List of ornithopod type specimens

This list of specimens is a comprehensive catalogue of all the type specimens and their scientific designations for each of the genera and species that are included in the clade ornithopoda.

An early depiction of Iguanodon from the late 19th century

Ornithopoda is a clade of ornithischian dinosaurs that includes some of the most common and widespread Mesozoic animals including iguanodonts, hadrosaurs, and some animals formerly called "hypsilophodonts". The clade was named by Othniel Charles Marsh in 1881[1] and roughly means "bird feet". This name is reflective of the tridactyl feet of most ornithopods, which are superficially similar to many birds. Ornithopods were among the first dinosaurs known to scientists. The first species to be described was Iguanodon, which was described in 1825 by Sir Richard Owen.[2] Today, they collectively comprise the most diverse ornithischian group.[3][4]

The exact origin of ornithopods is uncertain. Some authors consider very primitive ornithischians like Nanosaurus, Hypsilophodon, and Jeholosaurus to be ornithopods,[5] while others do not.[6] Most ornithischians were ancestrally small and bipedal, which makes the taxonomy of these species complex and uncertain.[7][8] However, they are generally agreed to have originated by the middle Jurassic and shortly thereafter, they proliferated to most of the world's continents.[9] Ornithischians in general, but especially ornithopods, saw a large degree of diversification during the early Cretaceous.[10] This culminated in the proliferation of the giant hadrosaurs across the Northern Hemisphere and even into Africa[11] and South America.[12] Ornithopod remains are known from all of the world's continents, including Antarctica.[13]

Scope and Terminology

This list will include the type fossils of each ornithopod species. In paleontology, a type specimen is one which is definitionally a member of a biological taxon. Additional specimens can only be "referred" to these taxa if an expert deems them sufficiently similar to the type and publishes that opinion in the scientific literature.

There is no complete, canonical list of all dinosaur taxa or holotype specimens. Attempts are regularly published in the form of books, such as the Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs by Gregory Paul[3] and Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages by Thomas Holtz and Luis Rey.[4] Where appropriate, The Paleobiology Database and Fossilworks, which are both online databases of named fossil taxa, are used to supplement the entries from published encyclopedias which are missing or data-deficient.

This list will also be updated regularly as new scientific descriptions are published and new taxa are named. The most recently named ornithopod is Minqaria bata, which was described in February 2024 by Nicholas R. Longrich, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, Nathalie Bardet, and Nour-Eddine Jalil.[14]

Type System

Types are also used to diagnose higher-level taxa than an individual. One individual might represent the "type specimen" of a particular species. This species would in turn represent the "type species" of a particular genus, unless it is referred to a previously described genus. Most dinosaur genera are monospecific, therefore most type specimens are also the type species of their respective genera. On this list, the type species of a genus is only noted when it belongs to a genus with multiple referred species, such as Dryosaurus or Parasaurolophus. Furthermore, when an animal is different enough from its close relatives that it is given its own family, it is conventional in dinosaur systematics to name a family after the first described, most famous, or most abundant genus assigned to it. Therefore, on this list, the type species of any type genus for a family or sub-family level taxon is also noted when appropriate.

There are several different varieties of type specimen when referring to fossil animals:[15]

  • Holotype: This is the most common and simplest form of type specimen. A holotype is the first material of a fossil taxon that is described in the scientific literature. In order to qualify as a true holotype, all of the fossils of the type must belong to the same individual animal. All type specimens on this list are holotypes, unless otherwise indicated.
  • Paratype(s): These are described in the same publication as the holotype. A paratype is designated when the fossil material is diagnostic enough to belong to the same species as the holotype, but it is not from the same individual animal. In these cases, the holotype and paratype(s) are collectively called the "type series" for that taxon. On this list, paratypes are noted in the same entry as their associated holotype.
  • Neotype: When a holotype specimen is lost, destroyed, or otherwise unable to be studied further by scientists, a new type specimen for that taxon is required in order to identify future material. On this list, neotypes are only given their own entries when the holotype was never formally given a specimen number, otherwise they are noted in the entry for the holotype.
  • Syntype(s): This is a type series in which no single specimen is selected to serve as a holotype, nor are any designated as paratypes. This is typically done if the fossil material is believed to be from multiple animals, but none of the individual animals were well-preserved enough to provide a complete list of diagnostic characters. These are also sometimes called "cotypes" in publications, although this is discouraged by the ICZN.
  • Lectotype: When a single type specimen from a series of syntypes is designated as the new primary type specimen in a subsequent publication, this is considered to be a lectotype. On this list, lectotypes are given their own entries.
  • Paralectotype(s): When a lectotype is designated from a series of syntypes, the remaining syntypes become paralectotypes as part of a reorganized type series. On this list, paralectotypes are noted alongside the list entry for the lectotype of their respective series.
  • Plastotype: Sometimes, if a cast of a type specimen is made and the original type specimen is lost or destroyed, the cast can be used for the purposes of diagnostic referral to a taxon. Plastotypes are only given their own entries on this list if the holotype was not given a specimen number. Otherwise, they are noted alongside the entry for the holotype.
  • Topotype: When a specimen is discovered from the same locality as a holotype specimen it may be given a new specimen number. If the second specimen is later determined to belong to the same animal as the holotype after the holotype has been described, it becomes a topotype.

All name-bearing type specimens (i.e. holotypes, lectotypes, neotypes, and syntypes) have unique entries on this list, and non-name-bearing types (i.e. paratypes, paralectotypes, topotypes, and holotypes that have been subsumed by a neotype) are noted alongside their name-bearing counterpart.


Some described species are later determined to be invalid by subsequent scientific publications. However, invalid species are sometimes resurrected, such as in the case of Brontosaurus,[16] and sometimes the validity of a species can be controversial among researchers (e.g. the case of Torosaurus and Triceratops[17][18]). For the purposes of neutrality and completeness, all described species and genera of marginocephalians are included, even those that have been considered invalid in subsequent scientific publications.

