List of reptiles of Morocco

This list of reptiles of Morocco is an incomplete collection of reptiles found in Morocco.

The puff adder, is found in the south of Morocco
The desert monitor, is a threatened species in Morocco


Family Crocodylidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Crocodylus suchus extirpatedWest African crocodile
Crocodylus niloticus extirpatedNile crocodille


Family Trogonophidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Trogonophis wiegmanniCheckerboard worm lizard

Family Agamidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Agama bibroniiBibron's agama
Trapelus mutabilisChangeable agama
Uromastyx acanthinuraBell's dab lizard / mastigure / spiny tailed agama
Uromastyx flavifasciataBanded dob / mastigure
Uromastyx disparMalian dob
Uromastyx occidentalisWestern giant dob

Family Anguidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Ophisaurus koellikeri [e]Moroccan glass lizard

Family Chamaeleonidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Chamaeleo chamaeleonCommon chameleon

Family Gekkonidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Tarentola mauritanicaMoorish wall gecko
Tarentola boehmeiBöhme's gecko
Tarentola desertiDesert wall gecko
Tarentola annularisRinged wall gecko
Tarentola ephippiata hoggarensisHoggar gecko
Tarentola chazaliaeHelmeted gecko
Hemidactylus turcicusTurkish gecko
Hemidactylus brookiBrook's gecko
Saurodactylus brossetiMorocco lizard-fingered gecko
Stenodactylus petriiAnderson's short-fingered gecko
Stenodactylus sthenodactylusLichtenstein's short-fingered gecko

Family Lacertidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Timon tangitanusNorth African eyed lizard
Lacerta andreanskyiAtlas dwarf lizard
Acanthodactylus boskianusBosc's fringe-toed lizard
Acanthodactylus erythrurusSpiny-footed lizard
Acanthodactylus longipesLong fringe-fingered lizard
Scelarcis perspicillataMoroccan rock lizard
Podarcis hispanica vaucheriIberian wall lizard
Psammodromus algirusLarge psammodromus
Psammodromus blanciBlanc's sand racer
Psammodromus microdactylusGreen psammodromus
Psammodromus hispanicusSpanish psammodromus
Ophisops occidentalisMograbin snake-eyed lizard
Mesalina guttulataSmall spotted lizard
Mesalina olivieriOlivier's small lizard
Mesalina pasteuriPasteur's small lizard
Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharusAtlas day gecko

Family Scincidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Chalcides mauritanicusTwo-fingered skink
Chalcides ocellatusOcellated skink
Eumeces algeriensisAlgerian skink

Family Varanidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Varanus griseusDesert monitor


Family Boidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Eryx jaculusJavelin sand boa

Family Colubridae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Coluber hippocrepisHorseshoe snake
Coronella girondicaSouthern smooth snake
Dasypeltis sahelensisEgg-eating snake
Hemorrhois algirus intermediusAlgerian whip snake
Lamprophis fuliginosusCommon African house snake
Lytorhynchus diademaDiadem sand-snake / common leaf-nosed snake / awl headed snake
Macroprotodon cucullatusWestern false smooth snake
Macroprotodon brevisHooded snake
Malpolon insignitusEastern Montpellier snake
Malpolon monspessulanusMontpellier snake
Natrix mauraViperine snake
Natrix natrix astreptophoraRinged snake
Psammophis schokariSchokar sand-snake
Scutophis moilensisMoïla snake
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordiClifford's diadem snake
Spalerosophis dolichospilusMograbin diadem snake/long marked snake
Telescopus tripolitanusNorth African catsnake

Family Elapidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Naja haje legionisEgyptian cobra

Family Leptotyphlopidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Leptotyphlops algeriensisBeaked thread-snake

Family Viperidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Bitis arietansPuff adder
Cerastes cerastesHorned viper
Cerastes viperaLesser cerastes
Echis leucogasterWhite-bellied carpet viper
Daboia mauritanicaMoorish viper
Vipera latastei gaditanaLataste's viper
Vipera monticola [e]Mountain viper


Family Cheloniidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Caretta caretta[1]Loggerhead sea turtle
Chelonia mydas[1]Green sea turtle
Eretmochelys imbricata[1]Hawksbill turtle
Lepidochelys kempii[1]Kemps ridley sea turtle
Lepidochelys olivacea[1]Olive ridley sea turtle

Family Dermochelyidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Dermochelys coriacea[1]Leatherback/leathery turtle

Family Emydidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Emys orbicularis occidentalis[1]European pond terrapin
Mauremys leprosa leprosa[1]Spanish terrapin
Mauremys leprosa saharica[1]Saharan pond turtle

Family Testudinidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Testudo graeca graeca[1]Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise
Testudo graeca marokkensis[1]Morocco tortoise
Testudo graeca soussensis[1]Souss valley tortoise

Worm lizards

Family Amphisbaenidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Blanus mettetali [e]Moroccan worm lizard
Blanus tingitanus [e]Tangier worm lizard

Family Trogonophidae

SpeciesCommon namePhoto
Trogonophis wiegmanni wiegmanniSharp-tailed worm lizard
Trogonophis wiegmanni elegans[e]Sharp-tailed worm lizard


  • Jacques Bons, Philippe; Philippe Geniez; Albert Montori (1996). Amphibians & Reptiles of Morocco (Including Western Sahara). Ed. Asociación Herpetológica Española. p. 319.
  • Geniez, Philippe; José Antonio Mateo; Michel Geniez; Jim Pether (2004). Amphibians and Reptiles of Western Sahara. Serpent's Tale Natural History Book Distributors. p. 229.