Sientia ipsa potentia est.
Power is in the Science.

  • My name is Aleksandra Selakovich
  • I work at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade, at the Department for pedagogy and andragogy
  • I’m a native Zlatiborian (South Slavic people most relative to Sorbs and Montenegrins) from the village of Kremna, at the Mt. Zlatibor
  • I’m writing a book about the Zlatiborian language, “The Zlatiborian Language And Its Position Within The Slavic Languages” (in original: “Zlatiborski jezik i njegov položaj u slovenskoj jezičkoj zajednici”) (basic grammar and orthography rules + some historical fact about the development of the Zlatiborian language)
  • I speak my native Zlatiborian, and foreign languages Serbian, Russian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, German, Latin, and English.

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zbМатерњи језик овог учесника је златиборски.