List of islands of County Mayo

This articles lists the islands of County Mayo, the mainland of which is part of the island of Ireland. Included in this list are named offshore and freshwater islands as recorded by Ordnance Survey Ireland or the Placenames Database of Ireland. Additionally, areas of ecological significance related to both offshore and freshwater islands, designated by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, are also listed.

Map of County Mayo's western seaboard
Achill is Ireland's largest island
Clew Bay contains 141 named islands, along with numerous tidal islets[1]

Although County Mayo has hundreds of offshore and freshwater islands, only a handful of islands and island groups are large enough to be distinguishable on a typical map of the county, namely Achill Island, Clare Island and Inishturk, along with the island clusters of Duvillaun, Inishkea, Clew Bay and the major loughs. There are over 100 islands which are greater than 10 acres (4.0 ha) in area. The largest island is Achill, which extends to 148 km2 (37,000 acres), making it Ireland's largest offshore island.[2]

Due to its abundance of bays, inlets and offshore islands, Mayo is reputed to have the longest coastline of any county in Ireland, at 1,168 km (726 mi) or approximately 21% of the total coastline of the State.[3][4]

The geology and geomorphology of the county and its islands is among the most varied and complex in Ireland. Islands such as those at Clew Bay are low-lying, formed when rising sea levels drowned a vast field of drumlins, while others like Clare Island and Achill are characterised by mountains and towering sea-cliffs, of which Croaghaun are the third-highest in Europe, at 688 m (2,257 ft)[5]

The bedrock geology of the islands is broadly divided into two groups. Those north of Clew Bay such as Achill and the islands off the Mullet Peninsula are generally of ancient Dalradian age, similar to County Donegal and the Grampian Highlands. Inishglora contains some of the oldest rocks in Ireland, at 1.75 billion years old. Further south, the islands are much more diverse. Clare island alone is composed of Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian and Carboniferous terranes sutured together. Geologically, the Clew Bay islands themselves are the youngest in the county, formed during the Lower Carboniferous about 350 million years ago.[6]

The county's offshore islands - and islands off the west coast of Ireland generally - developed their own distinct culture and traditions stretching back centuries. Records from the 1841 Census show that 47 of County Mayo's offshore islands were inhabited, with a combined population of approximately 10,000.[n 1][7] The Great Famine resulted in widespread or total depopulation of the islands. Towards the end of the 19th century the population of the larger islands began to recover somewhat, only to be set back by emigration following independence as the Irish government initially encouraged the evacuation of the islands due to the cost of providing services to them, further hastening the decline.[8]

Today, the islands are recognised by the State as an integral part of Ireland's national heritage, preserving the remnants of a unique aspect of Irish culture. The remaining inhabited islands receive support and funding through the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.[9] As of the 2016 Census, there are 2,700 people living on 14 of the county's offshore islands (of which 2,440 live on Achill), accounting for 1.87% of the county's population.[10]

Islands of Mayo by population


The 2016 census records 14 offshore islands as having a usually resident population. Achill has been connected to the mainland via bridge since 1887, making Clare Island the county's most populous unconnected island, with 159 inhabitants as of 2016. This makes Clare Island the fifth-most populous unconnected island in Ireland, after the three Aran Islands off Galway and Arranmore off County Donegal.[11]

Deserted village on Achill

Mayo County Council is responsible for the governance of the islands, and islanders are entitled to certain benefits and exemptions, such as lower motor tax rates.[12] The islands also receive funding from the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, as several offshore islands along with much of northwest Mayo are recognised Gaeltacht areas.

As many as 47 offshore islands had permanent populations prior to the Great Famine. Communities had resided on these islands for generations, and their remains can still be seen to this day through the villages, stone walls and lazybeds which they left behind. By the end of the 19th century most of the county's islands had been deserted. In contrast, Achill benefitted from a bridge to the mainland which allowed the population to temporarily rebound, reaching its all-time peak in 1911.

