List of SAP products

This presents a partial list of products of the enterprise software company SAP SE.

Major units

Business software

Industry software

  • SAP for Retail
  • SAP for Utilities (ISU)
  • SAP for Public Sector (IS PSCD)
  • SAP for Oil & Gas (IS Oil & Gas)
  • SAP for Media (ISM)
  • SAP for Telecommunications (IST)
  • SAP for Healthcare (ISH)
  • SAP Banking (SAP Banking)
  • SAP for Insurance (SAP for Insurance)
  • SAP Financial Services Network (FSN)
  • SAP Shipping Services Network (SSN)
  • Engineering Construction & Operations (EC&O)
  • SAP IS Airlines & Defense
  • SAP for Discrete Industries and Mill Products (IS DIMP)

Software for small and midsize enterprises

Platforms and frameworks

Legacy platforms

