First Cabinet of Alexis Tsipras

Following his victory in legislative elections held on 25 January 2015, the newly elected Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras appointed a new cabinet to succeed the cabinet of Antonis Samaras, his predecessor.[1] A significant reshuffle took place on 17 July 2015.

First Cabinet of Alexis Tsipras

Cabinet of Greece
Alexis Tsipras in 2015
Date formed26 January 2015 (2015-01-26)
Date dissolved27 August 2015 (2015-08-27)
People and organisations
Head of stateProkopis Pavlopoulos
Head of governmentAlexis Tsipras
Deputy head of governmentYannis Dragasakis
No. of ministers13
Total no. of members46
Member partiesCoalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA),
Independent Greeks (ANEL)
(with participation from Ecologist Greens and independents)
Status in legislatureSYRIZA-led coalition government
162/300 (54%)

Opposition partiesNew Democracy
LAE (from 21/08/15)
Golden Dawn
To Potami
Communist Party of Greece (KKE)
Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK)
Opposition leaderAntonis Samaras (Until 05/07/15)
Vangelis Meimarakis (From 05/07/15)
ElectionJanuary 2015 Greek legislative election
Legislature term16th (2015–2015)
PredecessorSamaras Cabinet
SuccessorThanou-Christophilou Caretaker Cabinet

Tsipras resigned as Prime Minister on 20 August 2015, and after opposition parties failed to form their own government, on 27 August Vassiliki Thanou-Christophilou was appointed as an interim Prime Minister, and her caretaker cabinet was sworn in on 28 August. Following the subsequent September legislative election, Tsipras was re-appointed as Prime Minister on 21 September and appointed a second cabinet that was sworn in on 23 September.

Composition of the cabinet

The cabinet is composed of 35 members, alongside 6 deputy ministers. Including the deputy ministers the cabinet comprises 6 females and 35 males. It reflects the majority coalition in Parliament. It is composed of the winning Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) with the support of the right-wing anti-austerity party, Independent Greeks (ANEL). The Ecologist Greens (OP), which had withdrawn from the election in support of SYRIZA, were given the office of Alternate Minister of Environment and Energy. Finally, some ministers do not belong to any party.

Oath of office

Most members of the cabinet were sworn in on 27 January 2015,[2] with the exception of the new Minister of Justice Nikos Paraskevopoulos , who was sworn in a day later,[3] and the Alternate Ministers Christodoulopoulou, Spirtzis and Fotakis who were sworn in almost two months later.

While most representatives of Syriza chose a civil oath of office, the ANEL representatives as well as Yiannis Panousis, Dimitris Mardas and Panagiotis Nikoloudis chose a religious oath before a representative of the Greek orthodox Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens.[3]

Cabinet list

Prime Minister

Prime MinisterAlexis TsiprasSYRIZA26 January 2015 - 27 August 2015
Deputy Prime MinisterYannis DragasakisSYRIZA27 January 2015 - 28 August 2015

Government Ministries

The number of ministries has been reduced to ten, including four merged ministries:[5]

  • The merged Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction succeeds the ministries of 1) Interior, 2) Administrative Reform and E-Government, 3) Public Order and Citizen Protection, and 4) Macedonia and Thrace.
  • The merged Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Marine and Tourism succeeds the ministries of 1) Development and Competitiveness, 2) Marine and Aegean, 3) Tourism, and 4) Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.
  • The merged Ministry of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy succeeds the ministries of 1) Environment, Energy and Climate Change, 2) Rural Development and Food, and 3) the services of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Industry Development and Competitiveness.
  • The merged Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs succeeds the ministries of 1) Culture and Sport, and 2) Education.

Alternate Ministers are directly assigned special responsibilities and powers by the prime minister, including:[6]

  • full parliamentary powers and, in conjunction with the minister, the legislative initiative
  • the right to issue individual and normative acts, and to propose individual and normative decrees

Full ministers however retain:

  • the identification of ministerial policy in the cabinet
  • the representation in bodies of the European Union
  • the appointment of administrative agencies, public services and personnel

Deputy ministers are assigned with responsibilities and powers by the prime minister and the full minister they report to.

Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reconstruction
Minister of the Interior and Administrative ReconstructionNikos VoutsisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Administrative ReformGeorgios KatrougalosSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 17 July 2015
Christophoros VernardakisSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Citizen ProtectionGiannis PanousisIndependent27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Immigration PolicyTasia ChristodoulopoulouSYRIZA21 March 2015 – 28 August 2015
Deputy Minister for Macedonia and ThraceMaria Kollia-TsarouchaaANEL27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of the Interior and Administrative ReconstructionPavlos PolakisSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism
Minister of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and TourismGiorgos StathakisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and NetworksChristos SpirtzisSYRIZA28 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of ShippingThodoris DritsasSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of TourismElena KountouraANEL27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of National Defence
Minister of National DefencePanos KammenosANEL27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of National DefenceKostas IsyhosSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 17 July 2015
Dimitris VitsasSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Deputy Minister of National DefenceNikos ToskasaSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs
Minister of Culture, Education and Religious AffairsAristides BaltasSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of CultureNikos XydakisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of EducationTasos KourakisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Research and InnovationKostas FotakisIndependent21 March 2015 – 28 August 2015
Deputy Minister of SportsStavros KontonisaSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy
Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and EnergyPanagiotis LafazanisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 17 July 2015
Panos SkourletisSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Environment and EnergyGiannis TsironisOP27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Agricultural Development and FoodEvangelos ApostolouSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Deputy Minister of Agricultural DevelopmentPanagiotis SgouridisaANEL27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights
Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human RightsNikos ParaskevopoulosIndependent28 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human RightsDimitris PapangelopoulosIndependent17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign AffairsNikos KotziasIndependent27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of European AffairsNikos HountisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 13 July 2015
Sia AnagnostopoulouSYRIZA18 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of International Economic RelationsEuclid TsakalotosSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 6 July 2015
Alternate Minister of Foreign AffairsIoannis AmanatidisSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Finance
Minister of FinanceYanis VaroufakisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 6 July 2015
Euclid TsakalotosSYRIZA6 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of FinanceNadia ValavaniSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 15 July 2015
Tryfon AlexiadisSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of RevenueDimitris MardasIndependent27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity
Minister of Labour and Social SolidarityPanos SkourletisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 17 July 2015
Georgios KatrougalosSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Social SolidarityTheano FotiouSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister for Combatting UnemploymentRania AntonopoulouSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of Social SecurityDimitris StratoulisSYRIZA21 March 2015 – 17 July 2015
Deputy Minister of Social SecurityPavlos HaikalisANEL18 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Ministry of Health and Social Security
Minister of Health and Social SecurityPanagiotis KouroumplisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Alternate Minister of HealthAndreas XanthosSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015

Ministers of State

Rank[8]Office[4]IncumbentPartyIn office since
1.Minister of StateNikos PappasSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
2.Minister of State for Coordinating Government OperationsAlekos FlambourarisSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
Deputy Minister of State for Coordinating Government OperationsTerence QuickaANEL27 January 2015 – 28 August 2015
3.Minister of State for Combatting CorruptionPanagiotis NikoloudisIndependent27 January 2015 – 23 September 2015
Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister and Government SpokespersonGabriel SakellaridisaSYRIZA27 January 2015 – 17 July 2015
Deputy Minister to the Prime MinisterTerence QuickaSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015
Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister and Government SpokespersonOlga GerovassiliSYRIZA17 July 2015 – 28 August 2015

Bold denotes full ministers attending the weekly cabinet council.
a Deputy ministers are not members of the cabinet but may attend cabinet meetings.



Yanis Varoufakis, the Minister of Finance, resigned on 6 July 2015, following the 'No' vote in the Greek bailout referendum. In a blog post on his website, Varoufakis wrote: "Soon after the announcement of the referendum results, I was made aware of a certain preference by some Eurogroup participants, and assorted 'partners', for my... 'absence' from its meetings; an idea that the prime minister judged to be potentially helpful to him in reaching an agreement. For this reason I am leaving the Ministry of Finance today."[16] Varoufakis was succeeded as Minister of Finance by Euclid Tsakalotos. Tsakalotos in turn left his role as Alternate Minister of International Economic Affairs, leaving the position vacant.

Nikolaos Chountis, the Alternate Minister of European Affairs, resigned on 13 July 2015, three days before the debate on the first round of measures in the tenth austerity package began in the Hellenic Parliament. He also resigned from his parliamentary seat. Chountis subsequently took up the post of Member of the European Parliament for Greece, following Manolis Glezos's resignation.[17] Chountis was replaced as Alternate Minister of European Affairs by Sia Anagnostopoulou, as part of the 17 July cabinet reshuffle.

Nadia Valavani, the Alternate Minister of Finance, resigned on 15 July 2015, the day before the vote on the first round of measures in the tenth austerity package were debated in the Hellenic Parliament.[citation needed] Valavani was succeeded in her role by Tryfon Alexiadis on 17 July, as part of the cabinet reshuffle.[18]

17 July 2015 cabinet reshuffle

Following a number of cabinet members voting against the government on the first set of measures in the tenth austerity package on 16 July 2015, Alexis Tsipras reshuffled his cabinet. The reshuffle took place on 17 July, and the new ministers were sworn in on 18 July. The most notable move was to remove Panagiotis Lafazanis from his ministerial role.[18][19]

Cabinet members that were removed from cabinet:

  • Panagiotis Lafazanis, the Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy
  • Kostas Isyhos, the Alternate Minister of National Defence
  • Dimitris Stratoulis, the Alternate Minister of Social Security

Existing cabinet members that took on new roles:

  • Panos Skourletis, the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, became the Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy
  • Georgios Katrougalos, the Alternate Minister of Administrative Reform, became the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity
  • Gabriel Sakellaridis, the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister and Government Spokesperson, became a Parliamentary Spokesperson
  • Olga Gerovasili, a Parliamentary Spokesperson, became the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister and Government Spokesperson

New cabinet members:


Along with ministerial changes, a special committee to combat corruption was also proposed by the Prime Minister, to be headed by the Minister of State for Combatting Corruption Panagiotis Nikoloudis. The committee would consist of Tryfon Alexiadis, Pavlos Polakis, Dimitris Papagelopoulos and Terence Quick.[15]

Newly appointed Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panos Skourletis described the reshuffle as an "adjustment by the government to a new reality".[19]
