List of Vietnamese provincial and territorial symbols

This is a list of the symbols of the provinces and territories of Vietnam. Each province and territory has a unique set of official symbols.

Vietnamese provincial and territorial map.




NorthwestEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Lai ChâuKhám phá để tận hưởng
(From discovery to enjoyment)
Lạng-chượngHoàng Liên Sơn range, Tác Tình waterfall, BrocadeProvince as of 28 June 1909.
Điện BiênKhám phá thiên đường mới
(To discover a new wonderland)
Ho-chi-MinhMonument of Dien Bien PhuProvince as of 26 November 2003.
Lao CaiLạc giữa trời mây
(Find yourself to the clouds)
Ho-chi-MinhFansipan, Red River, Chảy RiverProvince as of 12 July 1907.
Yên BáiXanh, hài hòa, bản sắc, hạnh phúc
(Green, harmony, identity, happiness)
Tôn vinh những sắc màu cuộc sống
(Celebrate more color in your life)
Nguyen-thai-HocGrand-waterfall dam, Mù Cang Chải Terrace, Lũng Lô Hill, Flag of Vietnam, Nelumbo nuciferaProvince as of 11 April 1900.
Sơn LaTinh hoa miền Tây Bắc
(The essence of the Northwest)
To-HieuSonla dam, Brocade, Flag of Vietnam, wheatVạn Bú Province from 10 October 1895, then Sơn La Province as of 23 August 1904.
NortheastEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Hà GiangThưởng ngoạn cảnh quan kì vĩ tại mỗi khúc quanh
(Witness spectacular scenes at every turn)
Vaj Tsoov LoomOwl-valley Flag Tower, fagopyrum esculentumRe-established province as of 12 August 1991.
Tuyên QuangPhát triển bền vững
(Sustainable development)
Muôn sắc muôn hương
(The place converges beauties)
Bầu lordsTantrao national revolutionary base, , Lô River, Flag of VietnamRe-established province as of 12 August 1991.
Cao BằngNâng tầm vẻ đẹp non nước
(To elevate the beauty of this country)
Hồ Chí MinhBangioc Falls, Quyxuan River, Flag of VietnamRe-established province as of 29 December 1978.
Bắc KạnUt ameris, amabilis esto
(To be loved, be lovable)
Hồ Chí MinhPape LakeRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Thái NguyênNil desperandum
(Never despair)
Trịnh Văn CấnHill and Tea plant, SteelRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Lạng SơnAi lên xứ Lạng cùng anh
(Who comes to Lang Mountain with me?)
Hoàng Văn ThụMount Mẫu Sơn, Illicium verum, Flag of Vietnam, Lạc BirdRe-established province as of 29 December 1978.
Bắc GiangHoàng Hoa ThámVinhnghiem Pagoda, litchi chinensisRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Quảng NinhEx oriente lux
(Light from the east)
Lê Thánh TôngHalong BayProvince as of 30 October 1963.
Red River DeltaEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Hà Nội Dis lecta fortitudine prospera
(The wealth having been chosen by prosperous strength)
Thành phố vì hòa bình
(The city for peace)
Lý Thái TổBrilliant Literature Pavilion, Sword Lake, Yellow Dragon, prunus persica, nelumbo nuciferaCapital and municipality according to the SRV Constitution as of 2 July 1976.
Phú ThọCác vua Hùng đã có công dựng nước, bác cháu ta phải cùng nhau giữ lấy nước
(The Kurung Kings founded this nation, so we must defend it together)
Kurung kingsKurung TempleRe-established province as of 26 November 1996.
Vĩnh PhúcDân chủ, đoàn kết, trí tuệ, phát triển
(Democracy, solidarity, intelligence, development)
Turun sistersTamdao Mountain, Haloi TempleRe-established province as of 26 November 1996.
Hòa BìnhKing Dzit-dzangPeace damRe-established province as of 12 August 1991.
Bắc NinhVitam et misericordiam tribuisti mihi, et visitatio tua custodivit spiritum meum
(You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit)
Lê Văn ThịnhNinhphuc PagodaRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Hưng YênNét duyên hồn Việt
(The grace of Viet spirit)
Chử Đồng Tử - Tiên DungXichdang literary templeRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Hải DươngMạc Đĩnh ChiKiepbac Temple, Literary temple at MaodienRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Hải Phòng Portunam tulit in undis
(The harbor brings gifts from the ocean)
Lê ChânShip, anchor, laridae, delonix regiaMunicipality as of 19 July 1888.
Thái BìnhCaritas – Gaudium – Pax / Thương yêu – Vui mừng – Bình an
(Love - Joy - Peace)
Trần Thủ ĐộDivine-light Pagoda, riceProvince as of 21 March 1890.
Hà NamLê HoànNgoclu drum, musaceaeProvince as of 6 November 1996.
Nam ĐịnhĐắp xây non nước phú cường[1]
(To build a prosperous and powerful country)
Prince HungdaoPhổ Minh Temple, rice, artocarpus heterophyllus, bombax ceiba, anabas testudineusRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Ninh BìnhNụ cười miền di sản
(The smile of the heritage region)
Vùng đất diệu kì
(The marvelous land)
Đinh Tiên HoàngRelic of Hoalu old capitalRe-established province as of 12 August 1996.


