --amphibious vehicle --amphibious vehicle availability table --amphibious vehicle employment plan --amphibious vehicle launching area --amphibious withdrawal --analysis and production --anchorage --anchor cable --anchor line extension kit --annex --annotated print --annotation --annual screening --annual training --antemortem identification media --antenna mine --antiarmor helicopter --anticountermining device --antideficiency violations --anti-G suit --antilift device --antimateriel agent --antimateriel operation --antipersonnel mine (land mine warfare) --antiradiation missile --antirecovery device --antisubmarine action --antisubmarine air distant support --antisubmarine air search attack unit --antisubmarine barrier --antisubmarine close air support --antisubmarine operation --antisubmarine patrol --antisubmarine screen --antisubmarine search --antisubmarine support operation --antisubmarine warfare --antisubmarine warfare forces --antisurface air operation --antisweep device --antisweeper mine --antitank helicopter --antitank mine --antiterrorism --antiterrorism awareness --antiwatching device --any Service member mail --apogee --apparent horizon --apparent precession --appendix --applicable materiel assets --application --apportionment --apportionment (air) --approach clearance --approach control --approach end of runway --approach lane --approach march --approach schedule --approach sequence --approach time --approval authority --apron --archipelagic sea lanes passage --architecture --archive --area air defense commander --area assessment --area bombing --area command --area control center --area damage control --area of influence --area of intelligence responsibility --area of interest --area of limitation --area of militarily significant fallout --area of northern operations --area of operations --area of responsibility --area of separation --area operations --area oriented --area radar prediction analysis --area search --area target --armament delivery recording --armed forces --armed forces censorship --armed forces courier --Armed Forces Courier Service --armed forces courier station --Armed Forces of the United States --Armed Forces Radio and Television Service --armed helicopter --armed mine --armed reconnaissance --armed sweep --arming --arming delay device --arming lanyard --arming pin --arming system --arming wire --armistice --armistice demarcation line --arm or de-arm --armored personnel carrier --arms control --arms control agreement --arms control agreement verification --arms control measure --Army Air Defense Command Post --Army air-ground system --Army and Air Force Exchange Service imprest fund activity --Army base --Army corps --Army service area --Army Service component command --Army special operations component --Army special operations forces --Army tactical data link 1 --arresting barrier --arresting gear --arrival zone --artificial horizon --artillery fire plan table --artillery survey control point --assault --assault aircraft --assault area --assault area diagram --assault craft --assault craft unit --assault echelon --assault fire --assault follow-on echelon --assault phase --assault schedule --assault shipping --assault wave --assembly --assembly anchorage --assembly area --assessment --asset (intelligence) --assign --assistance mechanism --assisted recovery --assumed azimuth --assumed grid --assumption --astern fueling --asymmetrical sweep --atmospheric environment --at my command --atomic air burst --atomic defense --atomic demolition munition --atomic underground burst --atomic underwater burst --atomic warfare --atomic weapon --at priority call --at sea --attach --attachment --attack assessment --attack cargo ship --attack group --attack heading --attack helicopter --attack origin --attack pattern --attack position --attack timing --attenuation --attenuation factor --attitude --attitude indicator --attrition --attrition minefield --attrition rate --attrition reserve aircraft --attrition sweeping --augmentation forces --authenticate --authentication --authenticator --autocode format --automated data handling --automated identification technology --automatic approach and landing --automatic data handling --automatic data processing --automatic flight control system --automatic message processing system --automatic resupply --automatic search jammer --Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network --automatic supply --automation network --autonomous operation --availability date --available payload --available-to-load date --avenue of approach --average speed --aviation combat element --aviation life support equipment --aviation medicine --aviation ship --avoidance --axial route --axis of advance --azimuth --azimuth angle --azimuth guidance --azimuth resolution --


backfill --background count --background radiation --back-haul airlift --backscatter --back-scattering --back tell --back-up --backwash --balance --balanced stock(s) --balance station zero --bale cubic capacity --balisage --ballistic missile --ballistic missile early warning system --ballistics --ballistic trajectory --ballistic wind --balloon barrage --balloon reflector --bandwidth --bank angle --bar --bare base --barge --barometric altitude --barrage --barrage fire --barrage jamming --barricade --barrier --barrier combat air patrol --barrier forces --barrier, obstacle, and mine warfare plan --bar scale --base --base cluster --base cluster commander --base cluster operations center --base command --base commander --base complex --base defense --base defense forces --base defense operations center --base defense zone --base development (less force beddown) --base development plan --base element --base line --baseline environmental survey --base map --base of operations --base period --base section --base surge --base unit --baseline costs --basic cover --basic encyclopedia --basic intelligence --basic load --basic military route network --basic research --basic stocks --basic stopping power --basic tactical organization --basic undertakings --basis of issue --bathymetric contour --battalion landing team --battery --battery center --battery (troop) left (right) --battle damage assessment --battle damage indicator --battle damage repair --battlefield coordination detachment --battlefield illumination --battlefield surveillance --battle force --battle reserves --battlespace --battlespace awareness --beach --beach capacity --beach group --beachhead --beach landing site --beach marker --beachmaster --beachmaster unit --beach minefield --beach organization --beach party --beach party commander --beach photography --beach reserves --beach support area --beach survey --beach width --beam rider --beam width --bearing --beaten zone --begin morning civil twilight --begin morning nautical twilight --beleaguered --below-the-line publications --berm, natural --besieged --bight --bilateral infrastructure --bill --billet --binary chemical munition --binding --bin storage --biographical intelligence --biological agent --biological ammunition --biological defense --biological environment --biological half-time --biological operation --biological threat --biological warfare --biological weapon --black --black list --black propaganda --blast effect --blast line --blast wave --blast wave diffraction --bleeding edge --blind transmission --blister agent --blocking and chocking --blocking position --block shipment --block stowage loading --blood agent --blood chit --blood chit (intelligence) --blowback --Blue Bark --boat diagram --boat group --boat lane --boat space --boattail --boat wave --bomb disposal unit --bomber --bomb impact plot --bombing angle --bombing run --bomb release line --bomb release point --bona fides --bonding --booby trap --booster --boost phase --border --border break --border crosser --boresafe fuze --bottom mine --bound --boundary --bouquet mine --bracketing --branch --breakaway --breakbulk cargo --breakbulk ship --breaker --breaker angle --breakoff position --break-up --brevity code --bridgehead --bridgehead line --briefing --brigade --broach --buffer distance --buffer zone --bug --bugged --building systems --buildup --bulk cargo --bulk petroleum product --bulk storage --bullseye --burn notice --burnout --burnout velocity --burn-through range --


