Reference ranges for blood tests

Reference ranges (reference intervals) for blood tests are sets of values used by a health professional to interpret a set of medical test results from blood samples. Reference ranges for blood tests are studied within the field of clinical chemistry (also known as "clinical biochemistry", "chemical pathology" or "pure blood chemistry"), the area of pathology that is generally concerned with analysis of bodily fluids.[citation needed]

Blood test results should always be interpreted using the reference range provided by the laboratory that performed the test.[1]


A reference range is usually defined as the set of values 95 percent of the normal population falls within (that is, 95% prediction interval).[2] It is determined by collecting data from vast numbers of laboratory tests.[citation needed]

Plasma or whole blood

In this article, all values (except the ones listed below) denote blood plasma concentration, which is approximately 60–100% larger than the actual blood concentration if the amount inside red blood cells (RBCs) is negligible. The precise factor depends on hematocrit as well as amount inside RBCs. Exceptions are mainly those values that denote total blood concentration, and in this article they are:[3]

  • All values in Hematology – red blood cells (except hemoglobin in plasma)
  • All values in Hematology – white blood cells
  • Platelet count (Plt)

A few values are for inside red blood cells only:

  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid/folate) in red blood cells
  • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)


Arterial or venous

If not otherwise specified, a reference range for a blood test is generally the venous range, as the standard process of obtaining a sample is by venipuncture. An exception is for acid–base and blood gases, which are generally given for arterial blood.[citation needed]

Still, the blood values are approximately equal between the arterial and venous sides for most substances, with the exception of acid–base, blood gases and drugs (used in therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) assays).[6] Arterial levels for drugs are generally higher than venous levels because of extraction while passing through tissues.[6]

Usual or optimal

Reference ranges are usually given as what are the usual (or normal) values found in the population, more specifically the prediction interval that 95% of the population fall into. This may also be called standard range. In contrast, optimal (health) range or therapeutic target is a reference range or limit that is based on concentrations or levels that are associated with optimal health or minimal risk of related complications and diseases. For most substances presented, the optimal levels are the ones normally found in the population as well. More specifically, optimal levels are generally close to a central tendency of the values found in the population. However, usual and optimal levels may differ substantially, most notably among vitamins and blood lipids, so these tables give limits on both standard and optimal (or target) ranges. In addition, some values, including troponin I and brain natriuretic peptide, are given as the estimated appropriate cutoffs to distinguish healthy people from people with specific conditions, which here are myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure, respectively, for the aforementioned substances.[7][8][9]


References range may vary with age, sex, race, pregnancy,[10] diet, use of prescribed or herbal drugs and stress. Reference ranges often depend on the analytical method used, for reasons such as inaccuracy, lack of standardisation, lack of certified reference material and differing antibody reactivity.[11] Also, reference ranges may be inaccurate when the reference groups used to establish the ranges are small.[12]

Sorted by concentration

By mass and molarity

Smaller, narrower boxes indicate a more tight homeostatic regulation when measured as standard "usual" reference range.

Hormones predominate at the left part of the scale, shown with a red at ng/L or pmol/L, being in very low concentration. There appears to be the greatest cluster of substances in the yellow part (μg/L or nmol/L), becoming sparser in the green part (mg/L or μmol/L). However, there is another cluster containing many metabolic substances like cholesterol and glucose at the limit with the blue part (g/L or mmol/L).[citation needed]

The unit conversions of substance concentrations from the molar to the mass concentration scale above are made as follows:

  • Numerically:
  • Measured directly in distance on the scales:

where distance is the direct (not logarithmic) distance in number of decades or "octaves" to the right the mass concentration is found. To translate from mass to molar concentration, the dividend (molar mass and the divisor (1000) in the division change places, or, alternatively, distance to right is changed to distance to left. Substances with a molar mass around 1000g/mol (e.g. thyroxine) are almost vertically aligned in the mass and molar images. Adrenocorticotropic hormone, on the other hand, with a molar mass of 4540,[13] is 0.7 decades to the right in the mass image. Substances with molar mass below 1000g/mol (e.g. electrolytes and metabolites) would have "negative" distance, that is, masses deviating to the left.Many substances given in mass concentration are not given in molar amount because they haven't been added to the article.

