Foreign relations of Vietnam

As of June 2024, Vietnam (officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam) maintains diplomatic relationships with 189 UN member states, State of Palestine and Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.[1] In 2011 the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, at the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, released an official statement about Vietnam's foreign policy and a section of the statement stated: "Vietnam is a friend and reliable partner of all countries in the international community, actively taking part in international and regional cooperation processes. Deepen, stabilize and sustain established international relations. Develop relations with countries and territories in the world, as well as international organizations, while showing: respect for each other's independence; sovereignty and territorial integrity; non-interference in each other's international affairs; non-use or threat of force; settlement of disagreements and disputes by means of peaceful negotiations; mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit."[2]

Foreign ministry in Hanoi

Major steps have been taken by Vietnam to restore diplomatic ties with key countries. Full diplomatic relations were restored with New Zealand who opened its embassy in Hanoi in 1995, while Vietnam established an embassy in Wellington in 2003. Pakistan reopened its embassy in Hanoi in October 2000. Vietnam also reopened its embassy in Islamabad in December 2005 and trade office in Karachi in November 2005. United States–Vietnam relations improved in August 1995, when both nations upgraded their liaison offices opened during January 1995 to embassy status, with the United States later opening a consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City, and Vietnam opening a consulate in San Francisco.[3]


Feudal Vietnam

Vietnam has a history stretching back more than 20,000 years. In its early history, Vietnam tried to maintain good relations with its neighbours. From the Hồng Bàng dynasty to many feudal dynasties like the Ngô, Đinh, Early Lê, , Trần, Later Lê, Tây Sơn and Nguyễn, Vietnam's main diplomatic relationships were with neighboring Imperial China, Kingdom of Champa, Khmer Empire, Lan Xang kingdom and Siam. Later trading relationship were established with European Countries (such as through Dutch East India company) and Japan.

Post-World War II

+ Period 1945-1946: After the surrender of Japan, Both British and Chinese Kuomintang armies came into Vietnam territory to take the Japanese imperial army out of Indochina. The government of Democratic Republic of Vietnam decided to have the peace agreement with Chiang Kai-shek of Kuomintang that stationed in the north Vietnam to let them pay attention to fight the French in the south. After that, Vietnam signed the peace treaty with France in 6/3/1946.
+ Period 1947-1954 : Vietnam started to expand their foreign relation with the other countries in the world. In January, 1950, the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union were the first two countries to recognize the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.[4] Later, alliances were formed with Cambodia and Laos to make anti-French campaigns, building the friendship with the anti-colonial countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia and India.

Cold War Era

Vietnam War

During the Vietnam War (1959–75), North Vietnam balanced relations with its two major allies, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.

In 1964, Zhou Enlai, worried about the escalation of U.S. forces in South Vietnam, made an informal agreement with the North. The agreement stipulated that if U.S. and South Vietnamese forces invaded North Vietnam, the Chinese would respond by loaning pilots to the North. During the invasion, Mao Zedong failed to send as many trained pilots as he promised. As a result, the North became more reliant on the Soviet Union for its defense.[4]

President Vladimir Putin attending a traditional get-together of Vietnamese graduates of Soviet and Russian universities and colleges, March 2001

By 1975, tension began to grow as Beijing increasingly viewed Vietnam as a potential Soviet instrument to encircle China. Meanwhile, Beijing's increasing support for Cambodia's Khmer Rouge sparked Vietnamese suspicions of China's motives.

Vietnamese-Chinese relations deteriorated significantly after Hanoi instituted a ban in March 1978 on private trade, a move that particularly affected the Sino-Vietnamese sector of the population. Following Vietnam's December 1978 invasion of Cambodia, China launched a retaliatory invasion of Vietnam's northern border region. Faced with severance of Chinese aid and strained international relations, Vietnam established even closer ties with the Soviet Union and its allies in the Comecon member states. Throughout the 1980s, Vietnam received nearly US$3 billion a year in economic and military aid from the Soviet Union and conducted most of its trade with the U.S.S.R. and Comecon countries. Soviet and Eastern bloc economic aid, however, ceased after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Đổi mới (Reform)

Vietnam didn't begin to emerge from international isolation until it withdrew its troops from Cambodia in 1989. Within months of the 1991 Paris Agreements, Vietnam established diplomatic and economic relations with Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states and also with most countries of Western Europe and Asia's Far East. China re-established full diplomatic ties with Vietnam in 1991. The two nations concluded a land border demarcation agreement in 1999. In 1995, the US and Vietnam re-established diplomatic ties.[3]

In the past decade, Vietnam has recognized the importance of growing global economic interdependence and has made concerted efforts to adjust its foreign relations to reflect the evolving international economic and political situation in Southeast Asia. The country has begun to integrate itself into the regional and global economy by joining international organizations. Vietnam has stepped up its efforts to attract foreign capital from the West and regularize relations with the world financial system. In the 1990s, following the lifting of the US veto on multilateral loans to the country, Vietnam became a member of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Asian Development Bank. The country has expanded trade with its East Asian neighbors as well as with countries in Western Europe and North America. Of particular significance was Vietnam's acceptance into ASEAN in July 1995. Vietnam joined the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) in November 1998 and also hosted the ASEAN summit the following month. In 2005, Vietnam attended the inaugural East Asia Summit. Vietnam became a member of the World Trade Organization in November 2006.