cache --calibrated focal length --call fire --call for fire --call sign --camera axis --camera axis direction --camera calibration --camera cycling rate --camera nadir --camouflage --camouflage detection photography --camouflet --campaign --campaign plan --campaign planning --canalize --cannibalize --cannot observe --cantilever lifting frame --capability --capacity load (Navy) --capstone publications --capstone requirements document --capsule --captive firing --captured --cardinal point effect --caretaker status --cargo classification (combat loading) --cargo increment number --cargo outturn message --cargo outturn report --cargo sling --cargo tie-down point --cargo transporter --carpet bombing --carrier air wing --carrier battle group --carrier striking force --cartel --CARVER --case --casual --casualty --casualty category --casualty evacuation --casualty receiving and treatment ship --casualty status --casualty type --catalytic attack --catalytic war --catapult --categories of data --causeway --causeway launching area --caveat --C-day --CEASE BUZZER --cease fire --cease fire line --ceiling --celestial sphere --cell --cell system --censorship --center of burst --centers of gravity --centigray --central control officer --centralized control --centralized receiving and shipping point --centrally managed item --central procurement --chaff --chain --chain of command --Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction --Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual --Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff memorandum of policy --Chairman's program assessment --Chairman's program recommendations --chalk commander --chalk number --chalk troops --challenge --chancery --change of operational control --channel airlift --characteristic actuation probability --characteristic actuation width --characteristic detection probability --characteristic detection width --charged demolition target --chart base --chart index --chart location of the battery --chart series --chart sheet --check firing --checkout --checkpoint --check sweeping --chemical agent --chemical agent cumulative action --chemical ammunition --chemical ammunition cargo --chemical, biological, and radiological operation --chemical contamination --chemical defense --chemical dose --chemical environment --chemical horn --chemical monitoring --chemical operation --chemical survey --chemical warfare --chemical weapon --chief Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps censor --chief of mission --chief of staff --chronic radiation dose --chuffing --CINC's required date --CINC's strategic concept --cipher --circular error probable --civic action --civil administration --civil affairs --civil affairs activities --civil affairs agreement --civil augmentation program --civil censorship --civil damage assessment --civil defense --civil defense emergency --civil defense intelligence --civil disturbance --civil disturbance readiness conditions --civil engineering --civil engineering support plan --civilian internee --civilian internee camp --civil-military operations --civil-military operations center --civil nuclear power --civil requirements --civil reserve air fleet --civil transportation --clandestine operation --classes of supply --classification --classification of bridges and vehicles --classified contract --classified information --classified matter --clean aircraft --cleansing station --clear --clearance capacity --clearance rate --clearing operation --clock code position --close air support --close-controlled air interception --closed area --close support --close support area --closure --closure minefield --closure shortfall --cloud amount --cloud chamber effect --cloud top height --cluster bomb unit --clutter --coalition --coalition action --coalition coordination cell --coarse mine --coassembly --coastal convoy --coastal frontier --coastal refraction --coastal sea control --code --code word --cold war --collaborative purchase --collapse depth --collate --collateral damage --collection --collection (acquisition) --collection agency --collection asset --collection coordination facility line number --collection management --collection management authority --collection manager --collection operations management --collection plan --collection planning --collection point --collection requirement --collection requirements management --collection resource --collective call sign --collective nuclear, biological, and chemical protection --collective self-defense --collocation --colored beach --column formation --column gap --column length --combat air patrol --combat airspace control --combat and operational stress --combatant command --combatant command chaplain --combatant command (command authority) --combatant commander --combat area --combat assessment --combat camera --combat cargo officer --combat chart --combat control team --combat engineering --combat forces --combat information --combat information center --combating terrorism --combat intelligence --combat loading --combat power --combat readiness --combat search and rescue --combat search and rescue mission coordinator --combat search and rescue task force --combat service support --combat service support area --combat service support element --combat service support elements --combat support --combat support elements --combat support troops --combat surveillance --combat surveillance radar --combat survival --combat vehicle --combat visual information support center --combat zone --combination influence mine --combination mission/level of effort-oriented items --combined --combined airspeed indicator --combined arms team --combined force --combined influence mine --combined joint special operations task force --combined operation --combustor --command --command and control --command and control system --command and control warfare --command axis --command center --command channel --command chaplain --command, control, communications, and computer systems --command controlled stocks --command destruct signal --command detonated mine --command ejection system --command element --commander, amphibious task force --commander, landing force --commander's concept --commander's critical information requirements --commander's estimate of the situation --commander's intent --command guidance --command information --commanding officer of troops --command net --command post --command post exercise --command relationships --command select ejection system --command-sponsored dependent --commercial items --commercial loading --commercial vehicle --commission --commit --commodity loading --commodity manager --commonality --common control (artillery) --common infrastructure --common item --common operating environment --common operational picture --common servicing --common supplies --common use --common use alternatives --common-use container --common-user airlift service --common-user item --common-user logistics --common-user military land transportation --common-user network --common-user ocean terminals --common-user sealift --common-user transportation --communicate --communication deception --communication operation instructions --communications center --communications intelligence --communications intelligence database --communications mark --communications net --communications network --communications satellite --communications security --cryptosecurity --communications security equipment --communications security material --communications security monitoring --communications terminal --communications zone --community relations --community relations program --comparative cover --compartmentation --compass rose --complaint-type investigation --complete round --complex contingency operations --component --component (materiel) --component-owned container --component search and rescue controller --composite air photography --composite warfare commander --composite wing --compression chamber --compromise --compromised --computed air release point --computer intrusion --computer intrusion detection --computer modeling --computer network attack --computer network defense --computer security --computer simulation --concealment --concentration area --concept of intelligence operations --concept of logistic support --concept of operations --concept plan --condensation cloud --condensation trail --condition --conducting staff --configuration management --confirmation of information (intelligence) --conflict --confusion agent --confusion reflector --connecting route --connectivity --consecutive voyage charter --consequence management --console --consolidated vehicle table --consolidation --consolidation of position --constellation --constitute --constructive presence --consumable supplies and materiel --consumer --consumer logistics --consumption rate --contact --contact burst preclusion --contact mine --contact point --contact print --contact procedure --contact reconnaissance --contact report --contain --container --container anchorage terminal --container control officer --container-handling equipment --containerization --containership --container ship cargo stowage adapter --contaminate --contaminated remains --contamination --contamination control --contiguous zone --continental United States --continental United States replacement center --contingency --contingency contracting --contingency engineering management organization --contingency operation --contingency plan --contingency planning facilities list program --Contingency Planning Guidance --contingency response program --contingency retention stock --contingency ZIP Code --contingent effects --continuity of command --continuity of operations --continuous fire --continuous strip camera --continuous strip imagery --contour flight --contour interval --contour line --contracted logistic support --contracting officer --contract maintenance --contract termination --control --control area --control group --control (intelligence) --controllable mine --controlled airspace --controlled dangerous air cargo --controlled effects nuclear weapons --controlled exercise --controlled firing area --controlled forces --controlled information --controlled item --controlled map --controlled mosaic --controlled passing --controlled port --controlled reprisal --controlled response --controlled route --controlled shipping --controlled substance --controlled war --control of electromagnetic radiation --control point --control zone --conventional forces --conventional mines --conventional recovery operation --conventional weapon --converge --converged sheaf --convergence --convergence factor --convergence zone --conversion angle --conversion scale --convoy --convoy commodore --convoy dispersal point --convoy escort --convoy joiner --convoy leaver --convoy loading --convoy route --convoy schedule --convoy speed --convoy terminal area --convoy through escort --convoy title --cooperative logistics --cooperative logistic support arrangements --coordinated draft plan --coordinated fire line --coordinated procurement assignee --Coordinated Universal Time --coordinates --coordinating altitude --coordinating authority --coordinating point --coordinating review authority --coproduction --copy negative --corner reflector --corps support command --corps troops --correlation factor --cost contract --cost-plus a fixed-fee contract --cost sharing contract --counterair --counterattack --counterbattery fire --counterdeception --counterdrug --counterdrug nonoperational support --counterdrug operational support --counterdrug operations --counterdrug support office --counterespionage --counterfire --counterforce --counterguerrilla warfare --counterinsurgency --counterintelligence --counterintelligence activities --counterintelligence collection --counterintelligence investigations --counterintelligence operational tasking authority --counterintelligence operations --counterintelligence production --counterintelligence support --countermeasures --countermine --countermine operation --countermining --countermobility operations --countermove --counteroffensive --counterpreparation fire --counterproliferation --counterpropaganda operations --counterreconnaissance --countersabotage --countersign --countersubversion --countersurveillance --counterterrorism --country cover diagram --country team --coup de main --courier --course --course of action --course of action development --cover --coverage --covering fire --covering force --covering force area --cover (military) --cover search --covert operation --coxswain --crash locator beacon --crash position indicator --crash rescue and fire suppression --crater --cratering charge --crater radius --creeping barrage --creeping mine --crest --crested --crisis --crisis action planning --crisis management --critical information --Critical Infrastructure Protection --critical intelligence --critical item --critical item list --critical joint duty assignment billet --critical mass --critical node --critical occupational specialty --critical point --critical safety item --critical speed --critical supplies and materiel --critical sustainability item --critic report --crossing area --cross-leveling --cross-loading (personnel) --cross-servicing --cross-targeting (nuclear) --cross tell --cruise missile --cruising altitude --cruising level --crush depth --cryogenic liquid --cryptanalysis --cryptochannel --cryptographic information --cryptologic --cryptology --cryptomaterial --cryptopart --cryptosecurity --cryptosystem --CSAR-capable assets --CSAR-dedicated assets --culminating point --cultivation --culture --curb weight --current --current force --current intelligence --current, offshore --current, rip --curve of pursuit --cusps --custodian of postal effects --custody --customer ship --customer wait time --Customs Over-The-Horizon Enforcement Network --cut-off --cutoff attack --cut-off velocity --cutout --cutter --cutting charge --cyber counterintelligence --cyberspace --


daily intelligence summary --daily movement summary (shipping) --damage area --damage assessment --damage control --damage criteria --damage estimation --damage expectancy (nuclear) --damage radius --damage threat --danger area --danger close --dangerous cargo --danger space --data --database --data block --data code --data element --data item --data link --data link coordination net --data mile --date-time group --datum --datum error (antisubmarine warfare) --datum (geodetic) --datum level --datum point --datum time (antisubmarine warfare) --davit --day of supply --dazzle --D-day --D-day consumption/production differential assets --D-day materiel readiness gross capability --D-day pipeline assets --deadline --dead mine --dead space --de-arming --debarkation --debarkation net --debarkation schedule --deceased --decentralized control --decentralized execution --decentralized items --deception --deception action --deception concept --deception course of action --deception event --deception means --deception objective --deception story --deception target --decision --decision altitude --decision height --decision point --decision support template --decisive engagement --decisive point --deck alert --declared speed --declassification --declassify --declination --decompression chamber --decompression sickness --decontamination --decontamination station --decoy --decoy ship --decrypt --deep fording capability --deep minefield --de facto boundary --defense area --Defense Business Operations Fund --defense classification --Defense Communications System --Defense Data Network --defense emergency --defense in depth --defense information infrastructure --Defense Information Systems Network --defense intelligence production --defense message system --Defense Meteorological Satellite Program --Defense Planning Guidance --defense readiness condition --Defense Satellite Communications System --Defense Support Program --Defense Switched Network --Defense Transportation System --defensive coastal area --defensive counterair --defensive information operations --defensive minefield --defensive sea area --defensive zone --defilade --defoliant operation --defoliating agent --degaussing --degree of risk --de jure boundary --delayed entry program --delaying action --delaying operation --delay release sinker --delegation of authority --deliberate attack --deliberate breaching --deliberate crossing --deliberate defense --deliberate planning --delivering ship --delivery error --delivery forecasts --delivery requirements --demilitarized zone --demobilization --demolition belt --demolition chamber --demolition firing party --demolition guard --demolition kit --demolition target --demolition tool kit --demonstration --denial measure --denied area --density altitude --departmental intelligence --Department of Defense construction agent --Department of Defense container system --Department of Defense Intelligence Information System --Department of Defense internal audit organizations --Department of the Air Force --Department of the Army --Department of the Navy --departure airfield --departure area --departure end --departure point --deployable joint task force augmentation cell --deployed health surveillance --deployed nuclear weapons --deployment --deployment database --deployment diagram --deployment order --deployment planning --deployment preparation order --depot --depot maintenance --depth --depth contour --depth curve --descriptive name --desired appreciation --desired effects --desired ground zero --desired mean point of impact --desired perception --desired point of impact --destroyed --destruction --destruction fire --destruction fire mission --destruction radius --detachment --detailed photographic report --detained --detainee --detainee collecting point --detainee processing station --detecting circuit --detection --deterioration limit --deterrence --deterrent options --detonating cord --detonator --developmental assistance --deviation --diaphragm stop --diapositive --died of wounds received in action --differential ballistic wind --diffraction loading --dip --diplomatic authorization --diplomatic and/or consular facility --dip needle circuit --direct action --direct action fuze --direct air support center --direct air support center (airborne) --directed energy --directed-energy device --directed-energy protective measures --directed-energy warfare --directed-energy weapon --direct exchange --direct fire --direct illumination --directing staff --direction --directional gyro indicator --direction finding --direction of attack --directive --directive authority for logistics --direct laying --direct liaison authorized --director of mobility forces --direct support --direct support artillery --direct supporting fire --direct vendor delivery --disabling fire --disaffected person --disarmament --disarmed mine --disaster assistance response team --disaster control --discriminating circuit --disease and nonbattle injury casualty --disembarkation schedule --disengagement --dislocated civilian --dispatch route --dispenser --dispersal --dispersal airfield --dispersed movement pattern --dispersed site --dispersion --dispersion error --dispersion pattern --displaced person --display --disposition --disruptive pattern --dissemination and integration --distance --distant retirement area --distant support area --distributed fire --distribution --distribution manager --distribution pipeline --distribution plan --distribution point --distribution system --ditching --diversion --diversion airfield --diversionary attack --diversionary landing --divert field --diving chamber --division --division artillery --doctrinal template --doctrine --DOD civilian --DOD support to counterdrug operations --dolly --dome --domestic air traffic --domestic emergencies --domestic intelligence --domestic support operations --dominant user --dominant user concept --doppler effect --doppler radar --dormant --dose rate contour line --dosimetry --double agent --double flow route --downgrade --downloading --down lock --draft --draft plan --drag --drag loading --drift --drift angle --drill mine --drone --droop stop --drop altitude --drop height --dropmaster --drop message --drop zone --drug interdiction --dry deck shelter --D-to-P assets required on D-day --D-to-P concept --D-to-P materiel readiness gross requirement --dual agent --dual-capable aircraft --dual-capable forces --dual capable unit --dual-firing circuit --dual (multi)-capable weapons --dual (multi)-purpose weapons --dual-purpose weapon --dual-role tanker --dud --dud probability --due in --dummy --dummy message --dummy minefield --dummy run --dump --duplicate negative --durable materiel --duty status - whereabouts unknown --dwarf dud --dwell time --