Fish curing on Clare Island, c. 1900

Emigration from the islands continued into the 20th-century as traditional industries such as fishing and textiles were unable to provide an attractive, or in many cases adequate, income to young islanders. In recent times, the islands have become a popular tourist destination and depend heavily on the tourism and hospitality sector. Their population swells during the summer months, particularly on Achill and Clare. Popular activities include surfing, sailing, island-hopping in Clew Bay, spiritual retreats and eco-tourism.[13]

The following table shows population trends for the fourteen currently inhabited islands as of the last census. The overall trend is a continuing decline in the population of Mayo's offshore islands, which is currently at a historic low. The county as a whole was one of just three in Ireland to record a population decrease between 2011 and 2016. The population of Mayo during this time decreased by 0.2%, whereas the population of the islands fell by 5.3%. Although the overall population fell during this time, four previously uninhabited islands received new residents, including Achillbeg, which had been uninhabited since 1965.[14]

Currently inhabited islands

201620111841Peak Population
(if not 1841)
1AchillBurrishoole2,4402,5694,9015,260 (1911)
4Inis BigilErris182567162 (1926)
5CollanmoreBurrishoole74213215 (1851)
7InishlyreBurrishoole44113122 (1851)
9Inish Turk BegBurrishoole41057
10Duvillaun MoreErris2231
11CollanbegBurrishoole2049 (1861)
13Inishkea NorthBurrishoole10155

Formerly inhabited islands

1841Peak Population
(if not 1841)
Year Abandoned
Rosmore IslandBurrishoole133
Moynish MoreBurrishoole991881-1891
Island MoreBurrishoole88
Rosturk IslandBurrishoole64
Inishkea SouthErris621934
Inishgowla SouthBurrishoole52
InishcottleBurrishoole4045 (1911)2011-2016
Annagh IslandsErris331851
InishgortBurrishoole3235 (1871)2006-2011
Bartragh IslandTirawley281951
Eagle IslandErris1522 (1861)1988
DorinishBurrishoole1315 (1871)1901
Barranagh IslandErris01 (1874)late 1800s
Blackrock IslandErris015 (1881)1974
Roman IslandBurrishoole036 (1911)1966-1971

Islands of Mayo by area

Larger islands

With the exception of Achill, County Mayo's islands are generally small in size, with only 13 larger than 100 acres (40 ha) and 3 larger than 1,000 acres (400 ha). There are numerous offshore islands in the 10 to 100 acre range, along with at least 15 freshwater islands larger than 10 acres, the largest of which is Illannaglashy on Lough Conn at 82 acres (33 ha).[15]

The one hundred largest islands in the county are listed below. "F" designates a freshwater island.

