User:Slowking4/list of philadelphia public art

List of Philadelphia Art

125 YearsJenny Holtzer2005Hill Square, 34th and Walnutbenches; curbs: graniteUniversity of Pennsylvania


16 Foot Metal Sculpture (Fisher) Fred Fisher1980444 North 3rd Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniametal: steel Sculpture: steel; Base: concrete192 in. x 240 inIAS PA000402[4]
1st Regiment Infantry National Guard of Philadelphia
Spirit of '61
Henry Kirke Bush-Brown1911The Union League, 140 South Broad Street, Philadelphiametal: bronze BronzeIAS 76005394[5][6][7][8][9]
3 Philosophers (Shaw) Ernest Shaw1984Reconstructivist Rabbinical College, Church Road & Greenwood Avenue, Wyncote, Pennsylvaniametal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steel84 in x 18 in x 54 inIAS PA001072[10]
No. 3 Williamsburg Series (Engman) Robert Engman1963metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: stone in a concrete basin, painted blueIAS PA000039[11]
Five Spouts, Frog and LintelUnknown (Javanese)1100stone: volcanic rock Sculptures: gray volcanic rock; Bases: graniteIAS PA000616[12][13][14]
Abraham Lincoln (Kemeys) Edward Kemeys1843metal: bronze BronzeIAS 75009288[15]
Abstract Design Relief (Evans) Paul Evans1973plastic: fiberglass FiberglassIAS PA000153[16]
Abstract Tubing (Blake) Richard Blake1981metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminum tubing; Base: concreteIAS PA001141[17]
Adam and Eve (Stonov) Oscar Stonorov1962metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: metalIAS 75009329[18]
Adam and Eve (Walker) Barbara Walker1979metal: steel Steel, paintedIAS PA001074[19]
Admiral George W. Melville Samuel Murray1923metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320105[20]
Aero Memorial (Manship) Paul Manship1948metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestone or graniteIAS 75009257[21]
African Elephant and Calf (Warneke) Heinz Warneke1962stone: granite Norwegian grey Bergan graniteIAS 75009338[22]
African Plaque (Allen) Tom Jr. Allen1973metal: steel Sculpture: plate brass and stainless steel; Base: stoneIAS 46200001[23]
African Warthog (Berg) Eric Berg1975metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 46200003[24]
after B. K. S. Iyengar (Engman) Robert Engman1978metal: bronze Sculpture: sikon bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000055[25]
Agriculture (Mueller) Augustus Max Johannes Mueller1876metal: zinc Sculpture: zinc, painted greenIAS PA000162[26]
The Alchemist (De Lue) Donald De Lue1940stone: limestone LimestoneIAS 76009541[27]
Alexander Von Humboldt (Drake) Frederich Drake1871metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite; Lower base: stone paversIAS 75009305[28]
All Wars Memorial to Colored Soldiers and Sailors J. Otto Schweizer1934metal: bronze Figures: bronze; Base monument: graniteIAS PA000002[29]
All Wars Memorial to Penn Alumni Charles Rudy1951metal: bronze Figure group: bronze; Base: black graniteIAS 77001620[30]
Allegorical Figures with Cornucopia and Fish (Greber) Henri Leon Greber1925stone: limestone Sculpture: Coquina limestone; Base: limestoneIAS PA000062[31]
Allegorical Figures with Swan (Greber) Henri Leon Greber1924stone: limestone Sculpture: Coquina limestone; Base: limestoneIAS PA000063[32]
Alliance (Day) David J. Day1973mixed: Sculpture: stainless steel & a rubber tire; Base: concrete & marbleIAS PA000104[33]
Allow Me (Johnson) J. Seward Johnson1984metal: bronze Sculpture: cast bronze, cast aluminum, stainless steel; Base: stoneIAS PA000497[34]
Altarpiece (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1981wood: hemlock Sculpture: hemlock and pineIAS 46300105[35]
The Amazon (Kiss) August Kiss1837metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS PA000011[36]
American Bull (Vail) Lorraine Vail1981metal: bronze Sculpture: cast bronze with resin bondingIAS 46300128[37]
Amity (Brown) David Lee Brown1977metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: concreteIAS PA001144[38]
Anteater (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1966metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 46200011[39]
Anthony J. Drexel (Ezekiel) Moses Jacob Ezekiel190433rd & Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniametal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marble66 x 54 x 60Drexel University, IAS PA000016[40]
Anthony Joseph Drexel (Ezekiel) Moses Jacob Ezekielca. 1901-1903. Dedicated May 3, 1905.33rd & Market Streets, Philadelphiastone: marble Sculpture: White Carrara marble42 in. 60 in baseDrexel University, IAS 77001201[41]
Anthony Joseph Drexel (Ezekiel bust) Moses Jacob Ezekielstone: marble Sculpture: White Carrara marble28 1/2 inDrexel University IAS 77001202[42]
Anthony Wayne (Gregory) John Gregory1937metal: bronze Sculpture: gilded bronze; Base: cold spring rainbow graniteIAS 75009274[43]
Apollo (unknown)Unknown1870metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marble or graniteIAS 88320057[44]
Arabesque and Layout (2 Elements) Cathy Hopkins1985mixed: Plastic, metal and cold cast bronze which includes polyester resin, bronze powder, & fiberglassIAS PA000112[45]
Arch (Cret) Paul Philippe Cret1910stone: granite GraniteIAS 77001734[46]
Arch) (Ali) Ron Ali1990metal: Arch: metal, painted orange; Base: metalIAS PA000352[47]
Art (Mueller) Augustus Max Johannes Mueller1876metal: zinc Sculpture: zinc, painted white; Base: lead coated copperIAS PA000161[48]
Ashanti Gratitude (Brenner) Bernard Brenner1976metal: steel Sculpture: steel, painted red; Base: concrete and metalIAS PA000417[49]
Aspiration (Frishmuth) Harriet Whitney Frishmuth1933stone: granite Vermont graniteIAS 88320096[50]
Athlete (Brown) Joseph Brown1967metal: bronze Bronze on a brick baseIAS 88320120;[51]IAS 75009387[52]
Atlas X Art Brenner1974metal: Sculpture: painted metal; Base: concreteIAS PA000158[53]
Atmosphere and Environment XII Louise Nevelson1970metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steel; Base: granite with plywood supportIAS PA000013[54][55][56]
Aurora Window, Canopy, and Sconces Ray King1989mixed: Glass, bronze, & steelIAS PA000114[57]
Awakening (Pierce) Ron T. Pierce1971metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 88320129[58]
Awakening (Dugan) Jay Dugan1943stone: granite Sculpture: granite or marble; Base: stoneIAS PA000450[59]
Balancing (Tarantal) Elsa Johnson Tarantal1983metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000048[60]
Baltimore Federal (Sugarman) George Sugarman1978metal: aluminum Painted aluminumIAS 75002802[61]
Barton and Beury Walls (Borkin) John Borkin1984mixed: Gypsum plaster, stucco and fiberglassIAS PA000183[62]
The Batter (Brown) Joseph Brown1974metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000184[63]
Beangold's Phoenix (Seidel) Peter Seidel1981metal: steel Steel I-beamsIAS PA000478[64]
Bear and Her Cub (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1957stone: diorite Sculpture: black Coopersburg graniteIAS 46200007[65]
Bear (Jones) Dexter Jones1968metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000502[66]
Beaver (Laessle) Albert Laessle1926metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS 77002235[67]
Beginning of an Adventure (Karhumaa) Karl O. Karhumaa1966metal: bronze Bronze on a concrete baseIAS 75009408[68]
Belgian Block Courtyard Edna Andrade1972stone: granite Two colors of granite belgian block, Colorado red & forest green; a wrought iron fence gate, landscape plants & trees, and a cinderblock wallIAS PA000139[69]
Ben Franklin on a Park Bench George Wayne Lundeen1987metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000022[70]
Bench Form 2-89 Thomas Sternal1989metal: aluminum Aluminum (?)IAS PA000091[71]
Bench Form (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1990stone: marble Sculpture: Vermont marble and Pennsylvania granite; Base: square of loose stonesIAS PA000120[72]
Bench (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1990stone: granite Marble and graniteIAS PA000163[73]
Benjamin Banneker (Washington) James W. Washington1969Progress Plaza Shopping Center, Broad & Oxford Streets, Philadelphiastone: granite GraniteIAS 88320137;[74]IAS 75009415[75]
Benjamin Franklin, Craftsman Joseph Brown1981metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite and belgian blockIAS PA000123[76]
Benjamin Franklin in 1723 R. Tait McKenzie1914metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: limestone and graniteIAS 77001605[77]
Benjamin Franklin in Fireman's Hat Dexter Jones1968metal: aluminum AluminumIAS PA000611[78]
Benjamin Franklin (Boyle)John J. Boyle1899metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze with patina; Base: graniteIAS 76005268[79]
Bicycle Boy Thomas Wood1896stone: marble White marbleIAS PA000614[80]
Big Ben at Franklin Town Thomas Miles1992mixed: Sculpture: stainless steel sheet, painted, and concrete; Base: red concrete and metalIAS PA000422[81]
Billy (Laessle) Albert Laessle1914metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS 88320080[82]
Bird Form (Stein) Jane E. Stein1966stone: marble Blue marble on a concrete baseIAS 88320132[83]
Bird in Flight (Zubar) Marco Zubar1971metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steel set into a concrete walkwayIAS 75009367[84]
Bird (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1970metal: steel Bird: steel sheet, painted blue; Pole: pipe, painted rustoleum pink; Base: concreteIAS PA000400[85]
Birds in Flight (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1985metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminum; Base: concreteIAS PA000117[86]
Bishop Matthew SimpsonUnknown1896metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320064[87]
Black Forest (Fredenhal) Robinson Fredenthal1983metal: steel Sculpture: steel plate, painted black; Base: stainless steel on concrete foundationIAS PA000032[88]
Black Rhinoceros (Dickson) Thomas H. Dickson1985mixed: Sculpture: concrete/polymer (Thorite) over fiberglassIAS 46200006[89]
Blockhead (Fredenthal) Robinson Fredenthal1990metal: steel Sculpture: painted galvanized steel; Foundation: concreteIAS PA000628[90]
Bolt of Lightning...Memorial to Ben Franklin Isamu Noguchi1933metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel with steel cables; Base: painted steelIAS 66530048[91][92][93][94][95]
(he Boston Memorial S. K. Miller1961metal: bronze Relief plaque: bronze; Commemorative plaques: brass; Wall: stone; Bench: stoneIAS PA001073[96]
The Boxers (Ben-Shmuel) Ahron Ben-Shmuel1937stone: granite Coopersburg granite on a concrete baseIAS 88320092[97]
Boy and Dog Sculpture Jim Victor1982mixed: Sculpture: Concrete and epoxy with marble chips; Base: concreteIAS PA000078[98]
Boy Scout (McKensie) R. Tait McKenzie1915metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS 88320102[99]
Boy With Hawk (Parks) Charles Cropper Parks1973metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base; brickIAS 76007393[100]
Boys in the Park (Stokes) Charlotte C. Stokes1981metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000192[101]
The Braceland Arch (Mueller) Louis Mueller1986metal: bronze Sculpture: welded bronze tubing; Base: metal & concreteIAS PA000079[102]
Bronze Figure (Lieberman) Neil Lieberman1970metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: brickIAS 75009377[103]
Bronze Sphere (Ihlenfeld) Klaus Ihlenfeld1970metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 75009382[104]
Buddha (unknown)Unknown1800stone: Sculpture: stone; Base: concreteIAS PA000132[105]
Buddha "Siddhartha Gautama" (Nevin) Blanche Nevin1900concrete: cement Sculpture: cement with quartz crystals; Base: cementIAS PA000176[106]
Bull Negative and Bull Positive Filippo Bermani1943metal: steel Sculptures: cut Cor-Ten steel; Bases: steelIAS PA000414[107]
Burst of Joy Harold Kimmelman1977metal: steel Sculpture: polished stainless steel; Base: polished black graniteIAS 77001322[108]
Bust of ColumbusUnknown1970stone: Bust: stone; Base: stoneIAS PA000475[109]
James Garfield (Saint-Gaudens) Augustus Saint-Gaudens1885metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009283[110]
Butterfly (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1970metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: polished black graniteIAS 77001328[111]
Butterfly (Papashvily) George Papashvily1964stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: fieldstoneIAS 88320127[112]
Calvary SceneUnknown (Italian)1960stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: cementIAS PA001166[113]
Caring (Clark) Ken Clark1982metal: steel SteelIAS PA000061[114]
Castalua (Tyler) Stella Elkins Tyler1935metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: red sandstone; Basin: sandstone, carvedIAS PA000382[115]
Cat and Fish (Francksen) Jean Eda Francksen1967concrete: Cast-concreteIAS 75009413[116]
Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain Herman Kirn1876stone: marble Sculptures: marble; Base: graniteIAS 75009303[117]
Cats (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1974metal: bronze Cats: bronze; Fountain: granite (?)IAS PA000385[118]
Center Device (Van Houten) Harold D. Van Houten1993mixed: Concrete and Cor-Ten steelIAS PA000208[119]
Center of Mass I Ken Clark1977metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel, welded; Base: concreteIAS PA000413[120]
Central Post (totem) Charlie James1850wood: cedar Totem: cedar; Pedestal: stainless steelIAS PA000619[121]