earliest anticipated launch time --earliest arrival date --Early Spring --early time --early warning --earmarking of stocks --earthing --echelon --echeloned displacement --economic action --economic mobilization --economic order quantity --economic potential --economic potential for war --economic retention stock --economic warfare --effective damage --effective US controlled ships --ejection --ejection systems --electrode sweep --electro-explosive device --electromagnetic compatibility --electromagnetic deception --electromagnetic environment --electromagnetic environmental effects --electromagnetic hardening --electromagnetic interference --electromagnetic intrusion --electromagnetic jamming --electromagnetic pulse --electromagnetic radiation --electromagnetic radiation hazards --electromagnetic spectrum --electromagnetic vulnerability --electronic attack --electronic imagery dissemination --electronic intelligence --electronic line of sight --electronic masking --electronic probing --electronic protection --electronic reconnaissance --electronics security --electronic warfare --electronic warfare frequency deconfliction --electronic warfare reprogramming --electronic warfare support --electro-optical intelligence --electro-optics --element set --elements of national power --elevated causeway system --elevation --elevation tint --elicitation (intelligence) --eligible traffic --embarkation --embarkation and tonnage table --embarkation area --embarkation element (unit) (group) --embarkation officer --embarkation order --embarkation organization --embarkation phase --embarkation plans --embarkation team --emergency anchorage --emergency barrier --emergency-essential employee --emergency interment --emergency locator beacon --emergency priority --emergency relocation site --emergency repair --emergency resupply --emergency risk (nuclear) --emergency substitute --emission control --emission control orders --emplacement --employment --employment planning --enabling force --enabling mine countermeasures --encipher --end evening civil twilight --end item --end of evening nautical twilight --end of mission --end state --endurance --endurance distance --endurance loading --enemy capabilities --enemy combatant --engage --engagement --enlisted terminal attack controller --en route care --envelopment --environmental cleanup --environmental considerations --environmental services --environmental stewardship --equipment --equipment operationally ready --escalation --escapee --escape line --escape route --escort --escort forces --espionage --espionage against the United States --essential care --essential chemicals --essential communications traffic --essential elements of friendly information --essential elements of information --essential industry --essential secrecy --establishment --estimate --evacuation --evacuation control ship --evacuation convoy --evacuation of dangerously exposed waters --evacuation of port equipment --evacuation policy --evacuee --evader --evaluation --evaluation agent --evaluation and feedback --evasion --evasion aid --evasion and escape --evasion and escape intelligence --evasion and escape net --evasion and escape route --evasion and recovery --evasion chart --evasion plan of action --event matrix --event template --exaggerated stereoscopy --exceptional transport --excess property --exclusive economic zone --exclusion zone --execute order --executing commander (nuclear weapons) --execution planning --executive agent --exercise --exercise directing staff --exercise filled mine --exercise incident --exercise mine --exercise specifications --exercise sponsor --exercise study --exercise term --exfiltration --existence load --exoatmosphere --expedition --expeditionary force --expellee --expendable property --expendable supplies and materiel --exploder --exploitation --exploratory hunting --explosive filled mine --explosive ordnance --explosive ordnance disposal --explosive ordnance disposal incident --explosive ordnance disposal procedures --explosive ordnance disposal unit --explosive train --exposure dose --exposure station --extended communications search --extent of a military exercise --extent of damage --external audience --external reinforcing force --external support contractors --extraction parachute --extraction zone --


fabricator --facility --facility substitutes --fairway --fallout --fallout contours --fallout pattern --fallout prediction --fallout safe height of burst --fallout wind vector plot --false origin --fan camera photography --fan cameras --fan marker beacon --farm gate type operations --feasibility --feasibility assessment --feasibility test --federal coordinating officer --federal modal agencies --federal service --federal supply class management --federal transport agencies --feint --fender --ferret --F-hour --field army --field artillery --field artillery observer --field exercise --field fortifications --field headquarters --field of fire --field of view --field of vision --field press censorship --field training exercise --fighter cover --fighter engagement zone --fighter sweep --fighting load --filler --filler personnel --film badge --filter --final approach --final bearing --final destination --final disposal procedures --final governing standards --final plan --final protective fire --finance operations --financial management --financial property accounting --fire --fireball --fire barrage (specify) --fire capabilities chart --fire control --fire control radar --fire control system --fire coordination --fire direction center --fire for effect --fire message --fire mission --fire plan --firepower --fires --fire storm --fire support --fire support area --fire support coordinating measure --fire support coordination --fire support coordination center --fire support coordination line --fire support element --fire support group --fire support officer --fire support station --fire support team --firing area --firing chart --firing circuit --firing mechanism --firing point --firing system --first light --first responder phase --first strike --fission products --fission to yield ratio --fitted mine --fix --fixed ammunition --fixed capital property --fixed medical treatment facility --fixed port --fixed price incentive contract --fixed price type contract --fixed station patrol --fixer system --flag days (red or green) --flag officer --flame field expedients --flame thrower --flammable cargo --flank guard --flanking attack --flare --flare dud --flash blindness --flash burn --flash message --flash ranging --flash report --flash suppressor --flash-to-bang time --flatrack --flatted cargo --fleet --fleet ballistic missile submarine --fleet in being --Fleet Marine Force --flexible deterrent option --flexible response --flight --flight advisory --flight deck --flight following --flight information center --flight information region --flight information service --flight levels --flight path --flight plan --flight plan correlation --flight profile --flight quarters --flight readiness firing --flight surgeon --flight test --flight visibility --floating base support --floating craft company --floating dump --floating mine --floating reserve --flooder --flotation --fly-in echelon --foam path --follow-up --follow-up echelon --follow-up shipping --follow-up supplies --footprint --force --force activity designators --force beddown --force closure --force enablement --force extension --force health protection --force list --force module --force module package --force movement control center --force multiplier --force planning --force projection --force protection --force protection condition --FPCON ALPHA --FPCON BRAVO --FPCON CHARLIE --FPCON DELTA --force rendezvous --force requirement number --force(s) --force shortfall --forces in being --force sourcing --force structure --force tabs --force tracking --forcible entry --fordability --foreign armed force --foreign assistance --foreign disaster --foreign disaster relief --foreign humanitarian assistance --foreign instrumentation signals intelligence --foreign intelligence --foreign internal defense --foreign military sales --foreign military sales trainees --foreign national --foreign nation support --foreign object damage --foreshore --format --formation --formatted message text --formerly restricted data --form lines --forward aeromedical evacuation --forward air controller --forward air controller (airborne) --forward area --forward arming and refueling point --forward aviation combat engineering --forward edge of the battle area --forward line of own troops --forward logistic site --forward-looking infrared --forward oblique air photograph --forward observer --forward operating base --forward operating location --forward operations base --forward recovery mission profile --forward resuscitative surgery --forward slope --forward tell --four-round illumination diamond --FPCON ALPHA --FPCON BRAVO --FPCON CHARLIE --FPCON DELTA --fragmentary order --frame --free air anomaly --free air overpressure --freedom of navigation operations --free drop --free fall --free field overpressure --free-fire area --free form message text --free issue --free mail --free mine --free play exercise --free rocket --freight consolidating activity --freight distributing activity --frequency deconfliction --friendly --friendly fire --front --frontal attack --frustrated cargo --full charge --full mission-capable --full mobilization --functional component command --functional damage assessment --functional kill --functional plans --functions --fusion --fusion center --fuze cavity --


gadget --green --gap --gap filler radar --gap (imagery) --gap marker --garble --garnishing --garrison force --gear --general agency agreement --general air cargo --general and complete disarmament --general cargo --general engineering --general map --general military intelligence --general orders --general purchasing agents --general quarters --general staff --general stopping power --general support --general support artillery --general support-reinforcing --general unloading period --general war --generation (photography) --geographic coordinates --geographic reference points --georef --geospatial information and services --geospatial information and services priorities --glide bomb --glide mode --Global Air Transportation Execution System --Global Combat Support System --Global Command and Control System --Global Decision Support System --global distribution --global distribution of materiel --global grid --Global Information Grid --global information infrastructure --Global Patient Movement Requirements Center --global positioning system --Global Satellite Communications Support Center --global transportation management --Global Transportation Network --go no-go --government-owned, contract-operated ships --government-owned, Military Sealift Command-operated ships --gradient --gradient circuit --grand strategy --graphic --graphic scale --grapnel --graticule --graticule ticks --graves registration program --gravity extraction --grazing fire --Greenwich Mean Time --grey propaganda --grid --grid bearing --grid convergence --grid convergence factor --grid coordinates --grid coordinate system --grid interval --grid magnetic angle --grid navigation --grid north --grid ticks --grid variation --grivation --grossly transportation feasible --gross weight --ground alert --ground combat element --ground control --ground-controlled approach procedure --ground-controlled interception --ground fire --ground liaison officer --ground mine --ground observer center --ground return --ground speed --ground visibility --ground zero --group --group interment --group of targets --group rendezvous --guard --guarded frequencies --guerrilla --guerrilla force --guerrilla warfare --guidance station equipment --guided missile --guide specification --guinea-pig --gull --gun --gun carriage --gun-target line --gun-type weapon --gyromagnetic compass --


half-life --half-residence time --half thickness --handling (ordnance) --handover --handover/crossover --handover line --hang fire --harassing fire --harassment --harbor --harbor defense --hard beach --hardened site --hard missile base --hardstand --hardware --harmonization --hasty attack --hasty breaching --hasty breaching (land mine warfare) --hasty crossing --hasty defense --hatch --hatch list --havens (moving) --hazard --hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance --heading hold mode --heading indicator --heading select feature --head-up display --health service logistic support --health service support --health threat --heavy antitank weapon --heavy artillery --heavy drop --heavy-lift cargo --heavy-lift ship --height datum --height delay --height hole --height of burst --helicopter assault force --helicopter control station --helicopter direction center --helicopter drop point --helicopter landing site --helicopter landing zone --helicopter lane --helicopter retirement route --helicopter support team --helicopter transport area --helicopter wave --helipad --heliport --herbicide --HERO SAFE ordnance --HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ordnance --HERO UNSAFE ordnance --Hertz-Horn --H-hour --high airburst --high altitude bombing --high altitude burst --high-altitude low-opening parachute technique --high-altitude missile engagement zone --high angle --high angle fire --high-density airspace control zone --high explosive cargo --high oblique --high-payoff target --high-payoff target list --high-risk-of-capture personnel --high-risk personnel --high value airborne asset protection --high value asset control items --high-value target --high velocity drop --high-water mark --hill shading --hinterland, far --hinterland, near --hi-value asset control item --hoist --hold --holding anchorage --holding attack --holding point --holding position --hollow charge --home recovery mission profile --home station --homing --homing guidance --homing mine --horizon --horizontal action mine --horizontal error --horizontal loading --horizontal situation display --horizontal situation indicator --horizontal stowage --horn --hospital --hostage --host country --hostile --hostile act --hostile casualty --hostile environment --hostile force --hostile intent --hostile track --host nation --host-nation support --host-nation support agreement --hot photo interpretation report --hot pursuit --hot spot --hovering --hovering ceiling --howitzer --hub --hub and spoke distribution --human intelligence --humanitarian and civic assistance --humanitarian assistance coordination center --humanitarian demining --humanitarian operations center --human resources intelligence --hung weapons --hunter track --hydrogen bomb --hydrographic chart --hydrographic reconnaissance --hydrography --hyperbaric chamber --hyperbolic navigation system --hypergolic fuel --hypersonic --hyperspectral imagery --hyperstereoscopy --hypobaric chamber --hypsometric tinting --


