List of European Commission portfolios

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A portfolio in the European Commission is an area of responsibility assigned to a European Commissioner, usually connected to one or several Directorates-General (DGs).



The Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development is in charge of rural issues including most notably the controversial Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which represents 44% of the EU budget. The post used to be combined with Fisheries in the Jenkins and Thorn Commissions. The related DG is the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Sicco Mansholt  Netherlands1958–1972Hallstein Commission I & II, Rey Commission, Malfatti CommissionAgriculture (vice-president)
2Carlo Scarascia-Mugnozza  Italy1972–1973Mansholt CommissionAgriculture
3Pierre Lardinois  Netherlands1973–1977Ortoli CommissionAgriculture
4Finn Olav Gundelach  Denmark1977–1981Jenkins CommissionAgriculture-Fisheries (vice-president)
1981–1985Thorn CommissionAgriculture
5Poul Dalsager  DenmarkAgriculture
6Frans Andriessen  Netherlands1985–1989Delors Commission IAgriculture and Rural Development (vice-president)
7Ray MacSharry  Ireland1989–1992Delors Commission IIAgriculture and Rural Development
8René Steichen  Luxembourg1992–1995Delors Commission III
9Franz Fischler  Austria1995–1999Santer Commission
1999–2004Prodi CommissionAgriculture and Fisheries
10Sandra Kalniete  Latvia2004
11Mariann Fischer Boel  Denmark2004–2010Barroso Commission IAgriculture and Rural Development
12Dacian Cioloş  Romania2010–2014Barroso Commission II
13Phil Hogan  Ireland2014–2019Juncker Commission
14Janusz Wojciechowski  Poland2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionAgriculture

Climate Action

The post of Commissioner for Climate Action was created in February 2010, being split from the environmental portfolio to focus on fighting climate change. The first Commissioner to take the post was Connie Hedegaard who headed the Directorate-General for Climate Action.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Connie Hedegaard  Denmark2010–2014Barroso Commission IIClimate Action
2Miguel Arias Cañete  Spain2014–2019Juncker CommissionClimate Action and Energy
3Frans Timmermans  Netherlands2019–2023Von der Leyen CommissionClimate Action
4Maroš Šefčovič (acting)  Slovakia2023Von der Leyen CommissionClimate Action
5Wopke Hoekstra  Netherlands2023–presentVon der Leyen CommissionClimate Action


The Commissioner for Competition is the member responsible for commercial competition, company mergers, cartels, state aid, and anti-trust law. The position became the sole merger authority for the European Economic Area in September 1990. The Competition Commissioner is one of the most powerful positions in the commission and is notable in affecting global companies.[1] For example, the commissioner has been pursued a number of high-profile cases against anticompetitive behaviour; such as the case against the merger of SonyBMG, against Apple Inc. regarding iTunes,[2] the ongoing case against Microsoft and in particular the GE-Honeywell merger attempt in 2001.[3] In 2007, Neelie Kroes (then Competition Commissioner) was the only Commissioner to make Forbes Magazine's List of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women; she held position 59.[4]

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Hans von der Groeben  West Germany1958–1967Hallstein Commission I & IICompetition
2Maan Sassen  Netherlands1967–1971Rey Commission
3Albert Borschette  Luxembourg1970–1973Malfatti Commission, Mansholt CommissionCompetition and Regional Policy
1973–1977Ortoli CommissionCompetition
4Raymond Vouel  Luxembourg1976–1981Jenkins Commission
5Frans Andriessen  Netherlands1981–1985Thorn CommissionParliamentary Relations and Competition
6Peter Sutherland  Ireland1985–1989Delors Commission ICompetition, social affairs and education
7Sir Leon Brittan  United Kingdom1989–1992Delors Commission IICompetition and financial institutions (vice-president)
8Karel Van Miert  Belgium1993–1999Delors Commission III, Santer CommissionCompetition (vice-president)
9Mario Monti  Italy1999–2004Prodi CommissionCompetition
10Neelie Kroes  Netherlands2004–2010Barroso Commission I
11Joaquín Almunia  Spain2010–2014Barroso Commission IICompetition (vice-president)
12Margrethe Vestager  Denmark2014 onwardsJuncker Commission, Von der Leyen CommissionCompetition


The Commissioner for Development deals with promoting sustainable development in deprived regions (such as ACP countries and the EU's OCTs). It used to include humanitarian aid. The related DG is Directorate-General for International Partnerships

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Robert Lemaignen  France1958–1962Hallstein Commission IOverseas Development
2Henri Rochereau  France1962–1967Hallstein Commission II
1967–1970Rey CommissionDevelopment Assistance
3Jean-François Deniau  France1967–1970Rey CommissionForeign Trade, Enlargement and Assistance to developing countries
1970–1972Malfatti CommissionExternal Relations and Development Aid
1972–1973Mansholt CommissionForeign Affairs and Development Aid
1973Ortoli CommissionDevelopment cooperation
4Claude Cheysson  France1973–1981Ortoli Commission, Jenkins CommissionDevelopment
1981Thorn Commission
5Edgard Pisani  France1981–1984
6Lorenzo Natali  Italy1985–1989Delors Commission ICooperation, development affairs and enlargement (vice-president)
7Filippo Maria Pandolfi  Italy1989–1993Delors Commission IIScience, research, development, telecommunications and innovation (vice-president)
7Manuel Marin  Spain1989–1992Cooperation, development and fisheries (vice-president)
1993–1994Delors Commission IIICooperation, development and humanitarian aid (vice-president)
8João de Deus Pinheiro  Portugal1995–1999Santer CommissionRelations with African, Caribbean, Pacific Countries, South Africa and the Lomé Convention
9Poul Nielson  Denmark1999–2004Prodi CommissionDevelopment and Humanitarian Aid
10Joe Borg  Malta2004
11Benita Ferrero-Waldner  Austria2004–2010Barroso Commission IExternal Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy
12Louis Michel  Belgium2004–2009Development and Humanitarian Aid
13Karel De Gucht  Belgium2009–2010
14Andris Piebalgs  Latvia2010–2014Barroso Commission IIDevelopment
15Neven Mimica  Croatia2014–2019Juncker CommissionInternational Cooperation and Development
16Jutta Urpilainen  Finland2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionInternational Partnerhips


The Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, previously the Commissioner for Information Society and Media, is responsible media and information issues such as telecoms and ICT.

2004–2010 Commissioner, Viviane Reding, found a relatively popular policy in seeking to lower roaming charges of mobile phones when travelling within the EU, stating: "For years, mobile roaming charges have remained unjustifiably high. We are therefore tackling one of the last borders within Europe's internal market".[5] Her legislation to cap roaming charges was approved by the Parliament in April 2007[6] On 7 April 2006 the commission launched the new ".eu" TLD for websites for EU companies and citizens wishing to have a non-national European internet address. This has proved popular with 2.5 being registered by April 2007. It is now the seventh most popular TLD worldwide, and third in Europe (after .de and .uk)[7]

In the previous Commission information society was linked with Enterprise (now linked with Industry).

