List of Italian regions by highest point

This is a list of Italian regions by highest point.[1] There are 20 regions, but in one case (Serra Dolcedorme) the highest point is shared between two of them (Basilicata and Calabria[2]), so there are only 19 highest points listed.


The Marmolada, highest point of Veneto
The Corno Grande, highest point of central Italy
Mount Etna, in Sicily (southern Italy)
RegionHighest pointProvinceElevation
Aosta ValleyMonte Bianco[3]none4,810 m
PiemonteGrenzgipfel (Monte Rosa)VB4,618 m
LombardiaPunta Perrucchetti (Bernina massif)SO4,021 m
Trentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolOrtles / OrtlerBZ3,902 m
SicilyEtnaCT3,343 m
VenetoMarmolada[4]BL3,342 m
AbruzzoCorno Grande (Gran Sasso)AQ, TE2,912 m
Friuli-Venezia GiuliaMonte CogliansUD2,780 m
MarcheMonte VettoreAP2,476 m
LazioMonte GorzanoRI2,458 m
UmbriaCima del RedentorePG2,448 m
BasilicataSerra Dolcedorme (Pollino)PZ2,267 m
CalabriaSerra Dolcedorme (Pollino)CS2,267 m
MoliseMonte MetaIS2,242 m
LiguriaMonte SaccarelloIM2,201 m
Emilia-RomagnaMonte CimoneMO2,165 m
TuscanyMonte PradoLU2,054 m
CampaniaLa GallinolaCE1,923 m
SardegnaPunta La Marmora (Gennargentu)NU, OG1,834 m
 ApuliaMonte CornacchiaFG1,152 m


See also