Ceramic Screen (Daley) William P. Daley1978ceramic: terra cotta Sculpture: terra cottaIAS 77001324[122]
Charioteer of DelphiUnknown (Greek) (copy after)1977metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: black marbleIAS PA001128[123]
Charles Allen Smith (Moitz) Francis P. Moitz1917stone: granite GraniteIAS 75009368[124]
Charles Custis Harrison LLD Frank Lynn Jenkins1925metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS 76006522[125]
Charles Lea Memorial Alexander Stirling Calder1906Laurel Hill CemeteryIAS 76005582[126][127][128]
Charles Lennig (Boyle) John J. Boyle1900metal: bronze Bust: bronze with patina; Base: graniteIAS 77001625[129]
Charlie (Wilson) Bob Wilson1993wood: maple Silver maple tree stump, paintedIAS PA000118[130]
Chief Justice John Marshall William Wetmore Story1883Philadelphia Museum of Art, 26th Street & Benjamin Franklin Parkway, West entrance, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1913075 x 51 x 77 1/2metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000014[131]
Child Care (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1966plastic: Reinforced plastic on a concrete baseIAS 75009401[132]
Children at Play (Rockwell) Peter Rockwell1978metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA001158[133]
Children Playing (Pinto) Sarala Ruth Pinto1800metal: Sculpture: painted metal; Base: painted metalIAS 75009389[134]
Children's Hospital Gateposts Beatrice Fenton1931stone: limestone Figure: limestone; Base: granite and brickIAS 88320095[135]
Chimes of Faith Hunter Malpass1976metal: steel Arches: stainless steel; Chimes: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000127[136]
Chimpanzee (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1965stone: limestone Relief: Indiana limestoneIAS 75009340[137]
The China Gate (Soong) Sabrina Soong1984mixed: Gate: metal, wood, and glazed tiles; Base: stoneIAS PA001117[138]
Chinese Gate (sculpture)Unknown1984concrete: Poured concrete painted redIAS PA000003[139]
Chinese Water Stone (sculpture)Unknown1900stone: GreystoneIAS 74910004[140]
Choral (Witkin) Isaac Witkin1981metal: steel Sculpture: steel, painted and welded; Base: graniteIAS MD000493[141]
Christopher Columbus (Venditti) Antonio Venditti1955metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS PA000166[142]
Christopher Columbus (Pavone) Joseph E. Pavone1992metal: bronze Bust: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA001075[143]
City Seal (Jones) Dexter Jones1966metal: bronze Gold-leafed bronze bas-reliefIAS 75009353[144]
Civil War Memorial (Tarr) H. S. Tarr1865stone: Sculpture: stone; Base: stoneIAS PA001084[145]
Civil War Memorial (Leach) Joseph B. Leach1869metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Quincy graniteIAS PA001459[146]
Civil War Monument (sculpture)Unknown1887stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: graniteIAS PA000108[147]
Civil War Soldier (Milmore) Martin Milmore1872metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000125[148]
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors MonumentUnknown1909stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: limestoneIAS 88320058[149]
Civil War Soldiers' Monument (Lachmier) John Lachmier1883stone: granite Sculpture: New England granite with capstone of granite from Gettysburg Battlefield; Base: granite; Plaques: bronzeIAS 88320047[150]
Civil War Soldiers & Sailors Memorial (MacNeil) Hermon A. MacNeil1921stone: marble Sculpture: Tennessee marble; Base: graniteIAS PA000010[151]
Civil War Soldiers & Sailors Monument (sculpture)Unknown1800IAS 75009309[152]
Clevenger Memorial FountainUnknown1924metal: bronze Fountain: bronze or copper; Basin: slateIAS PA000476[153]
The Climbing Stone (Rockwell) Peter Rockwell1990stone: StoneIAS PA000116[154]
Clothespin (Oldenburg) Claes Oldenburg1976metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten and stainless steels; Base: concrete and metal basin filled with loose stonesIAS 77001303[155]
Coiled Snake (Ben-Shmuel) Ahron Ben-Shmuel1940stone: diorite Sculpture: black granite; Base: stoneIAS 75009334[156]
Collab I James Fuhrman1975metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steelIAS PA001119[157]
Colonial Scene (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1976metal: bronze Maybe bronze or brassIAS PA000609[158]
Columbia Subway Plaza and Station Entranceway Richard Fleischner1985mixed: Stone, granite, brick, tiles, and treesIAS PA001151[159]
Columbus Memorial (Donato) Giuseppe Donato1952metal: bronze Bust: bronze (?); Base: stone; Foundation: concreteIAS PA000477[160]
Columbus Monument (Obelisk) Rauch Venturi1992metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: stoneIAS 74910019[161]
Columbus Monument (Caroni) Emanuele Caroni1875stone: marble Sculpture: Italian marble; Base: stoneIAS PA000620[162]
Columbus (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: marble MarbleIAS 75009297[163]
Commerce: Seated Male Figure Alfred Botteiau1930stone: marble Sculpture: marbleIAS PA001115[164]
Commodore John Barry (Murray) Samuel Murray1906metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009322[165]
Compass Rose (Salama) David Salama1994mixed: Plastic, sand, epoxy polymer coatingIAS 74910014[166]
Connectedness (Kralik) M. J. Kralik1990metal: steel Sculpture: probably stainless steel, etched and burnished; Foundation: concreteIAS PA000472[167]
Connections, Franklin Town Park Athena Tacha1981mixed: Sculpture: granite boulders and Pennsylvania brown stone walled terraces with plants and rocksIAS 74240020[168]
Connie Mack (Rosin) Harry Rosin1957metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009371[169]
Construction for Outdoors #7 Stephen Porter1987metal: steel Steel and aluminum (?)IAS PA000030[170]
Convention Center Tunnel Kristen Jones1994light: neon Neon light, tape recordingIAS 74910010[171]
Corn Bench (Lopez) Alejandro Lopez1991IAS 74960135[172]
Cotswold Sheep (Layland) Charles Layland1980metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steelIAS 46300032[173]
Cougar (sculpture)Unknown1957metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000049[174]
Counterpoise (Smith) Gary Haven Smith1983stone: marble Sculpture: white carrara marble; Base: New Hampshire graniteIAS 46040012[175]
Courtship (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1958metal: bronze BronzeIAS 77002537[176]
Cowboy (Remington) Frederic Remington1908metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: natural stoneIAS 75009287[177]
Craig Memorial: Peter Pan Harriet Whitney Frishmuth1880IAS 77002827[178]
The Creation Pole (Malloff) Georganna Pearce Malloff1984wood: Sculpture: wood; Base: concrete and ironIAS PA001082[179]
Crispus Attucks (Washington) James W. Washington196918 in.Broad & Oxford streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniastone: granite GraniteProgress Plaza Shopping Center; IAS 75009414[180]; IAS 88320136[181]
CUBIS (Miller) Theodore Miller1979metal: aluminum Sculpture: painted aluminumIAS PA001120[182]
Dahomey Sorcerer (Lasus) Robert D. Lasus1982plastic: fiberglass Sculpture: polyester resin & fiberglass; Base: concreteIAS PA000095[183]
Dancers (Tyler) Stella Elkins Tyler1936metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: bronzeIAS PA000379[184]
David Reeves (sculpture)Unknown1871metal: bronze Sculpture: possibly bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA001165[185]
Decline and Rise (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1968metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: possibly concreteIAS 88320114[186]
Decorative Lamps (Schwartz) Joel Schwartz1986mixed: Wrought iron & glassIAS PA000113[187]
Dedicated to the American Secretary Costantino Nivola1970mixed: Steel reinforced concrete and sandIAS 77001320[188]; IAS 88320115[189]
Deinonychus (Ullberg) Kent Ullberg1987metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Dakota graniteIAS PA001091[190]
Diamond Park (Fahlen) Charles Fahlen1995metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel Base: concreteIAS 74910007[191]
Diana (sculpture)Unknown1800Philadelphia Museum of Art IAS 75009267[192]
Diana (Saint-Gaudens) Augustus Saint-Gaudens1892metal: copper Gilded shwwr copperIAS 76007784[193]
Diana (sculpture)Unknown1830stone: marble Marble on a granite baseIAS 88320013[194]
Dickens and Little Nell (Elwell) Frank Edwin Elwell1890metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009307[195]
Dictionary for Building: Back Porch with Picnic Table Siah Armajani1985mixed: Glass, mirror, paint, screen, and woodIAS 87610045[196]
The Diver (Wood) Thomas Wood1901stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: stoneIAS PA000103[197]
Dolphin Play Fountain Joseph C. Bailey1972plastic: epoxy Epoxy and fiberglassIAS 75009397[198]
Dolphins (Barger) Raymond Granville Barger1971metal: Sculptures: metalIAS 46200002[199]
Don Diego de Gardoqui (Sanguino) Luis Sanguino1977metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA001088[200]
Double Disc (Sisko) Paul Sisko1991metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steel; Base: weathering steelIAS PA000093[201]; IAS PA000149[202]
Double Figure Eight (Sisko) Paul Sisko1993metal: steel Sculpture: weathering steel; Base: square of loose mixed stonesIAS PA000121[203]
Dr. J. (Bright) Barney Bright1987metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000100[204]
Dr. Samuel Gross (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1897metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 76009079[205]; IAS 64860001[206]
Dr. William Pepper (Bitter) Karl Bitter1894metal: bronze Figure: bronze with patina; Base: graniteIAS 76005149[207]
Dragon Drip Fountain Nancy Reynolds1978metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000372[208]
Dream of Sky (Duffield) Timothy Duffield1978plastic: fiberglass FiberglassIAS 77001280[209]
Dream (Mooney) Joe Mooney1986found object: machine part Boiler plate pieces, welded and paintedIAS PA000196[210]
Driftwood (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1981metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: cast stoneIAS PA000623[211]
A Drinking Fountain (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1900metal: bronze Bronze with green patina; Basin: graniteIAS 76005588[212]
Drinking-Fountain (sculpture)Singer and Talcott1876LimestoneAECI 03024654[213]
Drunken Satyr (sculpture)Unknown1905metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 88320063[214]
Duck Girl (Manship) Paul Manship1911metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS 75009324[215]
Dying Lioness (Wolff) Wilhelm Wolff1873metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009330[216]
Eagle (sculpture)Clodius F. Legrand and Sons1797wood: mahogany MahoganyIAS 88320003[217]
Eagle (World War I Memorial) J. Otto Schweizer1923metal: bronze Eagle: bronze; Base: granite with bronze medallions & shields; Base: graniteIAS PA000084[218]
Eagles (Weinman) Adolph A. Weinman1903stone granite Sculpture: pink Milford granite; Base: stoneIAS 75009398[219]
Eagles (De Lue) Donald De Lue1941stone: marble MarbleIAS 76009528[220]
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, (Gates) Christopher T. Ray1971metal: iron Gates: iron and glassIAS 77001327[221]
East Pediment (Donato) Giuseppe Donato1940stone: limestone Pediment: Indiana limestoneIAS PA000423[222]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Cow #1 Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted brown, white, & pink, redwood, with plastic covered ears, tail, horns and udders; Base: concreteIAS PA000074[223]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Cow #2 Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted brown, white, & pink, redwood, with plastic covered ears, tail, horns and udders; Base: concreteIAS PA000075[224]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Cow #3 Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted brown, white, & pink, wood, plastic covered ears, horns and udders; Base: concreteIAS PA000076[225]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Sheep A Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: Sheet aluminum, painted black & white, redwood, & plastic covered ears and tail; Base: concreteIAS PA000069[226]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Sheep B Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted black & white, redwood, & plastic covered ears and tail; Base: concreteIAS PA000070[227]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Sheep C Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted black & white, redwood, & plastic covered ears and tail; Base: concreteIAS PA000071[228]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Sheep D Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted black & white, redwood, & plastic covered ears and tail; Base: concreteIAS PA000072[229]
Eastwick Farmpark I - Sheep E Rosalie Sherman1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted black & white, redwood, & plastic covered ears and tail; Base: concreteIAS PA000073[230]
Eastwick Farmpark II - Dog #1 Rosalie Sherman1985metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted black & white, with plastic covered ears and tail; Base: concreteIAS PA000065[231]
Eastwick Farmpark II - Dog #2 Rosalie Sherman1985metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted black & white, with plastic covered ears and tail; Base: concreteIAS PA000066[232]
