List of left-wing internationals

This is a list of socialist, communist, and anarchist, and other left-wing internationals. An "International" — such as, the "First International", the "Second International", or the "Socialist International" — may refer to a number of multi-national communist, radical liberal, socialist, or organized labour organizations, typically composed of national sections.

Existing internationals

Global internationals

Progressive, social democratic, anti-capitalist, and socialist internationals

Classical Marxist and left-communist internationals

See also: Internationalist Communist Party and Communist Workers' Organisation

Anarchist internationals

Marxist–Leninist, Maoist and Hoxhaist internationals

Trotskyist, Posadist and post-Trotskyist internationals

Anti-imperialist internationals

Green and ecologist internationals

Regional internationals

Defunct internationals

See also
