Lingyan Pavilion

Lingyan Pavilion (simplified Chinese: 凌烟阁; traditional Chinese: 凌煙閣; pinyin: Língyān Gé) was a small tower beside Sanqing Hall (三清殿) in the southwest of Taiji Palace (太極宮), Chang'an, the capital of the Tang dynasty. Its location in modern China is roughly in the north of Xi'an, Shaanxi.

Three ministers; 17th-century paintings, copies of book illustrations, probably imaginary versions of the lost originals.

The original 24

On 23 March 643,[1] during the Zhenguan era of the reign of Emperor Taizong in the Tang dynasty, the emperor commissioned the artist Yan Liben to paint life-sized portraits of 24 officials to commemorate them for their meritorious service and contributions aiding him in his establishment of the Tang Empire. However, many among the 24 men were also instrumental in helping Taizong seize power during the Xuanwu Gate Incident.

The paintings were displayed in Lingyan Pavilion and all of them faced north. The pavilion was divided into three layers: the innermost held the portraits of chancellors; the middle displayed paintings of princes and dukes; the outermost for the remaining ones. Emperor Taizong often visited the pavilion to view the portraits and reminisce the past.

The 24 officials are listed as such:

NameName in ChineseCourtesy nameCourtesy name in ChineseTitle of NobilityOccupationBornDied
Zhangsun Wuji长孙无忌Fuji辅机Duke of ZhaoChancellor594659
Li Xiaogong李孝恭unknownPrince of Hejian PrefectureGeneral591640
Du Ruhui杜如晦Keming克明Duke of LaiChancellor585630
Wei Zheng魏征Xuancheng玄成Duke of ZhengChancellor580643
Fang Qiao房峤Xuanling玄龄Duke of LiangChancellor579648
Gao Jian高俭Shilian士廉Duke of ShenChancellor575647
Yuchi Gong尉迟恭Jingde敬德Duke of EGeneral585658
Li Jing李靖Yaoshi药师Duke of WeyGeneral571649
Xiao Yu萧瑀Shiwen时文Duke of SongChancellor574647
Duan Xiong段雄Zhixuan志玄Duke of BaoGeneral598642
Liu Hongji刘弘基unknownDuke of KuiGeneral582650
Qutu Tong屈突通unknownDuke of JiangGeneral557628
Yin Jiao殷峤Kaishan开山Duke Jie of XunGeneral?622
Chai Shao柴绍Sichang嗣昌Duke of HuoGeneral588638
Zhangsun Shunde长孙顺德unknownDuke of PiGeneral565631
Zhang Liang张亮unknownDuke of XunGeneral?646
Hou Junji侯君集unknownDuke of ChenGeneral?643
Zhang Gongjin张公瑾Hongshen宏慎Duke of TanGeneral594632
Cheng Zhijie (Cheng Yaojin)程知节 (程咬金)Yizhen义贞Duke of LuGeneral589665
Yu Shinan虞世南Boshi伯施Duke of Yongxing CountyChancellor558638
Liu Zhenghui刘政会unknownDuke of XingChancellor?635
Tang Jian唐俭Maoyue茂约Duke of JuChancellor579656
Li Shiji (Xu Shiji)李世勣 (徐世勣)Maogong懋功Duke of YingGeneral594669
Qin Qiong秦琼Shubao叔宝Duke of HuGeneral571638

After Taizong

Five Tang emperors after Taizong also honored officials whom they felt have contributed greatly to the empire, by hanging their portraits in Lingyan Pavilion. Such officials include Guo Ziyi (honored by Tang Daizong and Tang Dezong) and Li Guangbi (honored by Tang Suzong), who were vital in putting down the An Lushan Rebellion. In a twist of fate, Chu Suiliang, whose calligraphy was used when honoring the original 24, was posthumously inaugurated into Lingyan Pavilion by Tang Dezong, and again by Tang Xuanzong, Li Chen.

Some officials were commemorated by more than one emperor. Thus, while the final number of portraits hung in the pavilion was 132, only about 100 officials were honored.

However, some officials were inaugurated by emperors who seek to curry favor through such a move. This was due to the weakening of imperial authority after the An Lushan Rebellion. Such officials include enunchs like Yu Chaoen and Cheng Yuanzhen, and generals like Tian Chengsi who helped usher in the era of fanzhen which became largely autonomous and defied control by the imperial court.

See also
