Chester G is an American Internet addict born on March 29, in the Lincoln Square/Ravenswood neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. He currently resides in Nevada and "hates it [t]here."



I love NYThis user NY.
This user prefers warm weather.



≥5This user contributes with a computer 5 years old or more.
This user contributes using a PC.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
File:IPodiPod Touch.svgThis user owns a nice iPod Touch iPod



This user is of Irish ancestry.



nocThis user is nocturnal.
I would say I'm a cynic but I bet you just wouldn't believe me.

This user has atypical depression.

This user suffers from insomnia.


This user enjoys snowboarding.


This user is against the war on drugs.
This user is pro-cannabis.
This user supports equal rights for queer people.
This user
supports the
Liberal Democrats.
PCThis user is pro-choice.
This user finds censorship offensive.
CFThis user is childfree.


This user will not post any more images, as they feel the image policy is unfair.


food and drink

This user eats candy corn.

games and stuff

H * RThis user is a fan of Homestar Runner. Seriously.

This user loves Sega video game systems and games.
fan-3This user thinks that Mortal Kombat 3 is the best computer or video game ever made.
This user hates it when cool images are deleted.


This user likes most types of music.
amContrary to popular belief, this user does not look good on the dance floor.
RThis user loves The Ramones.

GCThis user loves the old school Good Charlotte.

film/TV and misc.

Mr. TThis user pities the fool!
💀This user is a certified Punisher fan!
This user remembers a time when people named Bob and David wore crazy outfits and brought us all to the verge of laughter.
ScrubsThis user's inner monologue is tired of being called a girl's name.
This user's got a case of the Mondays.
TDRThis user has some Top Secret Clown Business that needs to be attended to.
IndiesThis user is a huge fan of small films.
This user is in a glass case of emotion.
K-PAXianThis user is from K-PAX and constantly wears sunglasses on Earth.
TFMRSWhat's crackin', little bitches?