Current issues

Vietnamese troops on Spratly Island

While Vietnam has remained relatively conflict-free since its Cambodia days, tensions have arisen in the past between Vietnam and its neighbors, especially in the case of China since both nations assert claims to the Spratly and Paracel Islands - the two archipelagos in a potentially oil-rich area of the South China Sea. Conflicting claims have produced over the years small scale armed altercations in the area. In 1988, more than 70 Vietnamese troops were killed during a confrontation with Chinese forces, when China occupied several islands under Vietnamese control in the Spratly Islands. China's assertion of control over the Spratly Islands and the entire South China Sea has elicited concern from Vietnam and its Southeast Asia neighbors. The territorial border between the two countries is being definitively mapped pursuant to a Land Border Agreement signed in December 1999, and an Agreement on Borders in the Gulf of Tonkin signed in December 2000. Vietnam and Russia declared a strategic partnership in March 2001 during the first visit ever to Hanoi of a Russian head of state, largely as an attempt to counterbalance China's growing profile in Southeast Asia.

Disputes – international: maritime boundary with Cambodia not defined; involved in a complex dispute over the Spratly - Paracel Islands with the People's Republic of China (PRC), Malaysia, Philippines, and possibly Brunei; maritime boundary with Thailand resolved in August 1997; maritime boundary dispute with the PRC in the Gulf of Tonkin resolved in 2000; Paracel Islands occupied by the PRC since 1974; offshore islands and sections of boundary with Cambodia are in dispute; agreement on land border with the People's Republic of China was signed in December 1999.

Illicit drugs: minor producer of opium poppy with 21 km2 cultivated in 1999, capable of producing 11 metric tons of opium; probably minor transit point for Southeast Asian heroin destined for the US and Europe; growing opium/heroin addiction; possible small-scale heroin production

Diplomatic relations

List of countries which Vietnam maintains diplomatic relations with:

1  China18 January 1950
2  Russia30 January 1950
3  North Korea31 January 1950
4  Romania3 February 1950
5  Hungary3 February 1950
6  Czech Republic3 February 1950
7  Poland4 February 1950
8  Bulgaria7 February 1950
9  Albania11 February 1950
10  Mongolia17 November 1954
11  Indonesia30 December 1955
12  Serbia10 March 1957
13  Guinea9 October 1958
14  Mali30 October 1960
15  Cuba2 December 1960
16  Morocco27 March 1961
17  Democratic Republic of the Congo13 April 1961
18  Laos5 September 1962
19  Algeria28 October 1962
20  Egypt1 September 1963
21  Yemen16 October 1963
22  Republic of the Congo16 July 1964
23  Tanzania14 February 1965
24  Mauritania15 March 1965
25  Ghana25 March 1965
26  Syria21 July 1966
27  Cambodia24 June 1967
28  Iraq10 July 1968
29  Sweden11 January 1969
30  Sudan26 August 1969
31  Senegal29 December 1969
32  Somalia7 June 1970
33  Sri Lanka21 July 1970
34  Chile25 March 1971
35   Switzerland11 October 1971
36  Denmark25 November 1971
37  Norway25 November 1971
38  India7 January 1972
39  Cameroon30 August 1972
40  Equatorial Guinea1 September 1972
41  Zambia15 September 1972
42  Pakistan8 November 1972
43  Austria1 December 1972
44  Tunisia15 December 1972
45  Madagascar19 December 1972
46  Finland25 January 1973
47  Uganda9 February 1973
48  Bangladesh11 February 1973
49  Australia26 February 1973
50  Benin14 March 1973
51  Belgium22 March 1973
52  Italy23 March 1973
53  Malaysia30 March 1973
54  Netherlands9 April 1973
55  France12 April 1973
56  Singapore1 August 1973
57  Iceland3 August 1973
58  Iran4 August 1973
59  Canada21 August 1973
60  United Kingdom11 September 1973
61  Japan21 September 1973
62  Guinea-Bissau30 September 1973
63  Argentina25 October 1973
64  Gambia30 October 1973
65  Luxembourg15 November 1973
66  Burkina Faso16 November 1973
67  Malta14 January 1974
68  Afghanistan16 September 1974
69  Gabon9 January 1975
70  Togo8 February 1975
71  Niger7 March 1975
72  Libya15 March 1975
73  Greece15 April 1975
74  Burundi16 April 1975
75  Guyana19 April 1975
76    Nepal15 May 1975
77  Mexico19 May 1975
78  Myanmar28 May 1975
79  Maldives8 June 1975
80  New Zealand19 June 1975
81  Mozambique25 June 1975
82  Portugal1 July 1975
83  Cape Verde8 July 1975
84  Panama28 August 1975
85  Germany23 September 1975
86  Rwanda30 September 1975
87  Ivory Coast6 October 1975
88  Angola12 November 1975
89  Cyprus29 November 1975
90  Jamaica5 January 1976
91  Kuwait10 January 1976
92  Ethiopia23 February 1976
93  Costa Rica24 April 1976
94  Nigeria25 May 1976
95  Philippines12 July 1976
96  Thailand6 August 1976
97  São Tomé and Príncipe6 November 1976
98  Spain23 May 1977
99  Turkey7 June 1978
100  Sierra Leone24 June 1978
101  Colombia1 January 1979
 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic2 March 1979
102  Grenada15 July 1979
103  Seychelles16 August 1979
104  Nicaragua3 September 1979
105  Ecuador1 January 1980
106  Jordan19 August 1980
107  Lebanon12 February 1981
108  Zimbabwe24 July 1981
109  Chad5 October 1981
110  Vanuatu3 March 1982
111  Bolivia10 February 1987
 State of Palestine19 November 1988
112  Brazil8 May 1989
113  Papua New Guinea3 November 1989
114  Venezuela8 December 1989
115  Namibia21 March 1990
116  Djibouti30 April 1991
117  Uzbekistan17 January 1992
118  Ukraine23 January 1992
119  Belarus24 January 1992
120  Latvia12 February 1992
121  Estonia20 February 1992
122  Brunei29 February 1992
123  Lithuania18 March 1992
124  Kyrgyzstan4 June 1992
125  Oman9 June 1992
126  Moldova11 June 1992
127  Kazakhstan29 June 1992
128  Georgia30 June 1992
129  Marshall Islands1 July 1992
130  Armenia14 July 1992
131  Tajikistan14 July 1992
132  Turkmenistan29 July 1992
133  Azerbaijan23 September 1992
134  South Korea22 December 1992
135  Slovakia1 January 1993[11]
136  Guatemala7 January 1993
137  Qatar8 February 1993
138  Fiji14 May 1993
139  Israel12 July 1993
140  Eritrea20 July 1993
141  United Arab Emirates1 August 1993
142  Uruguay11 August 1993
143  South Africa22 December 1993
144  Samoa9 March 1994
145  Mauritius4 May 1994
146  Slovenia7 June 1994
147  North Macedonia10 June 1994
148  Croatia1 July 1994
149  Peru14 November 1994
150  Belize4 January 1995
151  Bahrain31 March 1995
152  Paraguay30 May 1995
153  Federated States of Micronesia22 June 1995
154  United States12 July 1995
155  Barbados25 August 1995
156  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines18 December 1995
157  Kenya21 December 1995
158  Bosnia and Herzegovina26 January 1996
159  Ireland5 April 1996
160  Solomon Islands30 October 1996
161  Haiti26 September 1997
162  Suriname19 December 1997
163  Lesotho6 January 1998
164  Saudi Arabia21 October 1999
165  East Timor28 July 2002
166  Honduras17 May 2005
167  Nauru21 June 2006
168  Montenegro4 August 2006
169  Andorra12 June 2007
170  San Marino6 July 2007
171  Dominican Republic7 July 2007
172  Monaco29 November 2007
173  Liechtenstein2 July 2008
174  Palau18 August 2008
175  Central African Republic10 November 2008
176  Botswana11 February 2009
177  El Salvador16 January 2010[12]
178  Bhutan19 January 2012
179  Eswatini21 May 2013
180  Dominica1 November 2013
181  Saint Kitts and Nevis1 November 2013
182  Antigua and Barbuda8 November 2013
183  Kiribati15 September 2014
184  Comoros24 September 2015
185  Liberia28 June 2016[13]
186  Saint Lucia26 June 2018
187  South Sudan21 February 2019
 Cook Islands26 April 2022[14]
188  Bahamas6 January 2023
189  Trinidad and Tobago1 February 2023[15]
190  Tonga21 September 2023[16]

Vietnam has not established diplomatic relations with Malawi and Tuvalu.

Bilateral relations


CountryFormal relations beganNotes
 AlgeriaSee Algeria–Vietnam relations
  • Algeria has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Algiers.
 AngolaSee Angola–Vietnam relations
  • Angola has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Luanda.
 Burkina Faso
 Cape Verde1975-08-07

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 July 1975.[18]

 Central African Republic2008-11-10

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 November 2008.[18]


Both countries are full members of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

 Egypt01 September 1963
  • Egypt has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Cairo.
  • Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 September 1973.[18]
  • Guinea-Bissau is accredited to Vietnam from its embassy in Beijing, China.
 Kenya21 December 1995See Kenya–Vietnam relations
  • As of 1998, this was the last African country with which Vietnam established bilateral diplomatic links.[19]
  • Kenya is accredited to Vietnam through its embassy in Bangkok, Thailand.[20]
  • Vietnam's embassy in Tanzania is accredited to Kenya.[21]
 Libya1975-03-15See Libya–Vietnam relations
  • Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 March 1975.
  • Libya has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam is accredited to Libya from its embassy in Cairo, Egypt.
  • Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 December 1972.
  • Madagascar is accredited to Vietnam from its embassy in Beijing, China.
  • Vietnam is accredited to Madagascar from its embassy in Maputo, Mozambique and has an honorary consulate in Antananarivo.
 Sierra Leone1978-06-24
  • Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 June 1978.[18]
  • Vietnam is accredited to Sierra Leone from its embassy in Abuja, Nigeria.
 Tanzania1965-02-14[22]See Tanzania–Vietnam relations


