Monty Python's Flying CircusThis user is a singing lumberjack.
Monty Python's Flying CircusThis user didn't expect a Spanish inquisition.
Monty Python's Flying CircusThis user loves animals. That's why they like to kill 'em.
Monty Python's Flying CircusAnd now for something completely different. A man with a tape recorder up his nose.
Monty Python's Flying CircusThis user knows how to defend themselves against a person armed with a banana. First, you eat the banana, making them weaponless!
Monty Python's Flying Circus
RThis user is a Ravenclaw.
LOTRThis user loves The Lord of the Rings book series and film trilogy, but not the 1978 animated film.
This user eats bananas.
This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube console.
A lion similar to Aslan, the LionThis user loves The Chronicles of Narnia, both the books and the movies.

This user supports the conservation movement.
This user supports environmental health.
This user is interested in recycling issues.
indThis user is politically independent.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to assess every candidate and abstain from voting if none is found fit for office, unless he or she wants to vote anyway.
This user does not trust electronic voting machines.
=This user supports the Make Trade Fair campaign.
This user is for racial equality.
XThis user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct.X
This user does not believe in
Santa Claus.
This user is Child Free by Choice.
This user is an omnivore.
This user finds copyright paranoia disruptive.


Mmm, userboxesThis user thinks that more Wikipedians would like userboxes if they were edible.
Pi ≈ 3.1415926535897932384626433832 795028841971693993751058209749445 9230781640628620 8998628034825342 117067982148086513282306647093844 609550582231725359408128481117450 284102701938521105559644622948954 930381964428810975665933446128475 64823378678316527120190914564856 692346038610454326648213393607260 249141273724587006606315588174881 520920962829254091715364367892590 360011330530548820466521384146951 941511609

The Lord of the RingsThis user is a half-Elven.
This user is a descendent of Eärendil and a half-Elven.The Silmarillion
Mr. TThis user pities the fool!
This user plays games on the Wii console.
F-ZeroThis user enjoys playing any of the
F-Zero video games.

SNLThis user would like to give some important advice on surviving a from New York, it's Saturday Night!!