List of grand masters of the Knights Hospitaller

This is a list of grand masters of the Knights Hospitaller, including its continuation as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta after 1798. It also includes unrecognized "anti-grand masters" and lieutenants or stewards during vacancies.

Coat of arms of the Order of Saint John. The personal coat of arms of the Grand Master would be shown alongside the order's coat of arms in 14th to 15th centuries. Beginning in the mid-15th century, the Grand Master would quarter the order's coat of arms with his own.

In lists of the heads of the Order, the title "Grand Master" is often applied retrospectively to the early heads of the Order. The medieval heads of the Order used the title of custos (Guardian) of the hospital. The title magister (Master) is used on coins minted in Rhodes, beginning with Foulques de Villaret. The first to use the title Grandis Magister (Grand Master) was Jean de Lastic (reigned 1437–1454).[1] Later grand masters in Rhodes used Magnus Magister (Grand Master).

In 1607 the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II created the Grand Master a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (Reichsfürst).[2] This grant was renewed by the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II on July 16, 1620.[2][3] On March 20, 1607, Pope Paul V granted the Grand Master the style of His Eminence and precedence at the Court of Rome immediately after the cardinals.[2]

In 1880 the title of Fürst (Prince) was recognised in Austria by the Emperor Franz Joseph I.[4]

On February 2, 1929, the title of Principe (Prince) and the style of Altezza Eminentissima (Most Eminent Highness) were recognised in Italy by King Victor Emmanuel III.[5]

The style currently used by the Grand Master is:

English: Most Eminent Highness,[6]
Italian: Altezza Eminentissima,[7]
French: Altesse Eminentissime,[8]
German: Hoheit und Eminenz,[9]
Spanish: Alteza Eminentísima.[10]

Numbered lists of the heads of the Order were published beginning in the early 17th century, with updated editions appearing throughout the 18th century.[11] The numbering of Masters and Grand Masters published in the 1719 Statutes of the Order lists Blessed Gerard as founder without number, Raymond du Puy as 1st Master, and Ramón Perellós (the incumbent as of 1719) as 63rd Grand Master.[12] The numbering currently used by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta lists Blessed Gerard as 1st Master, Raymond du Puy as 2nd Master, Ramón Perellós y Rocafull as 64th Grand Master, and Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto as 80th Grand Master.[13]

Knights Hospitaller (Kingdom of Jerusalem)

No.TitlePictureNameTime in officeNotes
–/1Founder and Rector of the Hospital Blessed Gerard1099/1113–1118/20Order established in 1099 and given papal recognition by Paschal II in his bull Pie postulatio voluntatis in 1113
1/2Guardian Raymond du Puy1118/21/23–1160Succeeded Gerard after Pierre de Barcelona and Boyant Roger served in ad interim capacity. Began the use of the Hospitallers as a military force in the Holy Land and codified rules of conduct for the Order. Introduced the Order's Great Seal.[14]
2/3Guardian Auger de Balben1160–1162/3
3/4Guardian Arnaud de Compsc. 1162–1163Historicity uncertain. Arnaud de Comps is today considered by some as a master who never existed, his name having appeared in the chronological lists placed at the top of the statutes, but his rank is still maintained in the lists of the Grand Masters.
4/5Guardian Gilbert of Assailly1163–1169Supported Amalric of Jerusalem in the Crusader invasions of Egypt
5/6Guardian Gastone de Murolsc. 1170–1172
6/7Guardian Jobert of Syriac. 1169/72–1177Acted as regent for king Amalric of Jerusalem in 1172. In 1174, opposed Miles of Plancy in favour of Raymond III of Tripoli.
7/8Guardian Roger de Moulins1177–1187Killed at the Battle of Cresson. Commander William Borrel was appointed Grand Master ad interim, and he was killed at the Battle of Hattin, 3 months later.
8/9Provisor Armengol de Aspa1187–1190Grand Master ad interim during the loss of Jerusalem in 1187, headquarters moved to Acre. Included in the canonical list of Grand Masters compiled in the early modern period. After the capture of Acre and the consolidation of the order, Armengol abdicated, and Garnier de Nablus elected as Grand Master.
9/10Guardian Garnier de Nablus1190–1192Supported Richard I of England in the Third Crusade.
10/11Guardian Geoffroy de Donjon1193–1202After his death, succeeded by Pierre de Mirmande as Grand Master ad interim.
11/12Guardian Afonso de Portugal1202–1206Resigned in 1206
12/13Guardian Geoffroy le Rat1206–1207First structured the Order by nationality, or Langues.
13/14Guardian Guérin de Montaigu1207–1228Fifth Crusade.
14/15Guardian Bertrand de Thessy1228–1231Sixth Crusade.
15/16Guardian Guérin Lebrun1231–1236Conflict with Bohemond IV of Antioch.
16/17Guardian Bertrand de Comps1236–1240Barons' Crusade, Headquarters moved to Jerusalem.
17/18Guardian Pierre de Vieille-Brioude1240–1242Battle of Gaza, conflict with the Templars.
18/19Guardian Guillaume de Chateauneuf1242–1258Fall of Jerusalem in 1244, headquarters at Acre, Krak des Chevaliers and Margat. Captured at La Forbie in 1244. Jean de Ronay served as Grand Master ad interim, dying in 1250 at Mansurah. De Chateauneuf was released by the Ayyubids on 17 October 1250.
19/20Guardian Hugues de Revel1258–1277Loss of Krak des Chevaliers in 1271
20/21Guardian Nicolas Lorgne1277–1285Loss of Margat in 1285. Upon his death, Grand Commander Jacques de Taxi served as Grand Master ad interim until his successor Jean de Villiers arrived in the Holy Land.
21/22Guardian Jean de Villiers1285–1294Siege of Acre.
22/23Guardian Odon de Pins1294–1296Headquarters moved to Limisso, Cyprus.
23/24Guardian Guillaume de Villaret1296–1305

