Freedom of information in the United States

Freedom of information in the United States relates to the public's ability to access government records, meetings, and other information. In the United States, freedom of information legislation exists at all levels of government: federal level, state level, and local level.

Federal level

Since the founding of the United States, the public's right to know the affairs of their government has been foundational democracy. James Madison wrote during the United States Constitutional Convention, "The right of freely examining public characters and measures and free communication, is the only effective guardian of every other right."[1][2]

Several federal laws have strengthened the public's ability to access public records.

Federal legislation

The most important was the Freedom of Information Act, signed into law on July 4, 1966, by President Lyndon Johnson.

Proposed legislation

Miscellaneous Authoritative Federal Sources

U.S. Attorney General Memoranda


The Holder Memo is part of series of policy memos on how federal agencies should apply FOIA exemptions. Beginning in 1977 with Attorney General Griffin Bell, and continued by Attorney General William French Smith in 1981 and Attorney General Janet Reno in 1993, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced how the executive branch should approach FOIA, its application, and DOJ's defense of agency's actions. In other words, DOJ's position on when they would defend in a FOIA suit has seesawed for about the last three decades.

Reno Memo

The Reno Memo[6] established a "presumption" in favor of disclosure by providing that "it shall be the policy of the Department of Justice to defend the assertion of a FOIA exemption only in those cases where the agency reasonably foresees that disclosure would be harmful to an interest protected by that exemption". It encouraged all government agencies to review FOIA requests in a manner most favorable to openness and to release information, even though it might fall within one of the nine exemption categories, if no "foreseeable harm" would result from the disclosure. The goal was to achieve the "maximum responsible disclosure".

Ashcroft Memo

On October 12, 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft issued a policy memorandum on FOIA to all federal executive agencies. The AG declared the Department of Justice (DOJ) would defend agencies' decisions to withhold documents from a FOIA requester under one of the statute's exemptions "unless they lack a sound legal basis or present an unwarranted risk of adverse impact on the ability of other agencies to protect other important records".

The Ashcroft Memorandum reversed the Reno standard. Agencies were told that in making discretionary FOIA decisions they should carefully consider the fundamental values behind the exemptions—national security, privacy, government's interests, etc.—and to lean in their favor whenever possible. The Ashcroft Memo[7] with its "sound legal basis" standard encouraged (or at least seemed to support) greater use of FOIA exemptions by federal agency personnel.

AG Holder Memo

The Ashcroft Memo was rescinded by Attorney General Eric Holder on March 14, 2009. The AG Holder Memo[8] appears to have reinstated the Reno Memo standard and extends the policy. The policy of the executive branch is to be open, responsive, transparent, and accountable. The current memo encourages the maximum disclosure possible in discretionary exemptions and to, whenever possible, reasonably segregate exempt information and release the rest.

State legislation

All fifty U.S. states and the District of Columbia also have freedom of information laws that govern the public's access to government records at state and local levels.[9] These laws go by many different names including Sunshine Laws, Public Records Laws, Open Records Laws, etc. Additionally, Open Meeting Laws govern the public's access to meetings of public officials or appointed boards.[10]

All Freedom of Information style laws supports the ideal that in a democracy, people have the right to know the business of their government. However, the laws vary in scope and strength among jurisdictions.[1] For example, Florida's Sunshine Law creates both a statutory and constitutional right to access whereas many states only provide the statutory right.[2] Additionally, while a state may have strong legislation the state's compliance with its own laws may negatively impact the public's ability to access records.[11]