identification --identification, friend or foe --identification friend or foe personal identifier --identification, friend or foe/selective identification feature procedures --identification maneuver --igloo space --ignition system --illuminate --image format --image motion compensation --imagery --imagery collateral --imagery correlation --imagery data recording --imagery exploitation --imagery intelligence --imagery interpretation --imagery interpretation key --imagery pack --imitative communications deception --imitative electromagnetic deception --immediate airlift requests --immediate air support --immediate decontamination --immediate destination --immediately vital cargo --immediate message --immediate mission request --immediate nuclear support --immediate operational readiness --immediate targets --impact action fuze --impact area --impact pressure --implementation --implementation planning --implosion weapon --imprest fund --imprint --improved conventional munitions --improvised early resupply --improvised explosive device --improvised mine --improvised nuclear device --inactive aircraft inventory --inactive duty training --Inactive National Guard --inactive status --inbound traffic --incapacitating agent --incapacitating illness or injury --incentive type contract --incident --incident classification --incident control point --incidents --in-company --inclination angle --incremental costs --indefinite call sign --indefinite delivery type contract --independent --independent ejection system --independent mine --independent review --indicated airspeed --indications and warning --indications (intelligence) --indicator --indirect fire --indirect laying --individual equipment --individual mobilization augmentee --individual mobilization augmentee detachment --individual protection --individual protective equipment --Individual Ready Reserve --individual reserves --individual self-defense --individual sponsored dependent --induced environment --induced radiation --induction circuit --industrial chemicals --industrial mobilization --industrial preparedness --industrial preparedness program --industrial property --industrial readiness --inert filling --inertial guidance --inertial navigation system --inert mine --in extremis --infiltration --inflammable cargo --inflight phase --inflight report --influence field --influence mine --influence release sinker --influence sweep --information --information assurance --information-based processes --information box --information environment --information operations --information report --information requirements --information resources --information security --information superiority --information system --information warfare --infrared film --infrared imagery --infrared linescan system --infrared photography --infrared pointer --infrared radiation --infrastructure --initial active duty for training --initial approach --initial approach area --initial assessment --initial contact report --initial draft plan --initial early resupply --initial entry into Military Service --initial issues --initial operational capability --initial path sweeping --initial photo interpretation report --initial point --initial programmed interpretation report --initial provisioning --initial radiation --initial reserves --initial response force --initial unloading period --initiating directive --initiation of procurement action --injury --inland search and rescue region --inner transport area --innocent passage --in-place force --inshore patrol --inspection --installation --installation commander --installation complex --instructional mine --instrument approach procedure --instrument flight --instrument landing system --instrument meteorological conditions --in support --in support of --insurgency --insurgent --Integrated Consumable Item Support --integrated fire control system --integrated logistic support --integrated materiel management --integrated planning --integrated priority list --integrated staff --integrated tactical warning --integrated warfare --integration --intelligence --intelligence annex --intelligence collection plan --intelligence contingency funds --intelligence database --intelligence data handling systems --intelligence discipline --intelligence estimate --intelligence federation --intelligence gathering --intelligence journal --intelligence operations --intelligence preparation of the battlespace --intelligence process --intelligence-related activities --intelligence report --intelligence reporting --intelligence requirement --intelligence source --intelligence subject code --intelligence summary --intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance --intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance visualization --intelligence system --intensity factor --intensity mine circuit --intensive management --intention --interagency coordination --interceptor --intercept point --intercept receiver --inter-chart relationship diagram --interconnection --intercount dormant period --interdepartmental or agency support --interdepartmental intelligence --interdiction --interface --interim financing --interim overhaul --inter-look dormant period --intermediate approach --Intermediate Force Planning Level --intermediate maintenance (field) --intermediate marker (land mine warfare) --intermediate objective --intermediate-range bomber aircraft --intermediate staging base --intermittent arming device --intermittent illumination --intermodal --intermodal support equipment --intermodal systems --internal audience --internal defense and development --internal information --internally displaced person --internal radiation --internal security --internal waters --international arms control organization --International Atomic Time --international call sign --International Convention for Safe Containers --international cooperative logistics --international date line --international identification code --international loading gauge (GIC) --international logistics --international logistic support --international military education and training --international narcotics activities --international organization --International Organization for Standardization --interned --interocular distance --interoperability --interoperation --interpretability --interpretation --interrogation (intelligence) --inter-Service education --inter-Service, intragovernmental agreements --inter-Service support --inter-Service training --intertheater --intertheater airlift --intertheater evacuation --intertheater traffic --interval --intervention --interview (intelligence) --intracoastal sealift --intransit aeromedical evacuation facility --intransit inventory --intransit stock --in-transit visibility --intratheater --intratheater airlift --intratheater evacuation --intratheater traffic --intruder --intrusion --invasion currency --inventory control --inventory control point --inventory management --inventory managers --investment costs --ionosphere --IR pointer --irregular forces --irregular outer edge --isodose rate line --isolated personnel --isolated personnel report --issue control group --issue priority designator --item manager --


J-2X --jamming --j-axis --jet advisory service --jet propulsion --jet stream --jettison --jettisoned mines --joiner --joiner convoy --joiner section --joint --joint after action report --joint air attack team --joint airborne advance party --joint airborne training --joint air operations --joint air operations center --joint air operations plan --joint amphibious operation --joint amphibious task force --joint base --joint captured materiel exploitation center --joint civil-military operations task force --joint combat search and rescue operation --joint combined exchange training --joint communications control center --joint communications network --joint concept --joint decision support tools --joint deployable intelligence support system --joint doctrine --joint doctrine development community --Joint Doctrine Development System --Joint Doctrine Working Party --joint document exploitation center --joint duty assignment --Joint Duty Assignment List --joint engagement zone --Joint Facilities Utilization Board --joint fires --joint fires element --joint fire support --joint flow and analysis system for transportation --joint force --joint force air component commander --joint force commander --joint force land component commander --joint force maritime component commander --joint force meteorological and oceanographic officer --joint force special operations component commander --joint force surgeon --joint guidance, apportionment, and targeting team --joint information bureau --joint integrated prioritized target list --joint intelligence --joint intelligence architecture --joint intelligence center --joint intelligence liaison element --joint intelligence preparation of the battlespace --joint intelligence support element --joint interrogation and debriefing center --joint interrogation operations --joint logistics --Joint Logistics Operations Center --joint logistics over-the-shore commander --joint logistics over-the-shore operations --joint manpower program --Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board --joint meteorological and oceanographic forecast unit --joint mission-essential task --Joint Mobility Control Group --joint mortuary affairs office --joint movement center --joint multi-channel trunking and switching system --Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual-Special Operations --joint nuclear accident coordinating center --joint operation planning --Joint Operation Planning and Execution System --joint operation planning process --joint operations --joint operations area --joint operations center --joint patient movement requirements center --joint personnel training and tracking activity --joint planning and execution community --joint planning group --joint psychological operations task force --joint publication --joint readiness --joint rear area --joint rear area coordinator --joint rear area operations --joint rear tactical operations center --joint reception center --joint reception complex --joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration --joint regional defense command --joint restricted frequency list --joint search and rescue center --joint search and rescue center director --joint servicing --joint special operations air component commander --joint special operations area --joint special operations task force --joint specialty officer or joint specialist --joint staff --Joint Staff doctrine sponsor --joint state area command --Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan --Joint Strategic Planning System --joint suppression of enemy air defenses --joint table of allowances --joint table of distribution --Joint Tactical Air Reconnaissance/Surveillance Mission Report --joint targeting coordination board --joint targeting steering group --joint target list --joint task force --joint task force counterintelligence coordinating authority --Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness --joint terminal attack controller --joint test publication --joint theater missile defense --joint total asset visibility --Joint Transportation Board --joint urban operations --joint warfighting capabilities assessment --Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System --joint zone (air, land, or sea) --join up --jumpmaster --jump speed --


K-day --key employee --key facilities list --key point --key position --keystone publications --key terrain --kill box --killed in action --killing zone --kill probability --kiloton weapon --kite --


land control operations --land forces --landing aid --landing approach --landing area --landing attack --landing beach --landing craft --landing craft and amphibious vehicle assignment table --landing craft availability table --landing diagram --landing force --landing force supplies --landing force support party --landing group --landing group commander --landing mat --landing plan --landing point --landing roll --landing schedule --landing sequence table --landing ship --landing ship dock --landing signal officer --landing site --landing threshold --landing zone --landing zone control --landing zone control party --landmark --land mine warfare --land search --lane marker --lap --lap course --lap track --lap turn --lap width --large-lot storage --large-scale map --large spread --laser --laser footprint --laser guidance unit --laser guided weapon --laser illuminator --laser intelligence --laser linescan system --laser pulse duration --laser rangefinder --laser seeker --laser spot --laser spot tracker --laser target designating system --laser target designator --laser-target/gun-target angle --laser-target line --laser target marker --laser target marking system --lashing --lashing point --late --lateral gain --lateral route --lateral spread --lateral tell --latest arrival date --late time --latitude band --lattice --launch pad --launch time --launch under attack --launch window --laundering --law enforcement agency --law of armed conflict --law of war --lay --laydown bombing --layer depth --lay leader --lay reference number --lead agency --lead agent --lead aircraft --lead mobility wing --lead nation --lead Service or agency for common-user logistics --leapfrog --leaver --leaver convoy --leaver section --left (or right) --left (right) bank --letter of assist --letter of offer and acceptance --level of detail --level I-aggregated level --level II-summary level --level III-detail by cargo category --level V-detail by priority of shipment --level-of-effort munitions --level of effort-oriented items --level of supply --leveraging --L-hour --liaison --liberated territory --licensed production --life cycle --lifeguard submarine --life support equipment --light artillery --light damage --lightening --lighterage --light filter --light line --lightweight amphibious container handler --limited production-type item --limited standard item --limited war --limiting factor --limit of fire --linear scale --line of communications --line of demarcation --line of departure --line overlap --line-route map --line search --lines of operations --link --link element --link encryption --link-lift vehicle --link-route segments --liquid explosive --liquid propellant --listening watch --list of targets --litter --litter patient --load --load control group --loading --loading chart (aircraft) --loading (ordnance) --loading plan --loading point --loading site --loading time --loadmaster --load signal --load spreader --localizer --local mean time --local procurement --local purchase --lock on --lodgment --lodgment area --loft bombing --logistic assessment --logistic estimate of the situation --logistic implications test --logistic and movement control center --logistic marking and reading symbology --logistic routes --logistics --logistics over-the-shore operation area --logistics over-the-shore operations --logistic sourcing --logistic support --logistic support (medical) --long-range bomber aircraft --long-range transport aircraft --long ton --look --loran --lot --low airburst --low-altitude missile engagement zone --low-altitude parachute extraction system --low angle --low angle fire --low angle loft bombing --low dollar value item --low level flight --low level transit route --low oblique --low velocity drop --low visibility operations --