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Fritz Hellwig  Germany1967–1970Rey CommissionResearch and Technology, Distribution of Information and Joint Research Centre (vice-president)
2Lorenzo Natali  Italy1981–1985Thorn CommissionMediterranean Policy, Enlargement and Information (vice-president)
3Karl-Heinz Narjes  Germany1985–1988Delors Commission IIndustry, information technology and science and research (vice-president)
4Carlo Ripa di Meana  ItalyInstitutional reforms, information policy, culture and tourism
5Filippo Maria Pandolfi  Italy1989–1993Delors Commission IIScience, research, development, telecommunications and innovation (vice-president)
6Martin Bangemann  Germany1993–1994Delors Commission IIIInternal market, industrial affairs and ICT (vice-president)
7Antonio Ruberti  ItalyScience, research, technological development and education (vice-president)
(6)Martin Bangemann  Germany1995–1999Santer CommissionIndustrial affairs, Information and Telecommunications Technologies
8Marcelino Oreja  SpainRelations with the European Parliament, Culture, Audiovisual Policy
9Erkki Liikanen  Finland1999–2004Prodi CommissionEnterprise and Information Society
10Olli Rehn  Finland2004
11Ján Figeľ  Slovakia2004
12Viviane Reding  Luxembourg2004–2010Barroso Commission IInformation Society and Media
13Neelie Kroes  Netherlands2010–2014Barroso Commission IIDigital Agenda (vice-president)
14Andrus Ansip  Estonia2014–2019Juncker CommissionDigital Single Market (vice-president)
15Maroš Šefčovič  Slovakia2019
16Margrethe Vestager  Denmark2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionEurope Fit for Digital Age (Executive Vice-President)

Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs

The Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs is responsible for the EU's economic affairs including the euro. In the Juncker Commission, the post also acquired responsibility for taxation and anti-fraud protection.

There have been calls for a strengthened economic portfolio with Ségolène Royal suggesting that there should be an economic government for the eurozone[8] and at the start of the first Barroso Commission Germany suggested an economic "super-commissioner"[9] – which could see a change in this position. That idea, however, was dropped but the Enterprise and Industry Commissioner was strengthened in response.[10]

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Robert Marjolin  France1958–1967Hallstein Commission I & IIEconomics and Finance (vice-president)
2Raymond Barre  France1967–1970Rey CommissionEconomic and Finance, Statistical Office (vice-president)
1970–1972Malfatti Commission, Mansholt CommissionEconomic & Financial Affairs
3Wilhelm Haferkamp  West Germany1973–1977Ortoli CommissionEconomic and Finance, Credit and Investments (vice-president)
3Henri François Simonet  BelgiumTaxation, Energy (vice-president)
3Finn Olav Gundelach  DenmarkInternal Market, Customs Union
4Richard Burke  Ireland1977–1981Jenkins CommissionTaxation, Consumer Affairs, Transport
4Étienne Davignon  BelgiumInternal Market, Customs Union, Industrial Affairs
4François-Xavier Ortoli  France1977–1985Economic and Financial Credit and Investments (vice-president)
Thorn CommissionEconomic and Financial Credit and Investments (vice-president)
5Christopher Tugendhat  United Kingdom1981–1985Budget and Financial Control, Financial Institutions and Taxation (vice-president)
5Karl-Heinz Narjes  GermanyInternal Market, Industrial Innovation, Customs Union, the Environment, Consumer Protection and Nuclear Safety
5Lord Cockfield  United Kingdom1985–1989Delors Commission IInternal market, tax law and customs (vice-president)
6Henning Christophersen  DenmarkBudget, financial control, personnel and administration (vice-president)
1989–1992Delors Commission IIEconomic & financial affairs and coordination of structural funds (vice-president)
7Christiane Scrivener  FranceTaxation and customs union
(6)Henning Christophersen  Denmark1992–1994Delors Commission IIIEconomic and Financial Affairs (vice-president)
(7)Christiane Scrivener  FranceTaxation, customs union and consumer policies
8Yves-Thibault de Silguy  France1995–1999Santer CommissionEconomic and Financial Affairs
8Mario Monti  ItalyInternal Market, Services Customs and Taxation
9Pedro Solbes  Spain1999–2004Prodi CommissionEconomic and Monetary Affairs
10Joaquín Almunia  Spain2004
11Siim Kallas  Estonia2004
12Joaquín Almunia  Spain2004–2010Barroso Commission IEconomic and Financial Affairs
12László Kovács  HungaryTaxation and Customs Union
13Olli Rehn  Finland2010–2014Barroso Commission IIEconomic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro (vice-president)
14Jyrki Katainen  Finland2014
15Algirdas Šemeta  Lithuania2010–2014Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud
16Pierre Moscovici  France2014–2019Juncker CommissionEconomic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs
17Paolo Gentiloni  Italy2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionEconomy
17Valdis Dombrovskis  Latvia2019 OnwardsEconomy that Works for People (Executive Vice-President)

Education, Culture, Sport and Youth

The Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth is responsible for policies in education and training, youth, sport, civil society, culture, translation, interpretation and relations with the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

The post was enlarged since the Prodi Commission with the addition of training and multilingualism (The Directorate-General is still just Directorate-General for Education and Culture). When Romania joined the EU in 2007, multilingualism was handed over to the new Romanian commissioner. In its place the portfolio included youth, sport and civil society. Multilingualism was reintroduced in 2010 under Barroso's second Commission.

The commission has become increasingly active in education. The ERASMUS programme, which was established in 1987, is a student exchange programme promoting mobility of students between European universities. The Bologna process aims to create a European Higher Education Area where academic qualifications can be recognised across Europe. The European Institute of Technology is a proposed research university.

The previous portfolio to the current was Culture, merged with Audiovisual policy and EP relations.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Carlo Ripa di Meana  Italy1985–1989Delors Commission IInstitutional reforms, information policy, culture and tourism
2Jean Dondelinger  Luxembourg1989–1992Delors Commission IIAudiovisual and cultural affairs
3Antonio Ruberti  Italy1993–1994Delors Commission IIIScience, research, technological development and education (vice-president)
3João de Deus Pinheiro  PortugalRelations with Parliament, culture and audiovisual
4Marcelino Oreja  Spain1995–1999Santer CommissionRelations with the European Parliament, Culture, Audiovisual Policy
5Viviane Reding  Luxembourg1999–2004Prodi CommissionEducation and Culture
6Dalia Grybauskaitė  Lithuania2004
7Ján Figeľ  Slovakia2004–2009Barroso Commission IEducation, Training and Culture
8Maroš Šefčovič  Slovakia2009–2010
7Leonard Orban  Romania2004–2010Multilingualism
8Androulla Vassiliou  Cyprus2010–2014Barroso Commission IIEducation, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
9Tibor Navracsics  Hungary2014–2019Juncker CommissionEducation, Culture, Youth and Sport
10Mariya Gabriel  Bulgaria2019–2023[11]Von der Leyen CommissionInnovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
11Iliana Ivanova  Bulgaria(designated)[12]Von der Leyen CommissionInnovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