Clare Island
Bartragh Island
Inishkea South
Caher Island
Inish Turk Beg
Kid Island
Eagle Island
IslandIrish name[n 2]Archipelago / LocationArea
(Acres)[n 3]
Highest Point[n 4]
AchillAcaillAchill Islands36,572688 m (2,257 ft)
ClareOileán ChliaraClew Bay4,053462 m (1,516 ft)
InishturkInis ToircAtlantic Islands1,620191 m (627 ft)
InishbiggleInis BigilAchill Islands63734 m (112 ft)
Annagh IslandOileán an EanaighAchill Islands62723 m (75 ft)
Inishkea NorthInis Gé ThuaidhInishkea Islands57424 m (79 ft)
Bartragh IslandAn BheartrachKillala Bay47726 m (85 ft)
Inishkea SouthInis Gé TheasInishkea Islands38972 m (236 ft)
AchillbegAcaill BheagAchill Islands331110 m (360 ft)
Collanmore IslandCollainn MhórClew Bay19953 m (174 ft)
Duvillaun MoreDubhoileán MórDuvillaun Islands17763 m (207 ft)
Caher IslandCathair na NaomhAtlantic Islands13061 m (200 ft)
Rosmore IslandAn Ros MórNewport Bay11628 m (92 ft)
Illannaglashy (F)Oileán na GlaiseLough Conn8227 m (89 ft)
ClynishClaínisClew Bay8142 m (138 ft)
Island MoreAn tOileán MórClew Bay7842 m (138 ft)
Barranagh IslandOileán BearanachBlacksod Bay747 m (23 ft)
Inish Turk BegInis Toirc BheagClew Bay6453 m (174 ft)
InishnakillewInis na CoilleadhNewport Bay6427 m (89 ft)
Moynish MoreMaínis MórClew Bay6237 m (121 ft)
InishgloraInis GluaireAtlantic Islands6022 m (72 ft)
InishbeeInis BíNewport Bay5629 m (95 ft)
Duvillaun BegDubhoileán BeagDuvillaun Islands5314 m (46 ft)
Rosbarnagh IslandOileán Ros BairneachNewport Bay5337 m (121 ft)
InishlyreInis LadhairDorinish Harbour5226 m (85 ft)
Annagh Island EastAn tEanach ThoirWesport Bay489 m (30 ft)
Annagh Island (F)Oileán an EanaighLough Conn4523 m (75 ft)
InishtubbridInis TiobradNewport Bay4128 m (92 ft)
InishdaffInis DamhNewport Bay4031 m (102 ft)
Inishower (F)Inis OdharFurnace Lough3616 m (52 ft)
KnockycahillaunCnoc Uí ChathaláinClew Bay3536 m (118 ft)
Carrigeenamore (F)An Carraigín MórLough Mask3522 m (72 ft)
Bleanmore IslandAn Bhléan MhórCorraun Peninsula3414 m (46 ft)
Rosturk IslandRos ToircNewport Bay3424 m (79 ft)
InishgowlaInis GabhlaNewport Bay3328 m (92 ft)
Inishdegil MoreInis Téigil MórAtlantic Islands3212 m (39 ft)
InishkeeraghInis CaorachAtlantic Islands3217 m (56 ft)
Kid IslandOileán MionnánBroadhaven Bay3286 m (282 ft)
IllanataggartOileán an tSagairtClew Bay3228 m (92 ft)
CarrickmoylenacurhogaCarraig Bhéal na gCarógInishkea Islands3214 m (46 ft)
InishquirkInis CoirceNewport Bay3244 m (144 ft)
InishgortInis GoirtClew Bay3129 m (95 ft)
InishsherkinInis EarcáinNewport Bay3130 m (98 ft)
InishkeelInis CaolNewport Bay3027 m (89 ft)
CrovinishCroibhinisDorinish Harbour2923 m (75 ft)
DerrinishDairinisNewport Bay2921 m (69 ft)
InishraherInis RaithirWestport Bay2933 m (108 ft)
InishlaughilInis LeamhchoilleNewport Bay2845 m (148 ft)
