User:Jim.belk/Image Gallery

This gallery shows all the pictures I have created for Wikipedia articles. I use a combination of Mathematica, Microsoft Word and Inkscape for SVG pictures, and POV-Ray for three-dimensional pictures.

Image for Homotopy

Image for Quadrilateral

Unit circle picture

I added color to this already existing image. It is used in List of trigonometric identities, trigonometric functions, sine, and unit circle.

Images for Area

Image for Lissajous knot

Knot pictures

Images for Borromean rings

Image for Tricolorability

Image for Inverse curve and Cardioid

Images for Lattice (group)

Image for Fourier series

Image for Law of sines

Image for Vector field

Animation for Winding number

Images for Winding number

Images for Linking number

Images for Point reflection

File:Quadrature Parabola Relative Sizes.png

Images for Rose (topology)

Images for Row space and Column space

Images for Morera's theorem

Images for Inverse function

Images for geometric series

Image for free group

Images for dihedral group

Image for normal mode

Images for multiplication

Currently unused images