

My name is Lucas. I live in Upper Silesian Metropolis, more exactly in Kattowitz. I am native Silesian and citizen of European Union.

I am a member of the following Wikiprojects: WikiProject Silesia, WikiProject Germany, WikiProject Prussia and WikiProject Poland.

As of 19 April 2010, I had ~18,000 edits on the Polish Wikipedia, ~6,000 edits on the English Wikipedia, ~3,700 edits on the Commons, ~700 edits on the German Wikipedia, ~400 edits on the Polish Wikinews, ~200 edits on the Silesian Wikipedia and minimum several hundred edits on the other projects of Wikimedia Foundation (together over 30,000 editions... and five years old practice).

My city :)

This user confirms violations of the rights of national minorities in Poland.
This user supports the independence of Silesia.
This user supports the independence of Moravia.