Mashpia (Hebrew: משפיע) or feminine Mashpi'oh lit. "person of influence", pl. Mashpi'im (Hebrew: משפיעים) is the title of a rabbi who serves as a spiritual mentor in a Hasidic Jewish yeshiva.[1]

This title is also used in Breslov Hasidic movements, who have no rebbe. Previously, those holding this position were referred to as "community rabbis".[citation needed]

The related Hebrew word "mashpian" refers to an "influencer" such as a celebrity or social media promoter.[2]

Mashpi'im in Chabad

Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the first rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, discussed the role of mashpi'im in the preface to the Tanya, his book on Hasidic philosophy.[3]

Notable Chabad mashpi'im
