Babel user information
ru-NРусскийродной язык этого участника.
uk-NДля цього користувача українська мова є рідною.
cs-4Tento uživatel má znalosti češtiny téměř na úrovni rodilého mluvčího.
en-4This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
Users by language

Hi! My name is Yuri Kryvosheiev.

Leave in Prague, Czech Republic, formely from Zaporozhye and Kiev in Ukraine.

Native speaker in Russian and Ukrainian, have a good English (ICAO level 5) and Czech languages (B2 level certificate).

I'm found in programming, computers, IT, telecommunications (especially VoIP), aeronautics.

Have an private pilot license PPL(A) flying with Cessna-172 and Piper-28 class vehicles.