Naming conventions and terminology follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN).[15] Technical terms used include:

  • Junior synonym: A name which describes the same taxon as a previously published name. If two or more taxa are formally designated and the type specimens are later assigned to the same taxon, the first to be published (in chronological order) is the senior synonym, and all other instances are junior synonyms. Senior synonyms are generally used, except by special decision of the ICZN, but junior synonyms cannot be used again, even if deprecated. Junior synonymy is often subjective, unless the genera described were both based on the same type specimen.
  • Nomen dubium (Latin for "dubious name"): A name describing a fossil with no unique diagnostic features. T his can be an extremely controversial designation, and as such, they are only notated when their supposedly dubious status has been formally published. Furthermore, if the scientific community has yet to reach a consensus on the validity of a name or taxon, the ongoing nature of the controversy will be stated.
  • Nomen nudum (Latin for "naked name"): A name that has appeared in print but has not yet been formally published by the standards of the ICZN. Nomina nuda (the plural form) are invalid, and are not included on this list.
  • Preoccupied name: A name that is formally published, but which has already been used for another taxon. This second use is invalid (as are all subsequent uses) and the name must be replaced.


Some ornithopod taxa are not included on this list. Nomina nuda are not included because a type does not become recognized by the ICZN until it is published in a scientific journal with a full description.

Some misidentified taxa are also not included so long as there is a scientific consensus with regard to the specimen in question. If a specimen is later referred to a taxon outside ornithopoda, it is not included on this list. However, specimens that are identified as ornithopods in publications subsequent to their initial description are included under the name they are given within ornithopoda.

Referred taxa are only included on the list as separate entries when their initial description includes a unique type specimen.

In the case of specimens with uncertain taxonomic affinity, they will be excluded unless they are considered ornithopods by the most recently published nomenclatural study of ornithischian dinosaurs, published in 2021.[8] This excludes animals like Jeholosaurus and Thescelosaurus, which are considered basal neornithischians by the authors. This is the same definition used on the article "Ornithopoda".

List of Specimens

  • Binomial name: All animals species are given a unique binomial name, typically consisting of Latin or Greek words which are used to formally and scientifically identify each species.
  • Catalogue number: In most museum collections, each fossil specimen will be given a unique catalogue number which is published with the description of the fossils after they are prepared. This serves as a formal name for every single described fossil so that authors are able to refer to individual fossil discoveries in the scientific literature by name.
  • Institution: Most published fossils are stored in museum collections or at universities. This is also true of type specimens, many of which are on display in museums around the world. If a type specimen has been lost, the last known location of the type is listed.
  • Age: The geological stage from which the specimen was recovered is listed, when it is known. The exact age of some geological formations is not known. If this is the case, a range of possible ages is given.
  • Unit: Most fossils are recovered from named geologic formations (e.g. the Morrison Formation or the Hell Creek Formation). When this is not the case, a city or landmark near the locality from which the fossil was recovered is listed.
  • Material: The vast majority of fossils do not preserve the complete skeleton of an animal. In these cases, the specific bones which are fossilized have been listed.
  • Notes: Other general information, such as the validity status of the taxon in question, or any other material in the type series may be listed here.
SpeciesGenusNicknameCatalogue NumberInstitutionAgeUnitCountryNotesImages

Acristavus gagslarsoni


MOR 1155[19]

Museum of the RockiesCampanian[20]Two Medicine Formation[19]United States[19]

Adelolophus hutchisoni


UCMP 152028[21]

University of California Museum of PaleontologyCampanian[21]Wahweap Formation[21]United States[21]
Holotype maxilla of Adelolophus hutchisoni

Adynomosaurus arcanus


MCD 7125[22]Museu de la Conca Dellà[22]Maastrichtian[22]Conques Formation[22]Spain[22]

Ajnabia odysseus


MHNM KHG 222[11]Marrakech Museum of Natural HistoryLate Maastrichtian[11]Upper Couche III[11]Morocco[11]
Holotype maxilla of Ajnabia odysseus

Altirhinus kurzanovi


PIN 3386/8[23]

Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of SciencesLate Aptian-Albian[23]Khuren Dukh Formation[23]Mongolia[23]

Amurosaurus riabinini


AEHM 1/12[24]Amur Natural History MuseumMiddle-Late Maastrichtian[24]Udurchukan Formation[24]Russia[24]
Left dentary of Amurosaurus riabinini

Anabisetia saldiviai


MCF-PVPH 74[25]

Museo Carmen FunesCenomanian[25]Lisandro Formation[25]Argentina[25]

Anasazisaurus horneri


BYU 12950[26]

Brigham Young University Museum of PaleontologyEarly Maastrichtian[26]Kirtland Formation[26]United States[26]

Angulomastacator daviesi


TMM 43681–1[27]

Texas Memorial MuseumCampanian[27]Upper Shale Member, Aguja Formation[27]United States[27]

Aquilarhinus palimentus


TMM 42452-1[28]

Texas Memorial MuseumCampanian[28]Lower Shale Member, Aguja Formation[28]United States[28]

Aralosaurus tuberiferus


PIN 2229[29]Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of SciencesLate Cretaceous (Turonian?)[29]Beleutinskaya Svita[29]Kazakhstan[29]

Arenysaurus ardevoli


MPZ 2008/1[30]Museo Paleontológico de la Universidad de ZaragozaLate Maastrichtian[30]Tremp Formation[30]Spain[30]
Holotype skull roof (E) of Arenysaurus ardevoli

Arstanosaurus akkurganensis


IZAA 1/1[31]

Institute of Zoology of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences[31]Tentatively Santonian-Campanian[31]Bostobinskaya Svita[31]Kazakhstan[31]

Atlascopcosaurus loadsi


NMV P166409[32]

Museums VictoriaAlbian[32]Eumeralla Formation[32]Australia[32]
Cast of holotype left maxilla (3) of Atlascopcosaurus loadsi

Augustynolophus morrisi


LACM/CIT 2852[33]Natural History Museum of Los Angeles CountyLower Maastrichtian[34]Moreno Formation[34]United States[34]
Holotype skull of Augustynolophus morrisi