Bartraw IslandAn BheartrachWestport Bay2813 m (43 ft)
Inishgowla SouthInis Gabhla TheasWestport Bay2820 m (66 ft)
InishnacrossInis na CroiseNewport Bay2736 m (118 ft)
InisheenyInis AonaighWestport Bay2722 m (72 ft)
MuckinishMuicinisNewport Bay2637 m (121 ft)
Annaghroe Island (F)An tEanach RuaLough Conn2518 m (59 ft)
GlassillanAn GlasoileánAchill Island2523 m (75 ft)
InishcottleInis CotailNewport Bay2526 m (85 ft)
Inishgleasty (F)Inis GléastaLough Mask2437 m (121 ft)
InishbobunnanInis Bó BonnánNewport Bay2431 m (102 ft)
Eagle IslandOileán sa TuaidhAtlantic Islands2360 m (200 ft)
RoeillaunRua-oileánClew Bay2333 m (108 ft)
InishloyInis LáíNewport Bay2310 m (33 ft)
InishcooaInis CuaNewport Bay2327 m (89 ft)
Long Island (F)An tOileán FadaLough Mask2225 m (82 ft)
Rabbit IslandOileán BhrídeClew Bay2122 m (72 ft)
Inishrobe (F)Inis RóbaLough Mask2130 m (98 ft)
InishturlinInis TuirlingeNewport Bay2127 m (89 ft)
InishcuillInis CoillNewport Bay2128 m (92 ft)
Derreens Island (F)An DoirínCarrowmore Lake208 m (26 ft)
DorinishDeoirinisClew Bay2030 m (98 ft)
RoslynaghRos LaighneachClew Bay1833 m (108 ft)
Illannambraher EastOileán na mBráthar ThoirClew Bay1828 m (92 ft)
CarrickawiltCarraig an MhoiltInishkea Islands189 m (30 ft)
Inishoght (F)Inis UichtLough Mask1825 m (82 ft)
Collanbeg IslandCollainn BheagClew Bay1725 m (82 ft)
InishooInis UamhaClew Bay1732 m (105 ft)
Annagh Island WestAn tEanach ThiarWestport Bay1711 m (36 ft)
InishdaweelInis Dá MhaolClew Bay1638 m (125 ft)
CarrigeeCarraig AodhaInishkea Islands1615 m (49 ft)
River Island (F)Oileán na hAbhannLough Mask1613 m (43 ft)
Saints Island (F)Inis Na NaomhLough Mask1630 m (98 ft)
Inishdurra (F)Inis DuraLough Mask1632 m (105 ft)
InishleagueInis LiagWesport Bay1624 m (79 ft)
Baunros MoreBánros MórKillala Bay1513 m (43 ft)
InishdallaInis DealaAtlantic Islands1527 m (89 ft)
InishdaskyInis TeascthaClew Bay1530 m (98 ft)
Annaghteige Island (F) Eanach ThaidhgLough Conn1527 m (89 ft)
Rabbit IslandOileán BhrídeNewport Bay1528 m (92 ft)
IllandavuckOileán DhabhaicAtlantic Islands1456 m (184 ft)
Conors Island (F)Oileán ChonchúirLough Carra1420 m (66 ft)
InishfeshInis FeiseClew Bay1310 m (33 ft)
InishaghooInis AchadhAchill Islands1320 m (66 ft)
Carrigeenagur Island (F)Carraigín na gCorrLough Mask1323 m (75 ft)
Pig Island (F)Oileán na MuiceLough Mask1328 m (92 ft)
Illannambraher WestOileán na mBráthar ThiarClew Bay1225 m (82 ft)
InishkeeInis CaoichClew Bay1214 m (46 ft)
InishdoonverInis DúnmharClew Bay1225 m (82 ft)
Lambs Island (F)Oileán na nUanLough Mask1211 m (36 ft)
Devenish Island (F)DaimhinisLough Mask1230 m (98 ft)
Annagh Island MiddleAn tEanach LárWestport Bay127 m (23 ft)
Goose IslandInis na nGéKillala Bay1212 m (39 ft)