Eastwick Farmpark II - Dog #3 Rosalie Sherman1985metal: aluminum Sculpture: sheet aluminum, painted black & white, with plastic covered ears; Base: concreteIAS PA000067[233]
Eastwick Farmpark II - Man on Bench Rosalie Sherman1985metal: aluminum Sculpture: painted sheet aluminum; Base: concreteIAS PA000068[234]
Edgar Fahs Smith (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1925metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS 77001607[235]
Eight Heads (sculpture)Unknown1927stone: Sculpture: stoneIAS PA001149[236]
The Eight (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1930metal: bronze Figure group: bronze; Base: painted concrete, reinforced with metalIAS 77001608[237]
El Gran Teatro de la Luna Rafael Ferrer1982metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminumIAS PA001140[238]
Elegy #8 Edward McCullough1993metal: steel Cor-Ten steelIAS PA001740[239]
Elemental Intervals (Freeland) Bill Freeland1985mixed: Painted plate aluminum, bronze rod, and limestoneIAS PA001153[240]
Elephant (Levy) Margaret Wasserman Levy1988plastic: acrylic AcrylicIAS PA000058[241]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: Settling the Seaboard Wheeler Williams1942stone: limestone Relief: limestone; Base: graniteIAS 88320071[242]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: Spanning the Continent Robert Laurent1937metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 76006754[243]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: Spirit of Enterprise Jacques Lipchitz1950metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009284[244]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Birth of a Nation Henry Kreis1943stone: limestone Relief: limestone; Base: graniteIAS 88320074[245]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Immigrant Heinz Warneke1933stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: limestoneIAS 76008194[246]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Laborer Ahron Ben-Shmuel1958stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: graniteIAS 88320079[247]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Miner John Bernard Flannagan1938stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: limestoneIAS 77002764[248]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Ploughman J. Wallace Kelly1938stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: limestoneIAS 88320069[249]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Poet Jose de Creeft1956stone: granite Sculpture: Salisbury pink granite; Base: graniteIAS 76009459[250]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Preacher Waldemar Raemisch1952stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: graniteIAS 88320077[251]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Puritan Harry Rosin1942stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: graniteIAS 88320072[252]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Quaker Harry Rosin1942stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: graniteIAS 88320073[253]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Revolutionary Soldier Erwin F. Frey1943stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: graniteIAS 88320076[254]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Scientist Koren Der Harootian1955stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: graniteIAS 88320078[255]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Slave Helene Sardeau1940stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: limestoneIAS 88320070[256]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: The Statesman Erwin F. Frey1943stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: graniteIAS 88320075[257]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: Two Bas-Relief Panels Eye and Hand J. Wallace Kelly1959stone: limestone Sculptures: limestone: Bases: stoneIAS PA001131[258]
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: Welcoming to Freedom Maurice Sterne1939metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA001132[259]
Eltanin (Grossman) Bathsheba L. Grossman1992metal: bronze Sculpture: Everdur bronze; Base: three wooden blocks, painted blackIAS PA000036[260]
Emancipation Proclamation Fountain Gerd Utescher1964metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 77001301[261]
Entrance Gates (Osborne) Elizabeth Osborne1978metal: steel Painted steelIAS 77001331[262]
Eros/Psyche (Lekakis) Michael Lekakis1980metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS PA000122[263]
Estuary Gate (Ray) Christopher T. Ray1979metal: iron Gate: forged ironIAS PA000142[264]
Face Fragment (Love) Arlene Love1975mixed: Sculpture: fiberglass reinforced polyester resin with gold-leaf patina, and brass; Base: concreteIAS 77001289[265]
Falling Star Relief (Madden) Charles Madden1983metal: aluminum Sculpture: unpolished aluminumIAS PA000140[266]
Families (Keyser) Evelyn Keyser1976metal: aluminum Cut, bent, & welded aluminumIAS PA000081[267]
Family of Bears (Winter) Sherl Joseph Winter1966concrete: precast Sculpture: precast concreteIAS 75009362[268]
Family of Man (Nivola) Costantino Nivola1961mixed: Cast concrete and sand, reinforced with steel (?)IAS 88320126[269]
Family of Turtles (Berg) Eric Berg1988metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Foundation: brickIAS PA001086[270]
The Family (Papashvily) George Papashvily1898IAS 75009383[271]
Family (Noguchi) Isamu Noguchi1957stone: marble Stony Creek Connecticut gray granite and red graniteIAS 46040004[272]
The Family (Parks) Charles Cropper Parks1970metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: brickIAS 88320128[273]
Family (Lieberman) Neil Lieberman1935metal: MetalIAS PA000395[274]
The Family (Duffield) Timothy Duffield1982metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Foundation: stoneIAS PA000496[275]
The Family (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1975plastic: fiberglass Sculpture: laminated fiberglass and epoxy resins with copper exterior; Base: stoneIAS PA001068[276]
The Family (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1982metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concrete, paintedIAS PA001162[277]
Family with Twins (Keyser) Evelyn Keyser1968metal: aluminum Aluminum, 3/16 in. thickIAS PA000080[278]
Fantasy Animal (Fuhrman) James Fuhrman1943metal: steel Weathering steelIAS PA000602[279]
Fantasy Figure (Fuhrman) James Fuhrman1978metal: steel SteelIAS PA000403[280]
Felis Leo (Lawrie) Archer Lawrie1950stone: limestone Relief: limestoneIAS 75009335[281]
Felis Tigris Archer Lawrie1951stone: limestone Relief: limestoneIAS 75009336[282]
Fence (Leavitt) Greg Leavitt1947metal: iron Wrought ironIAS PA000605[283]
Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company Building Lee Oskar Lawrie1926metal: bronze Bronze, limestone, and granite reliefsIAS 77006549[284]
Figure Eating Ice Cream Cone? Jim Victor1981metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000077[285]
Figure in Blue Marble (Bintliff) Katherine Joy Bintliff1966stone: marble Blue marble on a concrete baseIAS 88320116[286]
Figure LXIII (Berg) Eric Berg1989metal: bronze Sculpture: lightly polished bronze; Base: concrete with bronze plaqueIAS PA000148[287]
Fingerspan (Pinto) Jody Pinto1980metal: steel Cor-Ten steelIAS PA000190[288]
Finland Monument (Aaltonen) Vaino Aaltonen1938stone: granite Sculpture: red Finnish granite; Upper base: diorite; Lower base: grey graniteIAS PA000156[289]
Fire Engine (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1972metalIAS PA001150[290]
Fire Rescue Scene of Infant (Rose) Rebecca Rose1986metal: Sculpture: metalIAS PA001163[291]
Fire Scene (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1976metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000610[292]
Fire (Fredenthal) Robinson Fredenthal1973metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steelIAS PA000522[293]
Firefighter Memorial (Lykins) Jim Lykins1994metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: red graniteIAS 71500372[294]
Fireman Carrying a Hatchet (Jones) Dexter Jones1967metal: aluminumIAS PA000608[295]
Fireman Rescuing a Woman (Utescher) Gerd Utescher1912metal: bronzeIAS PA000387[296]
Firemen (Utescher) Gerd Utescher1964metal: Relief: metalIAS 75009370[297]
First Step (Clark) Ken Clark1977metal: steel Sculpture: weathering steel (?), painted; Foundation: metalIAS PA000607[298]
The Fishing Bear (Frudakis) Evangelos Frudakis1972metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS 77002840[299]
Fiske Doors, St. Mark's Church Samuel Yellin1919mixed: Wood, painted red, and hand-wrought ironIAS PA000499[300]
Fitler Square Ram Gerd Hesness Frudakis1978metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS 77002836[301]
Flame (Winter) Sherl Joseph Winter1968metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Fountain basin: Belgian marble and concreteIAS 77001206[302]
Flat Face and Pillars (sculpture)Unknown1900mixed: Sculpture: concrete, steel, gold-colored metal; Base: bed of stonesIAS PA000144[303]
Floating Figure (Lachaise) Gaston Lachaise1927metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS 77001325[304]
Florentine Lions (sculpture)Unknown1849metal: bronze Lions: bronze; Bases: concrete on brickIAS 88320034[305]
Flower (Iris) Rebecca Rose1983concrete: Sculpture: concrete; Base: concreteIAS PA000089[306]
Fordham Memorial FountainUnknown1914metal: copper Copper on steel baseIAS PA000023[307]
Fountain and Sculpture (Bogle) Jon Bogle1974metal: Sculpture: metal; Base: concreteIAS PA001155[308]
Fountain Gargoyles (Collins) John R. Collins1979metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concrete aggregateIAS PA001094[309]
Fountain of the Sea Horses (Unterberger) Christoph Unterberger1740stone: travertine Fountain: Italian travertineIAS 88320109[310]
Fountain (Ray) Christopher T. Ray1970metal: copper Sculpture: painted wrought copper; Fountain basin: fiberglassIAS 75009384[311]
Fountain (sculpture)Unknown1900stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Upper basin: granite or sandstoneIAS PA000377[312]
Fountain (sculpture)Unknown1971IAS PA001161[313]
Fountain (Morgan) Richard S. Morgan1995ceramic: Unglazed ceramicIAS PA000200[314]
Fountain Sculpture (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1970metal: bronze BronzeIAS 77001312[315]
Fountain with Patterned Mosaic Base (Pei) I. M. Pei1966concrete: Painted concreteIAS PA001159[316]
Fountain with Winged Figures (Greber) Henri Leon Greber1900stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: limestoneIAS PA000064[317]
The Four Continents: Africa (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 76005661[318]
The Four Continents: America (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 88320081[319]
The Four Continents: Asia (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 88320082[320]
The Four Continents: Europe (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 88320083[321]
Flame (Winter) Sherl Joseph Winter1968metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Fountain basin: Belgian marble and concreteIAS 77001206[322]
Flat Face and Pillars (sculpture)Unknown1900mixed: Sculpture: concrete, steel, gold-colored metal; Base: bed of stonesIAS PA000144[323]
Floating Figure (Lachaise) Gaston Lachaise1927metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS 77001325[324]
Florentine Lions (sculpture)Unknown1849metal: bronze Lions: bronze; Bases: concrete on brickIAS 88320034[325]
Flower (Iris) Rebecca Rose1983concrete: Sculpture: concrete; Base: concreteIAS PA000089[326]
Fordham Memorial FountainUnknown1914metal: copper Copper on steel baseIAS PA000023[327]
Fountain and Sculpture (Bogle) Jon Bogle1974metal: Sculpture: metal; Base: concreteIAS PA001155[328]
Fountain Gargoyles (Collins) John R. Collins1979metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concrete aggregateIAS PA001094[329]
Fountain of the Sea Horses (Untenberger) Christoph Unterberger1740stone: travertine Fountain: Italian travertineIAS 88320109[330]
Fountain (Ray) Christopher T. Ray1970metal: copper Sculpture: painted wrought copper; Fountain basin: fiberglassIAS 75009384[331]
Fountain (sculpture)Unknown1900stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Upper basin: granite or sandstoneIAS PA000377[332]
Fountain (sculpture)Unknown1971IAS PA001161[333]
Fountain (Morgan) Richard S. Morgan1995ceramic: Unglazed ceramicIAS PA000200[334]
Fountain Sculpture (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1970metal: bronze BronzeIAS 77001312[335]
Fountain with Patterned Mosaic Base (Pei) I. M. Pei1966concrete: Painted concreteIAS PA001159[336]
Fountain with Winged Figures (Greber) Henri Leon Greber1900stone: limestone Sculpture: limestone; Base: limestoneIAS PA000064[337]
The Four Continents: Africa (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 76005661[338]
The Four Continents: America (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 88320081[339]
The Four Continents: Asia (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 88320082[340]
The Four Continents: Europe (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: granite Granite on a brick and granite baseIAS 88320083[341]
Four Metal Bas-Reliefs (Wallis) Charles Wallis1973metal: Each sculpture: metal and concrete; Each base: slate, paintedIAS PA001101[342]
Four Piece Stone Sculpture (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1991stone: marble Sculpture: pink, white, & black marble; Base: graniteIAS PA000092[343]