Bactrosaurus johnsoni


AMNH 6553[35]American Museum of Natural HistoryLate Cretaceous[35]Iren Dabasu Formation[35]China[35]
Holotype maxilla (A) of Bactrosaurus johnsoni

Barilium dawsoni


NHMUK R798, R798b, R799, R800-R806, R4771, R4742[36]

Natural History Museum, LondonValanginian[36]Hastings Subgroup, Wadhurst Clay Formation[36]United Kingdom[36]

Barsboldia sicinskii


ZPAL MgD-1/110[37]Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of SciencesUpper Campanian-Maastrichtian[37]Nemegt Formation[37]Mongolia[37]
Holotype sacrum of Barsboldia sicinskii

Batyrosaurus rozhdestvenskyi


AEHM 4/1[38]

Amur Natural History MuseumSantonian-Campanian[38]Bostobinskaya Svita[38]Kazakhstan[38]

Bayannurosaurus perfectus


IMMNH PV00001[39]

Inner Mongolia Museum of Natural HistoryEarly Aptian[39]Bayingebi Formation[39]China[39]

Blasisaurus canudoi



Museo Paleontológico de la Universidad de ZaragozaLatest Maastrichtian[40]Arén Formation[40]Spain[40]
The holotype jugal (c) of Blasisaurus canudoi

Bolong yixianensis



Yizhou Fossil Museum[41]Barremian-Aptian[42]Yixian Formation[43]China[43]

Bonapartesaurus rionegrensis


MCPA-Pv SM2[44]

Museo Provincial Carlos AmeghinoLate Campanian-Early Maastrichtian[44]Allen Formation[44]Argentina[44]

Brachylophosaurus canadensis


CMN 8893[45]

Canadian Museum of Nature>77.76 Ma


Oldman Formation[45]Canada[45]
Holotype premaxilla (J) of Brachylophosaurus canadensis

Brighstoneus simmondsi


MIWG 6344[46]

Dinosaur Isle MuseumEarly Barremian[46]Wessex Formation[46]United Kingdom[46]
Holotype material of Brighstoneus simmondsi

Burianosaurus augustai


NMP Ob 203[47]

National Museum PragueLate Cenomanian[47]Peruc-Korycany Formation[47]Czechia[47]
Holotype femur of Burianosaurus augustai

Callovosaurus leedsi


BMNH R1993[48]

Natural History Museum, LondonMiddle Callovian[48]Peterborough Member, Oxford Clay Formation[48]United Kingdom[48]
Holotype femur of Callovosaurus leedsi
Calvarius rapidusCalvariusMCD-8734[49]Museu de la Conca Dellà, Isona[49]Maastrichtian[49]Talarn Formation, Tremp Group[49]Spain[49]

Camptosaurus dispar


YPM 1877[50]

Peabody Museum of Natural HistoryUpper Jurassic[51]Morrison Formation[50]United States[51]

Canardia garonnensis


MDE-Ma3–16[52]Musée des Dinosaures d'EspérazaUpper Maastrichtian[52]Marnes d'Auzas Formation[52]France[52]
Holotype maxilla of Canardia garonnensis

Cedrorestes crichtoni


DMNH 47994[53]

Denver Museum of Nature and ScienceLower Cretaceous (Barremian?)[53]Cedar Mountain Formation[53]United States[53]
Holotype ilium of Cedrorestes crichtoni

Changmiania liaoningensis


PMOL AD00114[54]

Paleontological Museum of LiaoningBarremian[54]Yixian Formation[54]China[54]
Holotype skeleton of Changmiania liaoningensis

Charonosaurus jiayinensis


CUST J-V1251-57[55]

Changchun University of Sciences and TechnologyLate Maastrichtian[55]Yuliangze Formation[55]China[55]

Choyrodon barsboldi


MPC-D 100/801[56]

Institute of Paleontology and Geology, Mongolian Academy of SciencesMiddle-Late Albian[56]Khuren Dukh Formation[56]Mongolia[56]
Holotype skull of Choyrodon barsboldi

Cionodon arctatus


AMNH 3951[57]American Museum of Natural HistoryLate Cretaceous[57]Laramie Formation[57]United States[57]Nomen dubium

Claosaurus agilis


YPM 1190[58]Peabody Museum of Natural HistoryLate Coniacian[58]Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Niobrara Chalk[58]United States[58]
Holotype skeleton of Claosaurus agilis

Convolosaurus marri


SMU 72834[59]Shuler Museum of PaleontologyAptian[59]Twin Mountains Formation[59]United States[59]

Corythosaurus casuarius


AMNH 5240[60]

American Museum of Natural HistoryCretaceous[60]Belly River Group[60]Canada[60]
Holotype of Corythosaurus casuarius

Cumnoria prestwichii


OUM J.3303[61]

Oxford University Museum of Natural HistoryUpper Jurassic[61]Kimmeridge Clay[62]United Kingdom[62]
Holotype skeleton of Cumnoria prestwichii

Dakotadon lakotaensis


SDSM 8656[63]South Dakota School of Mines and TechnologyEarly Cretaceous (Barremian?)[63]Lakota Formation[63]United States[63]
Holotype skull of Dakotadon lakotaensis

Darwinsaurus evolutionis


NHMUK R1831, NHMUK R1833, NHMUK R1835 and NHMUK R1836[64]

Natural History Museum, LondonValanginian[64]Wadhurst Clay Formation[64]United Kingdom[64]Nomen dubium, type specimens can be referred to Hypselospinus fittoni and Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis[64]

Datonglong tianzhensis


SXMG V 00005[65]Shanxi Museum of GeologyUpper Cretaceous[65]Huiquanpu Formation[65]China[65]

Delapparentia turolensis


MPT/I.G[66]Museo de TeruelLower Barremian[66]Camarillas Formation[66]Spain[66]

Diclonius pentagonus


AMNH 3972[67]

American Museum of Natural HistoryCampanian[68]Judith River Formation[67]United States[69]Nomen dubium[67]

Diluvicursor pickeringi


NMV P221080[70]