mach number --magnetic bearing --magnetic circuit --magnetic compass --magnetic declination --magnetic equator --magnetic mine --magnetic minehunting --magnetic north --magnetic tape --magnetic variation --mail embargo --main airfield --main armament --main attack --main battle area --main convoy --main deck --main detonating line --main line of resistance --main operations base --main supply route --maintain --maintenance area --maintenance engineering --maintenance (materiel) --maintenance status --major combat element --major disaster --major fleet --major force --major nuclear power --major operation --major weapon system --make safe --management and control system (mobility) --maneuver --maneuverable reentry vehicle --manifest --manipulative electromagnetic deception --man portable --manpower --manpower management --manpower management survey --manpower requirements --manpower resources --man space --man transportable --map --map chart --map convergence --map exercise --map index --mapping camera --map reference --map reference code --map series --map sheet --margin --marginal data --marginal information --marginal weather --Marine air command and control system --Marine air-ground task force --Marine base --Marine division and wing team --marine environment --Marine expeditionary brigade --Marine expeditionary force --Marine expeditionary force (forward) --Marine expeditionary unit --Marine expeditionary unit (special operations capable) --Marine Logistics Command --maritime control area --maritime defense sector --maritime environment --maritime power projection --maritime pre-positioning force operation --maritime pre-positioning ships --maritime search and rescue region --maritime special purpose force --maritime superiority --maritime supremacy --marker --marker ship --marking --marking error --marking fire --marking panel --married failure --marshal --marshalling --marshalling area --mass --mass casualty --massed fire --master --master air attack plan --master film --master plot --materials handling --materials handling equipment --materiel --materiel cognizance --materiel control --materiel inventory objective --materiel management --materiel pipeline --materiel planning --materiel readiness --materiel release confirmation --materiel release order --materiel requirements --maximum effective range --maximum elevation figure --maximum enlisted amount --maximum landing weight --maximum operating depth --maximum ordinate --maximum permissible concentration --maximum permissible dose --maximum range --maximum sustained speed --maximum take-off weight --mayday --M-day --M-day force materiel requirement --meaconing --mean lethal dose --mean line of advance --mean point of burst --mean point of impact --mean sea level --means of transport --measured mile --measurement and signature intelligence --Measurement and Signature Intelligence Requirements System --measurement ton --measures of effectiveness --mechanical sweep --median incapacitating dose --media pool --medical evacuees --medical intelligence --medical officer --medical regulating --medical surveillance --medical treatment facility --medium-angle loft bombing --medium artillery --medium-lot storage --medium-range ballistic missile --medium-range bomber aircraft --medium-range transport aircraft --medium-scale map --meeting engagement --megaton weapon --merchant convoy --merchant intelligence --merchant ship --merchant ship casualty report --merchant ship communications system --merchant ship control zone --merchant ship reporting and control message system --mercomms system --message --message center --message (telecommunications) --metadata --meteorological and oceanographic --Meteorological and Oceanographic Forecast Center --meteorological data --meteorology --microform --midcourse guidance --midcourse phase --migrant --militarily significant fallout --Military Affiliate Radio System --military assistance advisory group --Military Assistance Articles and Services List --Military Assistance Program --Military Assistance Program training --military capability --modernization --military characteristics --military civic action --military construction --military container moved via ocean --military convoy --military currency --military damage assessment --military deception --military deception in support of operations security (OPSEC) --Military Department --military designed vehicle --military education --military geographic documentation --military geographic information --military geography --military government --military government ordinance --military governor --military grid --military grid reference system --military independent --military installation --military intelligence --Military Intelligence Board --Military Intelligence Integrated Data System/Integrated Database --military intervention --military journalist --military land transportation resources --military load classification --military necessity --military nuclear power --military objective --military occupation --military operations other than war --military options --military ordinary mail --military payment certificate --military performance specification container --military post office --military postal clerk --Military Postal Service --Military Postal Service Agency --military posture --military requirement --military resources --Military Sealift Command --Military Sealift Command-controlled ships --Military Sealift Command force --Military Service --military standard requisitioning and issue procedure --military standard transportation and movement procedures --military strategy --military symbol --military technician --military traffic --Military Traffic Management Command --military training --military van (container) --MILSPEC container --MILVAN --MILVAN chassis --mine --mineable waters --mine clearance --mine-cluster --mine countermeasures --mined area --mine defense --mine disposal --minefield --minefield breaching --minefield density --minefield lane --minefield marking --minefield record --minefield report --minehunting --mine row --mine spotting --mine strip --minesweeping --mine warfare --mine warfare chart --mine warfare forces (naval) --mine warfare group --minewatching --mine weapons --minimize --minimum aircraft operating surface --minimum attack altitude --minimum crossing altitude --minimum essential equipment --minimum force --minimum nuclear safe distance --minimum nuclear warning time --minimum obstruction clearance altitude --minimum operating strip --minimum range --minimum reception altitude --minimum residual radioactivity weapon --minimum-risk route --minimum safe altitude --minor control --minor installation --minor port --misfire --missed approach --missile assembly-checkout facility --missile control system --missile destruct --missile destruct system --missile guidance system --missile release line --missing --missing --missing in action --missing in action --mission --mission-capable --mission cycle --mission-essential materiel --mission needs statement --mission-oriented items --mission-oriented protective posture --mission-oriented protective posture gear --mission review report (photographic interpretation) --mission specific data sets --mission type order --mixed --mixed bag --mixed minefield --mobile defense --mobile inshore undersea warfare unit --mobile mine --mobile support group (naval) --mobile training team --mobility --Mobility Air Forces --mobility analysis --mobility corridor --mobility echelon --mobility system support resources --mobilization --mobilization base --mobilization exercise --mobilization reserves --mobilization site --mobilization staff officer --mobilization station --mock-up --mode (identification, friend or foe) --mode of transport --modernization --Modernized Integrated Database --modified combined obstacle overlay --moment --monitoring --monitoring service --moored --moored mine --mopping up --mortar --mortuary affairs --mosaic --most capable Service or agency --motorized unit --mounting --mounting area --movement control --movement control center --movement control post --movement control team --movement credit --movement directive --movement group --movement order --movement phase --movement plan --movement report control center --movement report system --movement requirement --movement restriction --movement schedule --movement table --movement to contact --moving havens --moving map display --moving mine --moving submarine haven --moving surface ship haven --moving target indicator --multichannel --multi-modal --multinational --multinational doctrine --multinational exercise --multinational force --multinational force commander --multinational integrated logistic support --multinational integrated logistic support unit --multinational logistics --multinational logistic support arrangement --multinational operations --multinational staff --multinational warfare --multiple drill --multiple inactive duty training periods --multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle --multiple reentry vehicle --multiple unit training assemblies --multiple warning phenomenology --multiplexer --multi-point refueling system --multi-Service publication --multi-spectral imagery --multi-spot ship --munition --munitions effectiveness assessment --mutual support --muzzle brake --muzzle compensator --muzzle velocity --


named area of interest --napalm --nap-of-the-earth flight --narco-terrorism --National Air Mobility System --national censorship --National Command Authorities --National Communications System --national defense area --National Defense Reserve Fleet --national emergency --national information infrastructure --national infrastructure --national intelligence --national intelligence estimate --national intelligence support team --national intelligence surveys --National Military Command System --National Military Joint Intelligence Center --national military strategy --national objectives --national policy --National Reconnaissance Office --national security --National Security Agency/Central Security Service Representative --National Security Council --national security interests --national security strategy --national shipping authority --National Stock Number --national strategy --national support element --nation assistance --natural disaster --nautical chart --nautical mile --nautical plotting chart --naval advanced logistic support site --naval base --naval beach group --naval coastal warfare --naval coastal warfare area --naval coastal warfare commander --naval construction force --naval control of shipping --naval control of shipping officer --naval control of shipping organization --naval expeditionary warfare --naval forward logistic site --naval gunfire operations center --naval gunfire spotting team --naval gunfire support --naval mobile environmental team --naval operation --naval or Marine (air) base --naval port control office --naval special warfare --naval special warfare forces --naval special warfare group --naval special warfare special operations component --naval special warfare task element --naval special warfare task group --naval special warfare task unit --naval special warfare unit --naval stores --naval support area --naval surface fire support --naval tactical data system --navigational grid --navigation head --navigation mode --Navy cargo handling battalion --Navy cargo handling and port group --Naval Reserve cargo handling training battalion --Naval Reserve cargo handling battalion --Navy cargo handling force --Navy special operations component --Navy support element --Navy tactical air control center --Navy-unique fleet essential aircraft --N-day --near miss (aircraft) --near real time --neatlines --need to know --negation --negative phase of the shock wave --negative photo plane --negligible risk (nuclear) --negotiations --NEOPACK --nerve agent --net call sign --net, chain, cell system --net (communications) --net control station --net explosive weight --net inventory assets --net sweep --net weight --neutral --neutrality --neutralization --neutralization fire --neutralize --neutral state --neutron induced activity --news media representative --nickname --night effect --night vision device --night vision goggle(s) --node --node/command, control, communications, and computers node --no-fire area --no-fire line --nominal filter --nominal focal length --nominal scale --nominal weapon --nonair transportable --nonaligned state --nonalignment --nonappropriated funds --nonbattle injury --noncombatant evacuation operations --noncombatant evacuees --noncontiguous facility --nondeferrable issue demand --nondeployable account --nondestructive electronic warfare --nonexpendable supplies and materiel --nonfixed medical treatment facility --nongovernmental organizations --nonhostile casualty --nonlethal weapons --non-linear approach --nonorganic transportation requirement --nonpersistent agent --nonprecision approach --nonprior service personnel --nonproliferation --nonrecurring demand --non-registered publication --nonscheduled units --non-self-sustaining containership --nonstandard item --nonstandard unit --nonstocked item --nonstrategic nuclear forces --non-submarine contact chart --non-unit record --non-unit-related cargo --non-unit-related personnel --non-US forces --normal charge --normal impact effect --normal intelligence reports --normal lighting --normal operations --North American Aerospace Defense Command --no-strike list --notice to airmen --notional ship --not mission capable, maintenance --not mission capable, supply --not seriously injured --no-wind position --nuclear accident --nuclear airburst --nuclear, biological, and chemical-capable nation --nuclear, biological, and chemical conditions --nuclear, biological, and chemical defense --nuclear, biological, and chemical environment --nuclear bonus effects --nuclear burst --nuclear certifiable --nuclear certified --nuclear certified delivery unit --nuclear certified delivery vehicle --nuclear cloud --nuclear collateral damage --nuclear column --nuclear commitment --nuclear contact surface burst --nuclear coordination --nuclear damage --nuclear damage assessment --nuclear defense --nuclear delivery unit --nuclear delivery vehicle --nuclear detonation detection and reporting system --nuclear dud --nuclear energy --nuclear exoatmospheric burst --nuclear incident --nuclear intelligence --nuclear logistic movement --nuclear nation --nuclear parity --nuclear planning system --nuclear proximity-surface burst --nuclear radiation --nuclear reactor --nuclear round --nuclear safety line --nuclear stalemate --nuclear strike warning --nuclear support --nuclear transmutation --nuclear underground burst --nuclear underwater burst --nuclear vulnerability assessment --nuclear warfare --nuclear warning message --nuclear weapon --nuclear weapon degradation --nuclear weapon employment time --nuclear weapon exercise --nuclear weapon maneuver --nuclear weapon(s) accident --nuclear weapons state --nuclear weapons surety --nuclear yields --nuisance minefield --numbered beach --numbered fleet --numbered wave --numerical scale --