Four Wall Reliefs (Sugarman) George Sugarman1981metal: aluminum Aluminum plate, paintedIAS PA001057[344]
Fractured Column (Sisko) Paul Sisko1977metal: steel Brushed stainless steelIAS PA000152[345]
Francisco de Miranda (Gonzalez) Lorenzo Gonzalez1977metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA001092[346]
Frank Furness Gateway Frank Furness1876stone: sandstone Brown Connecticut sandstoneIAS 75009289[347]
Franz Schubert (Baerer) Henry Baerer1891metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestone and granite with bronze plaqueIAS 75009315[348]
Frederick Douglass (Washington) James W. Washington1969stone: granite Imperial mahogany graniteIAS 75009417[349]
Frederick Douglass (Washington) James W. Washington1969stone: granite GraniteIAS 88320139[350]
Frederick Graff MemorialUnknown1800IAS 75009268[351]
Frederick Graff Memorial, (sculpture)Unknown1844stone: marble Marble on a granite baseIAS 88320030[352]
Free Flight (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1971steel: Sculpture: welded stainless steal; Base: concreteIAS 75009404[353]
Free Interpretation of Plant Forms Harry Bertoia1967metal: bronze Sculpture: welded copper tubing and bronze rods. (4 tons)IAS 77001292[354]
Freedom Corner, (sculpture) James Dupree1995concrete: Painted concrete and cowry shellsIAS 74910006[355]
The Freedom Ring, (sculpture) Houston Conwill1994stone: diorite Pennsylvania black granite and midnight gray graniteIAS 74910005[356]
Freedom Symbol, (sculpture) Joseph J. Greenberg1968metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 75009393[357]
A Friend, (sculpture) Charles Cropper Parks1976metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze, painted; Base: concreteIAS PA000420[358]
(Frog and Seal), (sculpture)Unknown1943concrete: Animals: concrete, painted red; Bases: concreteIAS PA000393[359]
(Frogs), (sculpture) B. Ridgeway1927stone: limestone Frogs: limestone; Foundations: concreteIAS PA000374[360]
The Funder, (sculpture) Tonnie Jones1971metal: bronze Bronze on a concrete baseIAS 75009403[361]
Gambol II, (sculpture) Robert D. Lasus1992metal: steel Sculpture: 304 stainless steel; Footing: concreteIAS PA000098[362]
Gamekeeper's Night Dog, (sculpture) Victoria Davila1988metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concrete with limestone topIAS PA000047[363]
Gardel Monument, (sculpture) Guillaume Geefs1862stone: marble Granite and Italian marbleIAS 88320028[364]
Gardens for Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, (sculpture) Isamu Noguchi1956IAS 87560869[365]
(Gargoyle Grouping), (sculpture) Peter Rockwell1980mixed: terrazzo Sculpture: travertine and terrazzoIAS PA001096[366]
Gate, (sculpture) Greg Leavitt1982metal: iron IronIAS PA001160[367]
Gates and Gargoyles, (sculpture) Samuel Yellin1912metal: iron Wrought iron, paintedIAS PA001152[368]
Gates and Grills, (sculpture) Albert Paley1978metal: steel Iron or mild steel, forged, sandblasted, and paintedIAS 77001329[369]
Gates and Screens, (sculpture) Richard Cramer1979metal: iron Wrought ironIAS 77001330[370]
The Gates of Hell, (sculpture) Auguste Rodin1880metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS PA001090[371]
Gates, (sculpture) Samuel Yellin1923metal: iron Hand-wrought ironIAS PA000407[372]
(Gates), (sculpture) Samuel Yellin1925metal: iron Wrought iron, paintedIAS PA000408[373]
(Gates), (sculpture) Timothy Duffield1980metal: MetalIAS PA000599[374]
(Gates), (sculpture) Samuel Yellin1934metal: iron Wrought ironIAS PA000612[375]
Gates, (sculpture) Samuel Yellin1926metal: iron IronIAS PA001058[376]
Gemination Sequence (Cunningham) Linda Cunningham1979metal: steel Bronze and steelIAS PA000043[377]
Gemini (Rosenwald) Robert Rosenwald1986metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminum; Base: aluminum, paintedIAS PA000384[378]
General Anthony Wayne (Bush-Brown) Henry Kirke Bush-Brown1908metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Missouri red graniteIAS 76005385[379]
General Casimir Pulaski (Waugh) Sidney Waugh1947metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320088[380]
General Francis E. Patterson Monument Joseph Alexis Bailly1825IAS 88320017[381]
General Frederich Von Steuben (Wheelock) Warren Wheelock1947metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320110[382]
General George B. McClellan (Ellicott) Henry Jackson Ellicott1891metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Quincy gray granite with bronze decorationsIAS 75009351[383]
General George G. Meade (Calder) Alexander Milne Calder1881metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009300[384]
General George Washington (Gelert) Johannes Sophus Gelert1852IAS 77003063[385]
General John Fulton Reynolds (Rogers) John H. Rogers1883metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009347[386]
General Marquis de Lafayette (Josset) Raoul Josset1947metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009275[387]
General Nathanael Greene, (Iselin) Lewis Iselin1960metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009278[388]
General Peter Muhlenberg (Schweizer) J. Otto Schweizer1910metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Barre graniteIAS 88320068[389]
General Tadeusz Kosciuszko (Konieszny) Marion Konieszny1978metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000160[390]
General Ulysses S. Grant (French) Daniel Chester French1893metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009285[391]
Gentile's Touch by Jim G. Jim Huntington1982mixed: Pennsylvania black granite & Cor-Ten steelIAS 46040001[392]
Geometric Abstract Form (Fuhrman) James Fuhrman1972metal: steel Cor-Ten steelIAS PA000134[393]
George and Meta Conor-Wood Memorial Fountain Ahron Ben-Shmuel1942granite: Sculpture: Coopersburg granite; Base: stone walls with slate steps and cappingIAS 75009310[394]
George McKenzie Poinsett MemorialUnknown1914stone: granite Sculpture: Rhode Island graniteIAS PA001111[395]
George Washington Carver (Washington) James W. Washington1909IAS 75009416[396]
George Washington Carver (Washington) James W. Washington1969stone: granite GraniteIAS 88320138[397]
George Washington Monument (Siemering) Rudolf Siemering1897metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009269[398]
George Washington (Bailly) Joseph Alexis Bailly1869metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze: Base: marble and graniteIAS 75009321[399]
George Washington (Houdon) Jean Antoine Houdon1790metal: bronze Bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009328[400]
George Washington (Bailly) Joseph Alexis Bailly1869stone: marble MarbleIAS 75009346[401]
Germinal (Gate) Gerd Hesness Frudakis1985metal: bronze Bas-relief: bronze; Frame: steelIAS PA001142[402]
Giant Frog (Chapin) Cornelia Van Auken Chapin1941stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: stoneIAS 75009326[403]
Gift of the Winds (Bailly) Joseph, C. Baily1978metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel and manganese bronzeIAS PA001108[404]
Giraffe (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1955metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 75009385[405]
Giraffe (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1969metal: steel Welded stainless steelIAS 75009409[406]
Giraffes (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1960metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: bluestoneIAS 75009345[407]
Girl with Basin (Hoffman) Edward Fenno Hoffman1958metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 75009392[408]
Globe with Motor (sculpture)Unknown1983mixed: Sculpture: steel strips and a motor, painted; Base: concreteIAS PA000418[409]
Gnomon (Morgan) Richard S. Morgan1994stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: limestoneIAS PA001738[410]
Goethe (Manger) Heinrich Manger1889metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Upper base: bronze; Lower base: graniteIAS 75009316[411]
Golden Slipper (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1977metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze or brass with gold leaf; Base: concreteIAS PA000600[412]
Gopher (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1923IAS 75009388[413]
Gorilla (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1965stone: limestone Relief: Indiana limestoneIAS 75009341[414]
Gov. Johan Printz (Lindborg) Carl Lindborg1972metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Barre, Vermont graniteIAS 77001076[415]
Government of the People (Lipchitz) Jacques Lipchitz1975metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concrete and stoneIAS 77001300[416]
Grand Army of the Republic FountainUnknown1893metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: ironIAS PA000147[417]
The Great Doctor (Raemisch) Waldemar Raemisch1955metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 88320090[418]
The Great Mother (Raemisch) Waldemar Raemisch1955metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 75009279[419]
Great Seals of Cities and States Leon Hermant1926stone: granite GraniteIAS PA000493[420]
Greek Helmet at Rest (Lasus) Robert D. Lasus1983mixed: Sculpture: concrete with white marble aggregate; Base: concrete & traprockIAS PA000096[421]
Greek Warrior (Capralos) Christos Capralos1969metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000083[422]
Grizzly (Berg) Eric Berg1983metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA001085[423]
Grubbtown Civil War MonumentUnknown1899stone: marble Sculpture: marble and granite; Base: marble and graniteIAS PA001732[424]
Guardians of Fire (Utescher) Gerd Utescher1964metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concrete amalgamIAS 75009374[425]
Guglielmo Marconi (Saleppichi) Giancarlo Saleppichi1975metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite or marbleIAS PA000191[426]
Guild House West Relief (Keene) Paul Keene1981mixed: Fired ceramic tile and stoneware, and metalIAS PA000485[427]
Haddy (Jones) Dexter Jones1970metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite, natural rockIAS 75009343[428]
Hadrosaurus Monument (Brees) Chris Brees1984metal: bronze Marker: bronze; Base: stoneIAS NJ000462[429]
Harry Bertoia Sculpture (Bertoia) Harry Bertoia1974metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze with green patina; Base: cementIAS PA000688[430]
Head of Artemis (sculpture)Unknown1700stone: StoneIAS PA000473[431]
Helen (Harvey) Andre Harvey1987metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS PA001079[432]
Helical Form (Daley) William P. Daley1971metal: bronze Sculpture: Tomasil bronze; Base: limestoneIAS 75009365[433]
Hello Columbus Monument Alfred Panepinto1992metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concrete and stoneIAS PA001083[434]
Hemicycle Decorative Plaque (Architects) Alexander Kemp1877ceramic: terra cotta Terra cottaIAS 77001484[435]
Hemicycle Decorative Plaque (Painters) Alexander Kemp1877ceramic: terra cotta Terra cottaIAS 88320041[436]
Hemicycle Decorative Plaque (Painters) Alexander Kemp1877ceramic: terra cotta Terra cottaIAS 88320042[437]
Hemicycle Decorative Plaque (Painters) Alexander Kemp1877ceramic: terra cotta Terra cottaIAS 88320044[438]; IAS 88320045[439]
Hemicycle Decorative Plaque (Sculptors) Alexander Kemp1877ceramic: terra cotta Terra cottaIAS 88320043[440]
Henry Charles Lea Monument Alexander Stirling Calder1911metal: bronze BronzeIAS 88320018[441]
Henry Howard Houston Memorial John Massey Rhind1900metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009295[442]
Henry M. Phillips Memorial Fountain Henry Mitchell1915IAS 75009277[443][444]
Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Memorial J. Otto Schweizer1917metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320108[445]
Hephaestus (Lasus) Robert D. Lasus1980plastic: polyester plastic Cast polyester resin, pigmentedIAS PA000411[446]
Heroic Figure of Man (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1963metal: bronze Bronze on a black marble baseIAS 77001295[447]
The Hewer (Barnard) George Grey Barnard1901metal: bronze Bronze on concrete baseIAS 75004399[448]
Hill Dweller (Gordon) Harry H. Gordon1990wood: Sculpture: wood; Base: concrete & aggregate stonesIAS PA000094[449]
Hippo Family (Schiwetz) Berthold Tex Schiwetz1962metal: bronze BronzeIAS 75009411[450]
Hippo Mother and Baby (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1955metal: bronze Sculptures: bronzeIAS 75009337[451]
Hirst Tomb (Tarr) H. S. Tarr1858stone: marble MarbleIAS 88320027[452]
History of Printing (sculpture)Unknown1927stone: limestone Pediment: Indiana limestoneIAS 88320091[453]
Hockey Player (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1981metal: steel Stainless steel, solderedIAS PA000399[454]
Homage to Georgia O'Keefe (Crawford) Thom Cooney Crawford1986metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000025[455]
Honey Bees (Frudakis) Gerd Hesness Frudakis1981metal: bronze BronzeIAS 77002837[456]
Horizontal Form 87-2 Thomas Sternal1987wood: Sculpture: wood; Base: woodIAS PA000035[457]
Horse (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1915IAS 75009380[458]
Horse (Levy) Margaret Wasserman Levy1969plastic: acrylic Acrylic (?)IAS PA000059[459]
Horses Drawing Fire Engine (Godfrey) John Godfrey1964metal: bronze Relief: bronzeIAS PA001087[460]
Hose Team in Action (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1977metal: aluminum Aluminum stripsIAS PA000398[461]