CountryFormal relations beganNotes
  • Since December 1996, Argentina has an embassy in Hanoi.[23]
  • Since January 1995, Vietnam has an embassy in Buenos Aires.
  • Argentine Ministry of Foreign Relations: list of bilateral treaties with Vietnam (in Spanish only)[24]
  • Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs about relations with Argentina[25]
  • Brazil has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Brasília.
 Canada1973-08-21See Canada–Vietnam relations
  • Canada maintains an embassy in Hanoi and a consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Ottawa and a consulate general in Vancouver.
 ChileSee Chile–Vietnam relations
  • Chile has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Santiago.
 Cuba1960-12-02See Cuba–Vietnam relations
  • Cuba has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Havana.
 Dominican RepublicJuly 7, 2005
  • Dominican Republic has an Embassy in Hanoi
  • Vietnam is accredited to the Dominican Republic from its embassy in Havana, Cuba.
 Guyana19 April 1975
  • Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 April 1975.[18]
  • Economic and commercial relations are very limited.[26]
 Mexico1975-07-15See Mexico–Vietnam relations
 Panama28 August 1975
  • Panama has an embassy in Hanoi and a Consulate-general in Ho Chi Minh City[29]
  • Vietnam is accredited to Panama from its embassy in Mexico City, Mexico.
 Paraguay30 May 1995
  • Paraguay is accredited to Vietnam from embassy in Tokyo, Japan.[30]
  • Vietnam is accredited to Paraguay from its embassy in Buenos Aíres, Argentina.
 PeruSee Peru–Vietnam relations
  • Peru has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam is accredited to Peru from its embassy in Brasília, Brazil.
 United States1995-07-11See United States–Vietnam relations
 UruguaySee Uruguay–Vietnam relations
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
 Venezuela1989-12-18See Venezuela–Vietnam relations

Vietnam has an embassy in Caracas and Venezuela an embassy in Hanoi. Though bilateral trade was $11.7 million in 2007[31] relations show "great potential".[32] Over the past ten years, the two countries have witnessed new developments in various fields, including politics, economics, culture and society, particularly in the oil and gas industry.[33]

Vietnamese President Nguyễn Minh Triết arrived in Caracas on 18 November for a two-day official visit on an invitation from Hugo Chávez.[34] Triet hailed Vietnam's friendship with Venezuela as he sought to focus on tying up oil and gas deals, including a joint development fund. He said that "We (Vietnamese) are grateful for the support and solidarity that they (Venezuelans) have offered us until now." Triết said.

Since Hugo Chávez's visit to Vietnam in 2006, his government stepped up bilateral relations with the country, which also included a visit by the Communist Party general secretary, Nông Đức Mạnh in 2007. Petróleos de Venezuela and Petrovietnam also announced a number of joint projects since the 2006 visit, including Petrovietnam's was given a concession in the Orinoco basin and an agreement to transport Venezuelan oil to Vietnam, where the two would together build an oil refinery that Vietnam lacks. On the 2006 visit, Chávez praised Vietnam's revolutionary history as he attacked the United States for its "imperialist" crimes in the Vietnam War. On the 2008 visit Triết returned similar comments as he lauded a group of Venezuelans who captured a US soldier during the Vietnam war in an unsuccessful bid to prevent the execution of a Vietnamese revolutionary.[31] The two leaders also signed a deal for a $200 million joint fund and 15 cooperation projects.[35]

In March 2008 an agreement was signed to cooperate in tourism between Vietnam and Venezuela. President Nguyễn Minh Triết received the PDVSA's Vice President Asdrubal Chavez and stated that oil and gas cooperation would become a typical example of their multi-faceted cooperation.[36] In 2009 the Venezuelan government approved $46.5 million for an agricultural development project with Vietnam.[37]


CountryFormal relations beganNotes
 Afghanistan16 September 1974*Vietnam had an embassy in Kabul from 1978 to 1992.[38]
 Armenia14 July 1992
  • Diplomatic relations between Armenia and Vietnam were established on 14 July 1992.[39]
  • Vietnam is represented in Armenia through its embassy in Moscow, Russia.[40]
  • Armenia has an embassy in Hanoi.
 Bangladesh2 November 1973See Bangladesh–Vietnam relations
 Brunei29 February 1992See Brunei–Vietnam relations

Brunei has an embassy in Hanoi, and Vietnam has an embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan.[41]

 Cambodia24 June 1967See Cambodia–Vietnam relations

Since the 1990s, relations between these nations have been improving. Both countries are members of multilateral regional organizations ASEAN and the Mekong–Ganga Cooperation. Both have opened and developed cross-border trade and sought to relax visa regulations to that end.[42] Both governments have set official targets of increasing bilateral trade by 27% to US$2.3 billion by 2010 and to $6.5 billion by 2015.[42][43] Vietnam exported US$1.2 billion worth of goods to Cambodia in 2007. While Cambodia is only the 16th largest importer of Vietnamese goods, Vietnam is Cambodia's third-largest export market.[42]

  • Cambodia has an embassy in Hanoi and a consulate-general in Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Phnom Penh and consulates-general in Battambang and Sihanoukville.
 China960 (Song)
18 January 1950 (PRC)
See China–Vietnam relations
Countries which signed cooperation documents related to the Belt and Road Initiative