Smaller offshore islands

County Mayo has hundreds of smaller islands and islets. Most of the county's offshore islands are located in Clew Bay, with smaller clusters located around the Achill archipelago, the west and south coasts of the Mullet Peninsula, and Blacksod Bay. The list below is not exhaustive, and includes named offshore islands that are either extensive (typically greater than 2 acres in area) or in someway locally significant or identifiable.

Unlike the above list, this list is in alphabetical order and does not include freshwater islands.

Map of Clew Bay (1890)
Small islands in Clew Bay
The Stags
Islet off Killadoon
Bills Rocks
Dún Briste
Blackrock Island
IslandIrish nameArchipelago / Location
Annagh IslandOileán an EanaighMullet Peninsula
ArdillaunArdoileánKillala Bay
AttimonbegÁth Tíomáin BeagKillala Bay
Baunros BegBánros BeagKillala Bay
Baunros MoreBánros MórKillala Bay
Beetle Island NorthOileán an tSindile ThuaidhClew Bay
Beetle Island SouthOileán an tSindile TheasClew Bay
Bills RocksCarraig BillAtlantic Islands
Blackrock IslandAn TorAtlantic Islands
BuddaghAn ChailleachBenwee Head
Calf IslandOileán an GhamhnaClew Bay
Calf IslandOileán an GhamhnaKillala Bay
Camel IslandOileán CamallNewport Bay
CarrickduffAn Charraig DhubhMullet Peninsula
CarrickduffAn Charraig DhubhNorth Mayo Coast
CarrickheskCarraig SheiscMullet Peninsula
CarricknarontyCarraig na RóntaAtlantic Islands
Carricknaronty NorthCarraig na Rónta ThuaidhMullet Peninsula
CarricknaweelogeCarraig na bhFaoileogMullet Peninsula
Carrigeenglass NorthAn Carraigín Glas ThuaidhClew Bay
Cone IslandOileán an ChuainMullet Peninsula
CorillanCorroileánWestport Bay
CarrigeenaveaghCarraigín na bhFiachClew Bay
CregnarullahSceir na RoilleachMullet Peninsula
Cross RockAn Charraig DhubhMullet Peninsula
DoonvinallaAn DúnaBenwee Head
Doonbristy IslandDún BristeNorth Mayo Coast
Dooneen IslandAn DúnínUggool Beach
Finnaun IslandFionnánWestport Bay
ForillanForoileánWestport Bay
FreaghillanFraochoileánKillala Bay
Freaghillan EastFraochoileán ThoirNewport Bay
FreaghillanluggaghFraochoileán LogachNewport Bay
GlassillaunGlasoileánNorth Mayo Coast
Green IslandAn tOileán GlasWestport Bay
Green IslandAn tOileán GlasKillala Bay
Heath IslandOileán FraoighCorraun Peninsula
Horse IslandOileán na gCapallNorth Mayo Coast
IllancroaghOileán CruaicheCorraun Peninsula
IllanleamnaheltyOileán Léim na hEilteAtlantic Islands
IllanmasterOileán MáistirNorth Mayo Coast
IllanmawMá-oileánClew Bay
IllannaconneyOileán an ChonnaidhClew Bay
IllannakanogeOileán na gCánógNorth Mayo Coast
IllannamonaOileán na MónaAchill Islands
IllaunateeOileán an TíClew Bay
IllaunroeAn tOileán RuaClew Bay
InishacrickInis an ChnoicClew Bay
InishbollogInis BolgClew Bay
InishcannonInis CeannannNewport Bay
InishcoraghInis CórachNewport Bay
InishcorkyInis CorcaíClew Bay
InishdaughInis DeáchClew Bay
Inishdeash BegInis Déise BeagClew Bay
Inishdeash MoreInis Déise MórClew Bay
InishderryInis DoireMullet Peninsula
InishilraInis IolraClew Bay
InishimmelInis ImillWestport Bay
InishlaghanInis LachanClew Bay
InishlimInis LoimClew Bay
InishmoltInis MoltNewport Bay
Kid Island EastOileán na MeannánNewport Bay
MauherillanMáthairoileánNewport Bay
Money BegAn Muine BheagClew Bay
Moynish BegMaínis BeagClew Bay
MweelaunMhaoilinneAtlantic Islands
Pig IslandOileán na MuiceNorth Mayo Coast
Quinsheen IslandCuinsínClew Bay
RoeillanRua-oileánAchill Islands
RosnambraherRos na mBrátharNewport Bay
Sloe IslandOileán na nAirníWestport Bay
The StagsNa StacaíBenwee Head
ToghercloheenBarr na SpinceNorth Mayo Coast
TorduffAn Tor DubhNorth Mayo Coast

Freshwater islands

There are numerous large loughs within the county, containing hundreds of small freshwater islands. Lough Mask in southern Mayo is the largest lough in the county. At 83 km2 (21,000 acres) it is the 6th-largest lough in Ireland (as well as the 6th-largest in Britain and Ireland). Further south, Lough Corrib is the 2nd-largest lough in Ireland; however, only a small portion of this lough is located within the county.[16]

Illannaglashy, on Lough Conn, is the largest freshwater island in the county, at 82 acres (33 ha) in area. Freshwater islands have played an important role in the county's history and host an abundance of castles, monasteries, church ruins and unspoiled woodlands.