objective --objective area --objective force level --obligated reservist --oblique air photograph --oblique air photograph strip --obliquity --observation helicopter --observation post --observed fire --observed fire procedure --observer-target line --observer-target range --obstacle --obstacle belt --obstacle clearing --obstacle restricted areas --obstacle zone --obstructor --occupational and environmental health threats --occupation currency --occupied territory --Ocean Cargo Clearance Authority --ocean convoy --ocean manifest --oceanography --ocean station ship --offensive counterair --offensive counterair attack operations --offensive information operations --offensive minefield --officer in tactical command --officer of the deck --official information --off-load preparation party --offset bombing --offset costs --offset distance (nuclear) --offset lasing --offshore assets --offshore bulk fuel system --offshore patrol --offshore petroleum discharge system --off-the-shelf item --oiler --on berth --on-call --on-call resupply --on-call targets --on-call target (nuclear) --on-call wave --one day's supply --one-look circuit --on hand --on-scene commander --on-station time --open improved storage space --open ocean --open route --open-source intelligence --open unimproved wet space --operating forces --operating level of supply --operation --operational architecture --operational area --operational art --operational authority --operational characteristics --operational control --operational control authority --operational decontamination --operational design --operational documentation --operational environment --operational evaluation --operational intelligence --operational level of war --operationally ready --operational necessity --operational procedures --operational reach --operational readiness --operational readiness evaluation --operational requirement --Operational Requirements Document --operational reserve --operational route --operational support airlift --operational testing --operational training --operation and maintenance --operation annexes --operation exposure guide --operation map --operation order --operation plan --OPLAN --operations center --operations research --operations security --operations security indicators --operations security measures --operations security planning guidance --operations security vulnerability --operations to restore order --opportune lift --opportunity target --opposite numbers --optical axis --optical minehunting --optimum height --optimum height of burst --orbital injection --orbit determination --orbit point --order --order and shipping time --order of battle --order time --ordinary transport --ordnance --organic --organizational equipment --organizational maintenance --organization for combat --organization for embarkation --organization for landing --organization of the ground --Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force --origin --original destination --original negative --original positive --originating medical facility --originator --oropesa sweep --orthomorphic projection --oscillating mine --other detainee --other war reserve materiel requirement --other war reserve materiel requirement, balance --other war reserve materiel requirement, protectable --other war reserve stock --otter --outbound traffic --outer fix --outer landing ship areas --outer transport area --outline map --outline plan --outsized cargo --overhaul --overhead clearance --overlap --overlay --overpressure --overprint --overseas --Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document --overseas search and rescue region --oversized cargo --over the beach operations --over-the-horizon amphibious operations --over-the-horizon radar --overt operation --overt peacetime psychological operations programs --


pace --pace setter --packaged forces --packaged petroleum product --packup kit --padding --pallet --palletized load system --palletized load system flatrack --palletized unit load --panel code --panoramic camera --parachute deployment height --paradrop --parallel chains of command --parallel sheaf --parallel staff --paramilitary forces --pararescue team --parlimentaire --parrot --partial mission-capable --partial mission-capable, maintenance --partial mission-capable, supply --partial mobilization --partial storage monitoring --partisan warfare --part number --pass --passage of lines --passenger mile --passive --passive air defense --passive defense --passive homing guidance --passive mine --passive or responsive public affairs policy --pass time --password --pathfinder drop zone control --pathfinder landing zone control --pathfinders --pathogen --patient --patient movement --patient movement items --patient movement requirements center --patrol --pattern bombing --pattern laying --payload --payload build-up (missile and space) --payload integration (missile and space) --payload (missile) --P-day --peace building --peace enforcement --peacekeeping --peacemaking --peace operations --peacetime force materiel assets --peacetime force materiel requirement --peacetime materiel consumption and losses --peacetime operating stocks --peak overpressure --pecuniary liability --pencil beam --penetration --penetration aids --penetration (air traffic control) --penetration (intelligence) --percentage clearance --perception management --perils of the sea --perimeter defense --periodic intelligence summary --period --period of interest --perishable cargo --perishable target --permafrost --permanent echo --permissive action link --permissive environment --persistency --persistent agent --persistent surveillance --personal effects --personal locator beacon --personal property --person authorized to direct disposition of remains --person eligible to receive effects --person in custody --personnel --personnel increment number --personnel reaction time (nuclear) --personnel recovery --personnel security investigation --perspective grid --petroleum intersectional service --petroleum, oil, and lubricants --phase line --phases of military government --phonetic alphabet --phoney minefield --photoflash bomb --photoflash cartridge --photogrammetric control --photogrammetry --photographic coverage --photographic interpretation --photographic panorama --photographic reading --photographic scale --photographic strip --photo interpretation key --photomap --photo nadir --physical characteristics --physical damage assessment --physical security --pictomap --pictorial symbolization --Pierson-Moskowitz scale --pillbox --pilot's trace --pinpoint --pinpoint photograph --pinpoint target --pipeline --piracy --pitch --pitch angle --plan for landing --plan identification number --planimetric map --plan information capability --planned airlift requests --planned target (nuclear) --planned targets --planning and direction --planning directive --planning factor --planning factors database --planning order --planning phase --plan position indicator --plant equipment --plastic zone --plate --platform drop --plot --point defense --point designation grid --pointee-talkee --point of no return --point-to-point sealift --poised mine --polar coordinates --polar orbit --polar plot --political intelligence --political warfare --politico-military gaming --pool --port capacity --port complex --port designator --port evacuation of cargoes --port evacuation of shipping --port of debarkation --port of embarkation --port of support --port operations group --port security --port support activity --positional defense --position defense --positive control --positive identification and radar advisory zone --positive phase of the shock wave --Posse Comitatus Act --postattack period --posthostilities period --poststrike reconnaissance --power projection --PPI gauge --practice mine --prearranged fire --preassault operation --precautionary launch --precautionary search and rescue and/or combat search and rescue --precedence --precession --precipitation static --precise frequency --precise time --precision approach --precision bombing --precision-guided munitions --precursor --precursor chemical --precursor front --precursor sweeping --predicted fire --predominant height --preemptive attack --preinitiation --prelanding operations --pre-launch survivability --preliminary communications search --preliminary demolition target --preliminary movement schedule --preload loading --premature dud --preparation fire --preplanned air support --preplanned mission request --preplanned nuclear support --pre-position --pre-positioned war reserve materiel requirement, balance --pre-positioned war reserve materiel requirement, protectable --pre-positioned war reserve requirement --pre-positioned war reserve stock --prescribed nuclear load --prescribed nuclear stockage --preset guidance --Presidential Callup --Presidential Reserve Callup Authority --pressure altitude --pressure breathing --pressure front --pressure mine --pressure mine circuit --pressurized cabin --prestrike reconnaissance --prevention --prevention of stripping equipment --preventive deployment --preventive diplomacy --preventive maintenance --preventive medicine --preventive war --prewithdrawal demolition target --primary aircraft authorization --primary aircraft inventory --primary censorship --primary control officer --primary control ship --primary flight control --primary imagery dissemination --primary imagery dissemination system --primary interest --primary review authority --primary target --primed charge --prime mover --prime vendor --principal building --principal items --principal officer --principal operational interest --principal parallel --principal plane --principal scale --principal vertical --printing size of a map or chart --print reference --priority designator --priority intelligence requirements --priority message --priority national intelligence objectives --priority of immediate mission requests --priority system for mission requests for tactical reconnaissance --Priority I --Priority II --Priority III --Priority IV --prior permission --prisoner of war --prisoner of war branch camp --prisoner of war camp --prisoner of war censorship --prisoner of war compound --prisoner of war enclosure --prisoner of war personnel record --proactive measures --proactive mine countermeasures --probability of damage --probable error --probable error deflection --probable error height of burst --probable error range --probably destroyed --probe --procedural control --procedures --procedure turn --procedure word --processing --processing and exploitation --proclamation --procurement lead time --producer countries --production base --production lead time --production logistics --production loss appraisal --proficiency training aircraft --profile --program aircraft --Programmed Forces --program of nuclear cooperation --progress payment --prohibited area --projected map display --projection print --proliferation (nuclear weapons) --prompt radiation --proofing --propaganda --propelled mine --proper authority --proper clearance --property --property account --proportional navigation --protected emblems --protected frequencies --protected persons/places --protected site --protection --protection of shipping --protective clothing --protective mask --protective minefield --prototype --provisioning --proword --proximity fuze --pseudopursuit navigation --psychological consolidation activities --psychological operations --psychological operations assessment team --psychological operations impact indicators --psychological operations support element --public affairs --public affairs assessment --public affairs ground rules --public affairs guidance --public diplomacy --public information --public key infrastructure --pull-up point --pulse code --pulse duration --pulsejet --pulse repetition frequency --pulsing --purchase description --purchase notice agreements --purchasing office --pursuit --pyrotechnic --pyrotechnic delay --