Host of the Ellipse, (Bladen) Ronald Bladen1981metal: steel Cor-Ten steel, paintedIAS 75002828[462]
The House of Knowledge (de Guatemala) Joyce de Guatemala1985metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: metal, paintedIAS PA001067[463]
How to Retain Site Memory While Developing the Landscape Winifred Lutz1990mixed: Sculpture: granite, limestone, marble, trees, and shrubsIAS PA001124[464]
Hudson Bay Wolves (Kemeys) Edward Kemeys1872metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: dark polished graniteIAS 75009331[465]
Hurry (King) William King1980metal: aluminum Sheet aluminumIAS PA000188[466]
Il Porcellino (Tacca) Pietro Tacca1613metal: bronze Bronze on a black marble baseIAS 88320134[467]
The Ile Ife Park, the Village of the Arts and Humanities Lily Yeh1987mixed: Sculpture: ceramic tile, concrete, stone, glass, and plantsIAS PA001139[468]
Impala Fountain Henry Mitchell1962metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base and pool: black graniteIAS 75009339[469]
Indian Head FountainUnknown1905stone: StoneIAS PA001081[470]
Indian Land Commemorative (Haozous)Haozous 1943-1995metal: steel Cor-Ten steelIAS 74910009[471]
Insignia (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: marble MarbleIAS 88320084[472]
Intersperse (Schultz) Saunders Schultz1976metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steelIAS 46300095[473]
Irish Memorial (Goodacre) Glenna Goodacre2002metal: bronze BronzeIAS 71500640[474]
Iron Fountainhead (Leavitt) Greg Leavitt1987metal: iron Sculpture: iron; Tower base: concrete, painted light blueIAS PA000133[475]
Iron Gates (Osborne) Elizabeth Osborne1978metal: steel Steel, paintedIAS PA000622[476]
Italian Fountain (sculpture)Unknown1800IAS 75009265[477]
James Bartram Nicholson Tomb J. Otto Schweizer1913metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite with bronze plaquesIAS 88320055[478]
James Stewart (Alexander) Malcolm Alexander1983metal: bronze Figure: cast bronze; Base: marbleIAS PA000353[479]
Japanese Lantern in Lansdowne ValleyUnknown1800stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: concreteIAS PA000150[480]
Japanese Lantern (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: granite GraniteIAS PA000128[481]
Japanese Lantern (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: granite GraniteIAS PA000129[482]
Japanese Lantern (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base; concreteIAS PA000130[483]
Japanese Lantern (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base; concreteIAS PA000131[484]
Japanese Pagoda (sculpture)Unknown1959stone: granite GraniteIAS PA000151[485]
Jeanne d'Arc (Fremiet) Emmanuel Fremiet1890metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze, gilded; Base: graniteIAS PA000006[486]
Jesus Breaking Bread (Erlebacher) Walter Erlebacher1976metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: brown graniteIAS PA000019[487]
John B. Kelly (Rosin) Harry Rosin1965metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite on brickIAS 75009292[488]
John Barry (Murray) Samuel Murray1910metal: bronze BronzeIAS 77001268[489]
John Christian Bullitt (Boyle) John J. Boyle1907metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009350[490]
John F. Kennedy Memorial (DeVoe) Robert DeVoe1967concrete: artificial stone Artificial stone on a granite baseIAS 88320122[491]
John "Fritz" Brennan (Frudakis) Zenos Frudakis1990metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: maybe marbleIAS PA000479[492]
The John Hanson Monument Carl Lindborg1966metal: bronze Bust: bronze; Base: black Swedish graniteIAS 93490003[493]
John Harrison (Stevens) Lawrence Tenney Stevens1930metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 77001621[494]
John Morris (Price) Michael Price1981metal: bronze Sculpture: Everdur Silicon Bronze with black patina; Base: concrete or cementIAS 46300133[495]
John Nepomucene Neumann (sculpture)Unknown1972stone: marble Sculpture: white marble; Base: stone and glassIAS PA001095[496]
John Paul Jones (Hancock) Walker Hancock1957metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320098[497]
John Wanamaker Eagle (sculpture)Unknown1944metal: bronze Sculpture: patinated bronze; Base: cement and stoneIAS PA001234[498]
John Wanamaker (Rhind) John Massey Rhind1923metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009352[499]
John Wister (Romanelli) Raffaello Romanelli1903metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320066[500]
John Witherspoon (Bailly) Joseph Alexis Bailly1876metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 76004907[501]
Johnny Ring (Blai) Boris Blai1964metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320118[502]
Joseph A. Grundy (Pavone) Joseph E. Pavone1986metal: bronze Bust: bronze; Base: concrete and stoneIAS PA001076[503]
Joseph Haydn (sculpture)Idusch and Son1906metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009319[504]
Joseph Leidy (Murray) Samuel Murray1907metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320065[505]
The Journeyer (Daen) Lindsay Daen1975metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA001136[506]
Justice (French) Daniel Chester French1850IAS 76006052[507]
Kangaroos (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1970metal steel Sculpture: welded and polished stainless steel; Base: concrete and brickIAS 75009359[508]
Kate Smith (Mellon) Marc Mellon1987metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000189[509]
Kopernik (Talcott) Dudley Vaill Talcott1973metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: red graniteIAS 88320135[510]
The Labor Monument: Philadelphia's Tribute to the American Worker John Kindness2010metal: bronze BronzeIAS 71500965[511]
Lansdowne World War II Memorial Roy F. Larson1947mixed: Concrete, stone and limestoneIAS PA001731[512]
Laughing Children (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1867IAS 76007023[513]
Law and Justice (2 panels) Donald De Lue1940stone: granite Reliefs: graniteIAS 76009527[514]
Law, Prosperity and Power Daniel Chester French1880stone marble: Sculpture: marble; Base: concreteIAS 75009306[515]
Leda and the Swan (Manship) Paul Manship1911metal: bronze BronzeIAS 76007080[516]
Leda and the Swan (Mooney) Joe Mooney1995metal: aluminum Sculpture: cast and welded aluminum; Base: steelIAS PA000197[517]
Leopardopterus (Parker) John Parker1987metal: steel Steel sheets, bolted together and paintedIAS PA000415[518]
Let's Pretend (Stokes) Charlotte C. Stokes1986metal: bronze Bronze, supported by concrete blocks covered in mulchIAS PA000193[519]
Leviathan (Lipton) Seymour Lipton1963metal: nickel Sculpture: nickel silver on Monel metal; Base: graniteIAS 77001297[520]
Lifesavers (Lawless) Billie Lawless1982metal: steel Painted steel plateIAS PA000028[521]
Lightning Bolts (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1973metal: steel Sculpture: polished stainless steel; Base: concreteIAS PA001157[522]
Lincoln (Rogers) Randolph Rogers1866metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 77006013[523]
Lindemann Fountain Lundgren Bentivoglio1984metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000026[524]
Lion Crushing a Serpent (Barye) Antoine Louis Barye1832metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000020[525][526]
The Lion Fighter (Wolff) Albert Wolff1858metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS 75009271[527]
Lion Heads (sculpture)Unknown1900metal: iron Sculptures: iron; Bases: stoneIAS PA001168[528]
Lioness Carrying to Her Young a Wild Boar Auguste Cain1880metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Quincy graniteIAS 75009332[529]
Lions (sculpture)Unknown1900metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS 46200016[530]
Lions (Fiorelli) Henry Fiorelli1838stone: marble Lions: marble; Bases: marbleIAS 88320019[531]
Lions (sculpture)Unknown1891stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: concreteIAS PA001137[532]
Lippincott Memorial FountainUnknown1800IAS 75009311[533]
Love (Indiana) Robert Indiana1976metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminum, painted; Base: wood or stainless steelIAS PA000004[534]
Lt. Col. Jonathan Netanyahu Memorial Buky Schwartz1986stone: marble Sculpture: white Vermont marbleIAS PA001098[535]
Lunar Dolphin (Mangiaracina) Bernard Mangiaracina1989metal: steel SteelIAS 74910021[536]
Lydia Morris (Price) Michael Price1981metal: bronze Sculpture: Evedur Silicon Bronze with a brown patina; Base: concrete or cementIAS 46300134[537]
Machine Man (sculpture)Unknown1943metal: steel Maybe stainless steelIAS PA000481[538]
Madonna and Child (Parks) Charles Cropper Parks1992metal: bronze Sculpture: cast and strip bronze welded together and coated with a green patina; Base: black graniteIAS PA000136[539]
Magnolia Blossom (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1969metal: steel Forged, hammered, welded and painted stainless steel with copper tubes in the center; Base: poured concreteIAS 75009366[540]
Mail Delivery (East - Eastern Mailman) Edmond Amateis1941stone: granite Relief: graniteIAS PA000507[541]
Mail Delivery (North - Eskimo) Edmond Amateis1941stone: granite Relief: graniteIAS 76008887[542]
Mail Delivery (South - Cane Cutter) Edmond Amateis1941stone: granite Relief: graniteIAS PA000506[543]
Mail Delivery (West - Cowboy) Edmond Amateis1941stone: granite Relief: graniteIAS PA000508[544]
Maja (Marcks) Gerhard Marcks1942metal: bronze Bronze on a marble baseIAS 88320087[545]
Major General Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben (Schweizer) J. Otto Schweizer1915metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 76008011[546]
Major General Galusha Pennypacker Albert Laessle1934metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS 75009258[547]
Major (Fahlen) Charles Fahlen1982concrete: Sculpture: painted concreteIAS PA001118[548]
Man (Morseletto)Morseletto1933stone: limestone Figure: carved limestone; Base: limestoneIAS PA000375[549]
Manayunk Stoops: Heart and Home Diane Pieri2000concrete: Cast concreteIAS 71500600[550]
Mangbusucks (sculpture)Unknown (Korean)1695stone: granite GraniteIAS PA000618[551]
Martin Luther King Freedom Memorial (Keene) Paul Keene1971plastic: fiberglass Panels: fiberglass; Bases: brickIAS 88320123[552]
Martin Luther King, Jr. (Washington) James W. Washington1969stone: granite GraniteIAS 75009418[553]
Mary Dyer (Judson) Sylvia Shaw Judson1959metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320101[554]
Mary Rebecca Darby Smith Memorial Fountain John J. Boyle1800stone: granite: Picton Island red granite fountain with bronze reliefsIAS 75009314[555]
Mary (Sibbel) Joseph Sibbel1915metal: bronze BronzeIAS 88320062[556]
Massa (Berg) Eric Berg1980metal: bronze Statue: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 46200005[557]
Matthias William Baldwin (Adams) Herbert Adams1905metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: pink graniteIAS 75009255[558]
Mayan Game Group Joyce de Guatemala1981metal: steel Sculpture: high polish, satin finish stainless steel; Base: steel, paintedIAS PA000154[559]
McVeigh Children's Relief Anthony Visco1981concrete: Sculpture: cast concrete; Bench: cast concreteIAS PA000394[560]
Medal and Symbol of Department of Recreation Tom Jr. Allen1927IAS 76004824[561]
Medical Care (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1966plastic: Reinforced plastic on a concrete baseIAS 75009402[562]
The Medicine Man (Dallin) Cyrus Edwin Dallin1899metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009286[563]
Meditation Park (Yeh) Lily Yeh1991IAS 74960136[564]
Memorial Gates (sculpture)Unknown1902metal: iron Sculpture: wrought iron, painted black; Base: brick, sandstone, limestone, and mortarIAS PA000038[565]
Merchants Bartering (Utescher) Gerd Utescher1968plastic: fiberglass Sculpture: Fiberglass and plastic resin, on an expanded steel lath, bronze patina; Base: concreteIAS 88320113[566]
Mercury at Rest (sculpture)Unknown1875metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS PA000051[567]
Mercury (Rush) William Rush1828wood: walnut Walnut figure on an iron rodIAS 76007736[568]
Metal Bas-Relief (sculpture) Robert E. Montgomery1972metal: steel Steel rods, polishedIAS PA000486[569]
Metal Sculpture (sculpture) Jean Eda Francksen1974metal: steel Steel, weldedIAS PA000621[570]
Milkweed Pod (Fitz-Gerald) Clark Battle Fitz-Gerald1965metal: copper Pod: copper; Seeds: stainless steel; Basin: granite and painted concreteIAS 77001318[571]
Milord la Chamarre Jean Dubuffet1973metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel, painted black; Base: granite platform on stainless steel columnIAS PA000137[572]
Miss Gratz Clayton Bright1980metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS PA001080[573]
Modern Discus Thrower (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1926metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: painted concrete, reinforced with metalIAS 77002586[574]
Monument to Six Million Jewish Martyrs Nathan Rapoport1964metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: black graniteIAS 75009355[575]
Morris Estate Cultural Center Plaque Jim Victor1982mixed: Reinforced concrete and resinIAS PA000503[576]
Morton McMichael (Mahoney) John H. Mahoney1881metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320048[577]
Mother and Child (Keyser) Evelyn Keyser1964metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 75009373[578]