Freedom of Information laws by state

StateFreedom of Information LawCode Section[12]First EnactedWho May Request Records[12]
AlabamaAlabama Public Records LawAl. Code §§ 36-12-40; 36-12-411923[13]Any citizen
AlaskaAlaska Public Records ActA.S. §§ 40.25.110 to 40.25.125; 40.25.1511900[14]Any person
ArizonaArizona Public Records LawA.R.S. §§ 39–121.01 to 39–121.031901[15]Any person
ArkansasArkansas Freedom of Information ActArk. Code Ann. §§ 25-19-101 to 25-19-1111967[16]Citizens of the state/commonwealth
CaliforniaCalifornia Public Records ActGov’t Code §§ 6250 to 6276.481968[17]Any person
ColoradoColorado Open Records ActC.R.S. §§ 24-72-200.1 to 24-72-205.51969[18]Any person
ConnecticutConnecticut Freedom of Information ActConnecticut General Statutes Chapter 14 §§ 1–200 to 1-2421975[19]Any person
DelawareDelaware Freedom of Information ActTit. 29, §§ 10001 to 10007; 101121977[20]Citizens of the state/commonwealth
FloridaFlorida Sunshine LawFla. Stat. §§ 119.01 to 119.191967[21]Any person
GeorgiaGeorgia Open Records ActO.C.G.A. §§ 50-18-70 to 50-18-1031959[22]Citizens of the state/commonwealth
HawaiiUniform Information Practices Act (Modified)Haw. Rev. Stat. §§ 92F-1 to 92F-431975[23]Any person
IdahoIdaho Public Records ActIdaho Code §§ 74–101 to 74-1261990[24]Any person
IllinoisIllinois Freedom of Information ActILCS 5 §§ 140/1 to 140/11.61984[25]Any person
IndianaAccess to Public Records ActIN Code §§ 5-14-3-1 to 5-14-3-101983[26]Any person
IowaIowa Open Records LawIowa Code §§ 22.1 to 22.161967[27]Any person
KansasKansas Open Records ActKSA §§ 45–215 to 45-5241984[28]Any person
KentuckyKentucky Open Records ActKentucky Revised Statute Chapter §§ 61.870 to 61.8841976[29]From Kentucky: "an individual residing in Kentucky, a domestic business with a location in Kentucky (or an out-of-state business registered with the Secretary of State), a person who works in Kentucky, a person or business that owns real property within Kentucky, a person or business authorized to act on behalf of a Kentucky resident, or a news-gathering organization"; inmates have some restrictions; non-Kentucky people may request records, but their requests can be denied
LouisianaLouisiana Public Records LawLa.R.S. §§ 44:31 to 44:411940[30]Any person 18 or older
MaineMaine Freedom of Access ActTit. 1, §§ 400 to 4341959[31]Any person
MarylandMaryland Public Information ActGen. Provis. §§ 4–101 to 4-6011970[32]Any person
MassachusettsMassachusetts Public Records LawMass. Gen. Laws ch. 66, §§ 1 to 211897[33]Any person
MichiganMichigan Freedom of Information ActMich. Comp. Laws Ann. §§ 15.231 to 15.2461977[34]Any person
MinnesotaMinnesota Data Practices ActMinn. Statutes §§ 13.01 to 13.99 Ch. 13 Appendix1974[35]Any person
MississippiMississippi Public Records ActMiss. Code Ann. §§ 25-61-1 to 25-61-191983[36]Any person
MissouriMissouri Public Records ActMo. Code §§ 109.180; 610.010 to 610.2251961[37]Citizens of the state/commonwealth
MontanaMontana Public Records ActMontana Code §§ 2-6-101 to 2-6-10201895[38]Any person
NebraskaNebraska Public Records LawNebraska Statutes §§ 84–712 to 84-712.091866[39]Any person
NevadaNevada Open Records ActN.R.S. §§ 239.010-239.3401911[40]Any person
New HampshireRight to Know LawR.S.A. Ch. 91-A:1 to 91-A:101967[41]Any citizen
New JerseyNew Jersey Open Public Records ActN.J.S.A. §§ 47:1A-1 to 47:1A-132002[42]Citizens of the state/commonwealth
New MexicoInspection of Public Records ActNMSA §§ 14-2-1 to 14-2-121993[43]Any person
New YorkNew York Freedom of Information LawPub. Off. §§ 84 to 901974[44]Any person
North CarolinaNorth Carolina Public Records LawNCGS Chapter 132–1 to 132-111995[45]Any person
North DakotaOpen Records StatuteNDCC §§ 44-04-18 to 44-04-321957[46]Any person
OhioOhio Open Records LawOhio Rev. Code §§ 149.43 to 149.45; 2743.751963[47]Any person
OklahomaOklahoma Open Records ActTitle 51 Oklahoma Statutes §§ 24A.1 to 24A.321999[48]Any person
OregonOregon Public Records LawO.R.S. §§ 192.311 to 192.5131973[49]Any person
PennsylvaniaRight-to-Know Law65 Pennsylvania Statute §§ 67.101 to 67.13101957[50]Any legal resident of the United States
Rhode IslandRhode Island Access to Public Records ActP.L. §§ 38-2-1 to 38-2-161979[51]Any person
South CarolinaSouth Carolina Freedom of Information ActS.C. Code Ann. §§ 30-4-10 to 30-4-1651974[52]Any person
South DakotaSouth Dakota Sunshine LawSDCL Chapter 1-27-1 to 1-27-482009[53]Any person
TennesseeTennessee Open Records ActTenn. Code Ann. §§ 10-7-503 to 10-7-5081957[54]Citizens of the state/commonwealth
TexasTexas Public Information ActGov't §§ 552.001 to 552.3761973[55]Any person
UtahGovernment Records Access and Management ActUtah Code Title 63G-2-101 to 63G-2-8041991[56]Any person
VermontVermont Open Records LawVermont Statute Tit. 1, §§ 315 to 3201976[57]Any person
VirginiaVirginia Freedom of Information ActCode of Virginia §§ 2.2-3700 to 2.2-37151968[58]Citizens of the state/commonwealth
WashingtonWashington Public Records ActRCW §§ 42.56.001 to 42.56.9041972[59]Any person
West VirginiaWest Virginia Freedom of Information ActW.Va. Code §§ 29B-1-1 to 29B-1-71977[60]Any person
WisconsinWisconsin Open Records LawWisconsin Statute §§ 19.21 to 19.391981[61]Any person
WyomingWyoming Sunshine LawWyo. Stat. §§ 16-4-201 to 16-4-2051983[62]Any person
District of ColumbiaFreedom of Information Act[63]DC Official Code §§ 2–531 to 2-5401974[64]Any person

See also