Museums VictoriaLower Albian[70]Eumeralla Formation[70]Australia[70]
Holotype skeleton of Diluvicursor pickeringi

Draconyx loureiroi


ML 357[71]

Museum of LourinhãTithonian[71]Praia Azul Member, Lourinhã Formation[72]Portugal[71]

Dryosaurus altus


YPM 1876[73]

Peabody Museum of Natural HistoryUpper Kimmeridgian?[73]Morrison Formation[73]United States[73]

Dryosaurus elderae


CM 3392[74]

Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryUpper Jurassic[74]Morrison Formation[74]United States[74]
Holotype skeleton of Dryosaurus elderae

Dysalotosaurus lettowvorbecki


Kimmeridgian[75]Tendaguru Beds[75]Tanzania[75]

Edmontosaurus annectens


USNM 2414[76]

National Museum of Natural History

MaastrichtianLance Formation[76]United States[76]
Historical reconstruction of USNM 2414, the holotype of Edmontosaurus annectens.

Edmontosaurus regalis


Holotype: CMN 2288[77]

Paratype: CMN 2289[77]

Canadian Museum of Nature

Campanian[77]Horsethief Member, Horseshoe Canyon Formation[77]Canada[77]
Holotype skull (CMN 2288) of Edmontosaurus regalis

Elrhazosaurus nigeriensis


MNHN GDF 332[78]

Muséum National d'Histoire NaturelleAptian[78]Elrhaz Formation[78]Niger[78]

Eolambia caroljonesa


CEUM 9758[79]

USU Eastern Prehistoric MuseumAlbian-Cenomanian[79]Mussentuchit Member, Cedar Mountain Formation[79]United States[79]
Holotype dentary of Eolambia caroljonesa

Eotrachodon orientalis


MSC 7949[80]

McWane Science CenterLatest Santonian[80]Mooreville Chalk[80]United States[80]
Holotype premaxilla of Eotrachodon orientalis

Eousdryosaurus nanohallucis



Sociedade de Historia NaturalUpper Kimmeridgian[81]Alcobaça Formation[81]Portugal[81]

Equijubus normani


IVPP V12534[82]

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologyEarly Cretaceous[82]Xinminbao Group[82]China[82]
The type maxilla of Equijubus normani

Eucercosaurus tanyspondylus


Syntypes: CAMSM B55610–29[83]Sedgwick Museum of Earth SciencesUpper Albian[83]Gault Formation, reworked into Cambridge Greensand[83]United Kingdom[83]Nomen dubium[83]

Fostoria dhimbangunmal

LRF 3050.A[84]Australian Opal CentreCenomanian[84]Griman Creek Formation[84]Australia[84]

Fukuisaurus tetoriensis


FPDM-V-40-1 and FPDM-V-40-2[85]

Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur MuseumLate Hauterivian-Barremian[85]Kitadani Formation[85]Japan[85]

Fulgurotherium australe


BMNH R 3719[86]

Natural History Museum, LondonAlbian[86]Wallangalla Sandstone Member, Griman Creek Formation[86]Australia[86]Nomen dubium[86]
Holotype femur of Fulgurotherium australe
Fylax thyrakolasus


IPS-36338[87]Museu de l'Institut

Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont

Maastrichtian[87]Figuerola Formation[87]Spain[87]
Holotype dentary of Fylax thyrakolasus
Galleonosaurus dorisaeGalleonosaurusNMV P229196[32]Museums VictoriaUpper Barremian[32]Wonthaggi Formation[32]Australia[32]
Holotype maxilla (1, 2) of Galleonosaurus dorisae

Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis



Museum of the Universidad Nacional del ComahueConiacian-Santonian[88]Anacleto Member, Río Colorado Formation[88]Argentina[88]

Gideonmantellia amosanjuanae



Museo Paleontológico de GalveBarremian[89]Camarillas Formation[89]Spain[89]

Gilmoreosaurus mongoliensis


AMNH 6551[90]American Museum of Natural HistoryCenomanian?[90]Iren Dabasu Formation[90]China[91]
Holotype humerus, radius, and ulna of Gilmoreosaurus mongoliensis

Glishades ericksoni


AMNH 27414[92]

American Museum of Natural HistoryUpper Cretaceous[92]Two Medicine Formation[92]United States[92]
Gobihadros mongoliensis



Mongolian Paleontological CenterCenomanian-Santonian[93]Baynshire Formation[93]Mongolia[93]
Holotype mandible of Gobihadros mongoliensis
Gongpoquansaurus mazongshanensis


IVPP V 11333[94]

Institute of VertebratePaleontology and PaleoanthropologyAlbian[94]Zhonggou Formation[94]China[94]
Gonkoken nanoiGonkokenCPAP 3054[95]Paleontological Collection of Antarctica and Patagonia[95]Lower Maastrichtian[95]Dorotea Formation[95]Chile[95]
Holotype specimen (O) of Gonkoken nanoi

Gryposaurus latidens


AMNH FARB 5465[96]

American Museum of Natural HistoryCampanian[96]Two Medicine Formation[96]United States[96]

Gryposaurus monumentensis


RAM 6797[97]

Raymond M. Alf Museum of PalaeontologyLate Campanian[97]Kaiparowits Formation[97]United States[97]
Cast of the holotype skull of Gryposaurus monumentensis

Gryposaurus notabilis


CMN 2278[97]

Canadian Museum of NatureCampanian[97]Dinosaur Park Formation[97]Canada[97]
Holotype premaxilla (L) of Gryposaurus notabilis

Hadrosaurus foulkii


ANSP 9201-9204, 10005[98]

Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaCampanian[98]Woodbury Formation[98]United States[98]
Holotype elements of Hadrosaurus foulkii

Hippodraco scutodens


UMNH VP 20208[99]

Utah Museum of Natural HistoryUpper BarremianLowermost Aptian[99]Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation[99]United States[99]
Holotype elements of Hippodraco scutodens

Huallasaurus australis


MACN-PV 2[100]

Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino RivadaviaCampanian-Maastrichtian[100]Los Alamitos Formation[100]Argentina[100]

Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis


IGM 6253[101]

Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoSantonian[101]Mexico[101]

Huxleysaurus hollingtoniensis


NHMUK R1148[64]

Natural History Museum, LondonWadhurst Clay Formation[64]United Kingdom[64]Nomen dubium, referred to Hypselospinus fittoni[64]
Holotype third metatarsal of Huxleysaurus hollingtoniensis

Hypacrosaurus altispinus


AMNH 5204[102]

American Museum of Natural HistoryUpper Cretaceous[102]Horseshoe Canyon FormationCanada[102]

Hypacrosaurus stebingeri


MOR 549[103]

Museum of the RockiesLate Cretaceous[104]United States[104]
Holotype skull of Hypacrosaurus stebingeri

Hypselospinus fittoni


NHMUK R1635[36]

Natural History Museum, LondonValanginian[36]Wadhurst Clay Formation[36]United Kingdom[36]

Hypsibema crassicauda


USNM 7189[105]

National Museum of Natural HistoryCretaceous[105]Black Creek Formation[105]United States[106]

Hypsibema missouriensis


USNM 16733[107]

National Museum of Natural HistoryEarly Maastrichtian?[107]Ripley Formation[107]United States[107]
Iani smithiIaniNCSM 29373[108]North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences[108]Cenomanian[108]Mussentuchit Member, Cedar Mountain Formation[108]United States[108]

Iguanacolossus fortis


UMNH VP 20205[99]

Utah Museum of Natural HistoryLower Barremian[99]Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation[99]United States[99]
Holotype ilium and pubis of Iguanacolossus fortis

Iguanodon bernissartensis


IRSNB 1534[109]

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural SciencesUpper Barremian-Lowermost Aptian[109]Sainte-Barbe Clays Formation[109]Belgium[109]

Iguanodon galvensis



Museo Aragonés de PaleontologíaLower Barremian[109]Camarillas Formation[109]Spain[109]

Isasicursor santacrucensis


MPM 21525[110]

Museo Padre MolinaUpper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian[110]Chorillo Formation[110]Argentina[110]

Iyuku raathi


AM 6150[111]

Albany MuseumValanginian[111]Kirkwood Formation[111]South Africa[111]

Jaxartosaurus aralensis


PIN 1/5009[112]Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of SciencesLower Santonian[112]Dabrazinskaya Svita[112]Kazakhstan[112]

Jeyawati rugoculus


MSM P4166[113]

Arizona Museum of Natural HistoryTuronian[113]Moreno Hill Formation[113]United States[113]

Jintasaurus meniscus


FDRC: GJ 06-2-52[114]Fossil Research and Development Center, Third Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration Academy of the Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geo-Exploration and Mineral DevelopmentEarly Cretaceous (Albian?)[114]Xinminpu Group[114]China[114]

Jinzhousaurus yangi


IVPP V12691[115]

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologyHauterivian-Barremian[115]Yixian Formation[115]China[115]
Holotype skull of Jinzhousaurus yangi

Kamuysaurus japonicus



Hobetsu MuseumEarly Maastrichtian[116]Hakobuchi Formation, Yezo Group[116]Japan[116]
Holotype skeleton of Kamuysaurus japonicus

Kangnasaurus coetzeei


SAM 2732[117]

Iziko South African MuseumSouth Africa[117]

Kazaklambia convincens


PIN 2230/1[112]

Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of SciencesSantonian[112]Dabrazinskaya Svita[112]Kazakhstan[112]

Kelumapusaura machi



Museo Patagónico de Ciencias Naturales Juan Carlos SalgadoMaastrichtian[100]Allen Formation[100]Argentina[100]

Kerberosaurus manakini


AENM 1/319[118]

Amur Natural History MuseumMaastrichtian[118]Tsagayan Formation[118]Russia[118]

Koshisaurus katsuyama


Early Cretaceous[119]Kitadani Formation[119]Japan[119]
Koutalisaurus kohlerorumKoutalisaurusIPS SRA 27[120]Institut de Paleontologia Miquel CrusafontMaastrichtian[120]Tremp Formation[120]Spain[120]Likely synonymous with Pararhabdodon isonensis[121]
Holotype dentary of Koutalisaurus kohlerorum

Kritosaurus navajovius


AMNH 5799[122]

American Museum of Natural HistoryCretaceous[122]Ojo Alamo Formation[122]United States[122]
Holotype skull of Kritosaurus navajovius

Kukufeldia tilgatensis


NHMUK 28660[123]

Natural History Museum, LondonMiddle-Upper Valanginian[123]Grinstead Clay Member, Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation[123]United Kingdom[123]
Holotype maxilla of Kukufeldia tilgatensis

Kundurosaurus nagornyi


AENM 2/921[124]

Amur Natural History MuseumMaastrichtian[124]Udurchukan Formation[124]Russia[124]
Holotype skull of Kundurosaurus nagornyi

Laiyangosaurus youngi


IVPP V 23401[125]

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologyUpper Cretaceous[125]Jingangkou Formation, Wangshi Group[125]China[125]

Lambeosaurus clavinitialis


Campanian[126]Oldman Formation[126]Canada[126]

Lambeosaurus lambei


CMN 2869[127]

Canadian Museum of NatureUpper Cretaceous[128]Belly River Formation[128]Canada[128]

Lambeosaurus magnicristatus


CMN 8705[129]

Canadian Museum of NatureLate Cretaceous[129]Dinosaur Park Formation[129]Canada[129]
Holotype skull of Lambeosaurus magnicristatus

Lanzhousaurus magnidens


GSLTZP01-001[130]Fossil Research and Development Center of the Third Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration Academy of Gansu ProvinceEarly Cretaceous[130]Hekou Group[130]China[130]

Lapampasaurus cholinoi



Museo Provincial de Historia NaturalLate Campanian-Early Maastrichtian[131]Allen Formation[131]Argentina[131]

Latirhinus uitstlani


IGM 6583[132]Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoUpper Campanian[132]Cerro del Pueblo Formation[132]Mexico[132]