Mother and Twins Monument (Saunders) Henry Dmochowski Saunders1857stone: marble MarbleIAS 71500542[579]
Movement of Life (Bailey) Joseph C. Bailey1976metal: bronze Bronze and fiberglassIAS PA000182[580]
Mummer (Clark) Ken Clark1982metal: steel Sculpture: cast steel; Base: metal and concreteIAS PA000601[581]
Mustang at Play (Levy) Margaret Wasserman Levy1969metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: fieldstoneIAS 75009361[582]
N. W. Ayer Building (Kelly) J. Wallace Kelly1927stone: limestone Indiana limestoneIAS PA001107[583]
Naiad (Frudakis) Evangelos Frudakis1978metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS 77002848[584]
Nandi (sculpture)Unknown (Asian Indian)1500stone: granite Sculpture: gray micaceous granite; Base: graniteIAS PA000617[585]
Nat Turner (Washington) James W. Washington1909IAS 75009419;[586] IAS 88320140[587]
Neons for Buttonwood Stephen Antonakos1989mixed: Sculpture: neon, glass, and metalIAS PA001125[588]
Nesaika (Rhoden) John W. Rhoden1976metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: brick and cementIAS 77001313[589]
New Jersey Brigade MemorialUnknown1913metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000495[590]
Nidus (Bogle) Jon Bogle1966metal: steel Sculpture: steel; Base: graniteIAS 88320119[591]
Night (Stauch) Edward Stauch1872metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: brickIAS 88320029[592]
Night (Smith) Tony Smith1912metal: MetalIAS PA000115[593]
N.R.A. (Onaga) Yoshimatsu Onaga1933stone: limestone Limestone on a concrete baseIAS 76009781[594]
Nude Female Figure (Tyler) Stella Elkins Tyler1938metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: woodIAS PA000380[595]
Obele Uno (Small House) (Stone) John Horace Stone1995mixed: Painted wood, asphalt, copper sheeting, marble, and ceramicIAS 74910018[596]
An Ocean's Perspective Jill Sablosky1966stone: StoneIAS PA001066[597]
Odyssey (Rosenthal) Tony Rosenthal1983metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steel plates; Base: steel plateIAS PA000421[598]
Old Glory (Raul) Harry Lewis Raul1911metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite with bronze plaquesIAS PA000099[599]
Old Mortality, His Pony, and Sir Walter Scott James Thom1836stone: limestone Old Mortality and sarcophagus: limestone; Sir Walter Scott and pony: brownstone; Bust of Thom: plaster; Pedestal for bust: painted wood; Gothic structure housing sculpture group: stucco on brick and stone, wooden turrets, flagstone floorIAS 88320016[600]
One Plus Three Ike Hay1982metal: bronze Cast bronze, partially painted deep blueIAS PA000396[601]
Open Boo, (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1986metal: steel Sculpture: polished stainless steel; Base: polished black graniteIAS PA001104[602]
Oracle (Florschuz) Jim Florschuz1993mixed: Stone and woodIAS PA001739[603]
Orangutan (Greenberg) Joseph J. Greenberg1965stone: limestone Relief: Indiana limestoneIAS 75009342[604]
Orb Washbasin (sculpture)Unknown1900stone: StoneIAS 74910001[605]
Orball (Clark) Ken Clark1976metal: steel Sculpture: carbon steel plates, welded and painted; Base: concreteIAS PA000409[606]
Orestes and Pylades Fountain Carl Johann Steinhauser1813metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009293[607]
Origins I (Sanabria) Robert Sanabria1980concrete: Concrete aggregateIAS PA001156[608]
Origins II (Sanabria) Robert Sanabria1980concrete: precast concrete Sculpture: precast concrete; Base: concreteIAS PA000500[609]
Ornamental Gate (sculpture)Unknown1964metal: Painted metalIAS PA001154[610]
Ornamental Metal Gate (sculpture) Greg Leavitt1988metal: iron IronIAS PA000392[611]
Otter (Obara) A. J. Obara1992metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze with patina; Base: graniteIAS PA000040[612]
Otters (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1979metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Fountain basin: graniteIAS PA000111[613]
Owl (Lasus) Robert D. Lasus1979metal: bronze Owl: bronze, painted; Base: concrete and stoneIAS PA000410[614]
The Ox (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1975metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA001116[615]
Packard Building Gates and Other Metalwork Samuel Yellin1923metal: iron Iron and bronzeIAS PA001059[616]
Painted Bride Mosaic (Zagar) Isaiah Zagar1991mixed: Ceramic tile, cement, glass mirrors, found objectsIAS PA000505[617]
Pan with Sundial (Fenton) Beatrice Fenton1938metal: bronze Sculpture: cast bronze with green patina; Base: stoneIAS 46300021[618]
Paper in Motion (Trezza) Tony Trezza1983metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: concreteIAS PA000157[619]
Pappagena III Isaac Witkin1982metal: aluminum Sculpture: yellow painted aluminum; Base: concreteIAS 46040008;[620] IAS 46040009[621]
Papyrus (Leavitt) Greg Leavitt1985metal: steel Sculpture: steel; Base: concrete slabIAS PA000155[622]
Pastorius Monument Albert Jaegers1912stone: marble Sculpture: Tennessee marble; Base: Tennessee marble and graniteIAS 75009363[623]
Patriots of African Descent Phil Sumpter1993metal: bronze Relief: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA001167[624]
Pavilion in the Trees Martin Puryear1980wood: oak Sculpture: Pennsylvania white oak, Washington red cedar, and California redwoodIAS PA001135[625]
Peace Memorial (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1974mixed: Sculpture: aluminum (?) and granite (?); Base: graniteIAS PA000401[626]
Peace Symbol (Lindquist) David Lindquist1967metal: steel Welded, brushed stainless steelIAS PA000027[627]
Peal-Peel Fume Well Alan Shields1977plastic: acrylic Acrylic on canvasIAS 77001279[628]
Pegasus (Pilz) Vincenz Pilz1863metal: bronze Each sculpture: bronze; Each base: stoneIAS PA000012[629]
Penguin (Dioda) Adolph Dioda1930metal: steel Steel, paintedIAS PA001069[630]
Penguins (Laessle) Albert Laessle1917metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: green marbleIAS 75009333[631]
Pennsylvania Columns (Bush-Brown) Henry Kirke Bush-Brown1912mixed: Columns: granite and bronze; Plaques: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000494[632]
Penny Franklin (Beauchamp) Reginald E. Beauchamp1970plastic: fiberglass Sculpture: fiberglass and copper; Base: brickIAS PA001100[633]
People Pyramid (Keyser) Evelyn Keyser1969metal: aluminum Sculpture: welded aluminum; Base: brick, paintedIAS 75009395[634]
Peripatatic (Mooney) Joe Mooney1991metal: steel Possibly steel, paintedIAS PA001169[635]
Phaedrus (Pepper) Beverly Pepper1974metal: steel Sculpture: painted steelIAS 77001315[636]
Phaeton (Serber) Frances Serber1800IAS 75009399[637]
Philadelphia Beirut Memorial Douglas Corsini1985metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA001097[638]
Philadelphia City Hall: Exterior Sculptures Alexander Milne Calder1872stone: marble Marble, granite and bronzeIAS 76005434[639]
Philadelphia Firsts George Greenamyer1998metal: MetalIAS 71500590[640]
Philadelphia Museum of Art Pediment C. Paul Jennewein1932ceramic: terra cotta Sculpture: Polychrome terra cotta covered with ceramic glazesIAS 75009273[641]
Phoenix above Maltese Cross Sarala Ruth Pinto1962metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze, paintedIAS 88320130[642]
The Phoenix Rising Emlen Etting1978metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminum covered with epoxy finish; Base: stoneIAS PA000498[643]
Phoenix (Charkov) Natalie Charkow1976metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA001121[644]
The Pilgrim (Saint-Gaudens) Augustus Saint-Gaudens1903metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite and concrete, or fieldstoneIAS PA000009[645]
Pillar (Sitarchuk) Leon Sitarchuk1978metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steel; Base: metalIAS PA001146[646]
Playing Angels (Milles) Carl Milles1950metal: bronze Figures: bronze; Bases: concreteIAS PA000005[647]
Playing Children (Utescher) Gerd Utescher1967metal: bronze Bronze on a concrete baseIAS 75009407[648]
The Plunger (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1925metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: painted concrete, reinforced with metalIAS 77001609[649]
The Point (Rose) Rebecca Rose1985metal: aluminum AluminumIAS PA000416[650]
Policeman and Children (Utescher) Gerd Utescher1971metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000386[651]
Ponce de Leon (sculpture)Unknown1900stone: StoneIAS PA000109[652]
Pony Express Rider (Love) Arlene Love1981mixed: Cold cast bronze filled polyester resin and fiberglassIAS PA000504[653]
Profile of a Woman's Head (Couper) William Couper1853plaster: PlasterIAS 77001204[654]
Prometheus Strangling the Vulture (Lipchitz) Jacques Lipchitz1943metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS PA000001[655]
The Prophet (Lipkin) Jacob Lipkin1966stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: ferro concreteIAS 75009354[656]
Puma (Zorach) William Zorach1954stone: marble Sculpture: Labrador marble; Base: graniteIAS 88320089[657]
Pyramid (Shaw) Ernest Shaw1975metal: steel Sculpture: metal, painted black; Base: steelIAS PA000029[658]
Quadrature #1 (Engman) Robert Engman1984metal: steel Steel, painted orange and whiteIAS PA000034[659]
Quiet Morning (Dugan) Jay Dugan1943stone: granite Sculpture: granite or marble; Foundation: granite or marbleIAS PA000471[660]
The Raven (Caccia) David Caccia1977metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: steelIAS 46210001[661]
Rebecca at the Well (Boyle) John J. Boyle1908metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009317[662]
Reclining Figure (Loeb) Richard Loeb1966stone: marble Sculpture: White marble; Base: stoneIAS 88320124[663]
Reinforced Concrete Sculpture (Fahlen) Charles Fahlen1977concrete: reinforced concrete Sculpture: reinforced concrete; Base: concreteIAS PA000138[664]
Relief, Athletics (Anthonisen) George R. Anthonisen1983plaster: Painted plasterIAS PA000085[665]
Religious Liberty (Ezekiel) Moses Jacob Ezekiel1844stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: graniteIAS 77002508[666]
Repose (Stork) Francis Wharton Stork1966stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: graniteIAS 88320133[667]
Reverance (Esherick) Wharton Harris Esherick1942wood: walnut WalnutIAS 76005898[668]
The Reverend George Whitefield R. Tait McKenzie1914metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Upper base: limestone; Middle base: stone; Lower base: concrete and stoneIAS 77001606[669]
Revolutionary War Door (Crawford) Thomas Crawford1853metal: bronze BronzeIAS 75002485[670]
Revolutionary War Memorial (sculpture)Unknown1912stone: sandstone Sculpture: sandstone (?), painted; Base: concreteIAS PA000593[671]
Rhythm of the Sea (Blai) Boris Blai1940metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS 76008984[672]
Richard Montgomery (Kelly) J. Wallace Kelly1946metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009276[673]
Ring-Tailed Lemurs (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1915metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 46200010[674]
Rising Sun (Sonfist) Alan Sonfist1983metal: aluminum Aluminum, paintedIAS PA001060[675]
Riverwalk at Piers 3 and 5 Andrew Leicester1990mixed: Sculpture: ceramic, concrete, aluminum, & steel; Base: concrete & brickIAS PA000086[676]
Robert Morris (Bartlett) Paul Wayland Bartlett1923metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marble or limestoneIAS 75009357[677]
Rock Form (Hepworth) Barbara Hepworth1964metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite cladIAS 77001321[678]
Rocky (Schomberg) A. Thomas Schomberg1981metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: brick & concreteIAS PA000101[679]
Rond Point FountainsUnknown (French)1887mixed: Fountain basins: granite and ceramic tileIAS PA001133[680]
The Roundabout (Adans) Alice Adams1992mixed: Concrete, flagstone, green, pink, & white granite, sandstone, with bronze paving tiles, and landscape plantingsIAS PA000052[681]
Running Free (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1975metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite on concrete plazaIAS PA000017[682]
Russell H. Conwell (Blai) Boris Blai1951metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: black graniteIAS 88320117[683]
Sacred Heart of Jesus (sculpture)Unknown1915metal: bronze BronzeIAS 88320061[684]
Sagebrush (Gordon) Harry H. Gordon1988wood: Sculpture: wood, painted; Base: woodIAS PA001061[685]
Sagg Main Street (Snelson) Kenneth D. Snelson1975Korman Suites Hotel, 2100 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniametal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: stainless steelIAS 77001311[686]
Saint Joseph (Utescher) Gerd Utescher1968metal: Statue: metal; Base: concreteIAS PA000082[687]
Schiller (Manger) Heinrich Manger1885metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Upper base: granite; Sub-base: stoneIAS 75009312[688]
The Schuylkill Chained (Rush) William Rush1825plastic: fiberglass FiberglassIAS PA001130[689]
The Schuylkill Freed (Rush) William Rush1825plastic: fiberglass FiberglassIAS PA001129[690]
Score (Whitman) Gil Whitman1976metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000119[691]
Seals (Lee) Bernard Lee1971stone: obsidian Sculpture: Perlite with epoxy finishIAS 75009405[692]
Seamen's Memorial (sculpture)Unknown1900metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000489[693]
Seated Woman (Lee) Bernard Lee1971stone: obsidian Perlite with epoxy finishIAS 75009406[694]