The diagram above can also be used as an alternative way to convert any substance concentration (not only the normal or optimal ones) from molar to mass units and vice versa for those substances appearing in both scales, by measuring how much they are horizontally displaced from one another (representing the molar mass for that substance), and using the same distance from the concentration to be converted to determine the equivalent concentration in terms of the other unit. For example, on a certain monitor, the horizontal distance between the upper limits for parathyroid hormone in pmol/L and pg/mL may be 7 cm, with the mass concentration to the right. A molar concentration of, for example, 5 pmol/L would therefore correspond to a mass concentration located 7 cm to the right in the mass diagram, that is, approximately 45 pg/mL.

By units

Units do not necessarily imply anything about molarity or mass.

A few substances are below this main interval, e.g. thyroid stimulating hormone, being measured in mU/L, or above, like rheumatoid factor and CA19-9, being measured in U/mL.

By enzyme activity

White blood cells

Sorted by category

Ions and trace metals

Included here are also related binding proteins, like ferritin and transferrin for iron, and ceruloplasmin for copper.

TestLower limitUpper limitUnit*Comments
Sodium (Na)135,[14] 137[5][15]145,[5][15] 147[14]mmol/L or mEq/L[14]See hyponatremia or hypernatremia
310,[16] 320[16]330,[16] 340[16]mg/dL
Potassium (K)3.5,[5][14] 3.6[15]5.0,[5][14][15] 5.1mmol/L or mEq/L[14]See hypokalemia or hyperkalemia
Chloride (Cl)95,[14] 98,[18] 100[5]105,[14] 106,[18] 110[5]mmol/L or mEq/L[14]See hypochloremia or hyperchloremia
Ionized calcium (Ca)1.03,[20] 1.10[5]1.23,[20] 1.30[5]mmol/LSee hypocalcaemia or hypercalcaemia
4.1,[21] 4.4[21]4.9,[21] 5.2[21]mg/dL
Total calcium (Ca)2.1,[14][22] 2.2[5]2.5,[5][22] 2.6,[22] 2.8[14]mmol/L
8.4,[14] 8.5[23]10.2,[14] 10.5[23]mg/dL
Total serum iron (TSI) – male65,[24] 76[15]176,[24] 198[15]μg/dLSee hypoferremia or the following: iron overload (hemochromatosis), iron poisoning, siderosis, hemosiderosis, hyperferremia
11.6,[25][26] 13.6[26]30,[25] 32,[26] 35[26]μmol/L
Total serum iron (TSI) – female26,[15] 50[24]170[15][24]μg/dL
4.6,[26] 8.9[25]30.4[25]μmol/L
Total serum iron (TSI) – newborns100[24]250[24]μg/dL
Total serum iron (TSI) – children50[24]120[24]μg/dL
Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)240,[24] 262[15]450,[24] 474[15]μg/dL
43,[26] 47[26]81,[26] 85[26]μmol/L
Transferrin190,[27] 194,[5] 204[15]326,[5] 330,[27] 360[15]mg/dL
Transferrin saturation20[24]50[24]%
Ferritin – Males and postmenopausal females12[29]300[29][30]ng/mL or μg/L
Ferritin – premenopausal females12[29]150[29] – 200[30]ng/mL or μg/L
27[31]330[31] – 440[31]pmol/L
Ammonia10,[32] 20[33]35,[32] 65[33]μmol/LSee hypoammonemia and hyperammonemia
17,[34] 34[34]60,[34] 110[34]μg/dL
Copper (Cu)70[23]150[23]μg/dLSee hypocupremia or hypercupremia
Phosphate (HPO42−)0.81.5[38]mmol/LSee hypophosphatemia or hyperphosphatemia
Inorganic phosphorus (serum)1.0[14]1.5[14]mmol/L
Zinc (Zn)60,[39] 72[40]110,[40] 130[39]μg/dLSee zinc deficiency or zinc poisoning
9.2,[41] 11[5]17,[5] 20[41]μmol/L
Magnesium1.5,[23] 1.7[42]2.0,[23] 2.3[42]mEq/L or mg/dLSee hypomagnesemia or hypermagnesemia
0.6,[43] 0.7[5]0.82,[43] 0.95[5]mmol/L
  • Note: Although 'mEq' for mass and 'mEq/L' are sometimes used in the United States and elsewhere, they are not part of SI and are now considered redundant.