Levnesovia transoxiana


USNM 538191[133]National Museum of Natural HistoryMiddle–Late Turonian[133]Bissekty Formation[133]Uzbekistan[133]

Loncosaurus argentinus



Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino RivadaviaUpper Cretaceous?[134]Argentina[134]Nomen vanum[134]

Lophorhothon atopus


FMNH P 27383[135]

Field Museum of Natural HistoryLate Cretaceous[135]Mooreville Chalk Formation[135]United States[135]
Holotype elements (A-F, I, K) of Lophorhothon atopus

Lurdusaurus arenatus


MNHN GDF 1700[136]

Muséum National d'Histoire NaturelleAptian[136]Elrhaz Formation[136]Niger[136]

Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus



Museo Universidad Nacional del ComahueConiacian[137]Portezuelo Formation[137]Argentina[137]

Magnamanus soriaensis


MNS 200/132, 2001/122, 2002/95, 2003/69, 2004/54[138]

Museo Numantino de SoriaUpper Hauterivian-Lower Barremian[138]Golmayo Formation[138]Spain[138]

Magnapaulia laticaudus


LACM 17715[139]

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles CountyCampanian[139]El Gallo Formation[139]Mexico[139]
Type left premaxilla of Magnapaulia laticaudus

Mahuidacursor lipanglef



Museo Municipal Argentino UrquizaSantonian[140]Bajo de la Carpa Formation[140]Argentina[140]

Maiasaura peeblesorum


YPM-PU 22405[141]

Peabody Museum of Natural HistoryCampanian[142]Two Medicine Formation[142]United States[142]
Malefica deckertiMaleficaTxVP 41917-1[143]Jackson School Museum of Earth History[143]Late Campanian[143]Aguja Formation[143]United States

Mandschurosaurus amurense


Cretaceous[144]Yuliangze Formation[55]China[144]Nomen dubium[55]
Holotype elements of Mandschurosaurus amurensis

Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis


NHMUK R5764[145]Natural History Museum, LondonBarremian-Aptian[145]Vectis Formation[145]United Kingdom[145]
Holotype skeleton of Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis

Mantellodon carpenteri


NHMUK R3741[64]

Natural History Museum, LondonLower Aptian[64]Lower Greensand Formation[64]United Kingdom[64]Nomen dubium, can be referred to Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis[64]

Matheronodon provincialis



Musée du Moulin SeigneurialLate Campanian[146]France[146]
Right maxilla of Matheronodon provincialis

Microhadrosaurus nanshiungensis


IVPP V4732[147]

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologyLate Cretaceous[147]Nanxiong Formation[147]China[147]

Minqaria bata



Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marrakech, Cadi Ayyad UniversityUpper Maastrichtian[14]Ouled Abdoun Basin[14]Morocco[14]
Reconstructed skull of Minqaria bata

Mochlodon suessi


PIUW 2349[148]

Paläontologisches Institut, University of ViennaLower Campanian[148]Grünbach Formation[148]Austria[148]
Holotype dentary of Mochlodon suessi

Mochlodon vorosi


MTM V 2010.105.1[148]

Hungarian Natural History MuseumSantonian[148]Csehbánya Formation[148]Hungary[148]
Holotype (F-H) of Mochlodon vorosi

Morelladon beltrani



Museo de la ValltortaBarremian[149]Arcillas de Morella Formation[149]Spain[149]
Holotype pelvis of Morelladon beltrani

Morrosaurus antarcticus


MACN Pv 197[150]

Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Argentine MuseumMaastrichtian[150]Cape Lamb Member, López de Bertodano Formation[150]Antarctica[150]

Muttaburrasaurus langdoni


QM F6140[151]

Queensland MuseumAlbian[151]Mackunda Formation[151]Australia[151]

Naashoibitosaurus ostromi


NMMNH P-16106[152]

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and ScienceLate Campanian[152]Kirtland Formation[152]United States[152]

Nanningosaurus dashiensis


NHMG8142[153]Natural History Museum of GuangxiUpper Cretaceous[153]Nadu Formation[153]China[153]

Nanyangosaurus zhugeii


IVPP V 11821[154]

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologyEarly Cretaceous[154]Xiaguan Formation[154]China[154]

Napaisaurus guangxiensis


FS-20-007, FS-20-007[155]

Early Cretaceous[155]Xinlong Basin[155]China[155]

Nipponosaurus sachalinensis


UHR 6590[156]

University of HokkaidoLate Santonian-Early Campanian[156]Upper Yezo Group[156]Russia[156]

Notohypsilophodon comodorensis


UNPSJB — PV 942[157]

National University of the Patagonia San Juan BoscoCenomanian?[157]Bajo Barreal Formation[157]Argentina[157]
Oblitosaurus bunnueliOblitosaurusCPT-1440, CPT-1444, and MAP-8290 to MAP-8299[158]Museo Aragonés de Paleontología[158]Late Jurassic[158]Villar del Arzobispo Formation[158]Spain[158]

Oligosaurus adelus


PIUW 3518[159][160]Paläontologisches Institut der Universität WienLate Cretaceous[159]Gosau Group[160]Austria[159]

Olorotitan arharensis


AEHM 2/845[161]Amur Natural History MuseumMiddle-Late Maastrichtian[161]Tsagayan Formation[161]Russia[161]
Holotype skeleton of Olorotitan arharensis

Ornatops incantatus


WSC 10058[162]Western Science CenterMiddle Campanian[162]Allison Member, Menefee Formation[162]United States[162]
Holotype braincase of Ornatops incantatus

Ornithomerus gracilis


PIUW 2349/3[159]Paläontologisches Institut der Universität WienLate Cretaceous[159]Gosau Group[160]Austria[159]

Orthomerus dolloi


NHMUK 42954-57[163]

Natural History Museum, LondonLate Maastrichtian[163]Likely Maastricht Formation[163]The Netherlands or Belgium[163]
Lectotype femur of Orthomerus dolloi