Employment and Social Affairs

The Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion is responsible for matters including those relating to employment, discrimination and social affairs such as welfare. The post has had various alterations; under the first Barroso Commission it was known as Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Lionello Levi Sandri  Italy1967–1972Rey Commission
2Albert Coppé  Belgium1972–1973Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
3Patrick Hillery  Ireland1973–1977Ortoli Commission
4Henk Vredeling  Netherlands1977–1981Jenkins CommissionEmployment and Social Affairs (vice-president)
5Ivor Richard  United Kingdom1981–1985Thorn CommissionEmployment and Social Affairs
6Alois Pfeiffer  West Germany1985–1987Delors Commission IEconomic affairs and employment
7Peter Schmidhuber  West Germany1987–1989
8Peter Sutherland  Ireland1985–1989Competition, social affairs and education
9Manuel Marin  Spain1986–1989Competition, social affairs and education (vice-president)
10Vasso Papandreou  Greece1989–1992Delors Commission IIEmployment, industrial relations and social affairs
11Pádraig Flynn  Ireland1993–1995Delors Commission IIISocial affairs and employment
1994–1999Santer CommissionEmployment and Social Affairs and relations with the EESC
13Anna Diamantopoulou  Greece1999–2004Prodi CommissionEmployment and Social Affairs
14Stavros Dimas  Greece2004
14Vladimír Špidla  Czech Republic2004–2010Barroso Commission IEmployment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
15László Andor  Hungary2010–2014Barroso Commission IIEmployment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
16Marianne Thyssen  Belgium2014–2019Juncker CommissionEmployment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
17Nicolas Schmit  Luxembourg2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionJobs and Social Rights


The Commissioner holds responsibility for the European Union's energy policy as well as nuclear issues (Euratom). The Directorate-General for this portfolio is shared with the Commissioner for Transport as the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.

The EU is an active supporter of the Kyoto Protocol, which it signed alongside its member-states. In March 2007 the Union committed itself to cut CO2 emissions by 20 percent by 2020.EU agrees on carbon dioxide cuts There is also a desire to reduce dependency on Russian energy supplies following the disputes between Russia and Belarus and Ukraine.[13] In April 2007 five southern European countries signed a deal to build an oil pipeline from the Black Sea to Italy which will help diversify energy sources.[1]

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
1Wilhelm Haferkamp  West Germany1967–1973Rey Commission, Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
2Henri François Simonet  Belgium1973–1977Ortoli Commission
3Guido Brunner  West Germany1977–1981Jenkins CommissionEnergy, Research, Science
4Étienne Davignon  Belgium1981–1985Thorn CommissionIndustrial Affairs, Energy, Research and Science (vice-president)
5Nicolas Mosar  Luxembourg1985–1989Delors Commission IEnergy & Euratom
6Antonio Cardoso e Cunha  Portugal1989–1993Delors Commission IIEnergy, Euratom, small businesses; staff and translation
7Marcelino Oreja  Spain1993–1994Delors Commission IIITransport and energy
8Abel Matutes  Spain1994–1995
9Christos Papoutsis  Greece1995–1999Santer CommissionEnergy, Euratom Supply Agency, SMEs and Tourism
10Loyola de Palacio  Spain1999–2004Prodi CommissionInter-Institutional Relations and Administration, Transport and Energy (vice-president)
11Andris Piebalgs  Latvia2004–2010Barroso Commission IEnergy
12Günther Oettinger  Germany2010–2014Barroso Commission IIEnergy (vice-president)
13Miguel Arias Cañete  Spain2014–2019Juncker CommissionClimate Action and Energy
14Maroš Šefčovič  SlovakiaEnergy Union (vice-president)
15Kadri Simson  Estonia2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionEnergy

Enlargement, European Neighbourhood Policy and External Relations

The Commissioner for Enlargement and the European Neighbourhood Policy is concerned with foreign policy towards the EU's nearest neighbours. The enlargement portfolio began to be created out of the regionalised foreign policy posts. In particular the Santer Commission post for relations with central and eastern Europe as those countries began applying to join. The Neighbourhood Policy element was created in 2004 as part of the External Relations portfolio. When that portfolio was absorbed by the High Representative in 2009, Neighbourhood Policy was transferred to Trade and then to Enlargement in 2010 under the Second Barroso Commission.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Lorenzo Natali  Italy1977–1981Jenkins CommissionEnlargement, Environment, Nuclear Safety
Wilhelm Haferkamp  GermanyExternal Relations (vice-president)
1981–1985Thorn Commission
Lorenzo Natali  ItalyMediterranean Policy, Enlargement and Information (vice-president)
1985–1989Delors Commission ICooperation, development affairs and enlargement (vice-president)
Claude Cheysson  FranceMediterranean policy and north–south relations
Willy De Clercq  BelgiumExternal relations and trade policy
Frans Andriessen  Netherlands1989–1992Delors Commission IIExternal relations and trade policy (vice-president)
Abel Matutes  Spain1989–1992Mediterranean and Latin American policy
Hans van den Broek  Netherlands1993–1994Delors Commission IIIExternal relations and enlargement
Leon Brittan  United Kingdom1995–1999Santer CommissionCommercial Policy and External Relations (vice-president)
Manuel Marin  SpainExternal Relations (vice-president)
João de Deus Pinheiro  PortugalRelations with African, Caribbean, Pacific Countries
Hans van den Broek  NetherlandsRelations with central and eastern Europe, CFSP and the External Service, South Africa and the Lomé Convention
Chris Patten  United Kingdom1999–2004Prodi CommissionExternal Relations
Günter Verheugen  GermanyEnlargement
Janez Potočnik  Slovenia2004
Olli Rehn  Finland2004–2010Barroso Commission I
Benita Ferrero-Waldner  AustriaExternal Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy
Štefan Füle  Czech Republic2010–2014Barroso Commission IIEnlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy
Johannes Hahn  Austria2014–2019Juncker CommissionEuropean Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations
Olivér Várhelyi  Hungary2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionNeighbourhood and Enlargement


The Commissioner for the Environment is responsible for protection of the European Union's environment. Specific actions relating to climate change are under the responsibility of the Climate Action commissioner as of 2010.

The EU has made a number of environmental moves, partially in regards to climate change. Most notably it signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1998, set up its Emission Trading Scheme in 2005 and is agreeing to unilaterally cut its emissions by 20% by 2020. (See: Energy policy of the European Union). Other policies include; the Natura 2000 a widespread and successful network of nature conservation sites, the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) directive requiring safety testing on widely used chemicals and the Water Framework Directive ensuring water quality reaches higher standards.

