
Semi-useful things I've made


It accepts up to five names. Parameter {{{i}}} is used to change the sentence into first person, which some people prefer (namely me). Note that the names aren't displayed in order on the template (this is due to syntax limitations); instead, they appear in the order one, three, four, five, and two. You can rearrange the names by changing which parameters they're entered into, but you must fill the parameters in numerical order to make the template work. So don't fill in {{{two}}} unless you've already filled in {{{one}}}.

{{User:Bob/birthday|one=[[George Lucas]]|two=|three=|four=|five=|i=}}
{{User:Bob/birthday|one=[[George Lucas]]|two=[[Jack Bruce]]|three=|four=|five=|i=true}}
{{User:Bob/birthday|one=[[George Lucas]]|two=[[Jack Bruce]]|three=[[Robert Zemeckis]]|four=[[Tim Roth]]|five=|i=}}
