List of monuments in Gulripshi Municipality

The monuments in the Gulripshi Municipality is a group of cultural heritage sites registered by the government of Georgia on the territory of a de jure territorial unit, which corresponds to the Gulripshi District in Abkhazia.[note 1]

The table lists a monument, its location and dating as well as the status attached to it by the Georgian authorities and the number assigned in the registry by the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia, which is available online as a GIS portal.[1] The Agency broadly classifies the heritage sites into three groups: 1) the objects without a status, 2) immovable monuments of cultural heritage, and 3) immovable monuments of national significance.

ObjectNational Registry numberDate of constructionLocationStatusImage
Greek church of Azanta7671[2]19th centuryAzantaCultural Monument
Azanta dolmen7669[2]4th millennium BC-3rd millennium BCAzantaCultural Monument
Second dolmen of Azanta7670[2]4th millennium BC-3rd millennium BCAzantaCultural Monument
Azanta CastleMiddle agesAzanta
Aleksandrovka church12th-13th centuriesAleksandrovka
Aleksandrovka fortress7668[2]16th-17th centuriesAleksandrovkaCultural Monument
Azhara CastleMiddle agesAzhara
Achandara church7684[2][3]19th centuryAchandaraCultural Monument
Babushara church3590[2]Middle agesBabusharaCultural Monument
Babushara tower7672[2]15th-16th centuriesBabusharaCultural Monument
Babushara Tskaba tower16th-17th centuriesBabushara
Baghmarani wall7676[2]16th-18th centuriesBaghmaraniCultural Monument
Baghmarani caveBaghmarani
Domed church of Baghmarani7675[2][4]1898BaghmaraniCultural Monument
Hall church of Baghmarani7674[2][5]Middle agesBaghmaraniCultural Monument
Baghmarani church7673[2]Middle agesBaghmaraniCultural Monument
Second hall church of Baghmarani7678[2]Middle agesBaghmaraniCultural Monument
Baghmarani fortress7677[2]16th-18th centuriesBaghmaraniCultural Monument
Greek CemeteryOktomberi
The Greeks' Spring19th centuryAzanta
Gulripshi garden3589[2]GulripshiCultural Monument
Gulripshi church7680[2][6]GulripshiCultural Monument
Dranda Cathedral3591[2][7]6th-7th centuriesDrandaCultural Monument of National Significance
Dranda church7679[2][8]Middle agesDrandaCultural Monument
Church of the Archangel in Zemo Pshapi7686[2][9]19th centuryZemo PshapiCultural Monument
Kelasuri Wall6th century
Kelasuri tower7682[2]Middle agesCultural Monument
Lata cemeteryLata
Lata Palace7681[2][10]10th-15th centuriesLataCultural Monument
Lata CastleMiddle agesLata
Marani church[11]Middle agesMarani
Ancient settlement of MachariBrzonze ageMachara
Machara CastleMiddle agesMachara
Merkheuli ancient cemeteryIron ageMerkheuli
Merkheuli Castle7683[2]10th-15th centuriesMerkheuliCultural Monument
Oktomberi wallMiddle agesOktomberi
Oktomberi churchMiddle agesOktomberi
Church of Poltava-Aleksandrovskoye1915Poltava-Aleksandrovskoye
Chernogovka fortressChernogovka
Chkhalta churchMiddle agesChkhalta
Chkhalta fortressMiddle agesChkhalta
Tsebelda fortress7685[2]Middle agesTsebeldaCultural Monument
Church of St. Andrew the First-Called in Tsebelda11th centuryTsebelda
Church of St. George in Tsebelda11th-12th centuriesTsebelda
Church of St. Catherine in Tsebelda11th centuryTsebelda
Church of St. Theodore in Tsebelda11th centuryTsebelda



See also