Knights of Rhodes

No.TitlePictureNameTime in officeNotes
24/25Master Foulques de Villaret1305–1319Nephew of Guillaume de Villaret. Resigned at request of Pope John XXII, 1319. Died 1327.
Anti-Master Maurice de Pagnac
25/26Master Hélion de Villeneuve1319–1346
26/27Master Dieudonné de Gozon1346–1353
27/28Master Pierre de Corneillan1353–1355
28/29Master Roger de Pins1355–1365
29/30Master Raymond Berengar1365–1374
30/31Master Robert de Juilly (de Juliac)1374–1376
31/32Master Juan Fernández de Heredia1376–1396Appointed by Pope Gregory XI. Later supported Antipope Clement VII. Deposed by Pope Urban VI, 1382. Continued as Anti-Master at Rhodes until his death.
32/33Master Riccardo Caracciolo1383–1395Appointed by Pope Urban VI, 1382.
33/34Master Philibert de Naillac1396–1421
34/35Master Anton Flavian de Ripa1421–1437
35/36Grand Master Jean de Lastic1437–1454Siege of Rhodes (1444); first use of the title "Grand Master" (Grandis Magister)
36/37Grand Master Jacques de Milly1454–1461
37/38Grand Master Piero Raimondo Zacosta1461–1467
38/39Grand Master Giovanni Battista Orsini1467–1476
39/40Grand Master Pierre d'Aubusson1476–1503Siege of Rhodes (1480)
40/41Grand Master Emery d'Amboise1503–1512
41/42Grand Master Guy de Blanchefort1512–1513
42/43Grand Master Fabrizio del Carretto1513–1521
43/44Grand Master Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam1521–1534Siege of Rhodes (1522), headquarters moved to Malta in 1530

Knights of Malta

No.TitlePictureNameTime in officeNotes
43/44Grand Master Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam1521–1534Headquarters moved from Rhodes in 1530
44/45Grand Master Piero de Ponte1534–1535
45/46Grand Master Didier de Saint-Jaille1535–1536
46/47Grand Master Juan de Homedes1536–1553Malta was attacked by an Ottoman fleet in 1551. The attack was repelled, but the Ottomans captured the island of Gozo, and later also the order's stronghold in Tripoli. De Homedes began a program to improve the fortifications at Malta.
47/48Grand Master Claude de la Sengle1553–1557Continued the improvement of fortifications, expanding Fort Saint Michael into a major bastion and completing Fort Saint Elmo.
48/49Grand Master Jean Parisot de Valette1557–1568Valette became the Order's most illustrious leader, commanding the resistance against the Ottomans at the Great Siege of Malta in 1565.
49/50Grand Master Pierre de Monte1568–1572Continued the construction of the new capital Valletta. Strengthened the order's fleet, and participated in the Battle of Lepanto of 7 October 1571.
50/51Grand Master Jean de la Cassière1572–1581Crisis in the wake of the Protestant Reformation. Expulsion of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg) in 1581.
Lieutenant Mathurin Romegas1577–1581
Anti-Grand Master Mathurin Romegas1581
51/52Grand Master Hugues Loubenx de Verdalle1581–1595
52/53Grand Master Martín Garzés1595–1601
53/54Prince and Grand Master Alof de Wignacourt1601–1622Constructed the Wignacourt towers and the Wignacourt Aqueduct. Repelled the last serious Ottoman attempt at capturing Malta in 1614.
54/55Prince and Grand Master Luís Mendes de Vasconcellos1622–1623
55/56Prince and Grand Master Antoine de Paule1623–1636
56/57Prince and Grand Master Giovanni Paolo Lascaris1636–1657Caribbean possessions
57/58Prince and Grand Master Martin de Redin1657–1660
58/59Prince and Grand Master Annet de Clermont-Gessant1660Died less than four months after his election, on 2 June 1660.
59/60Prince and Grand Master Rafael Cotoner1660–1663Commissioned the Italian Baroque artist Mattia Preti to start painting Saint John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta.
60/61Prince and Grand Master Nicolás Cotoner1663–1680Siege of Candia + Mattia Preti's work at St John's Co-Cathedral completed.
61/62Prince and Grand Master Gregorio Carafa1680–1690Renovation of Auberge d'Italie in the Baroque style, improvement of Fort Saint Angelo and Fort Saint Elmo. Ottoman attacks were still expected, but there were no longer any notable engagements.
62/63Prince and Grand Master Adrien de Wignacourt1690–1697Instituted a widows pension for the widows of those fallen in the Ottoman wars.
63/64Prince and Grand Master Ramón Perellós1697–1720Organised the Consulato del Mare (Consulate of the Sea). Established relations with imperial Russia. Fought corruption within the Order. Engagement against Ottoman pirates.
64/65Prince and Grand Master Marc'Antonio Zondadari1720–1722
65/66Prince and Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena1722–1736Restored the city Mdina, constructed Fort Manoel and significantly improved the fortifications of Malta in general. Built Casa Leoni and Palazzo Parisio, and renovated Verdala Palace. Manoel Theatre (1731). Conducted peace negotiations with the Ottomans, without result. Declared neutrality in the War of the Polish Succession.
66/67Prince and Grand Master Ramón Despuig1736–1741Improved the fortifications of Mdina, modernised legislation, renovated the Co-Cathedral of St. John. Naval engagements with Ottoman Algeria.
67/68Prince and Grand Master Manuel Pinto da Fonseca1741–1773Expelled the Jesuits from Malta. In 1753 proclaimed the sovereignty of the Order on Malta and a dispute started with the Kingdom of Sicily under King Charles V. Normal relations were resumed the next year, with the Order retaining de facto control over Malta as a sovereign state.[15]
68/69Prince and Grand Master Francisco Ximénez de Tejada1773–1775Rising of the Priests (1775), bankruptcy of the order.
69/70Prince and Grand Master Emmanuel de Rohan-Polduc1775–1797Instituted the Anglo-Bavarian langue and the Russian Grand Priory.
70/71Prince and Grand Master Ferdinand von Hompesch
zu Bolheim
1797–1799First German elected to the office. Abdicated 6 July 1799 following the French invasion of Malta.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Prince and Grand Master of Sovereign Military Order of Malta
John T. Dunlap
Prince and Grand Master

