Punjabi calendar

The Punjabi calendar (Punjabi: ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਜੰਤਰੀ, پنجابی جنتری) is a luni-solar calendar used by the Punjabi people in Punjab and around the world, but varies by religions. Historically, the Punjabi Sikhs and Punjabi Hindus have used the ancient Bikrami (Vikrami) calendar.[1][2] Punjabi Muslims use the Arabic Hijri calendar alongside the Punjabi Calendar.[3] Some festivals in Punjab, Pakistan are determined by the Punjabi calendar,[4] such as Muharram which is observed twice, once according to the Muslim year and again on the 10th of harh/18th of jeth.[5] The Punjabi calendar is the one the rural (agrarian) population follows in Punjab, Pakistan.[6][note 1]

In Punjab though the solar calendar is generally followed, the lunar calendar used is purṇimānta, or calculated from the ending moment of the full moon: the beginning of the dark fortnight.[8][9] Chait is considered to be the first month of the lunar year.[10] The lunar year begins on Chet Sudi: the first day after the new moon in Chet.[11] This means that the first half of the purṇimānta month of Chaitra goes to the previous year, while the second half belongs to the new Lunar year.[9]

The Punjabi solar new year starts on the first of Vaisakh.[12] The day is considered from sunrise to next sunrise and for the first day of the solar months, the Orissa rule is observed: day 1 of the month occurs on the day of the transition of monthly constellations, or sangrānd in Punjabi.[13][14]

The Punjabi Calendar stands as a timeless emblem of tradition within the vibrant tapestry of Punjabi culture. Rooted in the ebb and flow of the lunar cycle, this calendar intricately weaves together the threads of countless festivals, significant events, and sacred observances that form the rich mosaic of the Punjabi cultural experience[15]

Months (solar)

No.NamePunjabi GurmukhiPunjabi ShahmukhiWestern months
1ChetਚੇਤچیتMid March – Mid April
2VaisakhਵਿਸਾਖوساکھMid April – Mid May
3JethਜੇਠجیٹھMid May – Mid June
4Harhਹਾੜ੍ਹہاڑھMid June – Mid July
5SawanਸਾਓਣساؤݨMid July – Mid August
6BhadonਭਾਦੋਂبھادوںMid August – Mid September
7AssuਅੱਸੂاسوMid September – Mid October
8KattakਕੱਤਕکتکMid October – Mid November
9MaggharਮੱਘਰمگھرMid November – Mid December
10PohਪੋਹپوہMid December – Mid January
11MaghਮਾਘماگھMid January – Mid February
12PhagganਫੱਗਣپھگݨMid February – Mid March

See also

