Talk:Mars/to do

Latest comment: 12 years ago by Boardhead

Please update to reflect the success of India lower down the article in the Exploration section as the one of the countries to have sent a mission and also the first Asian country and the first to achieve orbit on first mission - you have identified the satellite in the initial paragraphs but not in the exploration body where the additional detail might best be inserted.

Please update highest temperature on Mars. While the conservative figures quoted are from Nasa, there are other Nasa sites especialy rover site which quotes much higher numbers. Would somebody please further research and update.A quote from nasa rover source at :

Change min-max surface temperature. Min is -153 °C and the max is 20 °C according to NASA. Source: (talk) 01:41, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

Any chance that Fahrenheit temps could also be included on right hand chart??

Incorrect conversion of summer max temps in S. Hemisphere : 30C <--> 54F which is correct?

Both are correct. This is a temperature DIFFERENCE, not an absolute temperature. Boardhead (talk) 16:25, 30 September 2011 (UTC)

"Aluminum" really? Step it up America.