Acid–base and blood gases

If arterial/venous is not specified for an acid–base or blood gas value, then it generally refers to arterial, and not venous which otherwise is standard for other blood tests.[citation needed]

Acid–base and blood gases are among the few blood constituents that exhibit substantial difference between arterial and venous values.[6] Still, pH, bicarbonate and base excess show a high level of inter-method reliability between arterial and venous tests, so arterial and venous values are roughly equivalent for these.[44]

TestArterial/VenousLower limitUpper limitUnit
pHArterial7.34,[15] 7.35[14]7.44,[15] 7.45[14]
Base excessArterial & venous[45]−3[45]+3[45]mEq/L
Oxygen partial pressure (pO2)Arterial pO210,[14] 11[47]13,[47] 14[14]kPa
75,[14][15] 83[23]100,[15] 105[14]mmHg or torr
30[45]40[45]mmHg or torr
Oxygen saturationArterial94,[45] 95,[18] 96[23]100[18][23]%
VenousApproximately 75[18]
Carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2)Arterial PaCO24.4,[14] 4.7[47]5.9,[14] 6.0[47]kPa
33,[14] 35[15]44,[14] 45[15]mmHg or torr
41[45]51[45]mmHg or torr
Absolute content of carbon dioxide (CO2)Arterial23[45]30[45]mmol/L
Bicarbonate (HCO3)Arterial & venous18[23]23[23]mmol/L
Standard bicarbonate (SBCe)Arterial & venous21, 22[14]27, 28[14]mmol/L or mEq/L[14]

Liver function

TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Total protein (TotPro)60,[14] 63[15]78,[14] 82,[15] 84[23]g/LSee serum total protein Interpretation
Albumin35[14][50]48,[15] 55[14]g/LSee hypoalbuminemia
3.5[15]4.8,[15] 5.5[14]U/L
Total bilirubin1.7,[52] 2,[14] 3.4,[52] 5[5]17,[14][52] 22,[52] 25[5]μmol/L
0.1,[14] 0.2,[15] 0.29[53]1.0,[14][23] 1.3,[15] 1.4[53]mg/dL
Direct/conjugated bilirubin0.0[14] or N/A[5]5,[14] 7[5][52]μmol/L
0[14][15]0.3,[14][15] 0.4[23]mg/dL
Alanine transaminase (ALT/ALAT[5])5,[54] 7,[15] 8[14]20,[14] 21,[18] 56[15]U/LAlso called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT)
Aspartate transaminase (AST/ASAT[5])Female6[55]34[55]IU/LAlso called
serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)0.6[5]1.8[5]μkat/L
Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT)5,[54] 8[15]40,[54] 78[15]U/L

Cardiac tests

TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Creatine kinase (CK)Male24,[57] 38,[15] 60[54]174,[23] 320[54]U/L or ng/mL
Female24,[57] 38,[15] 96[23]140,[23] 200[54]U/L or ng/mL
CK-MB03,[15] 3.8,[5] 5[54]ng/mL or μg/L[5]
MyoglobinFemale1[59]66[59]ng/mL or μg/L
Cardiac troponin T (low sensitive)0.1[7]ng/mL99th percentile cutoff
Cardiac troponin I

(high sensitive)