Lough Mask

Loughs of northern Mayo
Loughs of southern Mayo
Lough Corrib
Lough Mask
Lough Conn
Lough Carra
Lough Beltra
Carrowmore Lake
Lough Cullin
Islandeady Lough
  • Note: The vast majority of Lough Mask is within County Mayo, with a small southern portion of the lough located in County Galway. This list only includes islands which are within the boundary of County Mayo.
  • Aghinish
  • Bed Island
  • Bilberry Island
  • Black Island
  • Black Island
  • Board Island
  • Carrigeen Island
  • Carrigeen Middle
  • Carrigeenabreana
  • Carrigeenagur Island
  • Carrigeenamore
  • Carrigeenavilla
  • Carrigeenaweelaun
  • Carrigeenbaun
  • Carrigeenbunnahown
  • Carrigeendany Islands
  • Carrigeenduree
  • Carrigeenfair Island
  • Carrigeenkeelagh
  • Carrigeenmauntrasna
  • Carrigeennagool
  • Carrigeennalogh
  • Carrigeennasassonagh
  • Carrigeenowen
  • Carrigeenshangorman
  • Castle Hag
  • Cow Island
  • Dash Island
  • Devenish Island
  • Doran Islands
  • Goat Island
  • Green Island
  • Gull Island
  • Flag Island
  • Heath Island
  • Illan Columbkille
  • Illanboe Beg
  • Illanboe More
  • Illandawaur
  • Ingon Island
  • Inishangan
  • Inishdurra
  • Inishgleasty
  • Inishoght
  • Inishowenlackboy
  • Inishrobe
  • Kid Island
  • Lackboy
  • Lamb Island
  • Long Island
  • Long Islands
  • Lusteen Beg
  • Lusteen More
  • Nut Island
  • Oak Island
  • Pig Island
  • Rams Island
  • Rialisk
  • Ringolden
  • River Island
  • Saints Island
  • Seerillaun
  • Shangorman
  • Shrub Island
  • Thick Island
  • Whiteland Island

Lough Carra

  • Ballycally Island
  • Bird Island
  • Bonnianillish Island
  • Bush Island
  • Carrigeennagat Island
  • Castle Island
  • Castlehag Island
  • Church Island
  • Conors Island
  • Cow Islands
  • Crane Island
  • Creevagh Island
  • Deer Island
  • Derrinrush Island
  • Derrynafresha Island
  • Doonbeg Island North
  • Doonbeg Island South
  • Gleneary Island
  • Hog Island
  • Horse Island
  • Illanatrim
  • Kiln Island
  • Lady's Island
  • Lakeview Island
  • Leamnahye Island
  • Long Island
  • Mearing Island
  • Otter Island
  • Otter Island
  • Otter Islands
  • Pleasure Island
  • Priest Island
  • Rat Island
  • Stare Island
  • Stony Island

Lough Corrib

  • Note: The vast majority of Lough Corrib is within County Galway, with a small northern portion of the lough located in County Mayo. This list only includes islands which are within the boundary of County Mayo.
  • Abbots Rock
  • Ballycurrin Island
  • Bartragh Island
  • Bertragh Islands
  • Blackderry Island
  • Blackderry Rock
  • Bushy Island
  • Camillaun
  • Carrigeen
  • Castletown Rock
  • Cornelian Islands
  • Crow Islands
  • Dog Islands
  • Easter Island
  • Flower Island
  • Gibbs Islands
  • Grass Island
  • Green Island
  • Green Island East
  • Holy Island
  • Inishkeeragh Island
  • Island Morris
  • Kilmore
  • Kilmorebeg
  • Matthew Island
  • Mine Island
  • Mucky Island
  • Oak Island
  • Prison Islands
  • Rabbit Island
  • Red Island
  • Salmon Island
  • Salmon Point Island
  • Sloe Island
  • Whiskey Island

Lough Conn

  • Annagh Island
  • Annaghroe Island
  • Annaghteige Island
  • Bears Island
  • Burnt Island
  • Carnaweelan Island
  • Castle Island
  • Chain Island
  • Cliff Island
  • Coarse Island
  • Cragh Islands
  • Creeve Island
  • Freaghillan
  • Illanaghty
  • Illanaloughaun
  • Illanbeg
  • Illannaglashy
  • Inishlee Island
  • Longford Island
  • Loosky Island
  • Rinard Island
  • Rocky Island
  • Roe Island
  • Sandy Island

Smaller lakes

Lough Cullin

  • Griffins Island
  • Illanboy
  • Illaner
  • Illangub
  • Illanneill
  • Illanulque

Lough Beltra

  • Bush Island
  • Coarse Island
  • Islandmore
  • Low Island
  • Tree Island

Carrowmore Lake

  • Atlavally Island
  • Derreens Island
  • Gortmore Island
  • Muingerroon Island

