"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” - Thucydides

RfA candidateSONS%Ending (UTC)Time leftDups?Report
RfB candidateSONS%Ending (UTC)Time leftDups?Report

No RfXs since 00:50, 23 June 2024 (UTC).—cyberbot ITalk to my owner:Online

Commons picture of the day
Residential building "Katscha" in Norrköping, Sweden. It was built in 2015.
George Washington
Painting credit: John Trumbull

                      _   _                     / '-' \                               ;       ;                             /'-|       |-'\                          |   |_______|   |                         \   '-------'   /                          '.___.....___.'                      | ;  : ;|                   _|;__;__.|_                  |     |     |    .--.         .--.      \__.'^'.__/    /;   \   Q:Why do all of your children's name begin with the letter R?        /   ;\      |_  o  _|     |  ' |   (Rorion, 50; Relson, 48, Rickson, 42, Rolker, 36, Royler,        | ;  |      { `"""` }     |;   |   35, Royce, 34, Rherika, 32; Robin, 29; Ricci, 23)        |'   |      {       }     | ;  |        |  ; |      {       }     |    |   A (Hélio Gracie): Because "R" is a strong letter. It is the most powerful letter.        |;   |      ;`-.__.'|     |:  ;|   Which would you think is stronger, "Orion" or "Rorion"?         | ;  \      |;  ;   |_____/ ;  |   "Rorion" of course, I think the same as my brother Carlos.        |   '.'-----'      ' -_   .'   /   His children have names that begin with "R", "C", and "K".[1]        \  '.   - _  ' ;  ;  _  -    .'         '.   -     - ;  ;   .------`           `--------.      ;|                    |;  ,   |                    |     ; |                    |. ;    |                    | :    :|                    |   .   |                    |;   ;  |                     |;  ,   |                    |     ; |                    |. ;    |                    | :    :|                    |   .   |                    |;   ;  |                    `"-----"`