0.03[7]ng/mL99th percentile cutoff
Cardiac troponin T (high sensitive)Male0.022[7]ng/mL99th percentile cutoff
Female0.014[7]ng/mL99th percentile cutoff
newborn/infantsnot establishedmore than adults [60][61]
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
InterpretationRange / Cutoff
Congestive heart failure unlikely< 100 pg/mL[8][9]
"Gray zone"100–500 pg/mL[8][9]
Congestive heart failure likely> 500 pg/mL[8][9]
Congestive heart failure likely< 75 years> 125 pg/mL[62]
> 75 years> 450pg/mL[62]


TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnitTherapeutic target
Triglycerides10–39 years54[23]110[23]mg/dL< 100 mg/dL[63]
or 1.1 mmol/L[63]
40–59 years70[23]150[23]mg/dL
> 60 years80[23]150[23]mg/dL
Total cholesterol3.0,[65] 3.6[14][65]5.0,[5][66] 6.5[14]mmol/L< 3.9 mmol/L[63]
120,[15] 140[14]200,[15] 250[14]mg/dL< 150 mg/dL[63]
HDL cholesterolFemale1.0,[67] 1.2,[5] 1.3[65]2.2[67]mmol/L> 1.0[67] or 1.6[65] mmol/L
40[68] or 60[69] mg/dL
40,[68] 50[70]86[68]mg/dL
HDL cholesterolMale0.9[5][67]2.0[67]mmol/L
LDL cholesterol
(Not valid when
triglycerides >5.0 mmol/L)
2.0,[67] 2.4[66]3.0,[5][66] 3.4[67]mmol/L< 2.5 mmol/L[67]
80,[68] 94[68]120,[68] 130[68]mg/dL< 100 mg/dL[68]
LDL/HDL quotientn/a5[5](unitless)

Tumour markers

TestPatient typeCutoffUnitComments
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)44[15]ng/mL or μg/LHepatocellular carcinoma or testicular cancer
Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG)In males and non-pregnant females5[15]IU/L or mU/mLchoriocarcinoma
CA19-940[15]U/mLPancreatic cancer
CA-12530,[71] 35[72]kU/L or U/mL
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)Non-smokers, 50 years3.4,[5] 3.6[73]μg/L
Non-smokers, 70 years4.1[73]
Prostate specific antigen (PSA)40–49 years1.2–2.9[75]μg/L[5][15] or ng/mL[23]More detailed cutoffs in PSA – Serum levels
70–79 years, non-African-American4.0–9.0[75]
70–79 years, African-American7.7–13[75]
PAP3[23]units/dL (Bodansky units)
Calcitonin5,[76] 15[76]ng/L or pg/mLCutoff against medullary thyroid cancer[76]
More detailed cutoffs in Calcitonin article


Thyroid hormones

TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnit
Thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH or thyrotropin)
Adults –
standard range
0.3,[5] 0.4,[15] 0.5,[23] 0.6[77]4.0,[5] 4.5,[15] 6.0[23]mIU/L or μIU/mL
Adults –
optimal range
0.3,[78] 0.5[79]2.0,[79] 3.0[78]
Free thyroxine (FT4)
Normal adult0.7,[81] 0.8[15]1.4,[81] 1.5,[15] 1.8[82]ng/dL
9,[5][83] 10,[84] 12[85]18,[5][83] 23[85]pmol/L
31 d – 18 y
Total thyroxine4,[84] 5.5[15]11,[84] 12.3[15]μg/dL
60[84][85]140,[84] 160[85]nmol/L
Free triiodothyronine (FT3)Normal adult0.2[84]0.5[84]ng/dL
Children 2-16 y0.1[87]0.6[87]ng/dL
Total triiodothyronine60,[15] 75[84]175,[84] 181[15]ng/dL
0.9,[5] 1.1[84]2.5,[5] 2.7[84]nmol/L
Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)12[15]30[15]mg/L
Thyroglobulin (Tg)1.5[84]30[84]pmol/L

Sex hormones

The diagrams below take inter-cycle and inter-woman variability into account in displaying reference ranges for estradiol, progesterone, FSH and LH.