q-message --Q-route --quadrant elevation --quadruple container --quay --


radar --radar advisory --radar altimetry area --radar beacon --radar camouflage --radar clutter --radar countermeasures --radar coverage --radar danning --radar deception --radar exploitation report --radar fire --radar guardship --radar horizon --radar imagery --radar intelligence --radar netting --radar netting station --radar netting unit --radar picket --radar reconnaissance --radarscope overlay --radarscope photography --radar signal film --radar silence --radar spoking --radar tracking station --radial --radial displacement --radiant exposure --radiation dose --radiation dose rate --radiation exposure state --radiation exposure status --radiation exposure status-0 --radiation exposure status-1 --radiation exposure status-2 --radiation exposure status-3 --radiation intelligence --radiation intensity --radiation scattering --radiation sickness --radioactive decay --radioactive decay curve --radioactive decay rate --radioactivity --radioactivity concentration guide --radio and wire integration --radio approach aids --radio beacon --radio countermeasures --radio deception --radio detection --radio direction finding --radio direction finding database --radio fix --radio guard --radiological defense --radiological environment --radiological monitoring --radiological operation --radiological survey --radiological survey flight altitude --radio magnetic indicator --radio navigation --radio range finding --radio range station --radio silence --radio telegraphy --radio telephony --radius of action --radius of damage --radius of integration --radius of safety --raid --railhead --railway line capacity --railway loading ramp --rainfall (nuclear) --rainout --ramjet --random minelaying --range --range marker --range markers --Rangers --range spread --ranging --rapid global mobility --rated load --rate of fire --rate of march --ratification --rationalization --ration dense --ratio print --ratline --R-day --reachback --reaction time --readiness --readiness condition --readiness planning --ready position --Ready Reserve --Ready Reserve Force --ready-to-load date --reallocation authority --real property --real time --rear area --rear area operations center/rear tactical operations center --rear echelon --rear guard --rearming --reattack recommendation --rebuild --receipt --receipt into the supply system --receiving ship --reception --reclama --recognition --recognition signal --recompression chamber --reconnaissance --reconnaissance by fire --reconnaissance exploitation report --reconnaissance in force --reconnaissance patrol --reconnaissance photography --reconstitution site --record information --recoverable item --recovery --recovery activation signal --recovery airfield --recovery and reconstitution --recovery force --recovery operations --recovery procedures --recovery site --recovery vehicle --recovery zone --rectification --recuperation --recurring demand --redeployment --redeployment airfield --RED HORSE --redistribution --reduced charge --reduced lighting --reduced operational status --reduction --reduction (photographic) --reefer --reentry phase --reentry vehicle --reference datum --reference point --reflected shock wave --reflex sight --refraction --refuge area --refugee --regimental landing team --regional satellite communications support center --register --registration --registration fire --registration point --regrade --regular drill --regulated item --regulating point --regulating station --rehabilitation --rehearsal phase --reinforcement training unit --reinforcing --reinforcing obstacles --relateral tell --relative altitude --relative bearing --relative biological effectiveness --release --release altitude --release point (road) --releasing commander (nuclear weapons) --releasing officer --reliability diagram --reliability of source --relief --relief in place --religious support --religious support plan --religious support team --relocatable building --remain-behind equipment --remaining forces --remote delivery --remotely piloted vehicle --render safe procedures --rendezvous area --reorder cycle --reorder point --repair --repair and restoration --repair cycle --repair cycle aircraft --reparable item --repatriate --repatriation --repeater-jammer --replacement demand --replacement factor --replacements --replenishment at sea --reported unit --reporting post --reporting time interval --representative downwind direction --representative downwind speed --representative fraction --request for information --request modify --required delivery date --required supply rate (ammunition) --requirements --requirements capability --requirements management system --requisition --requisitioning objective --rescue combat air patrol --rescue coordination center --rescue ship --research --reseau --reservation --reserve --reserve aircraft --reserve component category --Reserve Components --reserved demolition target --reserved obstacles --reserved route --reserve supplies --residual capabilities assessment --residual contamination --residual forces --residual radiation --residual radioactivity --resistance movement --resolution --resource management operations --resources --response force --responsibility --responsor --rest and recuperation --restitution --restitution factor --restorative and rehabilitative care --restraint of loads --restricted area --restricted areas (air) --restricted dangerous air cargo --restricted data --restricted items list --restricted operations area --restricted target list --restricted targets --restrictive fire area --restrictive fire line --restrictive fire plan --resupply --resuscitative care --retain --retained personnel --reticle --Retired Reserve --retirement --retrofit action --retrograde cargo --retrograde movement --retrograde operation --retrograde personnel --returned to military control --return load --return to base --revolutionary --revolving fund --riding off --right (left) bank --right (or left) --riot control agent --riot control operations --rising mine --risk --risk assessment --risk management --riverine area --riverine operations --road block --road capacity --road clearance time --road hazard sign --road net --road space --rocket propulsion --roentgen --roentgen equivalent mammal --role number --role specialist nation --roll back --roll-in-point --roll-on/roll-off discharge facility --roll-up --romper --rope --rough terrain container handler --route --route capacity --route classification --route lanes --routine message --routine supplies --routing indicator --row marker --rules of engagement --run --runway visual range --rupture zone --ruse --


sabotage --sabotage alert team --saboteur --safe anchorage --safe area --safe burst height --safe current --safe depth --safe distance --safe haven --safe house --safe separation distance --safety and arming mechanism --safety device --safety distance --safety fuze --safety height --safety lane --safety level of supply --safety line --safety wire --safety zone --safing --safing and arming mechanism --salted weapon --salvage --salvage group --salvage operation --salvo --sanction enforcement and maritime intercept operations --sanctuary --sanitize --satellite and missile surveillance --S-bend distortion --scale --scale (photographic) --scaling law --scan --scan line --scan period --scan rate --scan type --scatterable mine --scene of action commander --scheduled arrival date --scheduled fire --scheduled maintenance --scheduled service (air transport) --scheduled speed --scheduled targets --scheduled target (nuclear) --scheduled wave --schedule of fire --schedule of targets --scheduling and movement --scheduling and movement capability --scheme of maneuver --scientific and technical intelligence --scientific intelligence --screen --screening group --scribing --S-curve distortion --S-Day --sea-air-land team --sea areas --sea barge --seabasing --seaborne forces --sea control operations --sea echelon --sea echelon area --sea echelon plan --sea frontier --sealed cabin --sealift enhancement program --Sealift Readiness Program --sea port --search --search and rescue --search and rescue alert notice --search and rescue incident classification --search and rescue mission coordinator --search and rescue region --search attack unit --searched channel --searching fire --search jammer --search mission --search radius --search sweeping --SEASHED --sea state --sea surveillance --sea surveillance system --seaward launch point --seaward recovery point --secondary censorship --secondary imagery dissemination --secondary imagery dissemination system --secondary loads --secondary port --secondary rescue facilities --secondary road --secondary targets --secondary wave breaker system --second strike --secret --Secretary of a Military Department --SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network --section --sector --sector of fire --sector scan --secure --security --security alert team --security assistance --security assistance organization --security certification --security classification --secret --security clearance --security cooperation --security countermeasures --security intelligence --security review --sedition --seize --seizures --selected area for evasion --selected area for evasion area intelligence description --Selected Reserve --Selected Reserve strength --selective identification feature --selective jamming --selective loading --selective mobilization --selective release process --selective unloading --selenodesy --self-defense --self-destroying fuze --self-protection depth --self-sustaining containership --semi-active homing guidance --semi-controlled mosaic --semi-permanent joint task force --senior meteorological and oceanographic officer --senior officer present afloat --sensitive --sensitive compartmented information --sensitive compartmented information facility --sensitive site exploitation --separation zone --sequel --sequence circuit --sequenced ejection system --serial --serial assignment table --seriously ill or injured --seriously wounded --service ammunition --Service component command --service environment --Service force module --service group --service mine --Service-organic transportation assets --service squadron --service test --service troops --Service-unique container --servicing --severe damage --shaded relief --shadowing --shallow fording --shaped charge --shared data environment --shear link assembly --sheet explosive --sheetlines --shelf life --shell (specify) --shelter --shielding --shifting fire --ship counter --ship haven --ship influence --shipping configuration --shipping control --shipping designator --shipping lane --shipping time --ship-to-shore movement --shoal --shock front --shore fire control party --shoreline effect --shore party --shore-to-shore movement --shortfall --short-range air defense engagement zone --short-range ballistic missile --short-range transport aircraft --short scope buoy --short supply --short takeoff and landing --short takeoff and vertical landing aircraft --short title --short ton --shouldering --show of force --shuttered fuze --side-looking airborne radar --side oblique air photograph --side overlap --sighting --SIGINT direct service --SIGINT direct service activity --SIGINT direct support --SIGINT direct support unit --SIGINT operational control --SIGINT operational tasking --SIGINT operational tasking authority --SIGINT resources --SIGINT support plans --signal --signal center --signal letters --signal operation instructions --signal security --signals intelligence --signal-to-noise ratio --signature equipment --signed route --significant wave height --Silver Triangle --simulative electromagnetic deception --simultaneous engagement --single-anchor leg mooring --single department purchase --single flow route --single integrated theater logistic manager --single manager for transportation --single port manager --single-service manager --single-spot ship --sinker --situation map --situation report --situation template --skim sweeping --skin paint --skin tracking --slant range --slated items --slice --slightly wounded --small arms --small arms ammunition --small austere airfield --small-lot storage --small-scale map --smoke screen --snagline mine --soft missile base --soil shear strength --solatium payments --solenoid sweep --sonar --sonic --sonobuoy --sortie --sortie allotment message --sortie number --sortie plot --sortie reference --sorting --source --space --space asset --space assignment --space available mail --space capability --space control --space defense --space environment --space-faring nation --space force application --space force enhancement --space forces --space power --space sensor --space superiority --space support --space support team --space surveillance --space systems --space weather --span of detonation (atomic demolition munition employment) --special access program --special activities --special agent --special air operation --special ammunition supply point --special assignment airlift requirements --special boat squadron --special boat team --special cargo --special-equipment vehicle --special forces --special forces group --special forces operations base --special hazard --special information operations --special interest target --specialist intelligence report --specialization --special mission unit --special operations --special operations combat control team --special operations command --special operations command and control element --special operations forces --special operations liaison element --special operations mission planning folder --special operations naval mobile environment team --special operations-peculiar --special operations terminal attack controller --special operations weather team/tactical element --special operations wing --special (or project) equipment --special purpose Marine air-ground task force --special-purpose vehicle --special reconnaissance --special staff --special tactics --special tactics team --special unloading berth --special weapons --specific intelligence collection requirement --specific search --specified combatant command --specified command --spectrozonal photography --spectrum management --speed of advance --speed of sound --spillover --spin stabilization --split cameras --split pair --split-up --split vertical photography --spoiling attack --sponsor --spoke --spot --spot elevation --spot jamming --spot net --spot report --spot size --spotter --spotting line --spray dome --spreader bar --spreading fire --sprocket --squadron --squib --squirt --staballoy --stabilized glide slope indicator --stabilized patient --stable base film --stable patient --staff --staff estimates --staff supervision --stage --staged crews --staging --staging area --staging base --standard advanced base units --standardization --standard operating procedure --standard parallel --standard pattern --standard positioning system --standard route --standard unit --standard use Army aircraft flight route --Standby Reserve --stand fast --standing operating procedure --standing order --state and regional defense airlift --stateless person --state of readiness --state of readiness--state 1--safe --state of readiness--state 2--armed --static air temperature --static line (air transport) --static line cable --static marking --station --station authentication --station time --status-of-forces agreement --stay behind --stay behind force --stellar guidance --stepped-up separation --stereographic coverage --sterilize --sterilizer --stick (air transport) --stick commander (air transport) --stimulants --stockage objective --stock control --stock coordination --stock level --Stock Number --stockpile to target sequence --stock record account --stop-loss --storage --storage life --storage or stowage --stores --stowage --stowage diagram --stowage factor --stowage plan --strafing --straggler --strapping --strategic advantage --strategic airlift --strategic air transport --strategic air transport operations --strategic air warfare --strategic concentration --strategic concept --strategic estimate --strategic intelligence --strategic level of war --strategic map --strategic material (critical) --strategic mining --strategic mission --strategic mobility --strategic plan --strategic psychological activities --strategic sealift --strategic sealift forces --strategic sealift shipping --strategic transport aircraft --strategic vulnerability --strategic warning --strategic warning lead time --strategic warning post-decision time --strategic warning pre-decision time --strategy --strategy determination --stretcher --stretch out --strike --strikedown --strike photography --strip marker --strip plot --strong point --structured message text --stuffing --subassembly --subgravity --subkiloton weapon --submarine operating authority --submarine operations area --submarine patrol area --submunition --subordinate command --subordinate unified command --subscription --subsidiary landing --subsonic --substitute transport-type vehicle --subunified command --subversion --subversion of Department of Defense personnel --subversive activity --subversive political action --summit --sun-synchronous orbit --supercargo --supersonic --supervised route --supplementary facilities --supplies --supply --supply by air --supply chain --supply chain management --supply control --supplying ship --supply management --supply point --supply support activity --supply transaction reporting --support --supported commander --supporting aircraft --supporting arms --supporting arms coordination center --supporting artillery --supporting attack --supporting commander --supporting fire --supporting forces --supporting operations --supporting plan --support items --support to counterinsurgency --support to insurgency --suppression --suppression mission --suppression of enemy air defenses --suppressive fire --surface action group --surface code --surface combatant --surface smuggling event --surface-to-air guided missile --surface-to-air missile envelope --surface-to-air missile installation --surface-to-air missile site --surface-to-air weapon --surface-to-surface guided missile --surface warfare --surface zero --surf line --surf zone --surplus property --surprise dosage attack --surveillance --surveillance approach --survey --survey control point --survey information center --survey, liaison, and reconnaissance party --survey photography --survivability --suspect --suspension equipment --suspension strop --sustainability --sustained attrition minefield --sustained rate of fire --sustaining stocks --sustainment --swell --sweep --sweeper track --sweep jamming --swept path --switch horn --sympathetic detonation --synchronization --synchronized clock --synchronous orbit --synthesis --synthetic exercise --systems architecture --systems design --systems support contractors --


