Municipalities and parishes of Macau

By the end of Portuguese rule, Macau was administratively divided into two municipalities (Portuguese: concelhos) and seven civil parishes (Portuguese: freguesias). Parishes were administrative subdivisions of the municipalities. After the 1999 handover to China, parishes are still officially recognized divisions but for symbolic reasons only.

Civil parishes of Macau (in English)
Civil parishes of Macau (in Chinese)

Parishes were formerly administrative divisions falling under the former two municipalities of Macau: Macau and Ilhas. Following the 1999 transfer of sovereignty over Macau from Portugal to China, these municipalities were formally abolished on 31 December 2001 by Law No. 17/2001. While their administrative functions have since been removed, these parishes are still retained nominally. Since the abolition of the municipalities, some of the municipal services are now handled by the Municipal Affairs Bureau.


Prior to the dissolution of the municipalities in 2001, the first five parishes listed in the table below fell under the Municipality of Macau while the remaining two fell under the Municipality of Ilhas, totalling to seven parishes.[1]

Parish / AreaChineseArea
Nossa Senhora de Fátima花地瑪堂區3.2
Santo António花王堂區1.1
São Lázaro望德堂區0.6
São Lourenço風順堂區1.0
(including Novos Aterros Urbanos de Macau Zona B)大堂區 (包括新城B區)3.4
Nossa Senhora do Carmo (including Novos Aterros Urbanos de Macau Zona E)嘉模堂區 (包括新城E區)7.9
São Francisco Xavier聖方濟各堂區7.6
Other area
Zona do Aterro de Cotai路氹填海區6.0
Universidade de Macau (Ilha de Montanha (Hengqin) campus)澳門大學 (橫琴校區)1.0
Novos Aterros Urbanos de Macau Zone A新城A區1.4
Zona de Administração de Macau na Ilha Fronteiriça Artificial da Ponte Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau
(the southern part of the reclaimed island at the western end of the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge)[3]

The parishes of Nossa Senhora do Carmo and São Francisco Xavier are coterminous with the natural borders of the islands of Taipa and Coloane, respectively.

Former municipalities

Each municipality was run by a municipal chamber (Portuguese: câmara municipal), with a supervising municipal assembly (Portuguese: assembleia municipal).

Municipality of Macau
Concelho de Macau
澳門市 (pinyin: Àomén Shì; Cantonese Yale: Oumùhn Síh)
Coterminous with the Macau Peninsula.
Its seat was also known as Cidade do (Santo) Nome de Deus de Macau (= City of the (Holy) Name of God of Macau, full motto: Cidade do (Santo) Nome de Deus de Macau, Não Há Outra Mais Leal, lit. City of the (Holy) Name of God of Macau, None Is More Loyal)
Municipality of Ilhas
Concelho das Ilhas
海島市 (pinyin: Hǎidǎo Shì; Cantonese Yale: Hóidóu Síh;)
Coterminous with the islands of Taipa and Coloane.

See also