For more, see European Climate Change Programme, European Union Emission Trading Scheme, Renewable energy in the European Union and the Directorate-General for the Environment.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Lorenzo Natali  Italy1977–1981Jenkins CommissionEnlargement, Environment, Nuclear Safety
Karl-Heinz Narjes  Germany1981–1985Thorn CommissionInternal Market, Industrial Innovation, Customs Union, the Environment, Consumer Protection and Nuclear Safety
Stanley Clinton Davis  United Kingdom1985–1989Delors Commission IEnvironment, consumer protection and transport
Carlo Ripa di Meana  Italy1989–1993Delors Commission IIEnvironment, nuclear safety and civil protection
Ioannis Paleokrassas  Greece1993–1995Delors Commission IIIEnvironment, fisheries
Ritt Bjerregaard  Denmark1995–1999Santer CommissionEnvironment and nuclear security
Margot Wallström  Sweden1999–2004Prodi CommissionEnvironment
Stavros Dimas  Greece2004–2010Barroso Commission I
Janez Potočnik  Slovenia2010–2014Barroso Commission II
Karmenu Vella  Malta2014–2019Juncker CommissionEnvironment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Virginijus Sinkevičius  Lithuania2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionEnvironment, Oceans and Fisheries

Budget and Human Resources

The Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources is primarily responsible for the management of the budget of the European Union and related financial issues except for budgetary discharge which falls under the Commissioner for administration commissioner. Previously simply for the budget, the position expanded under the Prodi Commission to include financial programming. The related DG is the Directorate-General for Budget.

Under Commissioner Grybauskaitė, Commissioner's 121.6 billion euro 2008 budget proposed that for the first time funding for sustainable growth (€57.2 billion) would be higher than that of the Common Agricultural Policy (€56.3 billion), traditionally the largest source of expenditure in the EU. There would be an increase in cohesion funds, energy and transport of 14%, research by 11% and lifelong learning by 9%. There would also be an increase in the administrative budget, aid to Kosovo and Palestinian institutions and funds towards the Galileo project. Group of EU states wary of 2008 budget plan

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Albert Coppé  Belgium1967–1973Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
Wilhelm Haferkamp  Germany1973–1977Ortoli Commission
Christopher Tugendhat  United Kingdom1977–1981Jenkins CommissionBudget and Financial Control, Financial Institutions
1981–1985Thorn CommissionBudget and Financial Control, Financial Institutions and Taxation (vice-president)
Michael O'Kennedy  Ireland1981–1982Personnel and Administration
Richard Burke  Ireland1982–1985
Henning Christophersen  Denmark1985–1989Delors Commission IBudget, financial control, personnel and administration
Antonio Cardoso e Cunha  Portugal1989–1993Delors Commission IIEnergy, Euratom, small businesses; staff and translation
Peter Schmidhuber  GermanyBudget
1993–1995Delors Commission IIIBudget, financial control and the cohesion fund
Erkki Liikanen  Finland1995–1999Santer CommissionBudget, Personnel and Administration
Michaele Schreyer  Germany1999–2004Prodi CommissionBudget
Marcos Kyprianou  Cyprus2004
Dalia Grybauskaitė  Lithuania2004–2009Barroso Commission IFinancial Programming and the Budget
Algirdas Šemeta  Lithuania2009–2010
Janusz Lewandowski  Poland2010–2014Barroso Commission II
Jacek Dominik  Poland2014
Maroš Šefčovič  Slovakia2010–2014Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration (vice-president)
Kristalina Georgieva  Bulgaria2014–2016Juncker CommissionBudget and Human Resources (vice-president)
Günther Oettinger  Germany2017–2019Budget and Human Resources
Johannes Hahn  Austria2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionBudget and Administration

Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

The Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union is responsible for banking and finance. It was a role created under the Juncker Commission.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortfolio actual name
Christopher Tugendhat  United Kingdom1977–1981Jenkins CommissionBudget and Financial Control, Financial Institutions
1981–1985Thorn CommissionBudget and Financial Control, Financial Institutions and Taxation (vice-president)
Henning Christophersen  Denmark1985–1989Delors Commission IBudget, financial control, personnel and administration
Abel Matutes  Spain1986–1989Credit, investments, financial instruments and small & medium-sized enterprises
Sir Leon Brittan  United Kingdom1989–1992Delors Commission IICompetition and financial institutions (vice-president)
Peter Schmidhuber  Germany1993–1994Delors Commission IIIBudget, financial control and the cohesion fund
Anita Gradin  Sweden1995–1999Santer CommissionImmigration, Justice & Home Affairs, Financial Control, Anti-fraud and Relations with the European Ombudsman.
Jonathan Hill  United Kingdom2014–2016Juncker CommissionFinancial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Valdis Dombrovskis  Latvia2016–2019Juncker CommissionEuro and Social Dialogue and Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (vice-president)
2019–2020Von der Leyen CommissionFinancial Markets
Mairead McGuinness  Ireland2020–presentVon der Leyen CommissionFinancial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

Institutional Reform, Democracy and Demography

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortfolio actual name
Neil Kinnock  United Kingdom1999–2004Prodi CommissionAdministrative reform (vice-president)
Carlo Ripa di Meana  Italy1985–1989Delors Commission IInstitutional reforms, information policy, culture and tourism
Raniero Vanni d'Archirafi  Italy1993–1994Delors Commission IIIInstitutional reform, internal market and enterprise
Dubravka Šuica  CroatianominatedVon der Leyen CommissionDemocracy and Demography (Vice-President)

Health and Consumer Protection

The Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy is responsible for matters of public health, food safety, animal health, welfare and consumer affairs. Between 2007 and 2010 it was split into a Commissioner for Health and a Commissioner for Consumer Protection – in order to give a portfolio for the incoming Bulgarian Commissioner. It was recombined under the second Barroso Commission.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Richard Burke  Ireland1977–1981Jenkins CommissionTaxation, Consumer Affairs, Transport
Karl-Heinz Narjes  Germany1981–1985Thorn CommissionInternal Market, Industrial Innovation, Customs Union, the Environment, Consumer Protection and Nuclear Safety
Stanley Clinton Davis  United Kingdom1985–1989Delors Commission IEnvironment, consumer protection and transport
Grigoris Varfis  Greece1986–1989Relations with the European Parliament, regional policy and consumer protection
Karel Van Miert  Belgium1989–1992Delors Commission IITransport and consumer protection
Christiane Scrivener  France1992–1994Delors Commission IIITaxation, customs union and consumer policies
Emma Bonino  Italy1995–1999Santer CommissionConsumer Policy, Fisheries and ECHO
David Byrne  Ireland1999–2004Prodi CommissionHealth and Consumer Protection
Pavel Telička  Czech Republic2004
Markos Kyprianou  Cyprus2004–2008Barroso Commission IHealth
Androulla Vassiliou  Cyprus2008–2010
Meglena Kuneva  Bulgaria2007–2010Consumer Protection
John Dalli  Malta2010–2012Barroso Commission IIHealth and Consumer Policy
Tonio Borg  Malta2012–2014Health
Neven Mimica  Croatia2013–2014Consumer Protection
Vytenis Andriukaitis  Lithuania2014–2019Juncker CommissionHealth and Food Safety
Věra Jourová  Czech Republic2014–2019Justice and Consumers
Stella Kyriakidou  Cyprus2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionHealth and Food Safety
Didier Reynders  BelgiumnominatedJustice

High Representative

The High Representative became a Commissioner on 1 December 2009, replacing the External Relations Commissioner (see historical below). Although other external relations posts continue to exist, such as trade, the High Representative is the most senior foreign affairs post in the EU.