After both sides resumed trade links in 1991, growth in bilateral trade has increased from US$32 million in 1991 to almost $7.2 billion by 2004.[44] Both governments have set the target of increasing trade volume to US$10 billion by 2010.[44] Vietnam's exports to China include crude oil, coal, coffee and food, while China exports pharmaceuticals, machinery, petroleum, fertilizers and automobile parts to Vietnam. China has become Vietnam's second-largest trading partner and the largest source of imports.[44][45] Both nations are working to establish an "economic corridor" from China's Yunnan to Vietnam's northern provinces and cities, and similar economic zones in the Gulf of Tonkin and connecting the Nanning of Guangxi province, Lang Son province, Hanoi, Haiphong and Quang Ninh province of Vietnam.[44] Air and sea transport as well as railway have been opened between the two countries, so have the 7 pairs of national-level ports in the frontier provinces and regions of the two countries.[45] Both sides have also launched joint ventures such as the Thai Nguyen Steel Complex, which produces hundreds of thousands of tonnes of steel products.[44]

  • Georgia is accredited to Vietnam from its embassy in Beijing, China.
  • Vietnam is accredited to Georgia from its embassy in Astana, Kazakhstan.
 India7/1/1972See India–Vietnam relations

India and Vietnam are members of the Mekong–Ganga Cooperation, created to develop to enhance close ties between India and nations of Southeast Asia. Vietnam has supported India's bid to become a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council and join the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).[46] In the 2003 joint declaration, India and Vietnam envisaged creating an "Arc of Advantage and Prosperity" in Southeast Asia;[47] to this end, Vietnam has backed a more important relationship and role between India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its negotiation of an Indo-ASEAN free trade agreement.[47][48] India and Vietnam have also built strategic partnerships, including extensive cooperation on developing nuclear power, enhancing regional security and fighting terrorism, transnational crime and drug trafficking.[47][49][50]

 Indonesia30 December 1955See Indonesia–Vietnam relations
  • Vietnam and Indonesia are both members of (ASEAN), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
  • President Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia visited Vietnam in June 2003. At this time the two countries signed a "Declaration on the Framework of Friendly and Comprehensive Cooperation Entering the 21st Century".
  • In May 2005 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia visited Vietnam. In the December of the same year festivities were organized in the respective capital cities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.[51] Due to the ongoing South China Sea disputes, both Vietnam and Indonesia has supported a restraint in militarizing the issue. China claims the EEZ of the Natuna Island of Indonesia, while it also claims most of the South China Sea including the Vietnam-claimed Paracel and Spratly islands.
 Iran4 August 1973See Iran–Vietnam relations
 Iraq10 July 1968

See Iraq–Vietnam relations

  • Since December 1969, Iraq has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam is accredited to Iraq from its embassy in Tehran, Iran.
 Israel12 July 1993See Israel–Vietnam relations
 Japan1605 (Tokugawa shogunate)
21 September 1973
See Japan-Vietnam relations
  • Lord Nguyễn Hoàng started to send national letter to Tokugawa Ieyasu to invite Japanese merchant to come to Hội An in 1605
  • Prince Cường Để exiled in Japan in 1905
  • Việt Nam Duy Tân Hội (Vietnam Modernization Association) created in 1904 by Phan Bội Châu, The Vietnamese nationalist who wished to bring his people to Japan to study through Đông Du Movement
  • Empire of Japan invaded French Indochina in 1940
  • Surrender of Japan in 1945
  • Both nation established relation on 21 September 1973
  • Following 23 October 1991 Final Act of the International Paris Conference on Cambodia among the Cambodian parties, Indonesia (as co-chair with France), and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Japan promptly established diplomatic relations and ended economic restrictions with Cambodia and Vietnam. In November 1992, Tokyo offered Vietnam US$370 million in aid. Japan also took a leading role in peacekeeping activities in Cambodia. Japan's Akashi Yasushi, UN Undersecretary General for Disarmament, was head of the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia, and Japan pledged US$3 million and even sent approximately 2,000 personnel, including members of the SDF, to participate directly in maintaining the peace. Despite the loss of a Japanese peacekeeper killed in an ambush, the force remained in Cambodia until the Cambodians were able to elect and install a government.

Japan is the single biggest country donor to Vietnam. It has pledged US$890 million in aid for the country this year, or 6.5 percent higher than the 2006 level of $US 835.6 million.[54]

 Kazakhstan26 September 1992
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Astana.
  • Kazakhstan has an embassy in Hanoi.
 Laos5/9/1962See Laos-Vietnam relations

Although Vietnam's historical record of leadership in the revolution and its military power and proximity will not cease to exist, Laos struck out ahead of Vietnam with its New Economic Mechanism to introduce market mechanisms into its economy. In so doing, Laos has opened the door to rapprochement with Thailand and China at some expense to its special dependence on Vietnam. Laos might have reached the same point of normalization in following Vietnam's economic and diplomatic change, but by moving ahead resolutely and responding to Thai and Chinese gestures, Laos has broadened its range of donors, trading partners, and investors independent of Vietnam's attempts to accomplish the same goal. Thus, Vietnam remains in the shadows as a mentor and emergency ally, and the tutelage of Laos has shifted dramatically to development banks and international entrepreneurs.[55]