The Seated Woman (Seiler) Herbert Seiler1987metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: wood, painted blackIAS PA000031[695]
Seaweed Fountain & Fish Sculpture (Fenton) Beatrice Fenton1920metal: bronze Bronze on a natural rock baseIAS 75009294[696]
The Seed (Ray) Christopher T. Ray1976metal: iron Sculpture: ironIAS PA001099[697]
Shakespeare Memorial (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1917metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Coopersburg black granite or black marbleIAS 76005652[698]
Shell Composition (Robin) Stephen Robin1966stone: limestone Limestone on a granite baseIAS 88320131[699]
Shepherd and Shepherdess (Watteau) Antoine Watteau1800metal: lead Figures: painted cast lead; Bases: concreteIAS 75009358[700]
Shongun XII (Shaw) Ernest Shaw1942metal: steel Painted steelIAS 46300097[701]
Shongun XXII (Shaw) Ernest Shaw1978metal: steel Sculpture: welded plate steel, painted; Foundation: concrete padsIAS 46300098[702]
The Sign Boy (Generalis) Alexander Generalis1993mixed: Stone and bronzeIAS 74910008[703]
Sign of the Times (Rosenwald) Robert Rosenwald1943metal: aluminum Aluminum, welded, painted with imronIAS PA000627[704]
The Signer (Frudakis) Evangelos Frudakis1980metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 77001267[705]
Silenus and the Infant Bacchus (sculpture)Unknown1885metal: bronze Sculptor: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009282[706]
Sir Thomas Browne (Morgan) Richard S. Morgan1995stone: marble Vermont marbleIAS PA000198[707]
Six in a Series of Tubular Forms (Sisko) Paul Sisko1979metal: steel Steel, painted redIAS PA000110[708]
The Six Triangles Peleg) Ephraim Peleg1979metal: steel Sculpture: painted steel; Base: metalIAS PA000033[709]
Skybeast (Lasus) Robert D. Lasus1988concrete: cement Sculpture: concrete with green cement paint; Spray pool base: concreteIAS PA000097[710]
The Smith Memorial (Windrim) James H. Windrim1897stone: granite Granite or limestone arch with bronze sculptureIAS PA000007[711]
The Smith Memorial: Admiral David Dixon Porter Charles Grafly1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS PA000527[712]
The Smith Memorial: Admiral John A. B. Dahlgren George Edwin Bissell1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS PA000529[713]
The Smith Memorial: Architectural Reliefs John Massey Rhind1903stone: Reliefs: stoneIAS PA000535[714]
The Smith Memorial: Governor Andrew Gregg Curtin Moses Jacob Ezekiel1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000532[715]
The Smith Memorial: James A. Beaver Katherine M. Cohen1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS 76009283[716]
The Smith Memorial: James H. Windrim, Esq. Samuel Murray1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000530[717]
The Smith Memorial: John B. Gest, Esq. Charles Grafly1899metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000533[718]
The Smith Memorial: Major General George B. McClellan Edward Clark Potter1909metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000523[719]
The Smith Memorial: Major General George Gordon Meade Daniel Chester French1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000524[720]
The Smith Memorial: Major General John Frederick Hartranft Alexander Stirling Calder1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000528[721]
The Smith Memorial: Major General John Fulton Reynolds Charles Grafly1901metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000525[722]
The Smith Memorial: Major General S. W. Crawford Bessie Potter Vonnoh1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA000531[723]
The Smith Memorial: Major General Winfield Scott Hancock John Quincy Adams Ward1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 76008175[724]
The Smith Memorial: Richard Smith Daniel Chester French1898metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000526[725]
The Smith Memorial: Two Eagles and Globes John Massey Rhind1902metal: bronze Each sculpture: bronze; Each base: graniteIAS PA000534[726]
Social Consciousness (Epstein) Jacob Epstein1954metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: polished graniteIAS PA000015[727]
Soldiers and Sailors Civil War Monument John Massey Rhind1914metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: West Townsend graniteIAS 88320056[728]
Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Bureau)Bureau Brothers1901mixed: Female figure: Vermont granite; Military figures: bronze; Relief plaques: bronze; Base: Vermont graniteIAS PA000594[729]
Soldiers Monument (sculpture)Unknown1885stone: granite Sculpture: Barre granite; Base: Barre graniteIAS PA000046[730]
Sorrow (Murray) Samuel Murray1910metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS 44730002[731]
Spheres (sculpture)Unknown (Costa Rican)1976stone: granite Spheres: granite; Bases: granite (?)IAS PA000615[732]
The Spirit of the American Doughboy E. M. Viquesney1919metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 47260100[733]
Spirit of Youth (Ladd) Anna Coleman Ladd1878IAS 74910012[734]
The Splendid Silence of the Sun Jean Boutellis1943metal: steel Sculpture: maybe steel, hollow (?) and welded; Base: concreteIAS PA000474[735]
Split Button (Oldenburg) Claes Oldenburg1981metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminum, painted with polyurethane enamel; Base: metalIAS PA000037[736]
Spray Pool Sculpture (Lieberman) Neil Lieberman1972plastic: epoxy Epoxy on a concrete baseIAS 75009396[737]
Square Washbasin (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: StoneIAS 74910003[738]
St. Francis (Dioda) Adolph Dioda1930metal: Sculpture: metal, painted; Foundation: concreteIAS PA001070[739]
St. George and the Dragon (sculpture)Unknown1876metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: fieldstone or granite and aggregate concreteIAS PA000008[740]
St. Joseph (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: brickIAS PA000135[741]
St. Joseph the Worker (Lowe) Maurice Lowe1968metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320125[742]
St. Paul (sculpture)Unknown1915metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: bronzeIAS 88320060[743]
St. Peter (sculpture)Unknown1915metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: bronzeIAS 88320059[744]
Stack of Checkers (Fahlen) Charles Fahlen1983concrete: reinforced concrete Precast reinforced concreteIAS PA000606[745]
Stanchion (Cairns) Christopher Cairns1984metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA000045[746]
Starman in the Ancient Garden (Hatcher) Brower Hatcher1990mixed: Sculpture: stainless steel, bronze, cement, brick, and aluminum; Base: cast concrete faced with stone and brickIAS PA001112[747]
Station no. 6 - Celebration of Water Ellen Fletcher1988metal: Sculpture: metal; Base: stoneIAS PA001138[748]
Statue of Liberty Replica (sculpture)Unknown1950metal: copper Sculpture: copper; Base: graniteIAS PA000516[749]
Stephen Girard (Rhind) John Massey Rhind1897metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 76009985[750]
Stephen Girard (Seebode) Alfred Seebode1990metal: Figure: metal; Base: polished stone; Planter: brickIAS PA000391[751]
Stone Age in America (Boyle) John J. Boyle1887metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000021[752]
Stone Basin (Well Head)Unknown1500stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: marbleIAS 88320039[753]
Stone Dancer (Zweygardt) Glenn Zweygardt1992mixed: Bluestone or slate, and painted steelIAS PA000207[754]
Stone Sculpture (Schwartz) Buky Schwartz1980stone: limestone Sculpture: Pennsylvania limestone; Base: concrete or cementIAS 46300096[755]
Stooping Nude Woman (Tyler) Stella Elkins Tyler1939metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Base: wood, painted greenIAS PA000383[756]
Striding Man (Brenner) Bernard Brenner1976metal: steel Sculpture: steel; Foundations: concreteIAS PA000404[757]
Striving (Searles) Charles Searles1995metal: bronze BronzeIAS 74910016[758]
Stroll (Stick Men) (King) William King1995metal: aluminum Aluminum and steelIAS 74910011[759]
Stylized Woman (sculpture)Unknown1943metal: bronze Sculpture: maybe bronze, cast; Base: maybe bronzeIAS PA000482[760]
Summer Fun (Stokes) Charlotte C. Stokes1986metal: bronze Bronze, placed in a wood framed enclosure with pebblesIAS PA000194[761]
Summer (Frudakis) Anthony Frudakis1985metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marbleIAS NJ000413[762]
Sumo 7 Series (Shaw) Ernest Shaw1987metal: steel Cor-Ten steel on flat slab of Cor-Ten steelIAS PA000164[763]
Sun Arc (Sundial) (Weisman) Gary Weisman1991metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS PA001164[764]
Sundial (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1903stone: marble Figures and sundial table: Tennessee marble; sundial plate: bronzeIAS 75009313[765]
Sundial (sculpture)Unknown1992metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze, copper; Pedestal: wood; Base: stoneIAS PA000145[766]
Swann Memorial Fountain (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1924metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 77001293[767]
Swoop II (Fuhrman) James Fuhrman1987metal: steel Sculpture: white-painted steelIAS PA001127[768]
Symbol (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1981wood: hemlock Sculpture: hemlockIAS 46300104[769]
Synergy (Paley) Albert Paley1987metal: steel Sculpture: painted steel; Base: concreteIAS PA001126[770]
Table Form 92-3 (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1992stone: Stone and red oakIAS PA000202[771]
Table (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1981wood: walnut Table: walnut and hemlockIAS 46300103[772]
Tamanend (Sandoval) Ray Sandoval1994metal: bronze BronzeIAS 74910015[773]
Tedyuscung (Rhind) John Massey Rhind1856stone: marble Lenox marble, painted; Base: limestoneIAS 75009308[774]
Tension/Compression (Ray) Christopher T. Ray1983metal: iron Forged iron, painted blackIAS PA000390[775]
Tetrahedron Kite (Caccia) David Caccia1976metal: steel Stainless steelIAS PA000056[776]
The Thinker Auguste Rodin1902metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: limestoneIAS PA001089[777]
Thirteen Into One (Kinnelman) Harold Kimmelman1976metal: steel Sculpture: polished stainless steelIAS PA001103[778]
Thomas Fitzsimons (Donato) Giuseppe Donato1946metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320093[779]
Thomas Sovereign Gates Evelyn Beatrice Longman1941metal: bronze Bust: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 77001630[780]
Thorfinn Karlsefni (Jonsson) Einar Jonsson1915metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009291[781]
Thornbush (Ray) Christopher T. Ray1974metal: steel Sculpture: forged Cor-Ten steel; Base: concreteIAS PA001145[782]
Three Arcs (O'Toole) Kevin O'Toole1992wood: cedar Painted cedarIAS PA000204[783]
Three Bears (Papashvily) George Papashvily1966stone: granite Sculpture: graniteIAS 77001230[784]
Three Boys (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1969metal: steel Sculpture: 3/8 in. square stainless steel barIAS 75009360[785]
Three Decorative Panels (Felch) Bernard Felch1978ceramic: brick Sculpture: brickIAS PA001147[786]
Three Disks One Lacking (Calder) Alexander Calder1964metal: steel Painted steelIAS 77001296[787]
Three Figures (Bailey) Joseph C. Bailey1984metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Platform: stainless steelIAS PA000501[788]
Three Gates (Yellin) Samuel Yellin1930metal: iron Hand-wrought ironIAS PA000406[789]
The Three Graces (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1981wood: hemlock Sculpture: hemlockIAS 46300106[790]
Three Piece Bench (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1991stone: marble Marble & granite (?)IAS PA000090[791]
Three Times #3 (Porter) Stephen Porter1982metal: Sculptures: metal, painted; Bases: plywoodIAS PA001062[792]
Three Tubes (Hadany) Israel Hadany1979metal: Sculpture: stainless steel skin over a structural steel frame; Base: metalIAS 46300025[793]
Three Way Piece no. 1: Points Henry Moore1964metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: black graniteIAS 88320111[794]
Tide Sails (Wilson) Roy Joseph Wilson1982mixed: PVC pipe, aluminum, styrofoam, steel weights and anchorsIAS 77006276[795]
Tiger (Manca) Albino Manca1965metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: natural fieldstone or graniteIAS 75009281[796]
Tilted Passthrough (Zweygardt) Glenn Zweygardt1981metal: steel Cor-Ten steelIAS PA001063[797]
Toad (Bufo Americanus) (Berg) Eric Berg1986metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 46200004[798]
Together Family (Clark) Ken Clark1977metal: steel Mild weathering steelIAS PA000412[799]
Toleration (Kirn) Herman Kirn1883stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: marbleIAS 88320046[800]
The Tools of Sees and Faber-Berlin (Riley) Anita Riley1975metal: copper Sculpture: copper; Base: metalIAS PA000057[801]
Toro Garden LanternUnknown1700stone: Grey igneous stoneIAS 74910002[802]
Total Environment (Neijna) Barbara Neijna1986metal: aluminum Sculpture: painted aluminum; Plaza: paving stonesIAS PA001109[803]
Totem Pole (Unrath) Al Unrath1987wood: poplar Sculpture: poplar; Base: concrete with two metal stripsIAS PA000146[804]
Transportation (Parks) Charles Cropper Parks1969metal: steel Cor-Ten steelIAS 75009410[805]
Triton Fountain (De Lue) Donald De Lue1941stone: marble Sculpture: marbleIAS 76009529[806]
Turtle (Berg) Eric Berg1978metal: bronze BronzeIAS PA000492[807]
