Slow-growing hierarchy

In computability theory, computational complexity theory and proof theory, the slow-growing hierarchy is an ordinal-indexed family of slowly increasing functions gα: NN (where N is the set of natural numbers, {0, 1, ...}). It contrasts with the fast-growing hierarchy.


Let μ be a large countable ordinal such that a fundamental sequence is assigned to every limit ordinal less than μ. The slow-growing hierarchy of functions gα: NN, for α < μ, is then defined as follows:[1]

  • for limit ordinal α.

Here α[n] denotes the nth element of the fundamental sequence assigned to the limit ordinal α.

The article on the Fast-growing hierarchy describes a standardized choice for fundamental sequence for all α < ε0.


Relation to fast-growing hierarchy

The slow-growing hierarchy grows much more slowly than the fast-growing hierarchy. Even gε0 is only equivalent to f3 and gα only attains the growth of fε0 (the first function that Peano arithmetic cannot prove total in the hierarchy) when α is the Bachmann–Howard ordinal.[2][3][4]

However, Girard proved that the slow-growing hierarchy eventually catches up with the fast-growing one.[2] Specifically, that there exists an ordinal α such that for all integers n

gα(n) < fα(n) < gα(n + 1)

where fα are the functions in the fast-growing hierarchy. He further showed that the first α, this holds for, is the ordinal of the theory ID of arbitrary finite iterations of an inductive definition.[5] However, for the assignment of fundamental sequences found in [3] the first match up occurs at the level ε0.[6] For Buchholz style tree ordinals it could be shown that the first match up even occurs at .

Extensions of the result proved[5] to considerably larger ordinals show that there are very few ordinals below the ordinal of transfinitely iterated -comprehension where the slow- and fast-growing hierarchy match up.[7]

The slow-growing hierarchy depends extremely sensitively on the choice of the underlying fundamental sequences.[6][8][9]


  • Gallier, Jean H. (1991). "What's so special about Kruskal's theorem and the ordinal Γ0? A survey of some results in proof theory". Ann. Pure Appl. Logic. 53 (3): 199–260. doi:10.1016/0168-0072(91)90022-E. MR 1129778. See especially "A Glimpse at Hierarchies of Fast and Slow Growing Functions", pp. 59–64 of linked version.
