About me

Hello! My name is Jonathan, I am 23 years old and a graduate in Business-IT ((German: Wirtschaftsinformatik) Bachelor of Science). I am half Thai, half German and grew up in Chiang Mai, Thailand, but spent most of my school life in Germany, where I received my bilingual university-entrance diploma at age 18 and graduated from University. I now live in Chiang Mai again, enjoying the Kingdom of Thailand with my wife.

I have a deep interest in history and data, to which my main subjects of History and Informatics during secondary school have contributed greatly. The main reason I started editing on Wikipedia is to primarily focus and fix the inaccurate population data of Thai cities. I have recently made a major edits to the Chiang Mai Wikipedia article, after extensive research, finally displaying and interpreting the data in a correct way. I plan to fix all of the other remaining big cities in Thailand (except Bangkok) as well, and keep close contact to official channels here in Thailand, but also abroad, so international figures can be updated as well. Other topics regarding Thailand are on my agenda as well!

If you would like to get in contact with me, feel free to use the talk page. Thank You!


As a Business-IT graduate, my interests rely heavily on data, which I love to analyze and put into context. This has been the case for over ten years now and will probably be like that for the rest of my life.

Since the age of 9 I have been playing piano, participating in my first concert at the age of 13 and attending a professional music school in Germany from age 15-18. At the age of 12 I received my D-Certificate in Organ play, and have been working as a Organist at the local church for 8 years until 2020. I also play the Viola, though not on the same level as the other instruments.

Besides IT and music, I love learning new languages. Current interest lies in Scandinavian languages.

My favorite Edits

This is where I will list my edits to date, which aren't minor edits, but rather extensive or noteworthy ones. This list will grow over time:

  1. Chiang Mai, Thailand (Ranking corrected and Population section added, explaining Chiang Mai's true size)