List of philanthropists

A philanthropist is someone who engages in philanthropy; donating their time, money, and/or reputation to charitable causes. The term may apply to any volunteer or to anyone who makes a donation, but the label is most often applied to those who donate large sums of money or who make a major impact through their volunteering, such as a trustee who manages a philanthropic organization or one who establishes and funds a foundation.[1]

Herodes Atticus, a Greek philanthropist of Classical Rome active during the second century (antiquity)

A philanthropist may not always find universal approval for their deeds.[2] Common accusations include supporting an unworthy cause (such as funding art instead of fighting world hunger) or having selfish motivation at heart (such as avoiding taxes or attaining personal fame). A philanthropist is also someone who cares for someone else's needs instead of their own.

Notable philanthropists












  • Kenneth C. Griffin – founder and CEO of Citadel LLC; co-founder of the Kenneth and Anne Griffin Foundation[35]
  • Kumar Mangalam Birla – As per the EdelGive Hurun India Philanthropy List 2021, Kumar Mangalam Birla and his family ranked fourth on the philanthropy list with donations mostly to the healthcare sector.[36]



MrBeast - Youtuber - Comedian - given, donated at least 6 million dollar - founder of Team Trees and Team Seas








  • Usher Raymond – singer-songwriter; founding Chairman of the New Look Foundation





  • Zerbanoo Gifford – founder of the ASHA Foundation. President of the World Zoroastrian Organisation.

Greatest philanthropists by amount of USD

The following table orders the greatest philanthropists by the estimated amount given to charity, corresponding to USD.

NameAmount givenCause
Jamsetji Tata $102.4 billion[27]Education, healthcare
Bill Gates$79 billion[62]Healthcare, extreme poverty, education, access to information technology
Warren Buffett$32.1 billion[63]Healthcare, education, AIDS-prevention, sanitation
George Soros$32 billion[64]Healthcare, anti-fascist publications, human rights, economic, legal, and social reform
Azim Premji$21 billion[65]Education, healthcare
MacKenzie Scott$14 billion[66]Racial equality, LGBTQ+ equality, functional democracy, and climate change[67]
Michael Bloomberg$12.7 billion[citation needed]Environment, public health, arts, government innovation and education
Li Ka-shing$10.7 billion[citation needed]Education, healthcare
Andrew Carnegie$9.5 billion[citation needed]Libraries, education, peace
Elon Musk$7.6 billion[68]Science education, COVID-19 relief, renewable energy
Chuck Feeney$6.8 billion[citation needed]Healthcare, youth, aging, poverty, human rights
Alisher Usmanov$5.8 billion[69][70]Art, science, sport, healthcare
The Sainsbury family$5 billion[69][70]Art, education, human rights, youth, aging
Christopher Hohn$4.5 billion[71]Youth, poverty, education
Carlos Slim Helu$4.2 billion[71]Arts, education, healthcare, sports, downtown restoration
Alwaleed Philanthropies$4 billion[72]Alwaleed Philanthropies collaborates with a range of philanthropic, government and educational organizations to combat poverty, empower women and youth, develop communities, provide disaster relief and create cultural understanding through education.
The Weston family$2.3 billion[69][70]Innovations, healthcare, aging, environment
Phil Knight$2 billion[73]Education, healthcare, intercollegiate athletics
James E. Stowers$2 billion[74]Healthcare
Hansjoerg Wyss$1.9 billion[71]Climate change, poverty
Howard Hughes$1.56 billion[citation needed]Healthcare
Ted Turner$1 billion[citation needed]United Nations Foundation
Stephan Schmidheiny$1.5 billion[71]Environment, sustainable development
Vitalik Buterin$1 billion[59]Donated $1 billion worth of the cryptocurrencies Shiba Inu and Ether to a COVID-19 relief fund in India.
Michael Jackson$500 Million+ [75][76]Healthcare, Poverty, Youth, Cancer Research, Education
T. Boone Pickens$500 Million[59]Donated $500 million for education.

See also


Further reading

  • Grimm, Robert T. Notable American Philanthropists: Biographies of Giving and Volunteering (2002) excerpt