Levels of estradiol (the main estrogen), progesterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone during the menstrual cycle.[88]
TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnit
Dihydrotestosteroneadult male3085ng/dL
TestosteroneMale, overall8,[89] 10[90]27,[89] 35[90]nmol/L
230,[91] 300[92]780–1000[91][92]ng/dL
Male < 50 years10[5]45[5]nmol/L
Male > 50 years6.2[5]26[5]nmol/L
Female (Follicular phase)0.2[23]1.0[23]mg/L
Adult male1[94]8[94]
Adult female (follicular
and luteal phase)
Adult female (Ovulation)6[94]
95% PI (standard)
95% PI)
90% PI (used in diagram)
(90% PI)
Post-menopausal female30[94]118[94]
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Female, peak20[95]
90% PI (used in diagram)
(90% PI)
Female, post-menopausal15[96]60[96]
Male aged 18+2[97]9[97]
(an estrogen)
Adult male50[98]200[98]pmol/L
Adult female (day 5 of follicular phase,
and luteal phase)
70[98]500,[98] 600[98]pmol/L
19[99]140,[99] 160[99]pg/mL
Adult female – free (not protein bound)0.5[100]9[100]pg/mL
Post-menopausal femaleN/A[98]< 130[98]pmol/L
N/A[99]< 35[99]pg/mL
Female in mid-luteal phase (day 21–23)17,[95] 35[101]92[101]nmol/L
6,[95] 11[102]29[102]ng/mL
AndrostenedioneAdult male and female60[96]270[96]ng/dL
Post-menopausal female< 180[96]
Prepubertal< 60[96]
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate Adult male and female30[103]400[103]μg/dL
Adult female40[104]120[104]nmol/L
Adult male20[104]60[104]
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)
13–45 years0.7[105]20[105]ng/mL

Other hormones

TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnit
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)2.2[107]13.3[107]pmol/L
Cortisol09:00 am140[108]700[108]nmol/L
Growth hormone (fasting)05[14]ng/mL
Growth hormone (arginine stimulation)7[14]n/ang/mL
Female, 20 yrs110[110]420[110]ng/mL
Female, 75 yrs55[110]220[110]
Male, 20 yrs160[110]390[110]
Male, 75 yrs48[110]200[110]
Female71,[111] 105[111]348,[111] 548[111]mIU/L
3.4,[111] 3.9[111]16.4,[111] 20.3[111]μg/L
Male58,[111] 89[111]277,[111] 365[111]mIU/L
2.7,[111] 3.3[111]13.0,[111] 13.5[111]μg/L
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)10,[112] 17[113]65,[112] 70[113]pg/mL
1.1,[5] 1.8[114]6.9,[5] 7.5[114]pmol/L
25-hydroxycholecalciferol (a vitamin D)
Standard reference range
8,[23][115] 9[115]40,[115] 80[23]ng/mL
20,[116] 23[117]95,[117] 150[116]nmol/L
Therapeutic target range
30,[118] 40[119]65,[119] 100[118]ng/mL
85,[63] 100[119]120,[63] 160[119]nmol/L
Plasma renin activity0.29,[120] 1.9[121]3.7[120][121]ng/(mL·h)
3.3,[122] 21[123]41[122][123]mcU/mL
Adult19,[122] 34.0[122]ng/dL
530,[124] 940[124]pmol/L
Aldosterone-to-renin ratio
Adult13.1,[125] 35.0[125]ng/dL per ng/(mL·h)
360,[125] 970[125]pmol/liter per μg/(L·h)


Also including the vitamin B12)-related amino acid homocysteine.

