Tetragonal crystal system

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In crystallography, the tetragonal crystal system is one of the 7 crystal systems. Tetragonal crystal lattices result from stretching a cubic lattice along one of its lattice vectors, so that the cube becomes a rectangular prism with a square base (a by a) and height (c, which is different from a).

An example of the tetragonal crystals, wulfenite
Two different views (top down and from the side) of the unit cell of tP30-CrFe (σ-phase Frank–Kasper structure) that show its different side lengths, making this structure a member of the tetragonal crystal system.

Bravais lattices

There are two tetragonal Bravais lattices: the primitive tetragonal and the body-centered tetragonal.

Bravais latticePrimitive
Pearson symboltPtI
Unit cell

The body-centered tetragonal lattice is equivalent to the primitive tetragonal lattice with a smaller unit cell, while the face-centered tetragonal lattice is equivalent to the body-centered tetragonal lattice with a smaller unit cell.[1]

Crystal classes

The point groups that fall under this crystal system are listed below, followed by their representations in international notation, Schoenflies notation, orbifold notation, Coxeter notation and mineral examples.[2][3]

#Point groupTypeExampleSpace groups
75–80Tetragonal pyramidal4C444[4]+enantiomorphic polarpinnoite,
P4, P41, P42, P43I4, I41
81–82Tetragonal disphenoidal4S4[2+,4+]cahnite, tugtupiteP4I4
83–88Tetragonal dipyramidal4/mC4h4*[2,4+]centrosymmetricscheelite, wulfenite, leuciteP4/m, P42/m, P4/n, P42/nI4/m, I41/a
89–98Tetragonal trapezohedral422D4224[2,4]+enantiomorphiccristobalite, warditeP422, P4212, P4122, P41212, P4222, P42212, P4322, P43212I422, I4122
99–110Ditetragonal pyramidal4mmC4v*44[4]polardiaboleiteP4mm, P4bm, P42cm, P42nm, P4cc, P4nc, P42mc, P42bcI4mm, I4cm, I41md, I41cd
111–122Tetragonal scalenohedral42mD2d (Vd)2*2[2+,4]chalcopyrite, stanniteP42m, P42c, P421m, P421c, P4m2, P4c2, P4b2, P4n2I4m2, I4c2, I42m, I42d
123–142Ditetragonal dipyramidal4/mmmD4h*224[2,4]centrosymmetricrutile, pyrolusite, zirconP4/mmm, P4/mcc, P4/nbm, P4/nnc, P4/mbm, P4/mnc, P4/nmm, P4/ncc, P42/mmc, P42/mcm, P42/nbc, P42/nnm, P42/mbc, P42/mnm, P42/nmc, P42/ncmI4/mmm, I4/mcm, I41/amd, I41/acd

In two dimensions

There is only one tetragonal Bravais lattice in two dimensions: the square lattice.

Bravais latticeSquare
Pearson symboltp
Unit cell

See also