Furnace Lough

  • Illanroe
  • Inishower
  • Saints Island

Islandeady Lough

  • Note: Despite being a small lough, Islandeady had three sizeable islands, at 38, 21 and 20 acres respectively. However, due to the lowering of waterlevels in the 20th century the three islands are now peninsulas.
  • Illanlteige East
  • Illanteige West
  • Islandeady

Monastic islands

Clare Island Abbey

Six islands within County Mayo have had a dedicated monastery or abbey established on them. Four of these are offshore, and two of these are freshwater islands. They are listed below:

  • Church Island Monastery (F)
  • Clare Island Abbey
  • Duvillaun Monastery
  • Inishkea North Monastery
  • Inishglora Monastery
  • Partry Monastery (F)

In addition to the above sites, many more islands within the county have been used for religious purposes. The ruins of old churches and cemeteries can be found scattered across such islands.


Many of the county's offshore and freshwater islands are designated as areas of ecological significance and are protected both at national and European level. Mayo's offshore islands are a haven for wildlife and biodiversity, supporting hundreds of species of bird, fish and marine mammal, as well as unique vegetation. Five of the county's major inland lakes (along with their islands) are also protected, those being Lough Mask, Lough Conn, Lough Cullin, Lough Carra and Carrowmore Lake.[17]

The biodiversity of the islands is protected under the following designations. There is overlap across designations, as different designations apply to different species, e.g. the Duvillaun Islands are an SAC, SPA and proposed NHA.

  • Special Area of Conservation (SAC) - These are prime wildlife conservation areas in the country, considered to be important on a European as well as Irish level.
  • Special Protection Area (SPA) - Classified under the EU Birds Directive for the protection of endangered species of wild birds.
  • Natural Heritage Area (NHA) - This is an area considered important for the habitats present or which holds species of plants and animals whose habitat needs protection.

The following areas of ecological significance are located either on or adjacent to County Mayo's offshore islands. The five major inland lakes listed as SPAs are also included, and are shown in italics in the list below.

Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Bog cotton (Eriophorum angustifolium)
Razorbill (Alca torda)
Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)

Special areas of conservation

  • Mullet/Blacksod Bay Complex
  • West Connacht Coast
  • Erris Head
  • Inishkea Islands
  • Duvillaun Islands
  • Broadhaven Bay
  • Killala Bay/Moy Estuary
  • Croaghaun/Slievemore
  • Achill Head
  • Keel Machair/Menaun Cliffs
  • Doogort Machair/Lough Doo
  • Clew Bay Complex
  • Corraun Plateau
  • Lough Gall Bog
  • Clare Island Cliffs

Special protection areas

Italics indicates that the SPA is an inland lake

  • Blacksod Bay/Broadhaven Bay
  • Inishglora and Inishkeeragh
  • Inishkea Islands
  • Duvillaun Islands
  • Stags of Broad Haven
  • Illanmaster
  • Killala Bay/Moy Estuary
  • Doogort Machair
  • Bills Rocks
  • Clare Island
  • Mullet Peninsula
  • Termoncarragh Lake & Annagh Machair
  • Lough Mask
  • Lough Conn & Lough Cullin
  • Lough Carra
  • Carrowmore Lake

Natural heritage areas

  • Tullaghan Bay & Bog
  • Doogort East Bog
  • Sraheens Bog

Proposed natural heritage areas

  • Killala Bay/Moy Estuary
  • Glenamoy Bog Complex
  • Stags Of Broadhaven
  • Broadhaven Bay
  • Erris Head
  • Eagle Island
  • Mullet/Blacksod Bay Complex
  • Inishglora & Inishkeeragh
  • Inishkea Islands
  • Duvillaun Islands
  • Croaghaun/Slievemore
  • Doogort Machair/Lough Doo
  • Inishgalloon
  • Keel Machair/Menaun Cliffs
  • Corraun Plateau
  • Lough Gall Bog
  • Bills Rocks
  • Clare Island
  • Clew Bay Complex
  • Mweelaun Island
  • Caher Island
  • Ballybeg Island
  • Inishturk
  • Inishdalla
  • Frehill Island
  • Inishdegil Islands

Island index



See also