Osmakasaurus depressus


USNM 4753[164]National Museum of Natural HistoryBarremian-Aptian[164]Lakota Formation[164]United States[164]

Ouranosaurus nigeriensis


MNHN GDF 300[165]

Muséum National d'Histoire NaturelleLate Aptian[165]Upper Elrhaz Formation[165]Niger[165]

Owenodon hoggii


NHM R2998[166]

Natural History Museum, LondonMid-Berriasian[166]Purbeck Limestone Formation[166]United Kingdom[166]
Holotype of Owenodon hoggii

Pararhabdodon isonensis


Holotype: IPS SRA 1[120]

Paratype: IPS SRA 15-18[120]

Institut de Paleontologia Miquel CrusafontMaastrichtian[120]Tremp Formation[120]Spain[120]

Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus


FMNH P-27393[167]Field Museum of Natural HistoryCampanian(75.02-76.14 Ma)[167]Fossil Forest Member, Fruitland Formation[167]United States[167]
The holotype skeleton of Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus

Parasaurolophus tubicen


PMU.R.1250[168]Paleontologiska Museet, UppsalaCampanian(73.5-73.6 Ma)[167]Kirtland Formation[168]United States[168]
Holotype skull (C) of Parasaurolophus tubicen

Parasaurolophus walkeri


ROM 768[169]

Royal Ontario MuseumCampanian(76.8-76.9 Ma)[167]Dinosaur Park Formation[169]Canada[169]
The holotype skeleton of Parasaurolophus walkeri

Pareisactus evrostos


MCD 5371[170]Museu de la Conca DellàLower Maastrichtian[170]Conques Formation[170]Spain[170]

Parksosaurus warreni


ROM 804[171]

Royal Ontario MuseumCampanian-Maastrichtian[171]Horseshoe Canyon Formation[171]Canada[171]

Penelopognathus weishampeli


IMM 2002-BYGB-1[172]Inner Mongolia MuseumAlbian[172]Bayan Gobi Formation[172]China[172]

Planicoxa venenica


DMNH 42504[173]Denver Museum of Natural HistoryLower Cretaceous[173]Poison Strip Member, Cedar Mountain Formation[173]United States[173]

Plesiohadros djadokhtaensis


MPC-D100/745[174]Mongolian Paleontology CenterUpper Campanian?[174]Djadokhta Formation[174]Mongolia[174]

Portellsaurus sosbaynati


MQ98-II-1[175]Colección Museográfica de CinctorresBarremian[175]Margas de Mirambell Formation[175]Spain[175]
Holotype dentary of Portellsaurus sosbaynati

Proa valdearinnoensis


AR-1/19[176]Museo Aragonés de PaleontologíaLower Albian[176]Escucha Formation[176]Spain[176]

Probactrosaurus gobiensis


PIN 2232/1[177]

Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of SciencesBarremian-Albian[177]China[177]

Probrachylophosaurus bergei


MOR 2919[45]

Museum of the RockiesCampanian(78.5-78.2 Ma)[45]Judith River Formation[45]United States[45]
Reconstructed holotype skull of Probrachylophosaurus bergei

Proplanicoxa galtoni


NHMUK R8649[145]

Natural History Museum, LondonEarly Cretaceous[145]United Kingdom[145]Nomen dubium, likely referrable to Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis[145]

Prosaurolophus maximus


AMNH 5386[178]

American Museum of Natural HistoryCampanian[179]Dinosaur Park Formation[179]Canada[178]
Holotype skull of Prosaurolophus maximus

Protohadros byrdi


SMU 74582[180]

Shuler Museum of PaleontologyMid-Cenomanian[180]Woodbine Formation[180]United States[180]

Pteropelyx grallipes


AMNH 3791[181]American Museum of Natural HistoryBones indistinguishable from Corythosaurus[181]

Qantassaurus intrepidus


NMV P199075[32]

Museums VictoriaUpper Barremian[32]Wonthaggi Formation[32]Australia[32]
Holotype dentary of Qantassaurus intrepidus
Ratchasimasaurus suranareaeRatchasimasaurusNRRU-A2064[182]Northeastern Research Institute of Petrified Wood and Mineral Resources, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat UniversityAptian[182]Khok Kruat Formation[182]Thailand[182]

Rhabdodon priscus


Early Maastrichtian[183]Rognacian Formation[183]France[183]
Rhabdodon septimanicusRhabdodonLate Campanian-Early Maastrichtian[183]Grès à Reptiles[183]France[183]

Rhinorex condrupus


BYU 13258[184]

Brigham Young University Museum of PaleontologyCampanian[184]Neslen Formation[184]United States[184]
Riabininohadros weberaeRiabininohadrosZGTM 5751[185]Chernyshev

Central Research Museum of Geology and Exploration

Upper Maastrichtian[185]Ukraine[185]

Sahaliyania elunchunorum


GMH W453[186]

Geological Museum of HeilongjiangMaastrichtian[186]Yuliangze Formation[186]China[186]

Saurolophus angustirostris


PIN 551/8[187]

Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of SciencesUpper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian[187]Nemegt Formation[187]Mongolia[187]

Saurolophus osborni


AMNH 5220[188]

American Museum of Natural HistoryEarly Maastrichtian[188]Horseshoe Canyon Formation[188]Canada[188]
Skull of the holotype of Saurolophus and Saurolophus osborni

Secernosaurus koerneri


FMNH P13423[189]Field Museum of Natural HistoryLate Campanian-Early Maastrichtian[189]Bajo Barreal Formation[189]Argentina[189]

Sektensaurus sanjuanboscoi


UNPSJB-PV 1054[190]

National University of Patagonia San Juan BoscoConiacian-Maastrichtian[190]Lago Colhué Huapi Formation[190]Argentina[190]

Sellacoxa pauli


BMNH R 3788[191]

Natural History Museum, LondonLower Valanginian[191]Lower Wadhurst Clay Formation[191]United Kingdom[191]

Shantungosaurus giganteus


GMV 1780-1[192]Geological Museum of ChinaMiddle-Late Campanian[192]Wangshi Group[192]China[192]