Home Affairs

The Commissioner for Home Affairs was created in 2010 by dividing the previous Justice, Freedom and Security portfolio into a security orientated post (DG HOME) and a post centred on justice, on individual and fundamental rights (DG JUST). Its DG is the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME).

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortfolio actual name
Anita Gradin  Sweden1995–1999Santer CommissionImmigration, Justice & Home Affairs, Financial Control, Anti-fraud and Relations with the European Ombudsman.
António Vitorino  Portugal1999–2004Prodi CommissionJustice and Home Affairs
Franco Frattini  Italy2004–2008Barroso Commission IJustice, Freedom and Security (vice-president)
Jacques Barrot  France2008–2009
Cecilia Malmström  Sweden2010–2014Barroso Commission IIHome Affairs
Viviane Reding  Luxembourg2010–2014Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship (vice-president)
Martine Reicherts  Luxembourg2014Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship
Dimitris Avramopoulos  Greece2014–2019Juncker CommissionMigration, Home Affairs and Citizenship
Margaritis Schinas  Greece2019–Von der Leyen CommissionPromoting our European Way of Life (vice-president)
Ylva Johansson  Sweden2019–Home Affairs

Industry and Entrepreneurship

The Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry post was enlarged from the Commissioner for Enterprise and Information Society portfolio in the Prodi Commission to include Industry. At the start of the first Barroso Commission, Germany, backed by Britain and France suggested an economic "super-commissioner"[9] to fight for competitiveness. Although rejected, this idea though has been taken on by Verheugen, as the Enterprise and Industry portfolio was enlarged and was made a Vice President.[10]

As Commissioner, he indicates his aim to increase the competitiveness of Europe, there is a separate Commissioner for Competition dealing with competition between companies within Europe. However, with the numerous economic portfolios, there is a degree of overlap which has been a matter of concern for him along with the purported difficulty of firing director-generals. This Commissioner also chairs the Competitiveness Council Commissioners Group and is the vice chair of the Group of Commissioners on the Lisbon Strategy. He is expected to be the European chair of the new Transatlantic Economic Council. The relevant DG is Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Étienne Davignon  Belgium1977–1981Jenkins CommissionInternal Market, Customs Union, Industrial Affairs
1981–1985Thorn CommissionIndustrial Affairs, Energy, Research and Science (vice-president)
Karl-Heinz Narjes  GermanyInternal Market, Industrial Innovation, Customs Union, the Environment, Consumer Protection and Nuclear Safety
Karl-Heinz Narjes  Germany1985–1989Delors Commission IIndustry, information technology and science and research (vice-president)
Abel Matutes  Spain1986–1989Credit, investments, financial instruments and small & medium-sized enterprises
Martin Bangemann  Germany1989–1992Delors Commission IIInternal market and industrial affairs (vice-president)
Antonio Cardoso e Cunha  PortugalEnergy, Euratom, small businesses; staff and translation
Vasso Papandreou  GreeceEmployment, industrial relations and social affairs
Martin Bangemann  Germany1993–1994Delors Commission IIIInternal market, industrial affairs and ICT (vice-president)
Raniero Vanni d'Archirafi  ItalyInstitutional reform, internal market and enterprise
Martin Bangemann  Germany1995–1999Santer CommissionIndustrial affairs, Information & Telecommunications Technologies
Christos Papoutsis  GreeceEnergy, Euratom Supply Agency, SMEs and Tourism
Erkki Liikanen  Finland1999–2004Prodi CommissionEnterprise and Information Society
Olli Rehn  Finland2004
Ján Figeľ  Slovakia2004
Günter Verheugen  Germany2004–2010Barroso Commission IEnterprise and Industry (vice-president)
Antonio Tajani  Italy2010–2014Barroso Commission IIIndustry and Entrepreneurship (vice-president)
Ferdinando Nelli Feroci  Italy2014Industry and Entrepreneurship
Elżbieta Bieńkowska  Poland2014–2019Juncker CommissionInternal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Thierry Breton  France2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionInternal Market

Internal Market

The Commissioner for Internal Market and Services concerned the development of the 480-million-strong European single market, promoting free movement of people, goods, services and capital. The related DG is Directorate-General for Internal Market and Services and it is also related to the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market.

Commissioner Frits Bolkestein (Netherlands) served in the Prodi Commission between 1999 and 2004. In addition to holding the Internal Market portfolio he also held Taxation and Customs Union. Bolkestein is most notable for the Directive on services in the internal market, which is commonly called the "Bolkestein Directive". The directive aimed at enabling a company from a one member-state to recruit workers in another member-state under the law of the company's home state. It was to help the development of the internal market for services, the development of which has lagged behind that for goods. However, there was a great deal of concern about its effect on social standards and welfare, triggering competition between various parts of Europe. This led to significant protests across Europe against the directive including a notable protest at the European Parliament in Strasbourg by port workers which led to damage to the building. MEPs eventually reached a compromise on the text and the Parliament adopted it on 12 December 2006; 2 years after Bolkestein left office, under the Barroso Commission.

The portfolio was merged in 2014 with the one for Industry and Entrepreneurship.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Piero Malvestiti  Italy1958–1959Hallstein Commission I
Giuseppe Caron  Italy1959–1963Hallstein Commission I & II
Guido Colonna di Paliano  Italy1964–1967Hallstein Commission II
Hans von der Groeben  West Germany1967–1970Rey Commission
Wilhelm Haferkamp  West Germany1970–1973Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
Finn Olav Gundelach  Denmark1973–1977Ortoli Commission
Étienne Davignon  Belgium1977–1981Jenkins CommissionInternal Market, Customs Union, Industrial Affairs
Karl-Heinz Narjes  Germany1981–1985Thorn CommissionInternal Market, Industrial Innovation, Customs Union, the Environment, Consumer Protection and Nuclear Safety
Lord Cockfield  United Kingdom1985–1989Delors Commission IInternal market, tax law and customs
Martin Bangemann  Germany1989–1992Delors Commission IIInternal market and industrial affairs (vice-president)
1993–1994Delors Commission IIIInternal market, industrial affairs and ICT (vice-president)
Raniero Vanni d'Archirafi  Italy1993–1994Delors Commission IIIInstitutional reform, internal market and enterprise
Mario Monti  Italy1994–1999Santer CommissionInternal Market, Services, Customs and Taxation
Frits Bolkestein  Netherlands1999–2004Prodi CommissionInternal Market
Charlie McCreevy  Ireland2004–2010Barroso Commission IInternal Market and Services
Michel Barnier  France2010–2014Barroso Commission IIInternal Market and Services (vice-president)
Elżbieta Bieńkowska  Poland2014–2019Juncker CommissionInternal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Thierry Breton  France2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionInternal Market

