Pakistani community of London

The Pakistani community of London (also called Pakistani Londoners) consist of Pakistani emigrants and their descendants who have settled in London, the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. Pakistanis in London form the largest concentrated community of British Pakistanis; immigration from regions which now form Pakistan predate Pakistan's independence.[1]

Pakistani community of London
Total population
2.7% of London's population
(20% of the total Pakistani population in the UK)[citation needed]
Regions with significant populations
Redbridge, Newham, Waltham Forest, Ealing, Brent, Hounslow, Croydon, Wandsworth, Hillingdon, Barking and Dagenham, Harrow
English (British English, Pakistani English· Punjabi · Urdu and others
Islam 92% and Christianity 2%
Related ethnic groups
Asian British people · Overseas Pakistanis · Pakistani people

Pakistanis in London represent a diverse mixture of South Asian subgroups including Punjabis, Pashtuns, Muhajirs and smaller numbers of Sindhis and Balochis among others.[2] A substantial number of British Pakistanis who arrived to London in the 1960s were qualified teachers, doctors and engineers.[3]


Proportion stating that their ethnic group was Pakistani in the 2011 census in Greater London.

Pakistani Londoners are mostly Muslims who speak Urdu and Punjabi amongst other languages.[4]The main concentrations of Pakistani settlement in London are found in Outer London with the boroughs of Redbridge, Newham and Waltham Forest accounting for nearly 40% of Londoners of Pakistani Descent.

Top 10 London Boroughs with largest population claiming Pakistani Descent as of 2021
RankBoroughInner / Outer LondonPopulation [5]Percentage [6]
1RedbridgeOuter London44,00014.20%
2NewhamInner London31,2168.90%
3Waltham ForestOuter London28,74010.30%
4HounslowOuter London17,4546.10%
5EalingOuter London16,7144.60%
6Barking and DagenhamOuter London15,7997.20%
7CroydonOuter London15,3453.90%
8BrentOuter London15,2174.50%
9HillingdonOuter London14,2434.70%
10WandsworthInner London12,2493.70%
Inner and Outer London Totals
-All Inner London BoroughsInner London68,0551.99%
-All Outer London BoroughsOuter London222,4944.05%
London Boroughs with population claiming Pakistani ethnicity of more than 2 percent
London Boroughs with population claiming Pakistani ethnicity of more than 2 percent
Source: Census 2011. Percentage indicates borough population of Pakistan descent


The main industries which the Pakistani community of London are employed in include wholesale and retail (including self-owned grocery stores or newsagents).[7] In 2001, 0.6% of businesses in London were owned by British Pakistanis.[7] 20% of London's Pakistani population are self-employed.[7]

The percentage of London Pakistanis employed in managerial, senior official or professional occupations is 25%, which is lower than the London average of 32%. However it is higher than the percentage of London Bangladeshis (22%) but lower than Indians (34%) and Other Asians communities (31%).[8]

The unemployment rate for Pakistani males and females in London is lower than the national average British Pakistanis living in other regions of Britain. Pakistanis are the only ethnic group (along with White Britons) who have a lower worklessness rate in London than in other areas of Britain.[9]

Social class

As of 2001, almost equal amounts of Pakistanis in Inner (45%) and Outer London (46%) were middle class.[10]

Middle class by Borough

London Pakistani middle class
BoroughPakistani middle classOverall middle class
Waltham Forest44%N/A


Between 1991 and 2001, out of the total growth in the London Pakistani population, 52.7% of the growth was in the middle classes.[10]

Growth in the middle class as a proportion of all growth

England & Wales36.4%
South East39.6%
Greater London52.7%
Outer London52.6%
Inner London52.8%


Growth in managers and professionals as a proportion was 22.8% between 1991 and 2001.

Growth in managers and professionals as a proportion of all growth

Sadiq Khan grew up close to Heathrow Airport
England & Wales15.8%
South East18%
Greater London22.8%
Outer London22.6%
Inner London23.5%


There are stark social differences in Pakistanis living in different boroughs of London. Whilst in Brent and Harrow London Pakistanis are fairly prosperous and mostly Middle Class. The opposite is true in Newham, where they are mostly working class and more likely to suffer from deprivation.[11]

Several upper class Pakistanis also live in London, sometimes only for part of the year. The former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif and former President and Chief of Army Staff Pervez Musharraf currently reside in London.[12][13]


London Pakistani GCSE Pass Rates by Borough
Degree Level Qualifications

Key Stage 2

Latest figures available, regarding London Pakistanis, by local authority, dated: year 2004.At Key Stage 2 Pakistani children in London have higher attainment rates in both English and Maths, when compared with the British Pakistani average.[14]


In contrast to Pakistanis from other regions of Britain. Pakistanis in London achieve above average GCSE Pass Rates. For example, in 2004, 50.2% of London Pakistani boys achieved five or more A*-C grades, compared with the national average of 46.8%. Furthermore, 63.3% of Pakistani girls in London reached that threshold compared to the national average of 57%.[3]

The achievement of Pakistanis in London at GCSE level is 10 percentage points higher than that of Pakistanis throughout England.[14] The highest attainment within London was found in the borough of Redbridge.

Degree Level Qualifications

Pakistani applicants to universities are over-represented by 7.5% from Greater London.[3] In education, Pakistanis in London performed the highest out of all British Pakistanis in the 2001 census. This is not just reflected in above average GCSE pass rates but also in degree level qualifications, with 32% of London Pakistanis having degree level or higher qualifications. This is marginally higher than the London average of 31% and is more than twice as high as the figure for London Bangladeshis (15%), equal to the figure for "Other Asians" and comparable to the figure of 34% for London Indians. Pakistanis in Inner London do slightly better than those in Outer London, with 33% reaching the benchmark compared to 32% in Outer London. The figure is higher than the national average of 20% and almost twice as high as the figure for Pakistanis throughout the UK (18%).

Pakistani men are better qualified than the average Londoner,[7] with 37% possessing a degree level or higher qualification, although Pakistani women have fewer educational qualifications, with 27% having the same qualifications. The figure for Pakistani women in London is still higher than the national or British Pakistani national average.[15]


In similarity to Pakistanis living in other parts of the UK, 91% of Pakistanis in London are Muslims. The other 6% are made up of people who did not declare their religion; Christians made up 2% and those with no religion made up 1%.[16] Pakistanis make up only 22% of London's Muslim population, in contrast to 43% for British Pakistanis living throughout the UK.[2]

Notable Londoners of Pakistani origin

See also