North Central CoastEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Thanh HóaLabor omnia vicit
(Toil conquered the world)
Lê Thái TổImperial city of West Capital, Quangxuong drum, Lac birdProvince as of 1831.
Nghệ AnServientes in gaudium et spes
(Serve in joy and hope)
Hồ Chí MinhNelumbo nucifera, Vac Village drum, Lam riverRe-established province as of 1991.
Hà TĩnhVeritas et amor
(Truth and love)
Nguyễn DuNelumbo nucifera, Hong mountain, La riverRe-established province as of 1991.
Quảng BìnhĐổi mới, dân chủ, đoàn kết, trách nhiệm
(Innovation, democracy, solidarity, responsibility)
Madame SuotDonghoi old citadel, Nhatle RiverRe-established province as of 1989.
Quảng TrịNguyện nhà Việt Nam muôn đời thạnh trị
(Serenity under reign)
Nguyễn Hữu BàiQuangtri old citadel, Hienluong BridgeRe-established province as of 1989.
Thừa Thiên HuếKinh đô xưa, trải nghiệm mới
(Ancient capital, new experiences)
Lord TiênImperial city of Huế, Trangtien BridgeRe-established province as of 1989.
South Central CoastEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Đà Nẵng Thành phố tuyệt vời
Nguyễn Văn ThoạiDarang Bridge, Hàn River, Marble MountainsMunicipality as of the 16th century.
Quảng NamPhan Châu TrinhLaivien Bridge, Thubon River, phoenixRe-established province as of 1997.
Quảng NgãiAudacibus annue coeptis
(Look with favor upon a bold beginning)
Trương ĐịnhFish, garlicRe-established province as of 30 June 1989.
Bình Định Litus ama
(Hug the shore)
Quang TrungThe statue of Emperor Quang Trung in Quynhon CityRe-established province as of 30 June 1989.
Phú YênHấp dẫn và thân thiện[2]
(Attractive and friendly)
Lương Văn ChánhMountain of Stone Stele, Hinh River, coconutRe-established province as of 1 July 1989.
Khánh Hòa Chạm đến trái tim
(Touch the hearts)
Trần ĐườngSmoke Mountain, hirundinidaeRe-established province as of 1 July 1989.
Ninh ThuậnTrải nghiệm thú vị
(Interesting experiences)
Po Klaung YăgraiStation of Cham Temple, vitaceae, plumeriaRe-established province as of 26 December 1991.
Central HighlandsEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Kon TumCaritas in veritate / Bác ái trong chân lí
(Charity in truth)
Dăm NoiNgokring mountain, Blah river, communal house, bronze drumProvince as of 9 February 1913.
Gia LaiTrải nghiệm và chia xẻ
(Sharing and experience)
NupHdrong mountain, communal house, Bombax ceibaProvince as of 24 May 1932.
Đắk Lắk In spiritu et veritate / Trong tinh thần và chân lí
(In spirit and truth)
Dăm SănLong chair, communal house, coffeaProvince as of 22 November 1904.
Đắk NôngAudacibus annue coeptis
(Look with favor upon a bold beginning)
N'trang LơngNelumbo lutea, communal houseProvince as of 1 January 2004.
Lâm ĐồngDat aliis laetitiam aliis temperiem
(To give this fellow happiness and another health)
Alexandre YersinLac Parfum Printanier, mimosa, pinaceaeProvince as of 6 January 1916.


SoutheastEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Hồ Chí MinhHistorical: Paulatim crescam / 循序而進

(Little by little we grow)

Lê Văn DuyệtDragon Wharf, City-bund Market, Ochna integerrima, Nelumbo nucifera, Panthera tigrisMunicipality according to the SRV Constitution as of 2 July 1976.
Đồng NaiTrịnh Hoài ĐứcElectricity, sambar deerRe-established province as of 12 August 1991.
Bình DươngĐiểm đến cuối tuần
(The weekend destination)
Phan Thanh GiảnTidal waveRe-established province as of 1 January 1997.
Bình PhướcNguyễn ThànhRubber, pepperProvince as of 1 January 1997.
Tây NinhHuỳnh Công GiảnHydroelectricity at Dầu Tiếng lakeProvince as of 20 December 1899.
Bà Rịa–Vũng TàuAudentes fortuna iuvat
(Fortune favors the bold)
Lady RịaOil fieldProvince as of 12 August 1991.
Bình ThuậnHồ Chí MinhUsine des Eaux de Phanthiet, Khe Gà sealightProfecture as of 1697, then province as of 1827.
Ninedragon River DeltaEmblemMottoPatronOther symbolsDescription
Long An Hãy ra đi, đừng sợ !
(Be strong and courageous; don't be terrified or afraid of them!)
Huỳnh Phú SổRiceProvince as of 22 October 1956.
Đồng ThápĐịa linh nhân kiệt / 地靈人傑
(The glory of a place leads greatness to the people there)
Thuần khiết như hồn sen
(Being pure like the spirit of the lotus)
Nguyễn Văn NhơnSarus crane, nelumbo nucifera, riceProvince as of February 1976.
Tiền GiangDương Ngạn ĐịchTiền River, whale, boatProvince as of 24 February 1976.
An GiangHội tụ – Khám phá – Lan tỏa
(Convergence – Discovery – Spread)
Tôn Đức ThắngTemple of President Ton-duc-Thang, riceProvince as of February 1976.
Cần Thơ Đô thị miền sông nước
(The city of riverlands)
Nguyễn Trọng QuyềnOld Market of Cantho, Cantho RiverMunicipality by Resolution 22/2003/QH11 from 26 November 2003.
Vĩnh LongHãy ra khơi mà thả lưới
(Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch)
Philippe Phan-van-MinhTemple of Literary Saints, riceRe-established province as of 26 December 1991.
Bến TreĐồng khởi
(All rise)
Nguyễn Thị ĐịnhMonument of New General Uprising, coconutProvince as of 22 December 1899.
Kiên GiangChung sức đồng lòng
(Let's all work together)
Mạc Kính CửuEntrance gate of Rachgia CityProvince as of 22 October 1956.
Hậu GiangNavigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse
(To sail is necessary, to live is not necessary)
Trần Công ChánhHậu River, economy, riceRe-established province as of 1 January 2004.
Trà VinhMiền đất thuận thiên
(The heavenly land)
Sir BổnTemple of President Ho-chi-Minh, riceRe-established province as of 26 December 1991.
Sóc TrăngLương Định CủaKhleang Pagoda, Khmer boat, riceRe-established province as of 26 December 1991.
Bạc LiêuGiấc mơ tình yêu
(Dream of love)
Cao Văn LầuMoon lute, riceRe-established province as of 6 November 1996.
Cà MauVui mừng trong gian khổ
(We rejoice in our sufferings)
Phan Ngọc HiểnBoatProvince as of 9 March 1956.


Coat of arms

See also