table of allowance --TABOO frequencies --TACAN --tacit arms control agreement --tactical aeromedical evacuation --tactical air command center --tactical air commander (ashore) --tactical air control center --tactical air control party --tactical air coordinator (airborne) --tactical air direction center --tactical airfield fuel dispensing system --tactical air groups (shore-based) --tactical air officer (afloat) --tactical air operation --tactical air operations center --tactical air reconnaissance --tactical air support --tactical air support element --tactical air transport operations --tactical assembly area --tactical call sign --tactical combat force --tactical command, control, communications, and computer system(s) --tactical concept --tactical control --tactical deception group --tactical digital information link --tactical diversion --tactical event system --tactical exploitation of national capabilities --tactical information processing and interpretation system --tactical intelligence --tactical intelligence and related activities --tactical level of war --tactical loading --tactical locality --tactical-logistical group --tactical map --tactical minefield --tactical mining --tactical nuclear weapon employment --tactical obstacles --tactical operations center --tactical range --tactical reserve --tactical security --tactical sub-concept --tactical transport aircraft --tactical troops --tactical unit --tactical vehicle --tactical warning --tactical warning and assessment --tactical warning and attack assessment --tactics --tagline --Tanker Airlift Control Center --tanker airlift control element --tare weight --target --target acquisition --target analysis --target approach point --target area of interest --target area survey base --target array --target audience --target base line --target bearing --true --target classification --target complex --target component --target concentration --target critical damage point --target data inventory --target date --target discrimination --target dossier --target folder --target information center --targeting --targeting effects --target intelligence --target list --target materials --target nomination list --target of opportunity --target overlay --target pattern --target priority --target range --target response (nuclear) --target signature --target stress point --target system --target system assessment --target system component --task component --task element --task force --task group --tasking order --task organization --task-organizing --task unit --taxiway --T-day --tear line --technical analysis --technical architecture --technical assistance --technical characteristics --technical documentation --technical escort --technical evaluation --technical information --technical intelligence --technical operational intelligence --technical review authority --technical specification --technical supply operations --technical surveillance countermeasures --technical survey --techniques --telecommunication --telecommunications center --teleconference --teleprocessing --television imagery --telling --temperature gradient --tempest --temporary interment --terminal --terminal attack control --terminal clearance capacity --terminal control --terminal control area --terminal guidance --terminal operations --terminal phase --terminal velocity --terms of reference --terrain analysis --terrain avoidance system --terrain clearance system --terrain exercise --terrain flight --terrain following system --terrain intelligence --terrain study --terrestrial environment --terrestrial reference guidance --territorial airspace --territorial sea --terrorism --terrorist --terrorist groups --terrorist threat level --test depth --tests --theater --theater airlift --theater airlift liaison officer --theater-assigned transportation assets --theater distribution --theater distribution management --theater distribution system --theater missile --theater of operations --theater of war --theater strategic environment --theater strategy --theater support contractors --thermal crossover --thermal energy --thermal exposure --thermal imagery --thermal pulse --thermal radiation --thermal shadow --thermal X-rays --thermonuclear --thermonuclear weapon --thorough decontamination --threat analysis --threat and vulnerability assessment --threat identification and assessment --threat-oriented munitions --threat warning --threshold --throughput --tie down diagram --tie down point --tie down point pattern --tilt angle --time and frequency standard --time-definite delivery --time fuze --time interval --time of attack --time of delivery --time of flight --time of origin --time of receipt --time on target --time over target conflict --time over target (nuclear) --time-phased force and deployment data --time-phased force and deployment data maintenance --time-phased force and deployment data refinement --time-phased force and deployment list --times --time-sensitive targets --time slot --time to target --tip --tips --title block --TNT equivalent --tolerance dose --tone down --tophandler --topographic base --topographic engineering --topographic map --topography --top secret --torpedo defense net --toss bombing --total active aircraft authorization --total active aircraft inventory --total asset visibility --total dosage attack --total materiel assets --total materiel requirement --total mobilization --total overall aircraft inventory --total pressure --touchdown zone --toxic chemical --toxic chemical, biological, or radiological attack --toxin --toxin agent --track --track correlation --track management --track of interest --track production area --track symbology --track telling --trafficability --traffic circulation map --traffic control police --traffic density --traffic flow --traffic flow security --traffic information (radar) --traffic management --traffic pattern --train --trained strength in units --train headway --training aids --training and readiness oversight --training and retirement category --training-pay category --training period --training pipeline --training unit --train path --trajectory --transattack period --transfer loader --transient --transient forces --transit area --transit bearing --transition altitude --transition layer --transition level --transit passage --transit route --transit zone --transmission factor (nuclear) --transmission security --transonic --transponder --transportability --transport aircraft --transport area --transportation closure --transportation component command --transportation emergency --transportation feasibility --transportation movement requirement --transportation operating agencies --transportation priorities --transportation system --transport control center (air transport) --transport group --transporting (ordnance) --transshipment point --traverse --traverse racking test load value --treason --trench interment --trend --triangulation station --tri-camera photography --trig list --trim --triple point --troop basis --troops --troop safety (nuclear) --troop space cargo --troop test --tropical storm --tropopause --true airspeed indicator --true altitude --true bearing --true convergence --true horizon --true north --turbojet --turnaround --turnaround cycle --turning movement --turning point --turn-off guidance --two-person control --two-person rule --types of burst --type unit --type unit data file --


ultraviolet imagery --unaccounted for --unanticipated immediate targets --uncertain environment --uncharged demolition target --unclassified matter --unconventional assisted recovery --unconventional assisted recovery coordination center --unconventional assisted recovery mechanism --unconventional recovery operation --unconventional warfare --unconventional warfare forces --undersea warfare --understowed cargo --underwater demolition --underwater demolition team --underway replenishment --underway replenishment force --underway replenishment group --unexpended weapons or ordnance --unexploded explosive ordnance --unified action --Unified Action Armed Forces --unified combatant command --unified command --Unified Command Plan --uniformed services --unilateral arms control measure --unintentional radiation exploitation --unintentional radiation intelligence --uni-Service command --unit --unit aircraft --unit combat readiness --unit commitment status --unit designation list --United States --United States Armed Forces --United States Civil Authorities --United States Civilian Internee Information Center --United States controlled shipping --United States message text format --United States Military Service-funded foreign training --United States Naval Ship --United States Prisoner of War Information Center --United States Signals Intelligence System --United States Transportation Command --unit identification code --unitized load --unit line number --unit loading --unit movement control center --unit of issue --unit movement data --unit personnel and tonnage table --unit price --unit readiness --unit-related equipment and supplies --unit reserves --unit training assembly --unit type code --universal polar stereographic grid --Universal Postal Union --Universal Time --universal transverse mercator grid --unknown --unlimited war --unmanned aerial vehicle --unplanned immediate targets --unpremeditated expansion of a war --unscheduled convoy phase --unstuffing --unwanted cargo --unwarned exposed --urban triad --urgent mining --urgent priority --US commercial assets --use of force policy --US Defense Representative --US forces --US national --US Transportation Command coordinating instructions --


validate --validation --valuable cargo --value engineering --variability --variable safety level --variant --variation --vectored attack --vehicle cargo --vehicle distance --vehicle summary and priority table --verification --verify --vertex --vertex height --vertical air photograph --vertical and/or short takeoff and landing --vertical envelopment --vertical interval --vertical landing zone --vertical loading --vertical probable error --vertical replenishment --vertical separation --vertical strip --vertical takeoff and landing aircraft --vertical takeoff and landing aircraft transport area --very seriously ill or injured --very small aperture terminal --vesicant agent --vignetting --visibility range --visual call sign --visual information --visual information documentation --visual meteorological conditions --visual mine firing indicator --vital area --vital ground --voice call sign --Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement --voluntary tanker agreement --voluntary training --voluntary training unit --VOR --vulnerability analysis --vulnerability assessment --vulnerability program --vulnerability study --vulnerable area --vulnerable node --vulnerable point --


wading crossing --walking patient --wanted cargo --warble --warden system --war game --warhead --warhead mating --warhead section --war materiel procurement capability --war materiel requirement --warned exposed --warned protected --warning --warning area --warning net --warning of attack --warning of war --warning order --warning red --warning shots --warning white --warning yellow --warp --war reserve materiel requirement --war reserve materiel requirement, balance --war reserve materiel requirement, protectable --war reserve (nuclear) --war reserves --war reserve stock --war reserve stocks for allies --wartime load --wartime manpower planning system --wartime reserve modes --watching mine --watercraft --waterspace management --water terminal --wave --wave crest --wave height --wave length --wave-off --wave period --wave trough --wave velocity --way point --W-day --weapon and payload identification --weapon debris (nuclear) --weaponeering --weapon engagement zone --weapons assignment --weapons free zone --weapons of mass destruction --weapons readiness state --weapons recommendation sheet --weapons state of readiness --weapon(s) system --weapon system employment concept --weapon system video --weapon-target line --weather central --weather deck --weather minimum --weight and balance sheet --wellness --wharf --wheel load capacity --white cap --whiteout --white propaganda --Wilson cloud --winch --wind shear --wind velocity --wing --wingman --withdrawal operation --withhold (nuclear) --working anchorage --working capital fund --work order --world geographic reference system --Worldwide Port System --wounded --wounded in action --wreckage locator chart --



yaw --yield --


zero-length launching --zero point --zone I (nuclear) --zone II (nuclear) --zone III (nuclear) --zone of action --zone of fire --ZULU time --