Mesostriatal system

The Mesostriatal system is a term sometimes used to identify the midbrain dopamine projections into the striatum and cortex. It has been described as a combination of the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine projections, and has been described as being partially asymmetric.[1]


It has been referred to in the context of α-melanocyte stimulating hormones effect on dopamine activity in the mesostriatal system.[2] Research identifying cholinergic projections into these mesostriatal nuclei have been performed, revealing that the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei receive projections from the pedunculopontine tegmentum and laterodorsal pontine tegmentum.[3] The mesostriatal system has also been implicated in reward learning, coding predictions.[4] This anatomical classification has also been used in the context of parkinson research.[5]
