
( function( $, mw ) {  var baseTooltip = 'List of pages with unreviewed edits'  mw.util.addPortletLink(    'p-tb', // toolbox ID    mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:PendingChanges' ), // Pending changes link    'Pending changes', // link text    't-pendingchanges', // link ID    baseTooltip // link tooltip  );    function plural( num, text ) {    return num + ' ' + text + ( num !== 1 ? 's' : '' );  }    function updateNumChanges() {    new mw.Api().get( {      action: 'query',      list: 'oldreviewedpages',      orlimit: 40,      ornamespace: [ 0, 4 ]    } ).done( function ( data ) {      if ( !data.query ) {      return;      }            var numChanges = data.query.oldreviewedpages.length,          oldestTimestamp = null;            if ( numChanges > 0 ) {        oldestTimestamp = data.query.oldreviewedpages[0].pending_since;        var then = new Date( oldestTimestamp ).getTime(),            now =,            msDiff = now - then,            hourDiff = Math.round( msDiff / 36e5 );      }            if( data.continue ){        numChanges += '+';      }            $( '#t-pendingchanges a' )        .text( plural( numChanges, 'pending edit' ) )        .attr( 'title', function () {          if ( !oldestTimestamp ) {            return baseTooltip;          }          return baseTooltip + '.\nOldest is ' + plural( hourDiff, 'hour' ) + ' old.';        } );    });  }    updateNumChanges();  setInterval( updateNumChanges, 2 * 60000 ); // update every 2 minutes} ) ( jQuery, mediaWiki );