The Tuscan Girl Fountain (Stonorov) Oscar Stonorov1965metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 75009356[808]
Twisting Mass with Two Large Holes (Lowenberg) William E. Lowenberg1943stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: concreteIAS PA000405[809]
Two Athletes (Brown) Joseph Brown1909metal: bronze Bronze on a wood baseIAS 88320121[810]
Two Knights (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: Sculptures: stone; Bases: concreteIAS PA000106[811]
Two Lines (Rickey) George Rickey1978metal: steel Sculpture: burnished stainless steel; Base: concreteIAS PA000053[812]
Two Lions (sculpture)Unknown1800stone: sandstone Sculptures: stone; Bases: sandstoneIAS PA000105[813]
Two Metal Sculptures (Ranieri) Robert Ranieri1972metal: steel Weathering steelIAS PA000088[814]
Two Open Triangles Leaning Gyratory (Rickey) George Rickey1982metal: steel Sculpture: brushed stainless steelIAS PA000018[815]
Two Ornamental Light Fixtures (Allen) Gerald Allen1983metal: iron Light fixtures: wrought iron and bronzeIAS PA001143[816]
Two Prisms (Ross) Charles Ross1977plastic: acrylic PlexiglasIAS 77001277[817]
Two Reclining Female Nudes Holding Emblem (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1870IAS 76005662[818]
Two Stone Bas-Reliefs (sculpture)Unknown1968stone: Relief: stone, painted; Wall: brickIAS PA000487[819]
Under Stress (Sisiko) Paul Sisko1980metal: steel Sculpture: steel or aluminum, painted yellow with a chrome finish; Base: steel plateIAS 46300102[820]
Underwater Sunscreen (Kimmelman) Harold Kimmelman1969metal steel Sculpture: stainless steel and bronze, painted; Base: iron pipe, paintedIAS 75009386[821]
Unicorns Were Dancing (Mitchell) Henry Mitchell1969metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze with gilded bronze hornsIAS 46200012[822]
Unity (Lieberman) Richard Lieberman1969metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steel; Base: brickIAS 77001323[823]
Untitled Murals (Bayer) Herbert Bayer1977ceramic: Ceramic tileIAS 77001307[824]
Untitled (Lloyd) James J. Lloyd1974plastic: fiberglass FiberglassIAS 77001281[825]
Untitled (Sugarman) George Sugarman1981metal: aluminum Sculpture: aluminum plate, painted light blue, red, & blue black; Base: woodIAS PA000054[826]
Untitled (Koronan) Dennis Koronan1990concrete: Ball: concrete; Shaft: metal; Boulder: Cor-Ten steelIAS PA000143[827]
Untitled (Hardy) Edmund Hardy1995concrete: ConcreteIAS PA000195[828]
Untitled (Shaltiel) Amalia Shaltiel1994ceramic: Ceramic with pink and blue glazesIAS PA000203[829]
Untitled (Leiden) Adam Leiden1990ceramic: Ceramic with dark blue and green glazesIAS PA000205[830]
Untitled (Stevenson) Eric Stevenson1992metal: steel Sculpture: steel and rebar; Base: marbleIAS PA000206[831]
Untitled (Linzey) James Linzey1976metal: aluminum Cast aluminumIAS PA000210[832]
Untitled (Davila) Victoria Davila1986plastic: Medallions: Design Cast; Fluting: aluminum, paintedIAS PA000419[833]
Untitled (Berg) Eric Berg1979metal: steel Steel bars, painted blackIAS PA000488[834]
Untitled (Zagar) Isaiah Zagar1970mixed: Cement, glass mirror, ceramic tile fragments, and found objectsIAS PA000613[835]
Untitled (Kuckuck) Henner Kuckuck1983metal: steel Cor-Ten steel, and steel cableIAS PA001064[836]
Untitled (Rosenwinkel) Les Rosenwinkel1995light: neon Neon lightsIAS 74910013[837]
Untitled (Morgen) Richard S. Morgan1990concrete: Cast concreteIAS PA000209[838]
Untitled Wall Relief (de Guatemala) Joyce de Guatemala1981metal: steel Sculpture: polished, satin-finish stainless steelIAS PA000159[839]
Untitled Wall Sculpture (Sugarman) George Sugarman1972metal: aluminum Painted aluminumIAS 75009391[840]
Upholsterer (Poirier) Norman Poirier1980mixed: Sculpture: Aluminite containing an aggregate of vermiculite & brownstone, metal mesh, and stainless steel pipes; Base: concreteIAS PA000050[841]
Valley of the Lenni Lenape (Mooney) Joe Mooney1986metal: steel Steel plate, paintedIAS PA000397[842]
Venus and Mars (Ranieri) Robert Ranieri1975metal: steel Sculpture: steel; Foundation: concreteIAS PA000490[843]
Verdi (Ferrari) Ettore Ferrari1907metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite and limestoneIAS 75009318[844]
Vertical Form 89-5 (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1989mixed: Sculpture: turquoise painted steel cage, glacial river rocks; Base: concreteIAS PA000060[845]
Vertical Steel Abstract Sculpture (Giuntini) Gilles Giuntini1977metal: steel Sculpture: Cor-Ten steelIAS PA001071[846]
Video Arbor (Paik) Nam June Paik1990mixed: Sculpture: metal, concrete, color video monitors, foliageIAS PA001123[847]
Vietnam Veterans Memorial (sculpture)Unknown1988metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: stoneIAS PA001077[848]
Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Morgan) Perry M. Morgan1987stone: granite Sculpture: graniteIAS PA001105[849]
Vine Street Neighborhood Relief Michael Borsuk1986concrete: Pre-cast concreteIAS PA000126[850]
The Virgin Mary (sculpture)Unknown1960stone: marble Sculpture: marble; Base: marble, highly polishedIAS PA000480[851]
Voyage of Ulysses (von Schlegell) David von Schlegell1975metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel; Base: ceramic and stoneIAS 75002779[852]
The Wall As a Window (Camitta) Richard Camitta1979concrete: Colored concrete blockIAS 77001332[853]
Wall mounted fountain (Calder) Alexander Stirling Calder1920stone: marble MarbleIAS 88320085[854]
Wall Sculpture (Maroshick) Mark Maroshick1970metal: MetalIAS PA000603[855]
Walt Whitman (Davidson) Jo Davidson1939metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009372[856]
Walt Whitman (Baskin) Leonard Baskin1981metal: bronze Sculpture: cast bronze; Relief plaque: bronze; Pedestal: graniteIAS PA000491[857]
War Memorial (Felton) Amelie Zell Felton1952IAS 75009369[858]
War Memorial to Mothers (Raul) Harry Lewis Raul1928metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 75009364[859]
Washington Crossing Monument (sculpture)Unknown1916stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: granite; Foundation: stoneIAS PA000624[860]
Washington Crossing the Delaware (Arena) Frank Arena1976stone: limestone Sculpture: Carrara limestone; Base: concreteIAS PA000626[861]
Washington Grays Monument Joseph Wilson1871metal: bronze Figure: bronze; Monument base: graniteIAS 75009304[862]
Water Skimmer (Wilson) Roy Joseph Wilson1983mixed: Steel, rattan, and ethafoamIAS 77006275[863]
We Lost (Smith) Tony Smith1975metal: steel Sculpture: painted steel; Base: two concrete padsIAS 77001286[864]
The Wedges (Morris) Robert Morris1970metal: steel Weathering steel, paintedIAS PA001134[865]
Welcome (Fountain) (Frudakis) Evangelos Frudakis1988metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS PA000124[866]
Welcome Park (Venturi) Rauch Venturi1982metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: marble, red and blue graniteIAS PA001148[867]
Well Head (sculpture)Unknown (Italian)1970mixed: Well: carved limestone and metal, painted; Base: concreteIAS PA000373[868]
Welsh Memorial FountainUnknown1800IAS 75009302[869]
West Pediment (Milione) Louis G. Milione1940stone: limestone Pediment: Indiana limestoneIAS 88320094[870]
West Pediment (State Shields) (Milione) Louis G. Milione1930stone: granite Granite and limestoneIAS PA001113[871]
Whale (Levy) Margaret Wasserman Levy1968plastic: fiberglass Fiberglass on a concrete baseIAS 75009394[872]
Whales (Winter) Sherl Joseph Winter1971concrete: Cast ConcreteIAS 75009390[873]
The Whispering Bells: A Tribute to Crispus Attucks Reginald E. Beauchamp1976metal: brass Sculpture: metal and brassIAS PA001106[874]
White Water (Frendenthal) Robinson Fredenthal1978metal: steel Sculpture: stainless steel sheet over carbon steel frameIAS 77001319[875]
Whitemarsh Hall (Johnston) Frances Benjamin Johnston1922Projected mediaPA332003[876]
Whole World in Our Hands (Levy) Margaret Wasserman Levy1964metal: bronze Statue: Bronze on rough granite pedestalIAS 77001205[877]
Widener "W" (Wilson) Glenn L. Wilson1978metal: steel Sculpture: burnished stainless steel; Base: stoneIAS PA000165[878]
William Arthur Carr (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1932metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: concreteIAS 77002581[879]
William McKinley (Konti) Isidore Konti1908metal: bronze Figures: bronze; Base: Stony Creek red graniteIAS 75009348[880]
William Penn (Calder) Alexander Milne Calder1888metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS 77001305[881]
William Penn (Lindborg) Carl Lindborg1982metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: Barre, Vermont graniteIAS 93490002[882]
William Penn (Cheere) John Cheere1774metal: lead Sculpture: lead painted black; Base: marbleIAS 88320004[883]
William Warner Tomb (Calder) Alexander Milne Calder1889stone: granite GraniteIAS 88320033[884]
Wind Helix (Wilson) Roy Joseph Wilson1994metal: steel Steel and aluminumIAS 74910020[885]
Windflower (Gibian) Mark Gibian1984mixed: Sculpture: old machinery and wood; Base: slateIAS PA000484[886]
Windmill (Rosenwald) Robert Rosenwald1980metal: steel Cor-Ten steelIAS PA000042[887]
Winged Woman (Love) Arlene Love1987metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS PA001093[888]
Wisdom: Seated Female Figure (Botteiau) Alfred Botteiau1930stone: marble Sculpture: marbleIAS PA001114[889]
Wissahickon Valley Gate Christopher T. Ray1979metal: iron Gate: forged ironIAS PA000141[890]
Witherspoon Building Figures: Francis Makemie Alexander Stirling Calder1898concrete: Sculpture: cast stone; Base: cast stoneIAS 76007256[891]
Witherspoon Building Figures: James Caldwell Alexander Stirling Calder1898concrete: Sculpture: cast stone; Base: cast stoneIAS 88320053[892]
Witherspoon Building Figures: John McMillan Alexander Stirling Calder1898concrete: Sculpture: cast stone; Base: cast stoneIAS 88320051[893]
Witherspoon Building Figures: John Witherspoon Alexander Stirling Calder1898concrete: Sculpture: cast stone; Base: cast stoneIAS 88320050[894]
Witherspoon Building Figures: Marcus Whitman Alexander Stirling Calder1898concrete: Sculpture: cast stone; Base: cast stoneIAS 88320054[895]
Witherspoon Building Figures: Samuel Davies Alexander Stirling Calder1898concrete: Sculpture: cast stone; Base: cast stoneIAS 88320052[896]
Wolf (Morgan) Richard S. Morgan1991stone: marble MarbleIAS PA000199[897]
Woman and Deer (sculpture)Unknown1900stone: StoneIAS PA000107[898]
Woman Looking Through a Window (Segal) George Segal1980mixed: Sculpture: painted bronze, glass, polyester-dipped fabricIAS PA001110[899]
Woman Lying on Side (Sternal) Thomas Sternal1943stone: Sculpture: stone; Base: woodIAS PA001065[900]
Woman on a Rock (Tyler) Stella Elkins Tyler1939metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: wood, paintedIAS PA000381[901]
Woman (Morseletto)Morseletto1933stone: limestone Limestone, carvedIAS PA000376[902]
Woman with Angel (Tyler) Stella Elkins Tyler1934metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: red sandstoneIAS PA000378[903]
Woman with Spikes (Cairns) Christopher Cairns1943metal: Figure: metal; Base: metalIAS PA000483[904]
Womansite I Sylvia Apple1995mixed: Grapevines, flowers, rebar supports and chicken wireIAS PA001737[905]
Women Washing (Jones) Dexter Jones1968metal: aluminum Sculpture: cast aluminumIAS 75009376[906]
Word Play (Cerulli) David Cerulli1986concrete: Concrete, scribed and painted rust-primer colorIAS PA000388[907]
Word Play (Cerulli) David Cerulli1985concrete: cement Poured cement, painted blueIAS PA000389[908]
World Park: Orders and Perspectives Ned Smyth1995mixed: Marble and glassIAS 74910017[909]
World War I Memorial (sculpture)Unknown1800metal: bronze Bronze on a granite baseIAS 75009379[910]
World War I Memorial (sculpture)Unknown1923metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: granite and concreteIAS PA001460[911]
The World War I Soldiers MemorialUnknown (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)1914metal: bronze Sculpture: bronzeIAS WI000286[912]
World War Monument (Brazer) Clarence Wilson Brazer1914stone: granite Sculpture: granite; Base: graniteIAS PA000102[913]
World Wars Monument (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1932metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: graniteIAS 88320103[914]
Wrestlers (sculpture)Unknown1800metal: bronze Bronze on a granite baseIAS 75009299[915]
Wrought Iron Sign (Leavitt) Greg Leavitt1984metal: iron Wrought iron, paintedIAS PA000604[916]
WWI Memorial (sculpture)Unknown1914stone: Sculpture: stone; Base: stoneIAS PA001078[917]
Yara (Martins) Maria Martins1942metal: bronze Bronze on a limestone baseIAS 88320104[918]
Young Man, Old Man, The Future Leonard Baskin1965metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: brickIAS 77001326[919]
Young Meher (Der Harootian) Koren Der Harootian1975metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: red graniteIAS PA000041[920]
The Young Saint Francis (Butcher) Madeline Butcher1986metal: bronze Sculpture: bronze; Base: tree stumpIAS PA000044[921]
The Youthful Franklin (McKenzie) R. Tait McKenzie1867metal: bronze Bronze on a limestone and granite baseIAS 77001238[922]
Zen Doors (Hay) Ike Hay1979Gestetner Corporation, 301 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123metal: aluminum Sculpture: painted aluminum and stainless steelRudolph Robinson Steel Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; IAS PA001122[923]