International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid, Civil Protection and Crisis Management

The Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response was created under the second Barroso Commission in 2010 . It deals in party with dealing with humanitarian disasters and humanitarian aid: the EU is the largest supplier of aid in the world.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Robert Lemaignen  France1958–1962Hallstein Commission
Henri Rochereau  France1962–1970Hallstein Commission, Rey Commission
Jean-François Deniau  France1967–1973Rey Commission, Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
Claude Cheysson  France1973–1981Ortoli Commission, Jenkins Commission, Thorn Commission
Edgard Pisani  France1981–1985Thorn Commission
Lorenzo Natali  Italy1985–1989Delors Commission ICooperation, development affairs and enlargement (vice-president)
Carlo Ripa di Meana  Italy1989–1992Delors Commission IIEnvironment, nuclear safety and civil protection
Manuel Marin  SpainCooperation, development and fisheries (vice-president)
1992–1994Delors Commission IIICooperation, development and humanitarian aid
João de Deus Pinheiro  Portugal1995–1999Santer CommissionRelations with African, Caribbean, Pacific Countries, South Africa and the Lomé Convention
Emma Bonino  Italy1995–1999Consumer Policy, Fisheries and ECHO
Poul Nielson  Denmark1999–2004Prodi CommissionDevelopment and Humanitarian Aid
Joe Borg  Malta2004
Benita Ferrero-Waldner  Austria2004–2010Barroso Commission IExternal Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy
Louis Michel  Belgium2004–2009Development and Humanitarian Aid
Karel De Gucht  Belgium2009–2010
Kristalina Georgieva  Bulgaria2010–2014Barroso Commission IIInternational Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response
Christos Stylianides  Cyprus2014–2019Juncker CommissionHumanitarian Aid and Crisis Management
Janez Lenarčič  Slovenia2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionCrisis Management

Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight

The Vice President of the European Commission for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight is responsible for the administration of the commission, including management of some of the commission's Internal Services; in particular consolidation of administrative reform, personnel and administration, European Schools and security. The Commissioner is also responsible for the following departments; the Directorate-General for Personnel and Administration, the Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlement, the Directorate-General for Informatics, the Office of Infrastructure and Logistics, and relations with the European Personnel Selection Office.[14] The current Vice President is Maroš Šefčovič.

Prior to 2010 it was also responsible for Audit and Anti-Fraud, now merged with taxation, but gain responsibility for relations with the other EU institutions.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Frans Andriessen  Netherlands1981–1985Thorn CommissionParliamentary Relations and Competition
Michael O'Kennedy  Ireland1981–1982Personnel and Administration
Richard Burke  Ireland1982–1985
Henning Christophersen  Denmark1985–1988Delors Commission IBudget, financial control, personnel and administration
Grigoris Varfis  Greece1986–1988Relations with the European Parliament, regional policy and consumer protection
Antonio Cardoso e Cunha  Portugal1989–1993Delors Commission IIEnergy, Euratom, small businesses; staff and translation
João de Deus Pinheiro  Portugal1993–1994Delors Commission IIIRelations with Parliament, culture and audiovisual
Erkki Liikanen  Finland1995–1999Santer CommissionBudget, Personnel and Administration
Marcelino Oreja  SpainRelations with the European Parliament, Culture, Audiovisual Policy
Anita Gradin  SwedenImmigration, Justice & Home Affairs, Financial Control, Anti-fraud and Relations with the European Ombudsman.
Loyola de Palacio  Spain1999–2004Prodi CommissionEuropean Commissioner for Interinstitutional Relations and Administration, Transport and Energy (vice-president)
Margot Wallström  SwedenBarroso Commission IInstitutional Relations and Communication Strategy (First Vice-President)
Siim Kallas  Estonia2004–2009Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-Fraud
Maroš Šefčovič  Slovakia2010–2014Barroso Commission IIInterinstitutional Relations and Administration (vice-president)
Frans Timmermans  Netherlands2014–2019Juncker CommissionBetter Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, Rule of Law and Charter of Fundamental Rights (First Vice-President)
Maroš Šefčovič  Slovakia2019–presentVon der Leyen CommissionInterinstitutional Relations and Foresight (vice-president)

Justice and Gender Equality

The Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship was created in 2010 by dividing the previous Justice, Freedom and Security portfolio into a security orientated post and a justice and fundamental rights orientated post. The portfolio was then renamed into Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality under the Juncker Commission.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Anita Gradin  Sweden1995–1999Santer CommissionImmigration, Justice & Home Affairs, Financial Control, Anti-fraud and Relations with the European Ombudsman.
António Vitorino  Portugal1999–2004Prodi CommissionJustice and Home Affairs
Franco Frattini  Italy2004–2008Barroso Commission IJustice, Freedom and Security (vice-president)
Jacques Barrot  France2008–2009
Viviane Reding  Luxembourg2010–2014Barroso Commission IIJustice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship (vice-president)
Frans Timmermans  Netherlands2014–presentJuncker CommissionBetter Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, Rule of Law and Charter of Fundamental Rights (First Vice-President)
Věra Jourová  Czech Republic2014 onwardsJustice and Consumers
nominatedVon der Leyen CommissionValues and Transparency (Vice-President)
Didier Reynders  BelgiumnominatedJustice
Helena Dalli  MaltanominatedEquality

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

The Maritime affairs and Fisheries Commissioner is responsible for policies such as the Common Fisheries Policy, which is largely a competence of the EU rather than the members. The Union has 66,000 km of coastline[15] and the largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, covering 25 million km2.[16]

On 7 June 2006 the Commission published a green paper for a Maritime Policy and consultation will end in June 2007.[17] The document addresses a number of issues such as sustainable development, protection of the environment, skills and employment, technology and resources, coastal safety and tourism, financial support and heritage.[18] The Commission came under fire in May 2007 for not penalise French fishermen after over-fishing the threatened bluefin tuna by 65% while backing penalties on Irish fishermen for over-fishing mackerel.[19]

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Finn Olav Gundelach  Denmark1977–1981Jenkins CommissionAgriculture-Fisheries (vice-president)
Giorgos Kontogeorgis  Greece1981–1985Thorn CommissionTransport, Fisheries and Tourism
Frans Andriessen  Netherlands1985–1989Delors Commission IAgriculture and fisheries (vice-president)
António Cardoso e Cunha  Portugal1986–1989Fisheries
Manuel Marin  Spain1989–1992Delors Commission IICooperation, development and fisheries (vice-president)
Ioannis Paleokrassas  Greece1993–1995Delors Commission IIIEnvironment, fisheries
Franz Fischler  Austria1999–2004Prodi CommissionAgriculture and Fisheries
Sandra Kalniete  Latvia2004
Joe Borg  Malta2004–2010Barroso Commission IFisheries and Maritime Affairs
Maria Damanaki  Greece2010–2014Barroso Commission IIMaritime Affairs and Fisheries
Karmenu Vella  Malta2014–2019Juncker CommissionEnvironment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Virginijus Sinkevičius  Lithuania2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionEnvironment, Oceans and Fisheries