 Malaysia30 March 1973See Malaysia-Vietnam relations
 Mongolia1280 (Yuan dynasty)
17 November 1954[56]
See Mongolia–Vietnam relations

The countries signed a Friendship and Cooperation Treaty in 1961, renewed it in 1979, and signed a new one in 1995.[56] On 13 January 2003, the countries signed an 8-point cooperative document committing to cooperation between the two governments and their legislative bodies, replacing an earlier document signed in 1998.[57]

There have been 13 sessions of the Vietnam-Mongolia inter-governmental committee on cooperation in trade, economics and sci-tech, with the next to be held in Ulaanbaatar in 2010.[58] On 25 May 2004 in Ulaanbaatar, the countries signed agreements on railway transport and scientific and technological cooperation.[59] Other agreements have covered areas such as plant protection and quarantine regulations, customs, health and education.[58]

 Myanmar28 May 1975See Myanmar-Vietnam relations
  • Myanmar has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Yangon.
 North Korea1226 (Goryeo)
31 January 1950
See North Korea–Vietnam relations
  • Prince Lý Long Tường of the Lý dynasty fled and exiled in Kingdom of Goryeo in 1226 to avoid the execution of the Trần dynasty
  • Both had some meetings when both of them sent envoys to pay tribute to China Empire.
  • North Korea recognised Communist ally North Vietnam on 31 January 1950
  • In July 1957, President Ho Chi Minh visited North Korea
  • North Korean leader Kim Il-sung visited North Vietnam in November–December 1958 and November 1964.
  • In February 1961, the two governments concluded an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation.
  • President Kim Il Sung sent some fighter squadron to North Vietnam to back up the North Vietnamese 921st and 923rd fighter squadrons defending Hanoi while Hanoi was bombed by The US air forces.
  • From 1950 to 1960s, students from North Vietnam began studying in North Korea as early as the 1960s.
  • Relations later declined due to investment and trade disputes in the 1990s and 2000s and emerging relationship between South Korea and Vietnam[60]
 Pakistan8 November 1972See Pakistan–Vietnam relations

Pakistan opened its embassy in Hanoi in 1973. However, due to economic reasons, Pakistan closed the embassy in 1980. Vietnam also opened its embassy in Islamabad in 1978 and had to close it down in 1984 due to its own economic difficulty. Bilateral relations between Pakistan and Vietnam in recent years have considerably improved. Both countries' leaders expressed their willingness to strengthen their existing relations, not only in the political sphere but also in other areas such as trade and economics, and exchange more visits from one to another's country, including both high-ranking and working visits. Pakistan reopened its embassy in Hanoi in October 2000. Vietnam also reopened its embassy in Islamabad in December 2005 and trade office in Karachi in November 2005.

 Philippines12 July 1976See Philippines–Vietnam relations

Ever since the end of the Cold War relations between the Philippines and Vietnam has warmed rapidly. Today the Philippines and Vietnam are economic allies and have a free trade deal with each other. Both nations are a part of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The Philippines and Vietnam have conducted joint military exercises together in the South China Sea and are trying to find ways to turn the Spratly Islands from an area of conflict to an area of cooperation. Vietnam is also sometimes called the only communist military ally of the Philippines. The Philippines and Vietnam are also monitoring China's expansion into the South China Sea making sure that China is no threat to either Philippine or Vietnamese islands in the South China Sea. The Philippines also imports a large amount of writing material, clothes and other products from Vietnam. In May 2009, The Philippines has inked an agreement with Vietnam to cooperate in the fight against crimes and ensuring social order. In January 2010, the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Vietnam bourse "for mutual collaboration and communication of information and experience" to facilitate the development and efficient operations of both securities markets. In 2012, Vietnam sent two military assets for a good will visit to the Philippines. Both Vietnam and the Philippines have the same stand on the South China Sea disputes, patronizing multilateral talks and international court rulings to solve the issue, tactics which China has avoided. In 2016, the Philippines strengthened its stand on the dispute through a court ruling in an international court not associated with UN and poised to create stronger relations with Vietnam for strategic defense and economic cooperation.

 Qatar8 February 1993See Qatar–Vietnam relations
  • Qatar has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Doha.
 Singapore1 August 1973See Singapore–Vietnam relations
  • Singapore has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Singapore.
 South Korea1226 (Goryeo)
22 December 1992
See South Korea–Vietnam relations


  • Prince Lý Long Tường of the Lý dynasty fled and exiled in Kingdom of Goryeo in 1226 to avoid the execution of the Trần dynasty
  • Both had some meetings when both of them sent envoys to pay tribute to China Empire.
  • South Korea recognised Capitalist ally South Vietnam
  • President Park Chung Hee sent ROK troops to fight in Vietnam war in 1960s.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea started on 22 December 1992.