Shuangmiaosaurus gilmorei


LPM 0165[193]

Liaoning Paleontological MuseumMid-Cretaceous[193]Sunjiawan Formation[193]China[193]

Siamodon nimngami



Paleontological Research and Education Centre, Mahasarakham UniversityAptian[194]Khok Kruat Formation[194]Thailand[194]

Siluosaurus zhanggiani


IVPP V.11117 (1-2)

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologyEarly Cretaceous[195]Gongpoquan Basin[195]China[195]Nomen dubium[196]

Sirindhorna khoratensis



Northeastern Research Institute of Petrified Wood and Mineral Resources, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat UniversityAptian[197]Khok Kruat Formation[197]Thailand[197]

Syngonosaurus macrocercus


CAMSM B55570-78, B55580-86[83]

Sedgwick Museum of Earth SciencesUpper Albian[83]Gault Formation[83]United Kingdom[83]

Talenkauen santacrucensis



Museo Padre MolinaMaastrichtian[198]Pari Aike Formation[198]Argentina[198]

Tanius sinensis


PMU 24720[199]

Museum of Evolution of Uppsala UniversityUpper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian[199]Jiangjunding Formation[200]China[200]

Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus


BMNH R.3386[201]

Natural History Museum, LondonUpper Maastrictian[201]Sânpetru Formation[202]Romania[201]
Lectotype skull of Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus

Tenontosaurus dossi


FWMSH 93B1[203]Fort Worth Museum of Science and HistoryEarly Cretaceous[203]Twin Mountains Formation[203]United States[203]

Tenontosaurus tilletti


AMNH 3040[204]American Museum of Natural HistoryAptian-Albian[204]Cloverly Formation[204]United States[204]

Tethyshadros insularis


SC 57021[205]

Italian State CollectionsLate Campanian-Early Maastrichtian[205]Liburnian Formation[205]Italy[205]
The holotype skeleton of Tethyshadros insularis

Theiophytalia kerri


YPM 1887[206]

Peabody Museum of Natural HistoryLower Cretaceous[206]Purgatoire Formation[206]United States[206]
Holotype skull of Theiophytalia kerri

Thespesius occidentalis


USNM 219, 220, 221[181]

National Museum of Natural HistoryLate Cretaceous[181]Lance Formation[207]United States[207]Nomen dubium[181]
The syntype vertebrae of Thespesius occidentalis

Tlatolophus galorum



Colección Paleontológica del Centro INAHUpper Campanian[208]Cerro del Pueblo Formation[208]Mexico[208]

Trachodon mirabilis


ANSP 9260[207]

Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaLate Cretaceous[207]Judith River Formation[207]United States[207]Nomen dubium[207]
The holotype teeth of Trachodon
Transylvanosaurus platycephalusTransylvanosaurusLPB (FGGUB) R.2070[209]University of Tübingen[209]Maastrichtian[209]Pui Beds[209]Romania

Trinisaura santamartaensis



Museo de La PlataUpper Campanian[210]Snow Hill Island Formation[210]Antarctica[210]
Skeletal diagram of Trinisaura santamartaensis showing the holotype elements

Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus


IVPP V 725[211]

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and PaleoanthropologyLate Campanian-Early Maastrichtian[211]Jingangkou Formation[121]China[121]
The holotype skull of Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus

Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis


UAMES 12995[212]University of Alaska MuseumLower Maastrichtian[212]Prince Creek Formation[212]United States[212]

Uteodon aphanoecetes


CM 11337[164]

Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryLower-Middle Tithonian[164]Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation[164]United States[164]

Valdosaurus canaliculatus


BMNH R185, R186[78]

Natural History Museum, LondonBarremian[78]Wealden Group[78]United Kingdom[78]

Velafrons coahuilensis



Paleontological Collection of CoahuilaLate Campanian[213]Cerro del Pueblo Formation[213]Mexico[213]

Weewarrasaurus pobeni


LRF 3067[214]

Australian Opal CentreEarly Cenomanian[214]Wallangulla Sandstone, Griman Creek Formation[214]Australia[214]
Holotype dentary of Weewarrasaurus pobeni

Willinakaqe salitralensis


MPCA-Pv SM 8[215]

Museo Provincial Carlos AmeghinoLate Cretaceous[215]Allen Formation[215]Argentina[215]Nomen vanum[216]

Wulagasaurus dongi


GMH W184[217]

Geological Museum of HeilongjiangMaastrichtian[217]Yuliangze Formation[217]China[217]
Holotype dentary of Wulagasaurus dongi

Xuwulong yueluni


GSGM F00001[218]

Gansu Geological MuseumAptian-Albian[218]Xinminpu Group[218]China[218]

Yamatosaurus izanagii


MNHAH D1-033516[219]

Museum of Nature and Human ActivitiesEarly Maastrictian (71.94-71.69 Ma)[219]Kita-ama Formation[219]Japan[219]
Holotype dentary of Yamatosaurus izanagii

Yueosaurus tiantaiensis


ZMNH M8620[220]Zhejiang Museum of Natural HistoryAlbian-Cenomanian[220]Liangtoutang Formation[220]China[220]

Yunganglong datongensis


SXMG V 00001[221]

Shanxi Museum of GeologyUpper Cretaceous[221]Zhumapu Formation[221]China[221]
Holotype vertebrae of Yunganglong datongensis

Zalmoxes robustus


BMNH R.3392[222]Natural History Museum, LondonUpper Maastrichtian[222]Sânpetru Formation[222]Romania[222]

Zalmoxes shqiperorum


BMNH R.4900[222]Natural History Museum, LondonUpper Maastrichtian[222]Romania[222]

Zhanghenglong yangchengensis


XMDFEC V0013[223]

XIxia Museum of Dinosaur Fossil Eggs of ChinaMiddle Santonian[223]Majiacun Formation[223]China[223]
Holotype maxilla of Zhanghenglong yangchengensis

Zuoyunlong huangi


SXMG V 00004[224]

Shanxi Museum of GeologyCenomanian?[224]Zhumapu Formation[224]China[224]

See also