since 13 June 2022 (2022-06-13)
StyleHis Most Eminent Highness
First monarchBlessed Gerard
No.TitlePictureNameTime in officeNotes
72[16]Grand Master de facto Paul I of Russia1798–1801Elected by the Priory of St. Petersburg in September 1798 (before the abdication of von Hompesch). Election not confirmed by Pope Pius VII.
Nikolai Saltykov1801–1803De facto Lieutenant in Saint Petersburg.
73[16]Prince and Grand Master Giovanni Battista Tommasi1803–1805Appointed by Pope Pius VII. Residence in Messina and Catania.
Lieutenant Innico Maria Guevara-Suardo1805–1814Headquarters in Catania.
Lieutenant Andrea Di Giovanni y Centellés1814–1821Headquarters in Catania.
Lieutenant Antoine Busca1821–1834Headquarters in Ferrara.
Lieutenant Carlo Candida1834–1845Headquarters moved to Palazzo Malta, Rome.
Lieutenant Filippo di Colloredo-Mels1845–1864
Lieutenant Alessandro Borgia1865–1871
Lieutenant Giovanni Battista Ceschi
a Santa Croce
74[16]Prince and Grand Master Giovanni Battista Ceschi
a Santa Croce
1879–1905Restoration of the office of Grand Master after a 75-year interregnum, confirmed by Pope Leo XIII.
75[16]Prince and Grand Master Galeas von Thun und
76[16]Prince and Grand Master Ludovico Chigi Albani
della Rovere
Lieutenant Antonio Hercolani Fava
Lieutenant Ernesto Paternò Castello
di Carcaci
1955–1962Constitutional Charter approved by Apostolic Letter of Pope John XXIII, June 24, 1961.
77[16]Prince and Grand Master Angelo de Mojana di Cologna1962–1988
Lieutenant ad interim Jean Charles Pallavicini1988
78[16]Prince and Grand Master Andrew Bertie1988–2008Constitutional Charter and Code revised by the Extraordinary Chapter General 28-30 April 1997.[17]
Lieutenant ad interim Giacomo dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto2008
79[16]Prince and Grand Master Matthew Festing2008–2017First Grand Master elected under the new constitution of 1997. Resigned in 2017.[18]
Lieutenant ad interim Ludwig Hoffmann-Rumerstein2017
Lieutenant of the Grand Master Giacomo dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto2017–2018
80[16]Prince and Grand Master Giacomo dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto2018–2020
Lieutenant ad interim Ruy Gonçalo do Valle Peixoto de Villas Boas2020
Lieutenant of the Grand Master Marco Luzzago2020–2022
Lieutenant ad interim Ruy Gonçalo do Valle Peixoto de Villas Boas2022
Lieutenant of the Grand MasterJohn T. Dunlap2022–2023Appointed by Pope Francis.
81[16]Prince and Grand Master John T. Dunlap2023–presentFirst Grand Master following the 2022 revision of the Order's constitution.[19][20]

See also