TestPatient typeStandard rangeOptimal rangeUnit
Lower limitUpper limitLower limitUpper limit
Vitamin A30[23]65[23]μg/dL
Vitamin B9
(Folic acid/Folate) – Serum
Age > 1 year3.0[126]16[126]5[127]ng/mL or μg/L
Vitamin B9
(Folic acid/Folate) – Red blood cells
200[126]600[126]ng/mL or μg/L
Pregnant400[126]ng/mL or μg/L
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)130,[129] 160[130]700,[129] 950[130]ng/L
100,[131] 120[5]520,[131] 700[5]pmol/L
3.3,[132] 5.9[132]7.2,[132] 15.3[132]6.3[63]μmol/L
45,[133] 80[133]100,[133] 210[133]85[63]μg/dL
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)0.4[23]1.5[23]0.9[63]mg/dL
25-hydroxycholecalciferol (a vitamin D)8,[23][115] 9[115]40,[115] 80[23]30,[118] 40[119]65,[119] 100[118]ng/mL
20,[116] 23[117]95,[117] 150[116]85,[63] 100[119]120,[63] 160[119]nmol/L
Vitamin E28[63]μmol/L

Toxic Substances

TestLimit typeLimitUnit
LeadOptimal health range< 20[18] or 40[23]μg/dL
Blood ethanol contentLimit for drunk driving0,[135] 0.2,[135] 0.8[135] or g/L


Red blood cells

These values (except Hemoglobin in plasma) are for total blood and not only blood plasma.

TestPatientLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Hemoglobin (Hb)Male2.0,[137] 2.1[14][138]2.5,[137] 2.7[14][138]mmol/LHigher in neonates, lower in children.
130,[5] 132,[15] 135[14]162,[15] 170,[5] 175[14]g/L
Female1.8,[137] 1.9[14][138]2.3,[137] 2.5[14][137][138]mmol/LSex difference negligible until adulthood.
120[5][14][15]150,[5] 152,[15] 160[14][23]g/L
Hemoglobin subunits (sometimes displayed simply as "Hemoglobin")Male8.0,[139] 8.4[139]10.0,[139] 10.8[139]mmol/L4 per hemoglobin molecule
Female7.2,[139] 7.6[139]9.2,[139] 10.0[139]
Hemoglobin in plasma0.16[14]0.62[14]μmol/LNormally diminutive compared with inside red blood cells
Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)< 50 years3.6[5]5.0[5]% of Hb
> 50 years3.9[5]5.3[5]
Haptoglobin< 50 years0.35[5]1.9[5]g/L
> 50 years0.47[5]2.1[5]
Hematocrit (Hct)Male0.39,[5] 0.4,[15] 0.41,[14] 0.45[23]0.50,[5] 0.52,[15] 0.53,[14] 0.62[23]L/L
Female0.35,[5] 0.36,[14] 0.37[15][23]0.46,[5][14][15] 0.48[23]L/L
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)Male76,[23] 82[15]100,[23] 102[15]fLCells are larger in neonates, though smaller in other children.
Red blood cell distribution width (RDW)11.5[15]14.5[15]%
Mean cell hemoglobin (MCH)0.39[14]0.54[14]fmol/cell
25,[14] 27[5][23]32,[23] 33,[5] 35[14]pg/cell
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)4.8,[140] 5.0[140]5.4,[140] 5.6[140]mmol/L
31,[15] 32[5][23]35,[15] 36[5][23]g/dL or %[note 1]
Erythrocytes/Red blood cells (RBC)Male4.2,[23] 4.3[5][14][15]5.7,[5] 5.9,[14] 6.2,[15] 6.9[23]x1012/L
Female3.5,[14] 3.8,[15] 3.9[5]5.1,[5] 5.5[14][15]
0.5[14][15]1.5[14][15]% of RBC
Newborn1.1[15]4.5[15]% of RBC
Infant0.5[15]3.1[15]% of RBC
Immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF)Adult1.6[141]12.1[141]% of reticulocytes
Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalentAdult30.0[141]37.6[141]%
Immature platelet fraction (IPF)Adult0.8[141]5.6[141]%

White blood cells

These values are for total blood and not only blood plasma.

TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnit
White Blood Cell Count (WBC)Adult3.5,[5] 3.9,[143] 4.1,[15] 4.5[14]9.0,[5] 10.0,[143] 10.9,[15] 11[14]
  • x109/L
  • x103/mm3 or
  • x103/μL
1 year old6[144]18[144]
Neutrophil granulocytes
(A.K.A. grans, polys, PMNs, or segs)
Adult1.3,[5] 1.8,[143] 2[144]5.4,[5] 7,[143] 8[144]x109/L
45–54[14]62,[14] 74% of WBC
Neutrophilic band formsAdult0.7[144]x109/L
3[14]5[14]% of WBC
LymphocytesAdult0.7,[5] 1.0[143][144]3.5,[143] 3.9,[5] 4.8[144]x109/L
16–25[14]33,[14] 45% of WBC
MonocytesAdult0.1,[5] 0.2[145][146]0.8[5][144][146]x109/L
3,[14] 4.07,[14] 10% of WBC
Mononuclear leukocytes
(Lymphocytes + monocytes)
2035% of WBC
CD4+ T cellsAdult0.4,[15] 0.5[18]1.5,[18] 1.8[15]x109/L
Eosinophil granulocytesAdult0.0,[5] 0.04[146]0.44,[146] 0.45,[144] 0.5[5]x109/L
1[14]3,[14] 7% of WBC
Basophil granulocytesAdult40[143]100,[5][146] 200,[144] 900[143]x106/L
0.00.75,[14] 2% of WBC


TestLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Thrombocyte/Platelet count (Plt)140,[15] 150[5][14]350,[5][23] 400,[14] 450[15]x109/L or
Mean platelet volume (MPV)7.2,[147] 7.4,[148] 7.5[149]10.4,[148] 11.5,[149] 11.7[147]fL
Prothrombin time (PT)10,[18] 11,[14][150] 12[15]13,[18] 13.5,[150] 14,[15] 15[14]sPT reference varies between laboratory kits – INR is standardised
INR0.9[5]1.2[5]The INR is a corrected ratio of a patient's PT to normal
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)18,[15] 30[5][18]28,[15] 42,[5] 45[18]s
Thrombin clotting time (TCT)1118s
Fibrinogen1.7,[15] 2.0[5]3.6,[5] 4.2[15]g/L
0.15,[151] 0.17[152]0.2,[151] 0.39[152]mg/mL
Bleeding time29minutes


Acute phase proteins

Acute phase proteins are markers of inflammation.

TestPatientLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Male0Age÷2[154]mm/hESR increases with age and tends to be higher in females.[155]
C-reactive protein (CRP)5,[5][156] 6[157]mg/L
200,[158] 240[158]nmol/L
Alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT)20,[159] 22[160]38,[160] 53[159]μmol/L
89,[161] 97[5]170,[5] 230[161]mg/dL
Procalcitonin0.15[162]ng/mL or μg/L

Isotypes of antibodies

TestPatientLower limitUpper limitUnit
IgAAdult70,[5] 110[163]360,[5] 560[163]mg/dL


Autoantibodies are usually absent or very low, so instead of being given in standard reference ranges, the values usually denote where they are said to be present, or whether the test is a positive test. There may also be an equivocal interval, where it is uncertain whether there is a significantly increased level.

