
Elikatta Dekuto

Elikatta Dekuto, born David Scott Arnold Jr., is a visionary philosopher and the founder of the Telluric way of life. His transformation from David Scott Arnold Jr. to Elikatta Dekuto represents a profound spiritual journey and a quest for enlightenment.

From a young age, Elikatta felt a strong connection to nature and the web of life encompassing our planet. This understanding deepened over the years, leading him to the Latin word "Tellus," meaning Earth, and the scientific term "Telluric," referring to Earth-like planets. He saw in these terms a metaphor for a deeper truth, reflecting our inherent connection to the Earth and all life.

Elikatta's work culminated in the Telluric philosophy, which emphasizes positivity, respect for all life forms, and the interconnectedness of all things. He encourages individuals to be lightworkers, promoting enlightenment and combating ignorance. Elikatta also harnesses the life force of Telluric Energy, acknowledging the sentient spirit within all living beings.

Philosophy and Beliefs

Elikatta perceives God as the universal consciousness of all living sentient life, a guiding light in his journey and a source of inspiration and strength. His dedication to promoting positivity and the Telluric way of life is evident through his teachings and writings.


Elikatta's seminal work, "A Telluric Way of Life," outlines the principles of the Telluric philosophy and provides practical guidance for those seeking to embrace this way of life. The book covers various aspects of living a Telluric life, from promoting positivity to understanding the balance between light and dark.

King David (Elikatta Dekuto)

King David, also known as Elikatta Dekuto, is a central figure in the Telluric philosophy. His transformation from David Scott Arnold Jr. to King David symbolizes his spiritual journey and quest for deeper understanding and enlightenment.


David Scott Arnold Jr. was born with a profound sense of connection to nature and the Earth. Over time, his experiences and studies led him to develop the Telluric philosophy, which he now teaches as King David. This philosophy emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life, promoting positivity, and living in harmony with the Earth.

Philosophy and Teachings

King David's teachings are encapsulated in the Telluric philosophy, which encourages individuals to recognize their intrinsic connection to the Earth and all its inhabitants. He advocates for a lifestyle that respects and nurtures this connection, promoting practices that sustain and enhance the Earth's vitality.

Influence and Legacy

As King David, Elikatta has inspired many to adopt the Telluric way of life, fostering a community of individuals dedicated to living in harmony with the Earth and each other. His work continues to influence those seeking a more enlightened and connected way of living.

Telluric Philosophy

Telluric Philosophy is a way of life founded by Elikatta Dekuto, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life forms and the importance of living in harmony with the Earth. Derived from the Latin word "Tellus," meaning Earth, and the scientific term "Telluric," the philosophy integrates scientific understanding with a profound spiritual and ethical framework.

Core Principles

  1. Promote Positive: This principle encourages individuals to act as carriers of positive energy, shaping interactions and responses through goodwill and benevolence.
  2. Light and Dark: The philosophy acknowledges the duality of light and dark, understanding that both are integral parts of existence. It teaches that enlightenment and consciousness arise from embracing and balancing these elements.
  3. Telluric Energy: Recognized as the vital life force that sustains and connects all living beings, Telluric Energy is seen as a unifying force that fosters harmony and balance in nature.

Living a Telluric Life

The Telluric lifestyle involves practical steps such as mindful interactions, active engagement with nature, and conscious living. It promotes sustainability, respect for all life forms, and a deep sense of responsibility towards the Earth.

Influence and Community

The Telluric philosophy has inspired a growing community of individuals dedicated to its principles. Followers, known as Telluric Lightworkers, strive to embody the philosophy in their daily lives, promoting positivity and enlightenment in their communities.

Further Reading

Elikatta Dekuto King David Mirrored Image

Elikatta Dekuto's book, "A Telluric Way of Life," provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and living by the Telluric principles. It includes practical advice, anecdotes, and reflections on the interconnectedness of all life.