  • 1994 August Prime Minister Lee Young-deok
  • 1996 November President Kim Young-sam
  • 1998 December President Kim Dae-jung
  • 2002 April Prime Minister Lee Han-dong
  • 2004 October President Roh Moo-hyun
  • 2006 January Speaker of National Assembly Kim Won-ki
  • 2006 November President Roh Moo-hyun (APEC)
  • 2008 April Speaker of National Assembly Lim Chae-jung
  • 2009 May Presidential Envoy Lee Byung-suk
  • 2009 October President Lee Myung-bak
  • 2009 November Speaker of National Assembly Kim Hyong-o
  • 2010 October President Lee Myung-bak
  • 2013 January Speaker of National Assembly Kang Chang Hee
  • 2013 September President Park Geun-hye(G20).[61]
 Taiwan960 (Song)
unofficial relation (Now)
see Taiwan–Vietnam relations
 Thailand6/8/1976See Thailand–Vietnam relations
  • Thailand has an embassy in Hanoi and a consulate-general in Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Bangkok and a consulate-general in Khon Kaen.
 Turkey1978[67]See Turkey–Vietnam relations
 United Arab Emirates1 August 1993See United Arab Emirates–Vietnam relations
  • United Arab Emirates has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Abu Dhabi.


CountryFormal relations beganNotes
 EU1990See Vietnam–European Union relations
 Austria1 December 1972See Austria–Vietnam relations
  • Austria has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Vienna.
 Belarus24 January 1992[69]See Belarus–Vietnam relations
  • Since 1997, Belarus has an embassy in Hanoi.[70]
  • Since November 2003, Vietnam has an embassy in Minsk.[71]
 Bulgaria8 February 1950See Bulgaria–Vietnam relations
  • Bulgaria has an embassy in Hanoi.[72]
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Sofia.[73]
  • In 2006, the Bulgarian Government agreed to a healthcare cooperation plan with Vietnam. The two-year plan includes cooperation in many areas, mainly in public healthcare, inpatient and outpatient help, food security, medical education.[74]
 Czech Republic2 February 1950 (as Czechoslovakia)See Czech Republic–Vietnam relations
  • The Czech Republic has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Prague.
 Denmark25 November 1971See Denmark–Vietnam relations
 FinlandSee Finland–Vietnam relations
  • Finland has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Helsinki.
 France12 April 1973See France–Vietnam relations

France-Vietnam relations started as early as the 17th century with the mission of the Jesuit father Alexandre de Rhodes. Various traders would visit Vietnam during the 18th century, until the major involvement of French forces under Pigneau de Béhaine to help establish the Nguyễn dynasty from 1787 to 1789. France was heavily involved in Vietnam in the 19th century under the pretext of protecting the work of Catholic missionaries in the country. France progressively carved for itself a huge colony, which would form French Indochina in 1887. France continued to rule Vietnam as a colony until France's defeat in the First Indochina War and the proclamation of Vietnam's independence in 1954.

  • France has an embassy in Hanoi and a consulate-general in Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Paris.
 Germany3 February 1955 (with East Germany and unified Germany)
23 September 1975 (with West Germany)
See Germany–Vietnam relations
  • Germany has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Berlin and a consulate-general in Frankfurt.
 Greece15 April 1975See Greece–Vietnam relations
  • Greece has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Athens.
 Holy SeeNo relationSee Holy See–Vietnam relations

With the end of the Vietnam War, the Apostolic Delegate was forced to leave. Since an apostolic delegation, unlike an embassy, is not a bilateral institution with involvement by the State, the Apostolic Delegation for Vietnam has not been suppressed, but has remained inactive since 1975.[77] In January 2011 the Holy See appointed the first ambassador, formally "non-resident representative to Vietnam" with Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli being the first to hold the post in addition to Archbishop Girelli's other role as Apostolic Nuncio to Singapore and Apostolic Delegate to Malaysia.

Temporary missions from the Holy See to discuss with the Government matters of common interest are sent every year or two, and there has been at least one visit to the Vatican by a Vietnamese mission. Marxism and communism officially promoted atheism, causing Roman Catholics and other Christians to be associated with the anti-communist South Vietnam region. This has strained relations between the Holy See and the Hanoi Government. Leading bishops have been imprisoned for several years, in what some observers have described as a persecution of the Vietnamese Church. There is also a question of Church property confiscated by the Vietnamese government and that the Church has sought to recover.

 Hungary3 February 1950See Hungary–Vietnam relations
  • Hungary has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Budapest.
 Italy23 March 1973See Italy–Vietnam relations
  • Italy has an embassy in Hanoi and a consulate-general in Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Rome.
 Luxembourg15 November 1973See Luxembourg–Vietnam relations

Luxembourg's representation in Vietnam is through its embassy in Beijing, China.[78] Vietnam is represented through its embassy in Brussels, Belgium.[79]