anti-SS-A (Ro)< 1.0[164]n/a≥ 1.0[164]Units (U)
anti-SS-B (La)< 1.0[165]n/a≥ 1.0[165]
Anti ds-DNA< 30.0[166]30.0–75.0[166]> 75.0[166]International Units per millilitre (IU/mL)
Anti ss-DNA< 8[167]8–10[167]> 10[167]Units per millilitre (U/mL)
Anti-histone antibodies< 25[167]n/a[167]> 25[167]
Cytoplasmic anti-neutrophil
cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA)
< 20[167]21–30[167]> 30[167]
Perinuclear anti-neutrophil
cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA)
< 5[167]n/a> 5[167]
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA)< 0.1[168]0.1-0.9[168]≥ 1.0[168]Units (U)
Rheumatoid factor (RF)< 2020–30> 30[15]Units per millilitre (U/mL)
Antistreptolysin O titre (ASOT) in
> 100
ASOT at school age> 250[15]
ASOT in adults> 125[15]
TestNegativeLow/weak positiveModerate positiveHigh/strong positiveUnit
Anti-phospholipid IgG< 20[167]20–30[167]31–50[167]> 51[167]GPLU/mL[167]
Anti-phospholipid IgM< 1.5[167]1.5–2.5[167]2–9.9[167]> 10[167]MPL /mL[167]
Anti-phospholipid IgA< 10[167]10–20[167]21–30[167]> 31[167]arb U/mL[167]
Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies< 20[167]20–39[167]40–59[167]> 60[167]EU[167]

Other immunology

TestLower limitUpper limitUnit
Serum free light chains (FLC): kappa/lambda ratio0.26[169]1.65[169](unitless)

Other enzymes and proteins

TestLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Serum total protein60,[14] 63[15]78,[14] 82,[15] 84[23]g/L
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)50[23]150[23]U/L
1.8[5]3.4[5]μkat/L< 70 years old[5]
Amylase25,[14] 30,[15] 53[23]110,[15] 120,[170] 123,[23] 125,[14] 190[54]U/L
n/a500[171]ng/mLHigher in pregnant women[172]
Lipase7,[15] 10,[23] 23[54]60,[15] 150,[23] 208[54]U/L
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)23[54]57[54]U/L
Acid phosphatase3.0[54]ng/mL
Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)2.3[5]16[5]μg/L

Other electrolytes and metabolites

Electrolytes and metabolites:For iron and copper, some related proteins are also included.

TestPatient typeLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Osmolality275,[14] 280,[23] 281[5]295,[14] 296,[23] 297[5]mOsm/kgPlasma weight excludes solutes
OsmolaritySlightly less than osmolalitymOsm/LPlasma volume includes solutes
Urea3.0[173]7.0[173]mmol/LBUN – blood urea nitrogen
7[14]18,[14] 21[15]mg/dL
* Uric acid[15]0.18[14]0.48[14]mmol/L
CreatinineMale60,[5] 68[174]90,[5] 118[174]μmol/LMay be complemented with creatinine clearance
0.7,[175] 0.8[175]1.0,[175] 1.3[175]mg/dL
Female50,[5] 68[174]90,[5] 98[174]μmol/L
0.6,[175] 0.8[175]1.0,[175] 1.1[175]mg/dL
BUN/Creatinine Ratio5[23]35[23]
Plasma glucose (fasting)3.8,[14] 4.0[5]6.0,[5] 6.1[176]mmol/LSee also glycated hemoglobin (in hematology)
65,[15] 70,[14] 72[177]100,[176] 110[23]mg/dL
Full blood glucose (fasting)3.3[5]5.6[5]mmol/L
Random glucose3.9[178]7.8[178]mmol/L
Lactate (Venous)4.5[23]19.8[23]mg/dL
Lactate (Arterial)4.5[23]14.4[23]mg/dL


TestLower limitUpper limitUnitComments
Digoxin0.5[183]2.0[183]ng/mLNarrow therapeutic window
Lithium0.4,[184] 0.5,[185][186] 0.8[187]1.3[185][186]mmol/LNarrow therapeutic window
Paracetamol30[188]mg/LRisk of paracetamol toxicity at higher levels

See also



Further reading

  • Rappoport, n.; Paik, P.; Oskotsky, B.; Tor, R.; Ziv, E.; Zaitlen, N.; Butte, A. (4 November 2017). "Creating ethnicity-specific reference intervals for lab tests from EHR data". bioRxiv 10.1101/213892.