Regional Policy and Cohesion

The Regional Policy Commissioner, occasional Regional Affairs Commissioner, is responsible for managing the regional policy of the EU which takes up a third of the EU's budget; it includes the European Regional Development Fund, Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds, Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession and the European Social Fund. The related DG is Directorate-General for Regional Policy.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Hans von der Groeben  Germany1967–1970Rey Commission
Albert Borschette  Luxembourg1970–1973Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
George Thomson  United Kingdom1973–1977Ortoli Commission
Antonio Giolitti  Italy1977–1985Jenkins Commission, Thorn CommissionRegional Policy
Grigoris Varfis  Greece1985–1989Delors Commission IRelations with the European Parliament, regional policy and consumer protection
Henning Christophersen  Denmark1985–1989Delors Commission IBudget, financial control, personnel and administration (vice-president)
Bruce Millan  United Kingdom1989–1992Delors Commission IIRegional Policy
1993–1994Delors Commission IIIRegional Policy and Cohesion
Peter Schmidhuber  GermanyBudget, financial control and the cohesion fund
Monika Wulf-Mathies  Germany1994–1999Santer CommissionRegional Policy
Michel Barnier  France1999–2004Prodi Commission
Jacques Barrot  France2004
Péter Balázs  Hungary2004
Danuta Hübner  Poland2004–2009Barroso Commission I
Paweł Samecki  Poland2009–2010
Johannes Hahn  Austria2010–2014Barroso Commission II
Corina Crețu  Romania2014–2019Juncker Commission
Elisa Ferreira  Portugal2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionCohesion and Reforms

Research, Innovation and Science

The name has had several variations: under the first Barroso Commission it was Science and Research, under Prodi it was simply "Research", Santer was "Research, Science and Technology" and under Delors it was combined with others as "Industry, information technology and science and research" and other various names and combinations prior. The related DG is the Directorate-General for Research.

The 2004–2010 Commissioner, Potočnik, aimed to create a European Research Area.[20]

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Fritz Hellwig  West Germany1967–1970Rey Commission
Ralf Dahrendorf  West Germany1973–1977Ortoli Commission
Guido Brunner  West Germany1977–1981Jenkins CommissionEnergy, Research, Science
Étienne Davignon  Belgium1981–1985Thorn CommissionIndustrial Affairs, Energy, Research and Science (vice-president)
Karl-Heinz Narjes  Germany1985–1989Delors Commission IIndustry, information technology and science and research (vice-president)
Filippo Maria Pandolfi  Italy1989–1993Delors Commission IIScience, research, development, telecommunications and innovation
Antonio Ruberti  Italy1993–1995Delors Commission IIIScience, research, technological development and education (vice-president)
Édith Cresson  France1995–1999Santer CommissionResearch, Science and Technology
Philippe Busquin  Belgium1999–2004Prodi CommissionResearch
Louis Michel  Belgium2004
Janez Potočnik  Slovenia2004–2010Barroso Commission IScience and Research
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn  Ireland2010–2014Barroso Commission IIResearch, Innovation and Science
Carlos Moedas  Portugal2014–2019Juncker CommissionResearch, Science and Innovation
Mariya Gabriel  BulgarianominatedVon der Leyen CommissionInnovation and Youth
Maroš Šefčovič  SlovakianominatedInterinstitutional Relations and Foresight (Vice-President)

Defence Union

The Commissioner for Security Union was created in 2016.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Franco Frattini  Italy2004–2008Barroso Commission IJustice, Freedom and Security (vice-president)
Jacques Barrot  France2008–2009
Julian King  United Kingdom2016–2019Juncker CommissionSecurity Union
Margaritis Schinas  Greece2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionProtecting our European Way of Life (vice-president)

Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud

The Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud is responsible for the EU's customs union and taxation policy. The European Union has had a customs union since the creation of the European Economic Community and that union extends to the non-EU members of the European Economic Area and to Turkey, Andorra and San Marino. Since 2010 it gained responsibility for audit (budgetary discharge, internal audit, counter fraud): in particular the Internal Audit Service and the European Anti-fraud Office.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Anita Gradin  Sweden1995–1999Santer CommissionImmigration, Justice & Home Affairs, Financial Control, Anti-fraud and Relations with the European Ombudsman.
Frits Bolkestein  Netherlands1999–2004Prodi CommissionInternal Market
Neil Kinnock  United Kingdom1999–2004Administrative reform
László Kovács  Hungary2004–2009Barroso Commission ITaxation and Customs Union
Siim Kallas  Estonia2004–2010Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-Fraud
Algirdas Šemeta  Lithuania2010–2014Barroso Commission IITaxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud
Pierre Moscovici  France2014–2019Juncker CommissionEconomic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs
Paolo Gentiloni  Italy2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen CommissionEconomy
Didier Reynders  BelgiumnominatedJustice


The Commissioner for Trade is responsible for the EU's external trade policy. Due to the size of the European economy, being the world's largest market and having a huge slice of world trade, this position can be very important in dealing with other world economic powers such as China or the United States. Former Commissioner Leon Brittan commented that "Frankly, it is more important than most [national] cabinet jobs".[21] The Commissioner leads Europe in organisations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO). Concluding WTO talks after the collapse of the Doha Development Round has been a contentious point, with the EU not willing to cut agricultural subsidies without similar action by the United States. The related DG is Directorate-General for Trade.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Willy De Clercq  Belgium1985–1989Delors Commission IExternal relations and trade policy
Frans Andriessen  Netherlands1989–1992Delors Commission IIExternal relations and trade policy (vice-president)
Leon Brittan  United Kingdom1992–1994Delors Commission IIIExternal economic affairs and trade policy (vice-president)
1994–1999Santer CommissionCommercial Policy and External Relations (vice-president)
Pascal Lamy  France1999–2004Prodi CommissionTrade
Danuta Hübner  Poland2004
Peter Mandelson  United Kingdom2004–2008Barroso Commission I
Catherine Ashton  United Kingdom2008–2010
Karel De Gucht  Belgium2010–2014Barroso Commission II
Cecilia Malmström  Sweden2014–2019Juncker Commission
Phil Hogan  Ireland2019–2020Von der Leyen Commission
Valdis Dombrovskis  Latvia2020 Onwards


The portfolio is responsible for the development of transport infrastructure in the EU such as road and rail networks but also navigation systems such as the Galileo positioning system.