  • Netherlands has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in The Hague.
 North Macedonia10 June 1994
  • The countries established diplomatic relations on 10 June 1994.[18]
  • North Macedonia is represented in Vietnam through its embassy in Beijing, China.[80]
  • Vietnam is represented in North Macedonia through its embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria.[80]
 Poland4 February 1950See Poland–Vietnam relations
  • Poland has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Warsaw.
 Portugal1 July 1975
  • In 2015 both countries are celebrating 500 years of relations, remembering 1515 when the Portuguese traveler Duarte Coelho, reached Cochinchina, Champa and Tonkin[81] starting a long period of trading relations with the Portuguese established in Macau and in Malacca.
  • Portugal is accredited to Vietnam from its embassy in Bangkok, Thailand and has honorary consulates both in Hanoi (31 Pho Duc Chinh, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District, Ha noi) and in Ho Chi Minh City (66/11 Pham Ngoc Thach, Q3, Ho Chi Minh)[82]
  • Vietnam is accredited to Portugal from its embassy in Paris, France.
 Russia30 January 1950 (as USSR)
Russia (now)
See Russia–Vietnam relations
 Serbia10 March 1957 (as SFR Yugoslavia)
  • Serbia is represented in Vietnam through its embassy in Jakarta (Indonesia).
  • Vietnam is represented in Serbia through its embassy in Bucharest (Romania).
  • Vietnam supports Serbia in Kosovo issue.
  • Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the relation with Vietnam[84]
  • Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the relation with Serbia[85]
 Slovakia2/2/1950 (as Czechoslovakia)See Slovakia–Vietnam relations
  • Slovakia has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Bratislava.
 Spain23 May 1977[86]See Spain–Vietnam relations
  • Spain has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Madrid.
 Sweden11 November 1969
  • Sweden has an embassy in Hanoi.
  • Vietnam has an embassy in Stockholm.
 Ukraine23 January 1992[87]See Ukraine–Vietnam relations
 United Kingdom11 September 1973See United Kingdom–Vietnam relations
  • The United Kingdom has an embassy in Hanoi.[88]
  • Vietnam has an embassy in London.


CountryFormal relations beganNotes
 Australia26 February 1973See Australia–Vietnam relations
  • Australian Prime Ministers Paul Keating and John Howard have visited Vietnam, in 1994 and 2006 respectively.
  • In the fiscal year 2006–2007 Australia Overseas Development Aid was 81.5million A$.
  • In 2006, the volume of bilateral trade was 4.75 US$ billion.
  • Australia has an embassy in Hanoi and a consulate in Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam has an embassy in Canberra.
  • Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: VIETNAM – AUSTRALIA RELATIONS[89]
 New Zealand19 June 1975[90]See New Zealand–Vietnam relations

Full diplomatic relations were restored in 1989. New Zealand opened its embassy in Hanoi in 1995, while Vietnam established an embassy in Wellington in 2003.

See also


Works cited

Further reading

  • Amer, Ramses. "Border conflicts between Cambodia and Vietnam." IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin 5.2 (1997): 80-97 online.
  • Asselin, Pierre. Vietnam's American War: A History. (Cambridge University Press, 2018) online review
  • Brown, Frederick Z. "Rapprochement Between Vietnam and the United States." Contemporary Southeast Asia (2010): 317-342 online.
  • Cuong, Nguyen Xuan, and Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa. "Achievements and Problems in Vietnam: China Relations from 1991 to the Present." China Report 54.3 (2018): 306-324. online
  • Gin, Christopher M. "How China Wins: A Case Study of the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War" (Army Command And General Staff College Fort Leavenworth KS, 2015) online Archived 25 March 2020 at the Wayback Machine.
  • Ha, Lam Thanh, and Nguyen Duc Phuc. "The US-China Trade War: Impact on Vietnam." (2019). online Archived 14 August 2022 at the Wayback Machine
  • Hiep, Nguyen Quang. "Vietnam-China trade relations and the effects of the US-China trade war." Business and Economic Research 9.4 (2019): 1-11.
  • Hood, Steven J. Dragons Entangled: Indochina and the China-Vietnam War (ME Sharpe, 1993).
  • Leighton, Marian Kirsch. "Perspectives on the Vietnam-Cambodia border conflict." Asian Survey 18.5 (1978): 448–457. online
  • Levinson, David, and Karen Christensen, eds. Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. (2002) vol 6.
  • Morris, Stephen J. Why Vietnam invaded Cambodia: Political culture and the causes of war (Stanford University Press, 1999).
  • Path, Kosal. "The Duality of Vietnam’s Deference and Resistance to China." Diplomacy & Statecraft 29.3 (2018): 499–521. online
  • Thanh, Luong Ngoc. "Vietnam's Foreign Policy in the post-Cold War Era: Ideology and Reality." (PhD dissertation Hiroshima University 2013) online.
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. "Vietnam in 2013: Domestic contestation and foreign policy success." Southeast Asian Affairs (2014): 355-372 online.
  • Tran, Thi Bich, and Yoichiro Sato. "Vietnam's Post‐Cold War Hedging Strategy: A Changing Mix of Realist and Liberal Ingredients." Asian Politics & Policy 10.1 (2018): 73-99 online.
  • Vuving, Alexander L. "Strategy and evolution of Vietnam's China policy: a changing mixture of pathways." Asian Survey 46.6 (2006): 805-824 online
  • Westad, Odd Arne, and Sophie Quinn-Judge, eds. The third Indochina war: conflict between China, Vietnam and Cambodia, 1972-79 (Routledge, 2006).
  • Womack, Brantly. "Asymmetry and systemic misperception: China, Vietnam and Cambodia during the 1970s." Journal of Strategic Studies 26.2 (2003): 92-119 online.