List of RISC OS bundled applications

A number of RISC OS bundled applications are delivered with purchased versions of the operating system.[1][2] Some are provided in ROM or pre-installed on hard disk or equivalent, with others being supplied on removable media such as SD card.

Such applications vary between versions.

RISC OS bundled applications

Typically bundled with the OS

TitlePurposeFirst inclusion (OS version)Vendor
Access+peer to peer network management applicationV3.60Acorn
Alarmclock, with alarm functionality<=V2Acorn
BlocksTetris cloneAcorn
Calcbasic calculatorV1 (Arthur)Acorn
Charscharacter insertionV1 (Arthur)Acorn
ChangeFSIbitmap graphic conversion and enhancementAcorn
Clockanalogue clockV1 (Arthur)Acorn
CloseUpscreen magnifierAcorn
Configurecustomise computer settingsV1 (Arthur)Acorn
Drawvector graphics editor<=V2Acorn
Edittext editor, support for editing tokenised BASIC programs<=V2Acorn
Flasherlocate the caretAcorn
FontPrintfont conversion (Acorn to Postscript)Acorn
Helpcontext-sensitive helpV1 (Arthur)Acorn
HFormhard disc formatterV1 (Arthur)Acorn
Hoppergame similar to FroggerSimon Foster
Madnessdesktop toyAcorn
Maestrosimple scorewriter, with playback<=V2Acorn
Magnifierscreen magnifierAcorn
MemNowlive memory use displayAcorn
MeteorsAsteroids cloneNeil Raine
MineHuntmine sweeper clonePaul LeBeau
Paintbasic pixel-based drawing<=V2Acorn
Patchapplication compatibility patcherAcorn
Patiencecard game<=V2Acorn
PrintEditprinter definition editorAcorn
Printers[1]printer managerAcorn
Puzzlesliding puzzle<=V2Acorn
ResetBootrestore machine to factory ship stateAcorn
SciCalcscientific calculatorAcorn
ShowScraplocate temporary filesAcorn
SparkFS[2]file compressionDavid Pilling
Squashfile compression<=V3Acorn
T1ToFontfont conversion (Postscript Type 1 to Acorn)Acorn
Usagesystem monitor<=A3010 (on floppy)Ran Mokady
BBC Basic V & VIprogramming languages, with inbuilt assemblerAll versions?Acorn

Bundled with specific hardware, including optional software packs

TitlePurposeFirst inclusion (Machine model)Vendor
BookMaker[2]address book
CDVDBurnLite[1]optical disc burninghubersn Software
Fireworkz[2]office suiteColton
FTPc[1]FTP client
Landerdemo version of the game ZarchAcorn
LanManFS[1]network file system
Mailmanbasic email clientAcorn
Oregano[1]web browserOregan Networks
OmniClient[2]desktop front end to network file system
Update Watcher[1]upgrade managerCastle Technology
PDF[1]Xpdf port (PDF viewer)
Writer[1]cut-down version of EasiWriterIcon Technology
65HostBBC Micro emulatorAcorn
65Tube65C02 second processor emulatorAcorn
1st Word Plusword processorA3010 Learning Curve[3]
Amazing MathseducationA3010 Learning Curve[4]Cambridgeshire Software House
Acorn DTPdesktop publishing[citation needed]A3010 Learning Curve[3]Acorn (with others)
Doris The Dotty DogeducationA3010 Learning Curve[4]Sherston Software
Explore With Flossy The FrogeducationA3010 Learning Curve[4]4Mation
Genesis Pluspresentation programA3010 Learning Curve[3]
A Mouse in HollandeducationA3010 Learning Curve[4]4Mation
PC EmulatorPC emulator, with DR-DOSA3010 Learning Curve[3]
TalkWriteword processorA3010 Learning Curve[4]Icon Technology
Selected games
gamingA3010 Learning Curve[3]