NameCountryPeriodCommissionPortoflio actual name
Michel Rasquin  Luxembourg1958Hallstein Commission
Lambert Schaus  Luxembourg1958–1967Hallstein Commission
Victor Bodson  Luxembourg1967–1970Rey Commission
Albert Coppé  Belgium1970–1973Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
Carlo Scarascia-Mugnozza  Italy1973–1977Ortoli Commission
Richard Burke  Ireland1977–1981Jenkins CommissionTaxation, Consumer Affairs, Transport
Giorgos Kontogeorgis  Greece1981–1985Thorn CommissionTransport, Fisheries and Tourism
Stanley Clinton Davis  United Kingdom1985–1989Delors Commission IEnvironment, Consumer Protection and Transport
Karel Van Miert  Belgium1989–1992Delors Commission IITransport and Consumer Protection
Abel Matutes  Spain1993–1994Delors Commission IIITransport and Energy
Marcelino Oreja  Spain1994–1995
Neil Kinnock  United Kingdom1995–1999Santer CommissionTransport, including TEN
Loyola de Palacio  Spain1999–2004Prodi CommissionInter-Institutional Relations and Administration, Transport and Energy (vice-president)
Jacques Barrot  France2004–2008Barroso Commission ITransport
Antonio Tajani  Italy2008–2010Transport (vice-president)
Siim Kallas  Estonia2010–2014Barroso Commission II
Violeta Bulc  Slovenia2014–2019Juncker CommissionTransport
Adina Ioana Vălean  Romania2019 OnwardsVon der Leyen Commission

Historical portfolios

Many portfolios have been combined and split under different president's, below is a few of the previous posts that have since been abolished.

Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-Fraud

The Commissioner for Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-Fraud was in the first Barroso Commission and was responsible for the commission's internal administration and anti-fraud efforts.

Its administrative duties included management of some of the commission's Internal Services; in particular consolidation of administrative reform, personnel and administration, European Schools and security. The Commissioner is also responsible for the following departments; the Directorate-General for Personnel and Administration, the Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlement, the Directorate-General for Informatics, the Office of Infrastructure and Logistics, and relations with the European Personnel Selection Office.[14] Its other responsibilities were for audit (budgetary discharge, internal audit, counter fraud): in particular the Internal Audit Service and the European Anti-fraud Office.

Michael O'Kennedy  Ireland1981–1982Thorn Commission
Richard Burke  Ireland1982–1985Thorn Commission
Henning Christophersen  Denmark1985–1988Delors Commission
Peter Schmidhuber  Germany1988–1994Delors Commission
Erkki Liikanen  Finland1994–1999Santer Commission
Neil Kinnock  United Kingdom1999–2004Prodi Commission (Audit)
Siim Kallas  Estonia2004–2009Barroso Commission

Administrative Reform

A position created for the Prodi Commission in the wake of the Santer Commission corruption scandal.

Agriculture and Fisheries

This position used deal with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). It existed when the CFP was created in the Jenkins until the Thorn Commission when it was split into Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Fisheries and Maritime Affairs.

Communication strategy

The Communication strategy portfolio in the first Barroso Commission existed between 2004 and 2010 combined with Institutional Relations. Under the second Barroso Commission this was dropped as it had no powers and was open to allegations of propaganda.

Consumer Protection

The Commissioner for Consumer Protection was responsible for protecting the rights of consumers vs corporations between 2007 and 2010. The only Commissioner was Meglena Kuneva (ALDE).

This specific portfolio was created in 2007, separated from the Health portfolio. However, it first appeared in the Jenkins Commission as "Consumer Affairs" though the Barroso Commission was the first time it has been an independent portfolio. The independent portfolio was created when Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union on 1 January 2007. It used to be part of the Health and Consumer Protection portfolio which was held by Markos Kyprianou. Unlike the Multilingualism portfolio that was created for Leonard Orban, this post was welcomed due to the large size of the combined portfolio. The Directorate-General is still merged with that office. In 2010 it was recombined with Health in the second Barroso Commission.

External Relations

The Commissioner for External Relations, known as the Commissioner for External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy at its demise dealt with general foreign relations and representation of the Commission abroad. It occasionally took on related responsibilities such as enlargement or neighbourhood policy, though most of the time other separate external relations portfolios existed such as development or trade. Early on external relations were split according to geography between various Commissioners. On 1 December 2009 its responsibilities were merged into the High Representative.

Energy, Euratom Supply Agency, SMEs and Tourism

An expanded version of the Energy portfolio in the Santer Commission, including parts of Industry (SMEs) and Tourism which has only appeared under Santer.


The Commissioner for Health existed between 2007 and 2010 when it was split off from Consumer Protection for the new Bulgarian Commissioner. It was recombined under the succeeding Commission in 2010.

Justice, Freedom and Security

The Justice, Freedom and Security portfolio was roughly on the former third pillar: Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters. The position covers such matters as judicial matters, human rights, equality laws, immigration control, policing and citizenship (see Area of freedom, security and justice). The relevant DG was Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security.

As a concession to the liberals, Barroso split the post in 2010 into the Commissioner for Home Affairs (the security aspect) and the Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship (the human rights aspect).

Previous commissioners:

Anita Gradin  Sweden1995–1999Santer Commission
António Vitorino  Portugal1999–2004Prodi Commission
Franco Frattini  Italy2004–2008Barroso Commission
Jacques Barrot  France2008–2010Barroso Commission


The Commissioner for Multilingualism was responsible for language policy of the European Union, i.e., promoting multilingualism for the citizens and the institutions of the EU. It was created on 1 January 2007 during the Barroso Commission. The only commissioner is Leonard Orban (2007–2010). The post was created on 1 January 2007, in the enlarged Barroso Commission after the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU. Multilingualism had been a responsibility of the European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism (held by Ján Figeľ between 2004 and 2007). Under the second Barroso Commission, the post was re-merged into the education and culture portfolio (held by Androulla Vassiliou).

The new portfolio was criticised for vagueness and ambiguity, it has been claimed that the post overlaps with responsibilities of other Commissioners. The Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament has asked the current president of the Commission José Manuel Barroso to clarify the mandate of Commissioner for Multilingualism[22] and of other members of the commission with regards to the "intercultural dialogue".

European Parliament Socialist Group (PES) leader Martin Schulz suggested a portfolio for the protection of ethnic minorities instead. His party suggested the introduction of the protection of the Roma minority.[23] Barroso turned down the PES proposal and defended the post. He stated that Commissioner for Education, Training and Culture Ján Figeľ "will remain responsible for the management of actions to directly promote the inter-cultural dialogue".[24]

Politically, the portfolio was mainly focused on promoting foreign languages learning as means for worker's mobility and business competitiveness rather than emphasizing language rights of speakers of regional, minority, lesser-used and migrant languages. Commissioner for Multilingualism is also responsible, alongside the President of the Commission, Barroso, and the European Commissioner for Education, Training and Culture, Ján Figeľ to work on "intercultural dialogue", including the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

Administratively, Commissioner for Multilingualism was in charge of the Directorate-General for Translation, the DG for Interpretation and the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, as well as for the Multilingualism policy unit (EAC-C-5) in the DG for Education and Culture, with 3,400 staff in total – about 15 per cent of the Brussels executive's workforce- and with about 1 percent of the EU budget.


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