Places in the United States with notable demographic characteristics

The following is a collection of data for places with unusual or otherwise notable demographic characteristics within the United States. The data was obtained by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Of any population

Note: Data for places with extremely small populations may be misleading or anomalous.


Income and housing costs

Income and race


  • Highest percentage of African Americans. All inhabitants are African American in the following places:

Population in excess of 10,000

Income and housing costs


Population in excess of 50,000



Income and race

  • Only large county where the median household income of African American households exceeds that of white households. Queens, New York City. Percent African American: 20%; median household income among blacks; $51,836. Percent white: 44%; median household income among whites; $50,960.[1]

Population in excess of 200,000


See also
