Interministerial Committees

The Interministerial Committees, in Spain, are a collective work body and sometimes decision-making-body consisting of senior officials of the State Administration belonging to different departments. To be considered an interministerial committee it is needed to be composed by at least three members and be able to make decisions, make proposals, advise or control a specific matter.

Unlike the Government Delegated Committees, to this committees may attend officials from other administrations or representatives of social interest organizations.[1]

Common notes


The powers of the interministerial committees vary among themselves since their specific functions are established in their constitutive instrument. However, they need to have one of this competences:[1]

  • Decision-making powers.
  • The power for proposing or issuance of compulsory reports that should serve as a basis for decisions of other administrative bodies.
  • Powers to monitor or control the actions of other bodies of the General State Administration.


The constitutive instrument of this committees is not always the same:[1]

  • If the chair of the committee has the rank of director-general or more, a royal decree it is needed.
  • If the chair of the committee has a lower rank of that of director-general, a joint ministerial order it is needed (this means, an order issued by the ministers of the departments involved).

Current committees

These are some of the committees that are currently active:

NameChairDeputy ChairScope
Defence[2]The Secretary-General for Defence PolicyThe Director-General for Defence PolicyTo prepare the meetings of the National Defence Council and execute its decisions and to prepare the defence resources in case of crisis.
European Union Affairs[3]The Secretary of State for the European UnionThe Secretary of State for Economy and BusinessTo coordinate the Administration action in the EU and to resolve inter-ministerial issues, mainly of economic nature.
Immigration Affairs[4]The Secretary of State for MigrationTo consider issues relating on immigration and the right of asylum and to make studies and reports about the European and national migration policy and its consequences.
Tourism[5]The Minister of Industry, Trade and TourismThe Secretary of State for TourismTo consider issues relating on tourism.
Statistics[6]The President of the National Statistics InstituteTo consider issues relating statistics and support the Superior Council of Statistics.
Medicine PricesThe Secretary-General for Health and Consumer AffairsThe Director-General for the Basic Portfolio of Services of the NHS and PharmacyTo establish the maximum prize of medicines offered by the National Health System and to consider matters about state-finance medicines.
Equality between Women and MenThe Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and EqualityThe Secretary of State for EqualityTo oversee the integration of the principle of Equal Treatment within the Administration as well as coordinating the different department policies on equality and eradication of violence against women.
Monitoring the Measures Adopted by the Congress' Defense CommitteeThe Minister of DefenceThe Under Secretary of DefenceTo consider matter relating the measures adopted by the Defence Committee of the Congress of Deputies as wells as improving the exchange of information between departments.
Implementation of BIMThe Under Secretary of DevelopmentThe Director-General for State HeritageTo coordinate the implementation of the Building Information Modelling' methodology.
Climate Change and Energy TransitionThe Minister for the Ecological TransitionThe Secretary of State for Economy and BusinessTo coordinate the actions on the National Plan for Energy and Climate, on decarbonization, on just transition and on the elaboration of the Climate Change and Energy Transition Draft Bill.
Ecological Criteria in Public HiringThe Under Secretary for the Ecological TransitionThe Director-General for State HeritageTo coordinate the State Administration bodies and agencies in order to integrate an ecological criteria in public hiring.
Social Criteria in Public HiringThe Secretary of State for Social ServicesThe Director-General for State HeritageTo coordinate the State Administration bodies and agencies in order to integrate a social criteria in public hiring.
Marine StrategiesThe Secretary of State for EnvironmentThe Director-General for Sustainability of the Coast and the SeaTo share and analyze common information about marine environment and to control and propose the marine strategies.
Coordination of the State Peripheral AdministrationThe Minister of Territorial Policy and Civil ServiceThe Secretary of State for Territorial PolicyTo coordinate the Peripheral Administration and to facilitate the exchange of information.
Evaluation and Accreditation of Professional Competences Acquired by Work ExperienceDirector-General of the Public State Employment Service/Director General for Vocational TrainingDirector-General of the Public State Employment Service/Director General for Vocational TrainingTo evaluate and boost the requirements applied by the Administrations to recognize the experience acquired by work and not just by study.
National Action Plan for Social InclusionThe Minister of LabourThe Secretary of State for Social ServicesTo consider European or national matters relating social inclusion and social protection.
Treaties and Other International AgreementsTo coordinate the State, the regions and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in the compliance with international treaties.
International CooperationThe Secretary of State for International CooperationThe Director-General for Sustainable Development PoliciesTo coordinate the international cooperation policies of the different administrations and elaborate the Master Plan and the Annual Plan about this matters.
International Aerospace PolicyThe Secretary of State for Foreign AffairsUnder Secretary of DevelopmentTo advise the Government on international aviation and space policy.
International Maritime PolicyThe Secretary of State for Foreign AffairsUnder Secretary of DevelopmentTo advise the Government on maritime issues relevant to Spain.
Weapons and Explosives[7]The Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the InteriorThe Deputy Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the InteriorTo consider issues relating the weapons and explosives regulation.
National Plan for Preventive Actions against the Effects of Excess Temperatures on Health[8]The Director-General for Public Health, Quality and InnovationTo consider preventive actions and strategies to ensure a proper application of the National Plan for Preventive Actions against the Effects of Excess Temperatures on Health.
Coordination of Cultural 1%[9]The Minister of Culture and SportTo establish the conservation plans financed by the 1% legal tax on every public work destined to the conservation of the Spanish historical heritage.
Rural Environment[10]The Minister for the Ecological TransitionTo consider issues relating rural development.
Coordination of the Defence and Development Ministries[11]The Chief of the Operations Division of the Air Force StaffThe Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the DevelopmentTo consider all aire-related matters involving both ministries.
Steel Structures[12]The Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the DevelopmentTo consider matters relating to the use of steel on infraestructures.
Concrete[13]The Technical Secretary-General of the Ministry of the DevelopmentTo consider matters relating to Concrete or prefabricated related materials.
Coordination of the Transport of Perishable Goods[14]The Under Secretary of DevelopmentTo consider issues relating the transportation of perishable goods and to serve as a connection port between the international organizations and the national administrations.
National Climate Council[15]The Minister for the Ecological TransitionThe Secretary of State for Climate ChangeTo make recommendations about the government policy on climate change.
Follow-up of the UK withdrawal from the EUThe Deputy Prime MinisterCreated in 2016 to follow up all the matters relating the UK withdrawal from the EU.
Food Management[16]The President of the AESANCreated in 2021 to coordinate and harmonize the regulatory provisions relating to the food sector.
